Annsburg ME to Armstrong,
County, PA
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Annsburg, t., Washington co., Me. Watered by Narraguagus r. Pop.
Annsville, v., Dinwiddie co., Va., 57 s. w. Richmond.
Annville, p-L, Lebanon co., Pa., 19 k. Harrisburg, 129 W. Pop.
Anson, p-t., Somerset co., Me., 44 n. e. Augusta, 639 W. It is
on the w. side of the Kennebec river. It is well cultivated, and
produces good wheat. It has 8 stores, cap. $6,800; 2 tanneries,
3 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $8,650. 1 acad. 30
students, 23 com. sch. 837 scholars. Pop. 1,941.
Anson, County, N. C, on its s. border, with
Rocky r. on the n., and the Yadkin r. e. It is watered by
branches of these rivers, and contains 760 sq. ms. The surface
is uneven. Capital, Wadesboro. There were in 1810, neat cattle
15,461, sheep 10,401, swine 28,492; wheat 39,991 bush, produced,
Ind. corn 416,102, oats 25,528, potatoes 32,744, tobacco 3,210
pounds, cotton 9,078,659; 17 stores, cap. $115,800; 1 tannery,
21 distilleries, 2 flouring m., 30 grist m., 13 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. $33,637. 7 acad. 150 students. Pop. 1830, 14,081; 1840,
whites 9,633, slaves 5,304, free col'd 140; total, 15,077.
Antes, n-t., Huntingdon co., Pa., 116 Harrisburg, 172 W. It has
4 stores, cap. $24,500; 1 woollen fac, 1 tannery, 1 furnace, 1
distillery, 4 grist m., 38 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $9,940. 8
sch. 560 scholars. Pop. 2,154.
Anthony's Creek, p-o., Greenbriar co., Va., 220 w. by N.
Richmond, 257 W.
Anthony's nose, the name of several elevated peaks in N. Y., 2
in the Highlands, on the e. of Hudson r., 1 in Johnstown, n. of
the Mohawk river.
Antietam Creek, runs through Washington co., Md., into the
Antioch, p-o., Monroe co., O., 274 e. by s. Columbus, 126 W.
Antioch, p-o., Marengo co., Ala., 88 s. Tuscaloosa, 900 W.
Antistown, v., Huntingdon co., Pa., 124 w. Harrisburg.
Antoine, p-t., Clark co., Ark., 86 Little Rock, 1,151 W. Pop.
Antrim, p-t., Hillsborough co., N. H., 28 w. by s. Concord, 460
W. It is watered by Contocook r. and North Branch r., which
furnishes valuable mill seats. It has 6 ponds well stored with
fish. One of them, Gregg's pond, covers 200 acres, and is 80
feet deep. On the streams are fertile intervales, and otherwise
it is uneven, but good for grazing. It has 2 stores, cap.
$7,000; 1 fulling m., 3 tanneries, 4 grist m., 7 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. $31,545. 12 sch. 421 scholars. Pop. 1,225.
Antrim, p-v., Guernsey co., O., 91 e. Columbus, 40 e.
Zanesville, 307 W. It has 3 churches, 3 stores, 1 acad., which
is flourishing, and about 30 buildings.
Antrim, t., Crawford co., O., Pop. 261.
Antrim, p-o., Alleghany co., Pa., 209 w. Harrisburg, 229 W.
Antrim, t., Franklin co., Pa. Watered by Conecheague cr. and its
tributaries. The surface is level, and the soil calcareous loam.
It Has 7 stores, cap. $48,000; 1 woollen fac, 3 tanneries, 3
distilleries, 2 flouring m., 9 grist m., 8 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap.
in manufac. $22,450. 13 sch. 493 scholars. Pop. 4,061.
Antrim, t., Shiawassee co., Mich. 1 saw m. Pop. 117.
Antwerp, p-t., Jefferson co., N. Y., 20 n. e. Watertown, 169 n.
w. Albany, 438 W. The surface is uneven, and the soil a clay
loam, and fertile. It is watered by Oswegatchie r. on the n.,
and Indian r. on the s. It has 6 stores, cap. $23,000; 3
tanneries, 1 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. m manufac. $22,150. 12 sch.
295 scholars. Pop. 3,109.
Antwerp, p-o., Paulding co., O.
Antwerp, t., Van Buren co., Mich. 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$2,000. 6 sch. 88 scholars. Pop. 316.
Anville, t., Lebanon co., Pa. The surface is level, and the soil
gravel and calcareous loam. Drained by Quitapahilla cr., which
affords water power. It has 11 stores, cap. $47,000; 1 fulling
m., 1 woollen fac, 3 tanneries, 1 distillery, 8 grist m., 5 saw
m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $33,820. 2 acad. 62 students, 6
sch. 194 scholars. Pop. 2,949.
