Albany City NY to Allen, County, KY
Albany city, N. Y., the capital of the
state, is situated on the Hudson r., 145 miles, by the course of
the river, above the city of New York, in 42° 39' 3" n. lat.,
and 73° 32' w. lon., and 3° 12' e. long, from W. 164 w. by n.
Boston. 230 s. Montreal, 370 W. The population, in 1810, was
9,356; in 1820, 12,630; in 1830, 24,238; in 1840, 33,721.
Employed in agriculture 144; manufactures and trades 1,621;
navigating the ocean 8; do. rivers and canals 106; in the
learned professions 237. The ground on which Albany is built has
a flat alluvial tract along the margin of the river, from 15 to
100 rods wide, back of which it rises abruptly, and in half a
mile in the direction of State-street, attains an elevation of
153 feet; and in 1 mile of 220 feet, above the level of the
river. Beyond this, the surface is level. The older parts of the
city were not laid out with much regularity, and some of the
streets are narrow, but the parts more recently laid out, have
spacious and regular streets. State-street, one of the early
streets, from the meeting of Court and Market streets, is from
150 to 170 feet wide, and has a steep ascent, at the head of
which the capitol, which fronts it, has a commanding position.
Many of the private, and more especially the public buildings of
Albany, have fine situations, and overlook an extensive and a
beautiful prospect. The capitol is a large stone edifice 115
feet long and 90 feet broad, fronting e. on a fine square, at
the head of State-street. It contains spacious and richly
furnished apartments for the accommodation of the Senate and
Assembly, and various rooms for other public purposes. The City
Hall is on the e. side of the same square, facing w., and is a
large marble building, with a gilded dome. The State Hall, for
the public offices, is a corresponding building on the same side
of the same square, and is a splendid edifice. The Albany
Academy is a fine building of freestone, and has a park in front
of it, adjoining the public square; and both squares are (con't)
Page 26
surrounded by an iron fence, and in fact, constitute one large
and beautiful public ground, divided by a street, laid out with
walks, and ornamented with trees. The other public buildings are
a Medical College, a Female Academy, the Albany Exchange, a
large building of granite at the foot of State-street, and the
county jail. The Albany Academy, in its course of instruction,
approaches to a college, and has 400 students, and eminent
instructors. The Albany Female Academy has obtained an extensive
and a deserved celebrity, and has from 300 to 350 pupils. The
Albany library contains 9,000 volumes. The Young Men's
Association, established for mutual improvement, occupies rooms
in the exchange building, and has 1,500 members. It has a fine
reading room, liberally furnished, has a library of 3,200
volumes, and supports, through the winter season, an able course
of lectures. The Albany Orphan Asylum is situated one mile w. of
the city hall, and generally supports 80 or 90 male and female
children. The poorhouse, in the s. w. part of the city, has a
number of large buildings, and a farm of 150 acres, cultivated
by its inmates. St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum is a Roman Catholic
institution, for females only, and has about 40 inmates, under
the charge of the Sisters of Charity. Albany has about 100
streets and alleys built on, 11 public squares, 3 markets, 10
public school buildings, containing also dwellings for the
teachers, and 11 engine houses, all built substantially of
brick. The city contains 30 places of worship, of which the
Presbyterians have 4, the Associate Reformed 1, the Dutch
Reformed 3, the Methodists 4, the African Methodist 1, the
Episcopalians 3, the Baptists 2, the colored Baptists 1, the
Lutherans 2, the Universalists 1, and the Roman Catholics 2.
There are 1 Independent church, 1 Mission church, 1 Bethel
church, 1 Friends' meeting-house, and 2 Jewish synagogues. The
old state hall on the s. side of State-street, is now converted
into a museum, for the reception of the geological cabinet,
collected by the state geologists in their surveys. The Albany
Institute is a respectable scientific association, which has a
valuable library and cabinet. The situation of Albany for trade
and commerce, is commanding. Being on one of the finest rivers
in the United States, and having a rich back country, its
natural advantages are great; but these advantages have been
vastly increased by the Erie and the Champlain canals, which
give it a ready access to a widely extended country to the n.
and w.; and its connection to Boston by railroad, will add to
these advantages. The Mohawk and Hudson railroad terminates
here, and connects with other lines to the west. The Erie canal,
comprising also the Champlain canal, enters the city in its n.
