Brockport NY to Brownsville PA
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Brockport, p-v., Sweden t., Monroe co., N. Y. 235 w. n. w.
Albany, 334 W. Situated on the Erie canal. Incorporated, 1829.
It contains 1 Presbyterian, 1 Episcopal, and 1 Methodist church,
an academy; 11 stores, cap. $53,000; 1 furnace, 2 tanneries, 1
distillery, 2 grist m., 6 saw m., 1 carding machine, and 1
carriage fac. Cap. in manufac. $30,895. 6 sch. 485 scholars.
Pop. 1,249.
Brock's Gap, p-o., Rockingham co., Va., 143 N. w. Richmond, 123
Brockville, p-v., Steuben co., In., 188 N. N. E. Indianapolis,
547 W.
Brockwaysville, p-o., Jefferson co., Va.
Broken Arrow, p-o., St. Clair co., Ala., 109 N. e. Tuscaloosa,
732 W.
Broken Straw, t., Warren co., Pa. It has 3 stores, cap. $12,000;
2 furnaces, 1 tannery, 5 grist m., 17 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$33,700. 10 sch. 220 scholars. Pop. 1,149.
Broken Sword, p-o., Crawford co., O., 70 n. Columbus, 414 W.
Situated on Broken Sword cr., which runs s. w. into Sandusky r.
Bronson, p-t., Huron co., O., 2 s. Norwalk, 102 n. by E.
Columbus, 395 W. Watered by branches of Huron r. It is a good
township of land, under a fine state of cultivation. It has 11
sch. 378 scholars. Pop. 1,291.
Bronson's Prairie, p-o., Bronson t., Branch co., Mich., 121 w.
s. w. Detroit, 570 W. In the t. arc 3 stores, cap. $6,000; 1
grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. 11,200. 5 sch. 90 scholars.
Pop. 622.
Bronx, p-o., Westchester co., N. Y., 137 s. Albany, 246 W.
Situated near Bronx r., which rises in Westchester co., and
after a course of 25 ms. enters East r. opposite to Flushing
Brook, p-o., Jasper co., In., 116 n. w. Indianapolis, 675 W.
Brooke, County, Va., in the extreme n. w. part
of the state, contains 150 sq. ms. The surface is very uneven,
and the soil fertile. Watered by several small creeks, that
enter the Ohio r., which bounds the co. on the w. Some iron ore
and bituminous coal ore found here. Capital, Wellsburg. There
were in 1840, neat cattle 5,430, sheep 33,948, swine 11,322;
wheat 139,933 bush, produced, rye 4,629, Ind. corn 135,246,
buckwheat 9,351, oats 143,567, potatoes 63,140; bituminous coal
194,574, sugar 5,614 pounds; 15 stores, cap. $83,300; 2 fulling
m., 2 woollen fac, 1 cotton fac. 1,300 sp., 4 tanneries, 1
distillery, 1 glass fac. and glass cutting, 3 potteries, 26
flouring m., 1 grist m., 29 saw m., 1 paper fac, 2 printing
offices, 1 weekly newspaper,! periodical. Cap. in manufac.
$450,293. 4 acad. 140 students, 22 sch. 600 scholars. Pop. 1830,
7,040; 1840 whites 7,080, slaves 91, free col'd 77; total,
7,948. Brookfield, p-t., Carroll co., N. H., 46 n. e. Concord,
527 W. Incorporated in 1794. Cook's pond, near the centre of the
place, is the source ©f the w. branch of Salmon Fall r. There is
a still larger pond on its n. w. border, which enters
Winnipiseogee lake. It has 2 stores, cap. $1,500; 1 tannery, 2
saw m. Cap. in manufac $1,550. 4 sch. 172 scholars. Pop. 553.
Brookfield, p-t., Worcester co., Mass., 60 w. Boston, 338 W.
Incorporated in 1673. Being on its first settlement a frontier
t., it suffered much from the attacks of the Indians. It is a
flourishing agricultural town, well adapted to grazing. It has 7
stores, cap. $16,700; 1 fulling m., 1 tannery, 1 furnace, 3
grist m., 3 saw m., 1 printing office. Cap. in manufac. $24,150.
