Annsville, NY to Anandale, PA
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Anandale, p-o., Butler co., Pa.
Anaquascook, p-o., Washington co., N. Y., 40 n. by E. Albany,
410 W.
Anastasia, island, Flor., on the E. coast, 18 ms. long, and
about H broad. A signal tower on its n. end, is in 29° 50' n.
lat. 4° 29' w. lon, from W.
Ancram ,p-t., Columbia co., N. Y., 45 s. s. E. Albany, 340 W. It
is watered by Ancram and Punch creeks, on the former of which
are extensive iron works. The iron works contain 1 furnace, 2
forges, and 30 or 40 dwellings. The iron which is here
manufactured, is distinguished for its strength and tenacity,
and is extensively made into gun-barrels. The ore is procured in
the vicinity, most of it from the margin of Salisbury, Conn. The
town yields not only iron, but also lead ore. The property is
generally held on life leases, having formerly belonged to
Livingston's Manor. It has 3 stores, cap. $3,700; 1 grist m., 1
saw m., 1 furnace. Cap. in manufac. $3,300. 10 sch. 474
scholars. Pop. 1,770.
Ancram Lead Mines, p-v., in the above t, 50 s. s. e. Albany, 345
W. Situated on Punch creek. It has 1 store, and a few dwellings.
A rich lead ore exists in the vicinity, but is not much wrought.
Andalusia, p-o., Bucks co., Pa., 113 e. Harrisburg, 153 W.
Anderson, p-o., Ashtabula co., O., 205 n. e. Columbus, 321 W.
Anderson, p-o., Warren co., N. J., 51 n. Trenton, 212 W.
Anderson, one of the n. w. districts of S. C, lying between the
Savannah and Saluda rivers. It contains about 800 sq. ms. It
forms part of what was formerly Pendleton dist., which has been
superseded. It is drained by branches of the Savannah and Saluda
rivers. Capital, Anderson. There were in 1840, neat cattle
18,499, sheep 10,387, swine 36,381; wheat 106,105 bush,
produced, rye 1,511, Ind. corn 698,518, oats 69,988, potatoes
34,575, tobacco 3,875 pounds, cotton 2,349,054; 20 stores, cap.
$54,500; 1 cotton fac, 1,308 sp., 8 tanneries, 26 distilleries,
13 flouring m., 38 grist m., 29 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$136,973. 5 acad. 233 students, 29 sch. 687 scholars. Pop. 1830,
17,169; 1840, whites 12,747, slaves 5,683, free col'd 63; total,
Anderson, p-v., capital of Anderson dist., S. C, 127 n. w.
Columbia, 546 W. The village is incorporated, and contains 1
Baptist, 1 Methodist, and 1 Presbyterian church, 2 academies, 6
stores, and 40 dwellings. Pop. 500.
Anderson, a central county, Ky., has an area of about 170 sq.
ms. It is drained by Salt river and branches. Capital,
Lawrenceburg. There were in 1840, neat cattle 4,418, sheep
8,518, swine 14,237; wheat 24,526 bush, produced, rye 7,685,
Ind. corn 221,574, oats 43,823, potatoes 5,700, tobacco 34,476;
5 stores, cap. $39,400; 4 tanneries, 8 distilleries, 9 grist m.,
7 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $26,115. 7 sch. 175 scholars. Pop.
1840, whites 4,372, slaves 1,059, free col'd 21; total, 5,452.
Anderson, a central county of e. Tenn., has an area of 750 sq.
ms., with a rough surface and a fertile soil. It is watered by
Clinch r. Capital, Clinton. There were in 1840, neat cattle
5,428, sheep 5,463, swine 18,655; wheat 18,003 bush, produced,
Ind. corn 335,685, buckwheat 8,360, oats 35,665, potatoes 5,440,
tobacco 5,402 pounds, cotton 8,386, sugar 5,034; 7 stores, cap.