part, and flows into a spacious basin, formed by a pier built in
the river, a mile and a quarter long, which produces a safe
harbor, not only for boats, but also for vessels, to defend them
against the ice in the spring floods. These advantages have been
improved. There are in the city 53 commission houses, 35
importers, 137 wholesale houses, 440 retail stores, and 612
grocery and provision stores. There are 8 banks, with an
aggregate cap. of $2,751,000; 4 insurance companies, with a
total cap. of $700,000. The manufactures of Albany are not less
flourishing than its commerce. There are 15 manufactories of
carriages, some of them very extensive; 20 of hats and caps,
producing articles to the amount of $900,000 annually; 4 of
tobacco, 2 of morocco leather, 5 rope-walks, 15 of soap and
candles, 5 of musical instruments, 2 of combs, 20 of copper,
tin, and sheet iron; and a great many others. There are 2 type
foundries, 1 stereotype, 2 manufactories of oil cloth, 8 of
stoves, 4 of carpets, &c. There are 10 furnaces, 3 steam sawing
and planing machines, 4 plane manufactories, 1 manufactory
ofphilosophical instruments, and 1 of coach lace. There are 3
malting houses and 9 breweries. According to the late census
there were in Albany in 1840, 47 commission houses engaged in
foreign trade, with a cap. of $650,000; 976 retail drygoods and
other stores, with a cap. of $975,000. The total cap. employed
in manufactures was $1,735,500. In 1840, 20 steamboats and 51
towboats regularly plied between Albany and New York, and the
intermediate places on the river. A large number of sloops also
navigate the river. It is estimated that over 1,000 persons
arrive at, and depart from Albany, daily, by its various lines
of communication. Albany was founded by the Dutch in 1623, and
by them called "Beaver Wyck," and afterward "Williamstadt." It
capitulated to the English in 1664, who gave it its present
name, in honor of the Duke of York and Albany, its proprietor.
It was incorporated in 1686.
Albany, t., Berks co., Pa. The surface is hilly; soil gravelly
and poor. It has 1 Presbyterian and 1 Lutheran church, and
several forges. Drained by Maiden cr. and its tributaries. It
has 1 tannery, 6 grist m., 6 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac.
$3,000. Pop. 1,057.
Albany, p-v., capital of Clinton co., Ky., 8 n. Tenn. line, 126
Frankfort, 620 W. Situated on Spring cr., a tributary of the
Cumberland r.
Albany, p-v., Henry co., Tenn., 106 w. Nashville, 792 W.
Albany, p-v., Whitesides co., Ill., 177 n. by w. Springfield,
873 W. Situated on the e. side of the Mississippi r.
Albany, p-v., Baker co., Ga., 128 s. s. w. Milledgeville, 785 W.
Situated w. side of Flint r.
Albemarle Sound, a large inlet from the sea, in the n. e. part
of N. Carolina. It extends 60 ms. from e. to w., and is from 4
to 15 ms. wide. It receives the Chowan, Roanoke, and several
smaller rs. It communicates with Pamlico sound and the ocean, by
several narrow inlets; and with Chesapeake Bay by a canal
through the Dismal Swamp.
Albemarle, County, Va., one of the central
counties of the state. It has the Blue Ridge on the n. w., and
James r. on the s., and contains an area of 700 sq. ms. Its
streams consist chiefly of the head waters of the Rivanna r. The
surface of this county is diversified, and its soil various.
Capital, Charlottesville. There were in 1840, neat cattle
14,819, sheep 20,512, swine 34,606; wheat 326,986 bush,
produced, rye 117,369, Ind. corn 711,516, oats 216,382, potatoes
28,539, tobacco 2,409,598 pounds; 74 stores, cap. $302,300; 1
cotton fac. 1,500 sp., 13 tanneries, 4 distilleries, 15 flouring
m., 51 grist m., 46 saw m., 2 printing offices, 2 weekly
newspapers, 2 periodicals. Cap. in manufac. $260,885. 1 college,
247 students, 18 acad. 400 students, 21 com. sch. 386 scholars.