1 acad. 35 students, 14 sch. 667 scholars. Pop. 2,472.
Brookfield, p-t., Orange co., Vt., 17 s. Montpelier, 504 W. This
is an elevated and fine township of land, well cultivated, and
especially adapted to grazing. Incorporated in 1780. Watered by
several ponds, with their outlets, forming the branches of White
r. It has fine springs. There is in the t. an inexhaustible bed
of marl, It has Congregationalist, Baptist, Methodist, and
Universalist churches; 2 stores, cap. 11,000; 1 fulling m., 1
tannery, 1 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $7,300. 1 acad.
50 students, 18 sch. 626 scholars. Pop. 1,789.
Brookfield, t., Morgan co., O., in the n. part of the county. It
has 2 stores, cap. $2,200; 1 fulling m., 1 distillery, 2 grist
m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $4,625. 8 sch. 226 scholars. Pop.
Brookfield, v., Tuscarawas t., Stark co., O., 10 w. Canton. It
has 1 church, 1 store, 2 tanneries, 1 large steam flouring m. It
has 2 sch. 58 scholars. Pop. 315.
Brookfield, t., Milwaukee co., Mich. It has 1 school, 16
scholars. Pop. 148.
Brookfield, p-t., Fairfield co., Ct., 60 s. w. Hartford, 6 n. by
e. Danbury, 299 W. The surface is uneven, and the soil well
adapted to grain. Watered by the Housatonic on its n. e. border.
Still a branch of the Housatonic, passes through the town, from
s. to n. It has a Congregational and an Episcopal church. The
Housatonic railroad passes through the place. It has 4 stores,
cap. $13,200; 1 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $5,700. 8
schools, 317 scholars. Pop. 1,488.
Brookfield, p-t., Madison co., IN. Y., 88 w. by N. Albany, 363
W. The surface is uneven, and the soil a calcareous loam.
Watered by the Unadilla river and its tributaries. It has 7
stores, cap. $14,150; 2 fulling m., 4 tanneries, 6 grist m., 19
saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $40,825. 29 sch. 1,519
scholars. Pop. 3,695.
Brookfield, p-t., Tioga co., Pa., 174 n. by w. Harrisburg, 238
W. It has 1 saw m., 3 sch. 107 scholars. Pop. 431.
Brookfield, p-t., Trumbull co., O., 183 n. e. Columbus, 295 W.
It lies on the Pennsylvania line. It has a flourishing village
21 m. from the line, where are 2 churches, and about 20 or 30
dwellings. Pop. of t. 1,302.
Brookhaven, t., Suffolk co., N. Y., crosses Long Island, and
contains 215 sq. ms. It has several good harbors on Long Island
Sound, and a light-house on Old Field Point. Drained by
Connecticut brook and other small streams, which furnish mill
seats. The interior is covered with pine plains and shrub oaks,
still inhabited by some deer. South Bay, nearly 100 miles long,
and from 2 to 5 wide, on the s. side of the island, which
borders this town on the s., furnishes fish, clams, and oysters,
and admits small vessels. The soil on Long Island Sound is a
sandy loam, and inclines to a light sand toward the s.
Ronconcoma pond, 2 miles in circumference, on its w. border, is
about the middle of the island. There are 12 villages and
post-offices in the town. It has 33 stores, cap. $101,600; 1
fulling m., 2 woollen fac, 2 cotton fac 1,032 sp., 6 tanneries.
2 paper fac, 11 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manufac $112,485. 2
acad. 85 students, 36 schools, 1,980 scholars. Pop. 7,050.
Brookhaven, p-v., Lawrence co., Miss.
Brookline, p-t., Windham county, Vt., 110 s. Montpelier, 43y W.
Taken from Athens and Puttney, and incorporated in 1794. A deep
valley runs through the town from n. to s., through which Grassy
Brook, a branch of West river, flows. On the e. line of the
town, the land is elevated. It has 1 grist mill, 1 saw mill, 4
sch. 114 scholars. Pop. 328.
Brookline, p-t., Hillsboro co., N. H., 50 s. by w. Concord, 445
W. It lies on the s. line of the state. Nissitisset, a branch of
Nashua river, passes through the town, and also through Potanipo
Pond. Incorporated in 1769. It has 2 stores, cap. $3,000; 1
tannery. Cap. in manufac. $700. 5 sch. 145 scholars. Pop. 652.