Apalachin, p-o., Tioga co., N. Y., 169 s. w. Albany, 283 W.
Apollo, p-v., Armstrong co., Pa., 193 w. Harrisburg, 216 W.
Appalachee, a large open bay on the coast of Florida, in the
Gulf of Mexico. Through this bay is a passage 10 feet deep,
which is gradually reduced to 8, by which St. Marks is reached.
It furnishes the best anchorage ground along the coast for the
distance of 230 miles.
Appalachian mts. See Alleghany mts.
Appalachicola, p-v., port of entry and capital Franklin co.,
Flor., 135 s. w. Tallahassee, 976 W. It is situated on a bluff
at the mouth of the Appalachicola r., w. side. It occupies a
square mile, and is regularly laid out. On Frontstreet there are
7 blocks of large brick stores and warehouses, with granite
fronts, back of which the houses are of wood. It has 1 Episcopal
church, 2 banks, is the seat of admiralty jurisdiction, and has
1 weekly newspaper. This place is a considerable cotton mart. It
generally has a number of large vessels in its harbor, and 20
steamboats, besides other craft, navigating the Appalachicola r.
The tonnage in 1840, was 4,054.
Appalachicola r. is formed by the union of Chattahoochee, and
Flint rs., which unite in the state of Georgia, in lat. 30° 42'
n., from which it proceeds s. 70 ms. to St. George's sound, and
thence to the Gulf of Mexico. Near the mouth of the river it
forms a broad estuary, denominated Appalachicola Bay, which
connects with St. George's sound. The latter is enclosed by
three islands, and is 50 miles in length, and from 4 to 9 wide.
Between the islands are 3 passages into the sound, which have a
depth of about 15 feet of water at low tide. The river is
navigable for small vessels to the junction of the Chattahoochee
and Flint rs. The Chattahoochee, the largest branch, is
navigable for boats nearly 400 miles from the Gulf of Mexico.
The whole surface drained by the Appalachicola and its branches,
is estimated at a little less than 20,000 sq. miles.
Appanoos, p-o., Hancock co., Ill., 122 w. n. w. Springfield, 883
Apple r., Ill., passes through Jo. Daviess co., in the n. w.
part of the state; and after a course of 45 miles, falls into
the Mississippi, 20 miles below Galena. It is 50 yds. wide at
its mouth. It is a rocky and rapid stream, furnishing many good
mill seats.
Apple River, p-o., Jo. Daviess co., Ill., 215 n. by w.
Springfield, 867 W.
Apple Creek, p-o., Wayne co., 99 n. e. Columbus, 341 W.
Apple Creek, p-o., Morgan co., Ill., 37 w. by s.Springfield, 809
Apple Creek, p-o., Cape Girardeau co., Mo., 212 s. e. Jefferson
city, 880 W.
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Appleton. p-o., Bennington t., Licking co., O., 52 e by n.
Columbus, 389 W.
Appleton, t., Waldo co., Me., 20 s. w. Belfast, 84 n w.
Portland, 35 E. by s. Augusta. Incorporated 1829. Situated
between the head waters of St. George's and Muscongus rs. Soil
fertile. It has 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $800. 5 sch. 301
scholars. Pop. 891.
Appling, County, Ga., in the s. part of the
state, contains 1,600 sq. ms. It lies on the s. side of
Ockmidgee r. Drained by the head waters of Santilla r. Surface
level, soil sandy and light. Capital, Holraesville. There were m
1840, neat cattle 13,328, sheep 766, swine 9,563; wheat 2,027
bush, produced, Ind. corn 24,24o, potatoes 13,428, cotton, 5,159
pounds; 4 stores, cap. $8,200; 7 grist m., 7 saw rn.,1 oil m.
Cap. in manufac. $5,150 2 sch. 55 scholars. Pop. 1830 1,468;
1840, whites 1,755, slaves 282, free col'd 15; total, 2,052.
Appling, p-o., Jefferson co., N. Y., 169 n. w. Albany, 410 W.
Appling, C. H., or Applington, p-v., capital of Columbia co.,
Ga., Ill s. s. e. Milledgeville, 597 W. It is situated on the
Great Kiokee cr., has a court house, jail, an acad., 1 Baptist
and 1 Methodist church, 3 stores, and 20 dwellings.
Appomattox r., Va., rises in Prince Edward co., and after
flowing e. 120 miles, unites with James r. at City Point. It is
navigable for vessels of 100 tons to the falls at Petersburg,
the head of tide water. There is a canal around these falls, and
the r. is boatable 80 miles above.