Pop. 1830, 22,618; 1840, whites 10,512, slaves 13,809; total,
Albemarle, p-o., Stanley co., N. C, 146 Raleigh, 383 W.
Albertson's, p-o., Duplin co., N. C, 79 Raleigh, 309 W.
Albion, p-t., Kennebec co., Me., 26 n. e. Augusta, 44 s. w.
Bangor, 621 W. It has 4 stores, cap. $2,400; 1 tannery, 1 grist
m., 4 saw m.; (con't)
Page 27
9 sch. 692 scholars. Cap. in manufac. $7,250. Pop. 1,624. Pop.
Albion, p-v., and capital Orleans co., N. Y., 250 w. by n.
Albany, 392 W. Situated in Barre t., and on the Erie canal. It
contains a court house, jail, clerk's office, 2 banks, 3
churches — 1 Baptist, 1 Methodist, 1 Presbyterian — an academy,
a female seminary, 18 stores, 7 warehouses, and 1 flouring m.,
200 dwellings, and about 1,400 inhabitants.
Albion, t., Oswego co., N. Y., 25 e. Oswego, 147 w. n. w.
Albany. The surface is undulating, and the soil good. Watered by
Salmon r. on the n., and Salmon cr. on the s. It contains 3
stores, cap. $3,900; 1 tannery, 1 grist m., 18 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. $15,200. It has 16 sch. 561 scholars. Pop. 1,503.
Albion, t., Calhoun co., Mich. The Kalamazoo r. passes through
it. It has 4 stores, cap. $29,000; 2 distilleries, 2 flouring
m., 2 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $42,630. 8 sch. 201
scholars. Pop. 932.
Albion, p-v., Albion t., Calhoun co., Mich., 92 Detroit, 564 W.
It is on the right bank of Kalamazoo r., and contains 80
dwellings, 1 saw m., 1 flouring m., and 3 stores.
Albion, p-v., Fairfield dist., S. C, 34 Columbia, 475 W.
Albion p-o., Wayne co., O., 112 Columbus, 363 W.
Albion C. H., p-v., Edwards co., HI., 165 Springfield, 40 s. w.
Vincennes, 731 W. Established in 1819. Settled chiefly by
English emigrants. The situation is high and healthy. It
contains 3 stores, a flouring m. moved by oxen, and 40 or 50
families. It has a brick court house, 44 feet square, and 2
stories high.
Albrights, p-o., Orange co., N. C, 63 Raleigh, 297 W. b
Alburg, p-t., and port of entry, Grand Isle co., Vt., 83
Montpelier, 557 W. It lies in the n. w. corner of the state, and
is a triangular body of land projecting from Canada into Lake
Champlain, by which it is surrounded, excepting on the Canada
side. The surface is low and level, and the soil is good, and
well timbered. It has 4 stores, cap. $7,900; 1 tannery, 1 grist
m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,150. Pop. 1,344.
Alburg Springs, p-v., Alburg t., Grand Isle co., Vt., 87
Montpelier, 561 W. Here is a mineral spring of considerable
efficacy in scrofulous and other cases.
Alden, p-t., Erie co., N. Y., 22 e. Buffalo, 270 Albany, 380 W.
The village has 30 dwellings, and 1 Presbyterian church, and
contains 1 store, cap. $1,000; 1 fulling m., 1 woollen fac, 1
tannery, 3 grist m., 10 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $11,500. 14 sch.
667 scholars. Pop. 1,984.
Alder Branch, p-o., Bradley co., Tenn., 168 Nashville, 593 W.
Alder Creek, p-o., Booneville t., Oneida co., N. Y., 107 w. n.
w. Albany, 412 W.
Aldie, p-o., Loudon co., Va., 139 n. Richmond, 42 W.
Aledon, p-t., Ingham co., Mich., 92 w. by n. Detroit, 578 W.
Pop. 221.
Aleppo, t., Greene co., Pa. Pop. 650. Pop. 1,624. Alexander,
p-t., Washington co., Me., 25 n. by w. Machias, 202 e. n. e.
Augusta, 788 W. It has 1 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$1,420. 6 sch. 237 scholars. Pop. 513.