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Brookline, p-t., Norfolk co., Ms., 4 w.
by s. Boston, 1 10 W. It has a diversified surface, furnishing
many elegant country seats for citizens of Boston. Like all the
towns in the vicinity, it is in a high state of cultivation. It
has 1 Congregational, 1 Baptist church. 14 com. houses, cap.
$70,000; 19 retail stores, cap. $50,000; 2 tanneries, 1 grist
m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufactures, $20,000. 5 academies, 62
students, 5 schools, 171 scholars. Pop. 1,365.
Brookline, p-v., Madison co., Ga., 85 n. Milledgeville, 608 W.
Brooklyn, p-t., capital of Windham co., Ct., 44 K. by n.
Hartford, 371 W. Finely watered by Quinebaug r. and Blackwell's
stream. The surface is uneven and stony, but the soil is strong,
particularly adapted to grazing, and well cultivated. The v., at
the centre, contains 3 churches — 1 Congregational, 1 Baptist,
and 1 Unitarian — a court house, jail, a bank, and a printing
office, and 50 dwellings. The county seat was removed from
Windham to this place in 1820. It has 7 stores, cap. $29,300; 1
cotton fac. 1,500 sp., 2 tanneries, 2 grist m., 2 saw m. Capital
in manufac. $37,900. 1 acad. 25 students, 10 sch. 356 scholars.
Pop. 1,488.
Brooklyn, city, p-t., and capital of Kings co., N. Y., 146 s.
Albany, 226 W. Situated on the w. end of Long Island, opposite
the lower part of the city of New York. Population, 1810, 4,402;
1820, 7,175; 1830, 15,396; 1810, 36,233. Employed in commerce,
1,673; in manufactures and trades 4,666; navigating the ocean,
978; do. canals and rivers, 302; learned professions and
engineers, 307. It is the second place in population in the
state, and the seventh in the United States. It is separated
from New York by an arm of the ocean, three fourths of a mile
wide, generally denominated the East River, which connects the
Bay of New York with Long Island Sound. The ground on which the
city is built was originally quite uneven, and though much has
been done by grading, to destroy its unevenness of surface, yet,
happily, nature has presented too great obstacles to be
overcome, and many of the natural beauties of its situation
remain, to a considerable extent, unimpaired. The vicinity of
the city of New York presents no finer situations than are to be
found on the high grounds of Brooklyn. The city is regularly
laid out. The streets, with the exception of Fulton-street, are
generally straight, 60 feet wide, and cross each other at right
angles. Some of the streets have a greater width. Fulton-st.,
the principal thoroughfare, though crooked, has been widened to
an ample width; the old houses with which it was formerly lined
near the ferry, have been replaced by rows of lofty brick
buildings, and present an entrance to the city quite as imposing
as any single entrance to the city of New York. Brooklyn is one
of the finest built cities, of its extent, in the United States.
Its beautiful situation, good air, and excellent water, have
made it a favorite place of residence to many persons who do
business in New York, as it is nearer to the centre of business
in that city, than residences in the upper parts of the city of
New York; and have given it a most rapid growth. The increase of
population from 1830 to 1840 was 20,917. Brooklyn is connected
with New York by 4 steam ferries, on each of which several
commodious boats continually run. The ferry from Fulton-street
in Brooklyn, to Fulton-street in New York, is 731 yards wide;
that from Main-street, Brooklyn, to Catharine-street, New York,
is 736 yards; the Jackson-street, or Navy Yard ferry, is 707
yards; the South ferry, from Atlantic-street, Brooklyn, to
Whitehall, New York, is about 1,300 yards wide. The time of
crossing is generally from 4 to 5 minutes. The city limits have
the same intent as the former town of Brooklyn, having an
irregular shape, 6 miles long, and 1 broad, at its greatest
breadth. This large territory has been laid out into blocks and
streets, and the corner posts fixed by commissioners, appointed
by the legislature; but the thickly settled parts are confined
to a small part of this territory. Brooklyn was chartered as a
city in 1831. It is divided into 9 wards, and is governed by a
Mayor and Common Council. A new city hall, projected a number of
years since, on a magnificent plan, to be built of white marble,
but badly located, has never progressed beyond the basement
story, and is altogether beyond the present wants of the city.