Appoquinimink, (hundred,) Newcastle co., Delaware. It has 9
stores, cap. $10,400; 3 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$6,110. 2 sch. 61 scholars. Pop. 3,075.
Apulia, p-o., Fabius t., Onondaga co., N. Y., 124 w. Albany, 331
Aquasco, p-o., Prince George's co., Md., 51 s. w. Annapolis, 44
Aquebogue, p-v., Riverhead t., Suffolk co., N. Y., 229 s. s. e.
Albany, 309 W. It has 1 church, 1 store, and about 15 dwellings.
Aquia, p-o., Stafford co., Va., 42 s. s. w. of W., on a small
creek of the same name.
Aquilla, p-o., Franklin co., Ga., 120 n. by e. Milledgeville,
576 W.
Ararat, p-o., Washington co., Ala., 122 s. s. w. Tuscaloosa, 940
Arator, p-o., Pettis co., Mo., 58 w. by n. Jefferson city, 994
Arbuckle, p-o., Mason co., Va., 354 w. by N. Richmond, 367 W.
Arcadia, p-o., Morgan co., Ill., 40 s. w. Springfield, 820 W.
Arcadia, t., Wayne co., N. Y., 5 w. Lyons, 190 w. N. w. Albany.
The surface is hilly; soil sandy and calcareous loam. Gypsum is
found and quarried. Watered by Meed cr. The v. is situated on
the Erie canal, and contains 1 Baptist church, 2 stores, and
several groceries, 1 flouring m., 1 tannery, 100 dwellings, and
500 inhabitants. In the t. are 14 stores, cap. $62,800; 2
fulling m., 3 tanneries, 1 distillery, 1 flouring m., 1 grist
m., 14 saw m., 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in
manufac. $103,145. 2 acad, 46 students, 22 sch. 646 scholars.
Pop. 4,980.
Arcadia, p-o., Madison co., Mo., s. e. Jefferson city.
Archer, p-t., Harrison co., O., 122 e. by n. Columbus, 202 W. It
is watered by Stillwater r. and its tributaries. It has 5 sch.
230 scholars. Pop. 1,012.
Arcola, p-o., Loudon co., Va., 141 n. Richmond, 36 W.
Arcola, p-v., Madison t., Lake co., O. It has 30 dwellings, 2
blast furnaces, which yield 1,400 tons of fine iron castings
annually, a steam grist m., and various mechanic shops.
Arenac county, Mich. Situated on the n. w. side of Saginaw Bay.
Contains about 400 sq. ms. Drained by Rifle r., and some small
streams falling into Saginaw Bay. (Unorganized.)
Arentsville, p-o., Adams co., Pa.
Arenzville, p-o., Morgan co., Ill., 52 s. w. Springfield, 832 W.
Argentine, t., Genesee co., Mich. Pop. 177.
Argo, p-o., Franklin co., Mo., 73 e. by s. Jefferson city, 917
Argosville, p-o., Schoharie co., N. Y., 46 w. Albany, 395 W.
Argus, p-o., Montgomery co., Ala., 141 s. E. Tuscaloosa, 395 W.
Argyle, p-t., Washington co., N. Y., 36 n. Albany, 416 W. The v.
is on Moseskill, and was incorporated in 1838. It has 1 Scotch
Presbyterian, 1 Cameronian, and 1 Methodist church, 5 stores, 1
grist m., 1 saw m., 1 fulling m., 1 carding machine, and 80
dwellings. Pop. of the v., 500. In the t. are 10 stores, cap.
$25,000; 2 fulling m., 2 tanneries, 2 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. $1,500. 17 sch. 363 scholars. Pop. 3,111.
Argyle, p-o., McDonough co., Ill., 92 n. w Springfield, 865 W.
Argyle, p-t., Cumberland co., N. C, 74 s. s. w. Raleigh, 361 W.
Argyle, t., Penobscot co., Me., 89 n. e. Augusta. The soil is
fertile, and produces good wheat. It has 2 grist m., 42 saw m.
Cap. in manufac. $101,800. 8 sch. 204 scholars. Pop. 527.
Arietta, t, Hamilton co., N. Y., 72 n. w. Albany. It is a large
t., partly settled on the s. only. It contains several lakes.
Drained by Canada cr. and Sacandago r. 2 stores, cap. $8,500; 1
tannery, 1 grist m., 9 saw m. Pop. 209.