Alexander, County, Ill., situated in the s.
part of the state, contains 375 sq. ms. It has the Ohio r. on
its s. e., and the Mississippi r. on its s. w. border. The soil
is fertile, and one third, at least, alluvion. The s. part is
liable to be overflowed. Watered by Cash r. and branches,
Sextons and Clear creeks. Organized in 1819. The soil is
generally thin, and the surface undulating. Capital, Unity.
There were in 1810, neat cattle 2,952, sheep 998, swine 10,339;
wheat 3,947 bushels produced, bid. corn 84,020, oats 11,620,
potatoes 10.112; 13 stores, cap. $29,040; 1 tannery, 1
distillery. 10 grist m., 9 shw m. Cap. in manufac. $102,730. 8
sch. 190 scholars. Pop. 3,313.
Alexander, p-t., Genesee co., N Y., 8 s. w. Batavia, 258 w. by
n. Albany, 382 W. It is crossed by the Tonawanda creek; and has
4 stores, cap. $31,000; 4 fulling in., 1 woollen fac, 2
tanneries, 2 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. 134300. 1 acad.
200 students, 14 com. sch. 516 scholars. Pop. 2,242.
Alexander, p-t., Athens co., O., 78 Columbus, 345 W. It is one
of the two townships granted to the Ohio University. It has 5
stores, cap. $5,000; 3 grist m., 12 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$3,200. 5 sch. 130 scholars. Pop. 1,451.
Alexandersville, p-v., Montgomery co., O., 7 below Dayton, on
the Miami canal, 74 w. s. w. Columbus, 469 W.
Alexandria, p-t., Grafton co., N. H., 34 n. w. Concord, 515 W.
It has 2,000 acres of rich interval land on its streams, while
other parts are rough. It contains 2 stores, cap. $5,000; 1
wollen fac, 1 fulling m., 1 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$8,185. 14 sch. 394 scholars. Pop.1,284.
Alexandria, p-t., Jefferson co., N. Y., 20 n. Watertown, 195 n.
w. Albany, 447 W. To this town belong a part of the Thousand
islands in the St. Lawrence r. opposite to it. The shore of the
St. Lawrence is here high and picturesque. The military road
from Plattsburg to Sacketts Harbor leads centrally through the
town. It has several good mill streams. It contains 6 stores,
cap. $19,200; 1 grist m., 7 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $14,505. 6
sch. 135 scholars. Pop. 3,475.
Alexandria, p-b., Porter t., Huntingdon co., Pa., 98 w. Hamsburg,
157 W. It contains 2 churches, 70 dwellings, 7 stores, cap.
$26,400; 2 tanneries, 1 brewery, 1 grist m. Cap. in manufac.
$17,100. Pop. 575.
Alexandria t., Hunterdon co., N. J., 12 n. e. Flemington. It
contains 33,000 acres, and has several post villages; 10 stores,
cap. $66,000; 1 fulling m., 3 tanneries, 5 distilleries, 1
ropewalk, 6 flouring m., 4 grist m., 10 saw m., 3 oil m. Cap. in
manufac. $139,955. 9 sch. 420 scholars. Pop. 3,420.
Alexandria, p-o., St. Albans t., Licking co., O., 40 e. by n.
Columbus, 379 W.
Alexandria city, seaport and capital of Alexandria co., D. C, 43
s. s. w. Baltimore, 115 n. Richmond, 7 W. 38° 48' n. lat. 0° 3'
w. lon. W. It is finely situated on the w. side of the Potomac,
which has a depth of water here sufficient for vessels of the
largest class. The population in 1800 was 4,196; in 1810, 7,227;
in 1820, 8,218; in 1830, 8,263; in 1840, 8,459. The city is
considerably elevated, ascending gradually from the r; the
streets cross each other at right angles. The public buildings
are a court house, and 10 churches — 2 Presbyterian, 2
Episcopal, 2 Methodist, 1 Baptist, 1 Friends, 1 colored
Methodist, and 1 Roman Catholic. The city has considerable
shipping, and exports wheat, Indian corn, and tobacco, to a
considerable amount. The tonnage of the port in 1840, was
14,470. The Chesapeake and Ohio canal extends to this place, and
may be expected to add to its prosperity. It has 2 banks, with
an aggregate cap. of $1,000,000, and 1 fire, and 1 marine
insurance co. It is governed by a mayor and a common council of
16 members. It has 8 acad. 296 students, 10 sch. 224 scholars.
