Boston City Massachusetts
Boston, city, the capital of
Massachusetts, m Suffolk county, is principally situated on a
peninsula, 3 miles long and 1 broad, at the western extremity of
Massachusetts Bay. It lies in 42° 21' 23" n. lat. and 71° 4' 9 "
w. lon. from Greenwich, and 5° 58' e. lon. from Washington. It
is 115 s s. w. from Portland, Me.; 63 s. s. e. Concord N. H.;
158 e. by s. Albany; 40 n. n. e. Providence, R. I.; 97 e. n. e.
Hartford, Ct.; 207 n. e. by e. New York; 440 N . E . from W.
Population m 1790 was 18,038; in 1800 24,933; in 1810, 33,250;
in 1820, 43,298; in 1830 61,391; in 1840, 93,383. Employed in
commerce 2,040; in manufactures and trades, 5,333 in navigating
the ocean, 10,813; do. canals and rivers, 19; learned
professions and engineers, 586. Boston consists of three parts,
Old Boston, on the peninsula; South Boston, formerly a part of
Dorchester, but united to Boston in 1804; and East Boston,
formerly Noddle's Island. The only original communication of the
peninsula with the main land was denominated the "Neck," a
little over a mile in length, which connected it with Roxbury.
By the fortification of this neck, at the commencement of the
revolutionary war, the British were able to control the
intercourse between Boston and the surrounding country. But by a
number of bridges a communication is now opened in various
directions. Charles River bridge, 1 ,503 feet long, connects
Boston to Charlestown; West Boston bridge, 2,753 feet, with a
causeway 3,432 feet, leads to Cambridge; South Boston bridge,
1,550 feet, leads from the "Neck" to S. Boston; Canal Bridge,
2,796 feet, leads to E. Cambridge, from the middle of which an
arm extends to States Prison Point, in Charlestown; Boston Free
Bridge, 1,828 feet, connects Boston with S. Boston; Warren
Bridge, 1,390 feet, leads to Charlestown. Besides these, the
Western Avenue, a mile and a half long, leads to Brooklyn, and
constitutes a tide-dam, enclosing a pond of 600 acres, which, by
a partition, makes an avenue from the main dam to Roxbury, and
forms a full and receiving basin; so that the flowing of the
tide creates a great water power, at all times available. The
peninsula of Boston had originally an uneven surface; and the
necessity of the case, and the good taste of the inhabitants,
have extensively prevented the attempt to level these
inequalities of surface; and from various points of view, the
city presents a picturesque appearance. The streets, however,
were originally laid out upon no systematic plan; and
accommodated to the convenience of the ground, they are often
crooked and narrow; though modern improvements have greatly
remedied these inconveniences. The Common, originally a town
cow-pasture, has escaped a private appropriation, and is one of
the finest public grounds in any city of the United States. The
numerous eminences, rising from 50 to 110 feet above the level
of the sea, furnish many admirable sites for buildings. Some of
the public buildings are commanding, but are exceeded by some in
other principal cities; but many of the private residences are
unsurpassed in elegance and taste by those of any other city of
the Union. South Boston extends about 2 miles along the s. side
of the harbor. It contains about 600 acres, regularly laid out
into streets and squares, with a diversified surface. About in
the centre of this tract are the "Dorchester Heights," 130 feet
high, famous in the Revolutionary war, as the site of a
fortification which compelled the British to abandon the harbor.
East Boston is on an island, containing about 660 acres of land,
and a large body of flats. Its connection with Old Boston is by
a steam ferry, which starts every five minutes from each side.