Arkansas, State of
Arkansas River, Ark., rises in the Rocky
Mountains, about lat. 42° n. near the sources of the Del Norte,
and near the boundary between the United States and Mexico, and
for some distance forms a part of that boundary. It flows
through the central part of Arkansas, and after a whole course
of 2,170 miles, enters the Mississippi in lat. 33° 40' n. Its
general course is E. s. E It is navigable for boats, at some
seasons, 1,980 ms. The navigation is not obstructed by rocks,
shoals, or rapids. The country watered by the Arkansas, in its
upper parts, is sterile; but in the lower parts it is tolerably
fertile, and on its alluvial borders, it is rich. The whole
surface drained by this river and its tributaries, is estimated
at 178,000 sq. ms.
Arkansas County, Ark.,
lies on both sides of Arkansas r., near its mouth. White r. runs
on its n. e. boundary. It is watered on the n. parts by Bayou
Agnew r., which enters White r., and Big Meter r., which enters
the Arkansas. The south end of Grand Prairie is in this county,
and is very rich land. The surface is generally level, though
rising some in the w. part. There were in 1840, neat cattle
6,251, sheep 413, swine 6,810. Ind. corn 70,834 bush, produced,
potatoes 3,164^ tobacco 1,422 pounds, cotton 361,404; 2 stores,
cap. $27,250; 5 grist m., 1 saw m., 1 sch. 24 scholars. Pop.
whites 980, slaves 361, free col'd 5; total, 1,346.
Arkansas Post, p-v., and capital of Arkansas co., Ark., 117 s.
E. Little Rock, 1,087 W. It was founded by the French in 1685.
It is on the n. bank of Arkansas r. in 34° n. lat. and 14° 25'
w. lon. from W. It occupies a high bluff of sterile land, and
has flats in the rear, inundated at certain seasons by White r.
It is 50 miles above the Mississippi, by the course of the
river. Contains a printing office, court house, jail, and 40 or
50 houses.
Arkport, p-v., Hornellsville t., Steuben co., N. Y., 246 w. by
s. Albany, 322 W. It is on Canisteo r., and contains 1 store and
30 dwellings. Pop. 175.
Arkville, p-o., Middletown t., Delaware co., N. Y., 83 s. w.
Albany, 393 w. m. Cap. in manufac. $2,245. 7 sch. Pop. 1,410.
Arkwright, p-t., Chautauque co., N. Y., 328 w. by s. Albany, 350
W. It has 7 schools, 320 scholars. Pop. 1,418. It occupies the
height of land from which the water flows in opposite directions
N. s. e. and w. The soil is gravelly loam and suited to grazing
and to grain. It has 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,245. 7 sch.
Pop. 1,410.
Arlington, p-t., Bennington co., Vt., 15 n. Bennington, 103 s.
w. Montpelier, 420 W. It is watered by Green r., and other
branches of the Battenkill, which latter passes through the n.
part of the town. These streams afford a good water power. The
land is generally good, and particularly on the rivers. A good
white marble is quarried and exported, and lime is produced.
There is a chalybeate spring, and a curious cavern, in the town.
It contains 3 stores, capital $13,500. 1 fulling m., 1 woollen
fac, 1 tannery, 1 grist m., 6 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $24,850 9
sch. 325 scholars. Pop. 1,038.
Armada, t., Macomb county, Mich., has 9 sch. 303 scholars. Pop.
Armagh, p-b., Indiana co., Pa., 60 e. Pittsburg, 158 w.
by n. Harrisburg, 201 W. It contains 40 dwellings; 3 stores,
cap. $20,000; 1 tannery. Cap. in manufac. $1,200. Pop. 625.
Armagh, t., Mifflin co., Pa., contains 4 stores, cap. $26,200; 1
woollen fee, 2 tanneries, 1 distillery, 4 grist m., 10 saw m.
Cap. in manufactures $39,320. 7 sch. 250 scholars. Pop. 1,468.
Armenia, p-o., Scriven co., Ga., 122 E. s. e. Milledgeville, 661
Armstrong, County, Pa., central in the w. part
of the state, contains 575 sq. ms. The Alleghany r. passes
through the co., and its tributaries Redbank, Mahoning, and
Crooked creeks. The surface is agreeably diversified. There were
in 1840, neat cattle 26, 1 10, sheep 54,815, swine 29,621; wheat
289,789 bushels produced, rye 138,120, Indian corn 171,089, oats
508,998, potatoes 170,046; 79 stores, cap. $186,200; 2 woollen
factories, 12 fulling ra., 25 tanneries, 68 grist m., 91 saw m.;
5 potteries produced $1,010; machinery, $19,660; 3 furnaces;
bushels of bituminous coal prod. 705,490; of salt, 322,030.2
printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac.
$225,825. 2 acad. 166 students, 105 schools, 1,936 scholars.
Pop. 28,365.
Table of Contents
Source: A Complete Descriptive And
Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel
Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith,
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