Alexandria, county, comprises all that part of the District of
Columbia which lies w. of the and formerly belonged to Virginia.
The soil is generally thin, and uneven. It contains about 36 sq.
m. A bridge, of over a mile in length, connects it with
Washington city. The laws of Virginia are in force here, unless
superseded by the special enactments of the general government.
There were in 1840, neat cattle 989, sheep 263, swine 1,190;
wheat 4,334 bushels produced, rye 2,798, Ind. corn 18,800, oats
9,091, potatoes 6,283; 156 stores, cap. $1,528,450 , 5
tanneries, 1 pottery, 1 ropewalk, 3 grist m., 1 daily newspaper.
Cap. in manufac. $474,400. Pop. 1830, 9,608; 1840, whites 6,731,
slaves 1,374, free colored 1,862; total, 9,967.
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Alexandria, p-v., Campbell co., Ky., 85
Frankfort, 506 W.
Alexandria, p-v., De Kalb co., Tenn.,15 s. Carthage, 50 e.
Nashville, 640 W. It is on Lickneus cr. 15 ms. Cumberland r. It
has 2 stores, 2 churches— 1 Campbellite, and 1 Methodist— and
about 250 inhabitants.
Alexandria, p-o., Madison co., In., 48 N. N. E. Indianapolis,
556 W.
Alexandria, p-o., Clark co., Mo.
Alexandria, p-o., Benton co., Ala., 129 n. e. Tuscaloosa, 727 W.
Alexandria, p-v., and capital of Rapides Parish, La., 291 n. w.
New Orleans, 1,210 W. It is situated on Red r., a little below
the lower rapids. The houses are on a single street, along the
river. It has a court house, jail, and printing office.
Alexandriana, p-v., Mecklenburg co., N. C, 161 s. w. by w.
Raleigh, 398 W.
Alford, p-t., Berkshire co., Mass., 14 s. by w. Lenox, 24 e.
Hudson, N. Y., 14 Boston, 361 W. Incorporated in 1773. It is
watered by Green r. and branches, which enter the Housatonic. It
has 1 store, cap. $2,500; 1 fulling m., 1 tannery, 1 grist m., 2
saw m.; 4 sch. 144 scholars. Pop. 481.
Alfordsville, p-v., Robeson co., N. C, 107 s. s. w. Raleigh, 395
Alfred, p-o., Meigs co., O., 101 s. e. by s. Columbus, 328 W.
Alfred, p-t., York co., Me., one of the shire towns of the co.,
24 n. by w. York, 35 s. w. Portland, 78 s. w. Augusta, 517 W.
Incorporated 1808. There is a society of Shakers in the town.
The soil is good, and well watered. It has 7 stores, cap.
$14,500; 2 tanneries, 3 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$4,352. 1 acad. 35 students, 10 sch. 397 scholars. Pop. 1,408.
Alfred, p-t., Alleghany co., N. Y., 12 s. E. Angelica, 249 w. s.
w. Albany, 321 W. The N. York and Erie railroad is to pass
through it. It is watered by several mill streams. It has 4
stores, cap. $20,000; 1 fulling m.,2 tanneries, 1 grist m., 3
saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,400. Pop. 1,630.
Algansi, t., Branch co., Mich., contains 1 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. $1,000. 3 sch. 45 scholars. Pop. 424.
Allamuchy, p-o., Warren co., N. J., 66 n. by w. Trenton, 227 W.
Allatoona, p-o., Cass co., Ga., 130 n. w. Milledgeville, 659 W.
Allegan, County, Mich., lies on the west border
of the state, on Lake Michigan, was organized in 1835, and
contains 840 sq. ms. It is watered by the Kalamazoo, Black, and
Rabbit rs. The surface is undulating. On the lake shore the soil
is sandy, on the rivers a rich alluvion; and in other parts a
mixture of clay and sand. Lumber is extensively manufactured.
Chief town, Allegan There were 1840, neat cattle 1,511, sheep
107, swine 2.266; wheat 13,815 bush, produced, Ind, corn 14,735,
oats 15,424, potatoes 23,792, sugar 118,845 pounds, lumber
valued at $97,700; 1 furnace, 1 tannery, 2 flouring m., 1 grist
m., 15 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $213,375. 1 acad. 15 students, 12
sch. 305 scholars. Pop. 1,783.