It is connected to Chelsea on the main land by a bridge of 600
feet; and the Eastern railroad commences here. This portion of
the city has wholly grown up since 1833. The surface is
agreeably diversified. A wharf 1,000 feet long is devoted to the
use of the Liverpool steamships. These several parts of Boston,
with the town of Chelsea, constitute the county of Suffolk. The
harbor of Boston is one of the best in the United States, being
spacious, safe, and easily and well defended. The whole passage
to it is not more than four miles in width, with several islands
obstructing it, so that the main entrance will scarcely admit
two vessels to pass abreast; while within, 500 vessels may ride
at anchor, with a good depth of water. The outer harbor has
about 40 small islands, about 15 of which afford excellent
pasture. The wharves of Boston are extensive and (con't)
Page 73
convenient, and some of them are very long. Long in fisheries
$25,000; machinery wharf, at the termination of State-street, is
1,650 feet long; and Central wharf is 1,240 feet. Among the
public buildings, the State House is the principal. It was built
in 1798, and has a fine location on Beacon Hill, 110 feet above
the level of the sea, and fronting the spacious common. It is
173 feet long and 61 wide, built of brick, but painted to
imitate stone; and has a fine dome 52 feet in diameter, and a
cupola 230 feet above the level of the harbor, from which the
view is probably the finest in the United States, and scarcely
surpassed in the world. From this grand elevation, the spectator
looks down upon the city as upon a map; before him stretches the
extensive harbor and bay on the E., sprinkled over with islands;
and in other directions, numerous beautiful villages, and a
highly cultivated country, with many elegant country seats, are
visible. Faneuil Hall Market is built of granite, 536 feet long,
50 feet wide, and two stories high; and is the most elegant
market-house in the U. States. Faneuil Hall is in Dock Square,
100 feet long by 80 feet wide, 3 stories high, and is celebrated
as the spot where the revolutionary orators roused the people to
resist British oppression. The hall is 76 feet square, with deep
galleries on three sides. The City Hall or Old State House, is
another venerable building of revolutionary memory, and is used
for public offices. The Massachusetts Hospital, in the western
part of the city, is a beautiful granite building, 168 feet long
and 54 feet wide, with an open ground of 4 acres around it, on
the bank of Charles river. The Custom House, near the head of
Central wharf, is a splendid granite building of Grecian
architecture. The houses of Industry, Correction, and
Reformation, are valuable establishments, situated in South
Boston. Trinity church, and St. Paul's church, are considered
fine specimens of architecture; and Park-street church has a
lofty and beautiful steeple. The Tremont House is one of the
finest hotels in the United States. Among the public places, the
Common is by far the most distinguished. It occupies the
southern declivity of Beacon Hill, and contains nearly 50 acres
of ground, surrounded by a wall, shaded by trees. The whole is
enclosed by an iron fence about 1 mile in length, on the outside
of which is a broad street. A Botanical Garden of 25 acres is on
the western side of the Common. Boston, in point of commerce, is
the second place in the Union. Her wealth and enterprise ave
long been actively employed in foreign commerce, to which her
fine harbor has materially contributed. Several large steamships
form an important packet line between this city and Great
Britain, stopping at Halifax. This line has generally performed
its trips in the short space of 125 days. Lines of packets exist
to every port of importance throughout the U. States, making
about fifty in the whole. And by means of the Middlesex canal,
which extends to the Merrimac, it has a boatable communication
to Concord, N. H; and recently a railroad communication has been
completed to Albany, which will enable it to share in the vast
trade of the west. The capitalists of Boston are large
proprietors in the manufacturing establishments at Waltham and
at Lowell. The tonage of Boston in 1840 was 220,243 tons. The
imports are about $16,000,000; and the exports about
$10,000,000. There were in 1840, 142 commercial houses and 89
commission houses engaged in foreign trade, with a capital of
$11,676,000; 572 retail stores, with a capital of $4,184,220; 31
lumber yards, with a capital of manufactured to the amount of
$135,900; precious metals $26,650; various metals $284,400; 6
furnaces, cap. $130,000; 17 distilleries and 2 breweries, with a
cap. of $820,000; paints, drills, &c., cap. $20,000; 3 glass
fac, cap. $37,000; 2 sugar refineries, 3 rope walks, cap.