$22,400; 3 tanneries, 18 distilleries, 1 flouring m., 15 grist
m., 6 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,140. 1 acad. 14 students. Pop.
1830, 5,310; 1840, whites 5,218, slaves 425, free col'd 15;
total, 5,658.
Anderson, t., Hamilton co., O., on the Ohio r. It contains the
village of Newton, 10 n. e. Cincinnati. It embraces all the
Virginia military lands, which lie in the county. Pop. 2,311.
Anderson, t., Rush co., In. 2 sch. 60 scholars. Pop. 1,423.
Andersonburg, p-o., Perry co., Pa., 40 n. w. Harrisburg, 128 W.
Anderson Cross Roads, p-o., Macoupin co., m., 25 s. by w.
Springfield, 797 W.
Anderson's Store, p-o., Caswell co., N. C. 81 N. n. w. Raleigh,
277 W.
Anderson's Store, p-o., Morgan co., O., 83 S. E. Columbus, 325
Andersontown, C. H., p-v., capital of Madison co., In., 39 n. E.
Indianapolis, 548 W. It is situated on the s. side of White r.
Andersonville, p-v., Pickens dist., S. C, 145 n. w. Columbia,
547 W.
Andersonville, p-o., Cobb co., Ga., 123 n. w. Milledgeville, 666
Andersonville, p-v., Franklin co., In., 53 s. e. Indianapolis,
537 W.
Andes, p-t., Delaware co., N. Y., 87 s. w. Albany, 344 W. The
surface is hilly, and the soil adapted to grazing. It is watered
by the Papacton Branch of the Delaware, and its tributary
Tempers kill, &c. The village has 2 churches, 1 store, and about
20 dwellings. The t. has 6 stores, cap. $10,950; 1 woollen fac,
2 tanneries, 2 grist m., 12 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $9,400. 17
sch. 737 scholars. Pop. 2,176.
Andesville, p-o., Perry co., Pa., 33 w. by n. Harrisburg, 121 W.
Andover, p-t., Oxford co., Me., 62 w. s. w. Augusta, 624 W. It
was incorporated in 1804. It is watered by Ellis r., a branch of
the Androscoggin. The land is of a good quality, and the town is
surrounded by mountains. It has 1 store, cap. $500; 1 grist m.,
2 saw m., 6 sch. 105 scholars. Pop. 551.
Andover, p-t., Merrimack co., N. H., 22 n. w. Concord, 497 W. It
is watered by Blackwater r. The surface is very uneven, and in
some parts it is rocky and barren, but in other parts fertile.
It was first settled in 1761, and incorporated by its present
name in 1779. There is an academy, with a fund of $10,000. It
has 3 stores, cap. $6,000; 1 tannery, 1 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap.
in manufac. $5,100. 9 sch. 344 scholars. Pop. 1,168.
Andover, p-t., Windsor co., Vt., 20 s. w. Windsor, 91 s.
Montpelier, 453 W. It lies on the margin of the Green mountains,
and the surface is uneven and rough, and chiefly adapted to
grazing. It is watered by the head branches of Williams r. First
settled in 1776. It contains 1 fulling m., 2 grist m., 1 saw m.
Cap. in manufac. $2,750. 9 sch. 293 scholars. Pop. 877.
Andover, p-t., Essex co., Mass., 21 n. Boston, 16 n. w. Salem,
454 W. It is on the s. w. side of Merrimack r., and is watered
also by the Shawsheen r.; is elevated, pleasant, and well
cultivated. Incorporated in 1646. Its streams furnish a good
water power, which is extensively employed in manufacturing. It
has 14 stores, cap. $4,700; 5 fulling m., 6 woollen fac, 1
furnace, 1 tannery, 3 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$417,700. The s. village contains 5 churches — 1 Congregational,
1 Episcopal, 1 Baptist, 1 Universalist, and 1 Methodist— a bank,
a savings institution, an insurance office, Philips' Academy,
and the Andover Theological Seminary. Philips' Academy was
founded in 1788 by the Hon. Samuel and John Philips. It has
funds to the amount of over $50,000. The number of students is
limited to 130, which is its usual number, all of whom study the
learned languages, under a principal and three assistants. The
academic building is of brick, 80 by 40 feet, on a range with
the theological buildings, 40 rods distant. This is the best
endowed academy in the state.