Allegan, p-t., and capital of Allegan co., Mich., is situated on
both sides of the Kalamazoo r., connected by 2 bridges, 161 w.
by N. Detroit, 626 W. It is at the head of navigation, and has
good water power. It has an elevated location, on a dry, sandy
soil, and commands a fine prospect. It has 1 furnace, 1 flouring
m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $89,100. 1 acad. 15 students, 3
sch. 61 scholars. Pop. 634.
Alleghany, r., the principal head branch of the Ohio r., which
Alleghany or Appallachian Mountains, constitute a range of great
length, and from 50 to 200 ms. in breadth, and reach from the
Cattskill mountains in the state of New York, their most
elevated part, to Georgia. The course of this great chain is
nearly parallel with the Atlantic, and about from 50 to 130 ms.
distant from it; and it consists of a number of parallel ridges,
denominated the Blue Ridge, North mountain, Jackson's mountain,
Laurel mountain, Cumberland mountain, &c. These mountains, for
the most part, are not over 2,500 feet high, and they divide the
waters which flow into the Atlantic on the E., from those which
flow into the Mississippi and the lakes to the n. and w. These
ridges rarely present naked summits, but are generally wooded to
the top; and between the ridges are often valleys of fertile
land, though the country among them is generally rocky and
rough. They consist of granite, gneiss, mica and clay slate,
primitive limestone, &c.
Allegany, County, N. Y., is one of the southern
tier of counties, being bounded s. by Pennsylvania. It was taken
from Genesee co. in 1806. It is watered by Genesee r., which
flows nearly through the middle of it, from s. to n., and a
number of smaller streams or creeks, which flow into it on each
side. The valley of the Genesee contains much excellent land,
and the country on each side rises, and in the E. and w. part of
the co. consists of an elevated table land, from 1,500 to 2,500
feet above tide water in the Hudson r. The area of the county is
about 1,185 sq. ms. The Genesee Valley canal passes through the
county, from s. to N., and commences at Olean, in Cattaraugus
co., on the Alleghany r., and will form a line of communication
from the Erie canal at Rochester to Pittsburg. The New York and
Erie railroad will also pass through this county by a circuitous
course, from e. to w. The soil of this county is generally
fertile, but better adapted to grazing than to grain. Among the
minerals arc limestone and bog iron ore. The growth of timber is
large, consisting of oak, maple, beech, basswood, ash, elm, and
white and yellow pine, and hemlock, the last 3 being found
chiefly in the s. part. Capital, Angelica. There were in 1840,
neat cattle 45,864, sheep 129,655, swine 30,043; wheat 232,471
bush, produced, buckwheat 20,068, Ind. corn 60,137, potatoes
583,945, oats 354,566 13 stores, cap. $376,400; 24 fulling m., 4
woollen fee, 31 tanneries, 2 distilleries, 3 flouring m., 36
grist m., 204 saw m., 1 oil m., 6 furnaces, 3 printing offices,
2 weekly papers. Cap. in manufac. $403,370. Pop. in 1830,
26,218; in 1840, 40,975.
Alleghany, County, Pa. This important county
lies on the w. border of Pennsylvania, and contains the
Monongahela and Alleghany rs., where they unite to form the
Ohio, which runs 14 ms. in this county. Pittsburg, its capital,
situated at the confluence of these rivers, is one of the most
important places of the west. The country, though hilly, is
fertile, and the natural growth is dense and large. The
agriculture, manufactures and commerce of the county are in a
very flourishing state. There were in 1840, neat cattle 21,512,
sheep 56,459, swine 34,635; wheat 461,167 bush. produced, rye
58,045, buckwheat 29,894, Ind. corn 289,797, potatoes 409,2 10,
oats 770,378. It contains 7 commer. houses, in for. tr., and 32
com. $1,241,110; 551 stores, cap. $4,389,290; 5 fulling m., 5
woolen fac, 5 cotton fac, 17,270 so., 32 tanneries, 14
distilleries, 6 breweries, 17 glass houses, 1 pottery, 37
flouring m., 52 grist m., 81 saw m., 2 oil m., 28 furnaces, 18
printing offices, 4 daily and 11 weekly newspapers, 10
periodicals. Cap. in manufac. $3,554,562. It has 2 colleges, 81
students, 21 acad. 1,186 students, 202 sch. 10,281 scholars.