$101,500; 1 grist m., cap. $50,000; furniture to the amount of
$329,000. There were built 217 brick and stone, and 148 wooden
houses, to the value of $1,061,100; 24 printing offices, 28
binderies, 7 daily, 11 weekly, and 7 semi-weekly newspapers, and
7 periodicals, employed 437 persons, with a cap. of $236,450.
Total amount of cap. in manufac. $2,770,250. There were 15
acad., or gram, sch., with 2,629 students, 137 com. and primary
sch. with 14,003 scholars. The are 25 banks, with an aggregate
capital of $17,300,000, and 28 insurance companies, with a
capital of $6,600,000. Boston has long been celebrated for the
excellence of its schools. About a quarter part of the
inhabitants are kept at school throughout the year, at an
expense of $200,000. In addition to numerous private schools,
the public free schools are a Latin grammar school; a high
school, in which the mathematics and higher branches of learning
are taught; 10 grammar and writing schools; 75 primary schools,
and one African school. The Medical Branch of Harvard University
has its seat in Boston, where its professors reside. It was
founded in 1782, has 6 professors and 88 students, and a library
of over 5,000 volumes. There is a highly respectable institution
for the blind, which has a handsome edifice. The Boston
Athenaeum has two large buildings, one containing a library of
about 30,000 volumes, the other a picture gallery, and a hall
for public lectures, and other rooms for scientific purposes.
This city has about 100 literary, religious, and charitable
societies. Among the literary societies of a high order are the
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, which has published four
volumes of transactions; the Massachusetts Historical Society,
which has published 22 volumes of collections; and the Boston
Natural History Society, which has a fine cabinet. Among the
religious and charitable societies, are the American Board of
Commissioners for Foreign Missions, which has an agency, and
holds its anniversaries in the city of New York; the Baptist
Board of Foreign Missions; the American Education Society; the
American Unitarian Association; the American Peace Society; the
Seamen's Friend Society; the Massachusetts Bible Society; the
Prison Discipline Society; and various others. There are (1842)
30 newspapers published in Boston, 8 of which are daily. Besides
these, there is a number of Magazines and Reviews, the most
important of which is the North American Review, which has long
had a high reputation, not only in the United States, but in
Europe. There are 75 churches, of which 15 are Unitarians, 12
Congregationalists; 8 Episcopalians; 11 Baptists; 9 Methodists;
4 Universalists; 4 Roman Catholics; 3 Freewill Baptists; 2
African, one of which is Baptist, and the other Methodist. There
are also some New Jerusalem, German Protestants, and Friends,
and a few others. There are two theatres in Boston, the Tremont
and the National Theatre. This city continued a town, and was
governed by a body of select men, according to the common custom
of the towns of New England, until (con't)
Page 74
1821 Before this, the people could not be brought to consent to
adopt a city government. But the vote was at length carried, and
the city has since been governed by a mayor, 8 aldermen and a
common council of 48 members. Besides these, each ward has 1
warden, 1 overseer of the poor, 1 clerk, 5 inspectors, and 2
school committeemen. Boston was founded in August 1630. The
first church was built in 1632. The American revolution had its
commencement in Boston. The British army in 1775, to the number
of 10,000, had possession of the place. From this place the
troops went out to open the war at Lexington, and to engage in
the hard-fought battle of Bunker Hill. They were compelled at
length, by the American troops, entrenched on Dorchester
Heights, to withdraw from the town and harbor, in March, 1776,
whence they proceeded to New York. No portion of the United
States engaged more actively in the cause of American freedom
than the inhabitants of Boston, or contributed more largely
towards its accomplishment. John Hancock, who was first
president of the American Congress, and first set his bold hand
to the Declaration of Independence, was a citizen of Boston; as
were also several other of the leaders of the revolution. It
has, also, the honor of being the birth-place of Benjamin
Franklin, who was born here Jan. 17th, 1706.
Table of Contents
Source: A Complete Descriptive And
Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel
Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith,
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