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The Andover Theological Seminary was
founded in 1807, and opened in the autumn of 1808. It has an
elevated and commanding location. The buildings consist of three
dwelling houses for professors; a steward's house, containing a
dining hall; and three public edifices of brick; Philips' Hall,
90 by 40 feet, 4 stories, containing 32 rooms for students;
Bartlet chapel, 94 by 40 feet, containing a chapel, library, and
three lecture rooms; and Bartlet Hall, 104 by 40 feet, 4
stories, containing 32 suits of rooms for students. The
institution is under a president and four professors; the
associate professor of sacred literature; the Abbott professor
of Christian theology; the Bartlet professor of sacred rhetoric;
and the Brown professor of sacred rhetoric and ecclesiastical
history. The students on entering are required to have a liberal
education, and testimonials of good character and talents, and
complete their course in three years. They are divided into the
junior, middle, and senior classes. Tuition and room rent are
free to all, and further aid is furnished to the indigent. A
public examination and commencement are held on the 4th
Wednesday of Sept. It has 142 students; 785 have completed their
education here since its first establishment; and the libraries
contain 17,500 volumes. The whole amount contributed by its
donors is about $400,000. A seminary for teachers was founded in
Andover in 1830, which gives a thorough education, and promises
to be of great use in preparing competent teachers for schools.
Manual labor is connected with the institution. 4 acad. 379
students, 23 sch. 1,153 scholars. Pop. 1830, 4,540; 1840, 5,207.
Andover, p-v., Tolland co., Ct., 19 e. Hartford, 350 W.
Andover, p-t., Alleghany co., N. Y., 15 s. e. Angelica, 257 w.
by s. Albany, 317 W. It is on the line of the N. York and Erie
railroad. The v. has 1 Presbyterian and 1 Baptist church, 25
dwellings, and 150 inhabitants. There are in the t. 2 stores,
cap. $8,000; 1 fulling m., 1 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$3,000. Pop. 848.
Andover, p-v., Sussex co., N. J., 64 n. Trenton, 236 W.
Andover, t., Ashtabula co., O., s. E. corner of the co. Pop.
Andover, p-v., Calhoun co., Mich., 142 w. Detroit, 577 W.
Andover, p-v., Henry co., Ill., 130 Springfield, 859 W.
Andrew, n. w. county Missouri, on the Missouri r. Principal
streams, Platte and 102 rivers, Capital, Savannah. Erected since
Andrew, C. H., p-o., Jackson co., Iowa.
Andrews, p-v., Williamsport t., Richland co., 22 s. E. Bucyrus,
47 n. by e. Columbus, 394 W
Andrews' Bridge, p-o., Lancaster co., Pa., 61 s. E. Harrisburg,
106 W.
Androscoggin r., (or Ameriscoggin) Me., is formed by the
junction of Magalloway r. and the outlet of Umbagog lake. Its
course is first s. in N. H., then e. into Me., and s. e. until
it enters the Kennebec, at Merrymeeting Bay, 6 miles above Bath,
18 ms. from the ocean. It runs 40 ms. in N. H. and 100 in Me.
Angelica, C. H., p-v., capital of Alleghany co N. Y. The t.
contains 1,257 inhabitants. The v. is on Angelica cr., 262 w.
Albany, 335 W Incorporated 1835. It has 1 Presbyterian, 1
Episcopal, and 1 Methodist church, a bank, 120 dwellings. Pop.
900, in the t. 11 stores, cap. $50,250; 2 fulling m., 1 woollen
fac, 1 tannery, 2 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $31,600.