Pop. in 1830, 40,506; in 1840, 81,235.
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Alleghany, county, Md., lies in the
extreme western part of the state. The main branch of the
Alleghany mountains passes through it, and its surface is
extremely rough and broken, though much of the soil is fertile.
It forms the dividing ridge whence the Youghiogeny proceeds n.
w. into the Monongahela; and the head branch of the Potomac
proceeds s. w. toward the Atlantic. It is by this route that the
Chesapeake and Ohio canal and the Baltimore and Ohio railroad
are to proceed. The great national road, constructed by the
general government, at a great expense, and leading into the
western states, commences at Cumberland, the capital of this co.
There were in 1840, neat cattle 10,031, sheep 13,763, swine
11,490; wheat 86,648 bush, produced, Ind. corn 121,747, potatoes
87,193, oats 213,581; 63 stores, cap. $211,400; 2 fulling m., 2
woollen fac, 8 tanneries, 8 distilleries, 11 flouring m., 18
grist m., 44 saw m., 1 oil m., 1 furnace, 2 printing offices, 3
weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $99,410. Pop. in 1830,
10,609; in 1840, 15,690, of which 812 were slaves.
Alleghany County, Va., lies in the central part
of the state, among the Alleghany mountains, and is drained by
the head waters of James r. It contains an area of 521 sq. ms.
Soil is rich on the streams, and on the "rich patch mountain" is
highly productive, and densely populated. On the other
mountains, the land is poor, and covered with pines. A stream
issuing from a spring, after a short, tranquil course, has a
fall of 180 feet, and proceeds from cataract to cataract, until
its entrance into Jackson's r. The passage of Jackson's r.
through Waite's mountain, is regarded as a curiosity. Its
mountainous situation, and great elevation, give it a cooler
temperature than might be expected from its latitude. Capital,
Covington. There were in 1840, neat cattle 2,686, sheep 3,647,
swine 4,578; wheat 25,449 bush, produced, rye 9,142, Ind. corn
70,828, oats 58,860, potatoes 9,372, tobacco 42,500 pounds; 5
stores, cap. $2,400; 4 tanneries, 5 distilleries, 1 pottery, 4
flouring m., 20 grist m., 21 saw m., 1 furnace. Cap. in manufac.
$28,890. 5 sch. 88 scholars. Pop. 1830, 2,816; 1840, whites
2,142, slaves 547, free col'd 60; total, 2,749.
Alleghany, t, Armstrong co., Pa. The surface is hilly; soil,
generally lean. Drained by Kiskiminitas and Crooked crs. It
contains salt works, and has 5 stores, cap. $9,600; 1 tannery, 1
distillery, 3 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $8,300. Pop.
Alleghany, t, Huntingdon co., Pa., surface mountainous; soil red
shale, and fertile in the valleys. Drained principally by
Beaverdam, branch of the Susquehanna r. It has 6 stores, cap.
$42,000; 2 woollen fac, 1 furnace, 2 tanneries, 3 grist m., 20
saw m. Cap. in manufac. $ 14,223. Pop. 2,225.
Alleghany, t., Venango co., Pa. The surface is hilly; soil,
gravel. Drained by Stewart's and Hickory crs. It has 3 stores,
cap. $4,000; 2 tanneries, 1 pottery, 3 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap.
in manufac. $8,300. 4 sch. 108 scholars. Pop. 804.
Alleghany, t., Somerset co., Pa. The surface is very hilly;
soil, reddish gravel. Drained by Willis's find Rush crs. It has
1 store, cap. $500, 1 tannery, 1 distillery, 3 grist m., 8 saw
in. Cap. in manufac $2,910. Pop. 633.
Alleghany, t., Potter co., Pa. Pop. 238.
Alleghany, t., Westmoreland co., Pa., on the E. bank of the
Alleghany r., and has Kiskiminitas r. on the n. e. It has 5
stores, cap. $3,400; 6 flouring m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manulac.