Angley's Branch, p-o., Barnwell dist., S. C 97 s. by w.
Columbus, 603 W.
Angola, p-o., Collins t., Erie co., N. Y., 306 w. Albany, 358 W.
Angola, p-v., capital of Steuben co., In., 174 n. n. e.
Indianapolis, 549 W. In the t. are 2 sch. 53 scholars. Pop. 166.
Annapolis, city and port of entry, capital of Maryland, and of
Anne Arundel co., on the w. side of the Severn, 2 miles from its
mouth in Chesapeake Bay, 28 s. s. E. Baltimore, 40 e. n. e. W.
39° n. lat., 76° 43' w. lon., and 0° 31' e. Ion. W. Pop. 1830,
2,623; 1840, 2,792. It has been the seat of government in Md.
since 1699. The tonnage of the port in 1840, was 4,519. The
state house is a fine building in the centre of the city, from
which, and from the Episcopal church, the streets radiate as
from two centres. There is an Episcopal and a Methodist church,
a market house, bank, and theatre, and about 350 dwellings,
stores, &c. The University of Maryland has one of its branches
here, called St. John's college, chartered as a Roman Catholic
institution in 1784; but as such became extinct; and has been
resuscitated under different auspices. It has a president, four
professors, or other instructors, 120 alumni, of whom 6 were
ministers, 27 students, and 4,000 volumes in its libraries.
Commencement 22d Feb. Aid is afforded to indigent students. The
city contains 40 stores, cap. $59,550; 1 tannery, 2 printing
offices, 2 semi-weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $12,150. 5
acad. 97 students, 3 sch. 181 scholars.
Annapolis, p-v., Salem t., Jefferson co., O., 16 N. w.
Steubenville, 128 e. by n. Columbus, 281 W.
Annapolis, p-o., Parke co., In., 68 w. Indianapolis, 637 W.
Ann Arbor, p-v., capital Washtenaw co., Mich, on the w. bank of
the Huron r. It is regularly laid out on elevated ground, with a
dry soil. It has a court house, jail, bank, 4 churches — 1
Presbyterian, 1 Episcopal, 1 Baptist, 1 Universalist — 2
printing offices, with 2 weekly newspapers, about 20 stores, 1
large flouring m., 1 saw m., 1 woollen fac, 1 iron foundry, 1
plane fac, &c. The University of Michigan has been located in
this place. It has a flourishing academy, with 70 students. The
town contains 27 stores, cap. $94,575; 1 fulling m., 1 woollen
fac, 1 tannery, 2 distilleries, 2 breweries, 2 flouring m., 5
saw m. Cap. in manufac. $46,750.
Anne Arundel, county, Md., on the w. side of Chesapeake Bay. It
has a rolling surface, and a soil moderately fertile. Capital,
Annapolis. There were in 1840, neat cattle 13,854, sheep 18,189,
swine 31,741; wheat 206,143 bushels produced, rye 26,179, oats
266,132, potatoes 51,776; 127 stores, cap. $164,365; 2 fulling
m., 2 woollen fac, 2 cotton fac. 400 sp., 4 furnaces, 2
tanneries, 5 flouring m., 33 grist m., 16 saw m., 3 printing
offices, 1 weekly, 2 semi-weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac.
$307,150. 1 college 35 students, 13 acad. 242 students, 32 sch.
1,018 scholars. Pop 29,532.
Annawaika, p-o., De Kalb co., Ala.
Annisquam, p-o., Essex co., Ms., 39 Boston, 479 W.
Annsville, t., Oneida co., N. Y., 25 n. w. Utica, 118 n. w.
Albany. Watered by Fish cr. It has 2 stores, cap. $10,500; 1
fulling m., 1 woollen fac, 3 tanneries, 1 grist m., 13 saw m., 1
furnace. Cap. in manufac. $20,875 12 sch. 519 scholars Pop
Table of Contents
Source: A Complete Descriptive And
Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel
Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith,
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