$24,000. 11 sch. 343 scholars. Pop. 2,641.
Alleghany, t., (and Loretto v.) Cambria co., Pa. It has 3
stores, cap. $6,100; 1 tannery, 1 pottery, 2 grist m., 8 saw m.
Cap. in manufac $3,877. 7 sch. 256 scholars. Pop. 1,217.
Alleghany, city, Ross t., Alleghany co., Pa., (see Pittsburg.)
It has 58 stores, cap. $83,400; 9 lumber yards, 3 cotton fac,
14,270 sp., 2 tanneries, 1 furnace, 1 brewery, 1 ropewalk. Cap.
in manufac. $726,640. Pop. 10,089
Allemance, p-v., Guilford co , N. C, 69 w. n. w.Raleigh, 303 W.
Allen, t., Noble co., In. 1 sch. 18 scholars. Pop. 179.
Allen, p-t., Cumberland co., Pa., 18 w. s. w. Harrisburg, 102 W.
It has 6 stores, cap. $26,500; 2 fulling m. Cap. in manufac $3,
175. Pop. 2, 122.
Allen, t., Dark co., O. Pop. 194.
Allen, t., Northampton co., Pa. It has 2 Lutheran churches, and
several mills, and contains 11 stores, cap. $47,000; 2
tanneries, 3 distilleries, 6 flouring m., 4 grist m., 2 saw m.,
1 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $72,000. 1 acad. 50 students, 7 sen.
275 scholars. Pop. 2,547.
Allen, County, O., in the n. w. part of the
state. It occupies the height of land between Lake Erie and the
Ohio r. Watered chiefly by Auglaize r. The county contains 554
sq. ms., and the soil is fertile. Capital, Lima. There were in
1840, neat cattle 9,085, sheep 3,723, swine 18,869; wheat 60,521
bush, produced, rye 3,204, Ind. corn 168,545, oats 53,272,
potatoes 63,119, sugar 106,744 pounds; 19 stores, cap. 20,500; 4
tanneries, 2 distilleries, 7 grist m., 6 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$19,565. 19 sch. 418 scholars. Pop. 9,079.
Allen, County, In., in the n. e. part of the
state. It was organized in 1824, and contains 650 sq. ms. The
surface is level, the soil is fertile, and the country is well
timbered. Some wet prairies abound with grass, which forms a
kind of winter pasture for cattle, and a partial substitute for
hay. St. Joseph's r. from the n. and St. Mary's from the s.
unite at Fort Wayne, and form the Maumee r., which proceeds
eastwardly to Lake Erie. The Wabash and Erie canal, connecting
Lake Erie at Toledo, with the Ohio at Evansville, passes through
this county. Capital, Fort Wayne. There were in 1840, neat
cattle 3,654, sheep 924, swine 8,524; wheat 34,819 bush,
produced, Ind. corn 84,275, potatoes 34,056, sugar 24,865
pounds; 5 for. com. houses, cap. $16,000; 36 stores, cap.
$180,200; 1 tannery, 1 distillery, 1 brewery, 1 pottery, 3
flouring m., 2 grist m., 14 saw m., 1 printing office, 1 weekly
newspaper. Cap. in manufac. $67,300. 32 sch. 920 scholars. Pop.
Allen, County, on the s. border of Ky., has a
level surface, and a soil moderately good. The Big Barren r., a
branch of Green r., runs on its eastern and northern border, by
the branches of which it is watered. Capital, Scottsville. There
were in 1840, neat cattle 8,051, sheep 11,419, swine 28,165;
wheat 47,157 bush, produced, Ind. corn 312,665, oats 103,418,
potatoes 16,117, tobacco 508,870 pounds, cotton 17,869, sugar
35,113; 11 stores, cap. $19,800; 2 tanneries, 49 distilleries, 6
flouring m., 3 grist m., 9 saw m. Cap. in manufac $8,850. 5 sch.
104 scholars. Pop. whites 6,375, slaves 935, free col'd 19;
total, 7,329.
Table of Contents
Source: A Complete Descriptive And
Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel
Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith,
This book is a joint project between
members of AHGP, Paula Franklin, Judy White, Sheryl McClure and
Susan Dorris our finder!
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