The Common Council and city offices are at present well
accommodated at the City Buildings, (formerly Apprentices'
Library,) purchased for the purpose, in the centre of business.
The jail is a handsome building of freestone, and the county
clerk's office is a fire-proof brick edifice. There are in the
city 30 churches — 7 Presbyterian, 7 Episcopal, 3 Dutch
Reformed, 2 Baptist, 7 Methodist, 2 Roman Catholic, 1 Unitarian,
and 1 Friends'. There are 3 banks in Brooklyn, with an aggregate
capital of $1,000,000, besides a Savings bank. There are 3
insurance companies, with a total capital of $452,000. The
Lyceum in Washington-street, is a fine granite building, with a
spacious lecture room. The city library of 3,000 volumes, has a
fine reading room, and is open daily. The Hamilton Literary
Association, composed of young men, is a flourishing
institution, and supports, annually, an able course of lectures,
which are numerously attended. There were in 1840, 5 for.
commercial houses, cap. $109,500; 154 retail stores, cap.
$353,000; several lumber yards, cap. $40,000; products of the
dairy $197,000, machinery $182,000, hats and caps $102,000, 1
tannery, manufacture of leather $162,600, 5 distilleries, 1
brewery, cap. $357,000; paints, drugs, &c, cap. $322,000; 1
glass house, employing 100 persons, capital $15,000; 4 rope
walks, cap. $65,000; 3 printing offices, 1 daily, 2 weekly, 1
semi-weekly newspapers. Capital in manufac. $1,386,500. 19 acad.
1,121 students, 38 schools, 4,683 scholars. The United States'
Navy Yard, situated on Wallabout Bay, covers 40 acres of ground,
enclosed by a brick wall on the land side, and contains 2 large
ship houses, 7 extensive timber sheds built of brick, and
several workshops, offices for the officers, and extensive
storehouses. A dry dock will soon be constructed at this place.
Connected with the Navy Yard, is the United States Naval Lyceum,
a flourishing institution, which has a valuable library and
museum. The Naval Hospital occupies a commanding eminence, half
a mile e. of the Navy Yard, and has a large building surrounded
by 33 acres of cultivated ground, enclosed by a brick wall. The
Greenwood Cemetery is in the s. part of Brooklyn, has 200 acres
of land, of a variety of surface, and in its higher parts,
commands an extensive and beautiful view of the harbor and city
of New York, of the surrounding country, and of the Atlantic
ocean. It is designed to embellish the grounds, and to make it
an ornament to the city. The "Atlantic Dock Company" are
constructing a large basin, within Red Hook Point, which will
contain 421 acres, and the outside pier of which will extend
3,000 feet, fronting on Buttermilk channel, and the depth of
which will accomodate the largest ships, the whole estimated to
cost $624,527. This additional wharf-room is rendered necessary,
by the crowded state of the docks at New York. At the foot of
Brooklyn Heights, the finest water is obtained from wells and
reservoirs for the supply of the shipping of New York harbor In
August, 1776, this part of Long Island became the seat of the
Revolutionary war, and the remains of the fortifications then
thrown up, are still to be seen in Brooklyn; though many of them
have been obliterated in the regulation of streets. At the close
of the Revolutionary war, there were but 56 houses in the place.
Near the Navy Yard at the Wallabout, are interred the remains of
11,000 Americans, who perished in the British prison ships,
moored in the bay, during the Revolutionary war
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Brooklyn, p-t., Susquehanna co., Pa.,
171 n. n. e. Harrisburg, 278 W. Martins creek forms its e.
boundary. It has 2 stores, cap. $3,300; 1 woollen fac, 2
tanneries, 1 grist m., 5 saw m., 1 paper fac. Cap. in manufac.
$12,285. 1 acad. 19 students, 10 schools, 280 scholars. Pop.
1,474. Brooklyn, p-t., Cuyahoga co., O., 145 n. n. e. Columbus,
360 W. Ohio city, opposite to Cleveland, has been taken from
this town, and was formerly a part of it. It has 1 grist m., 8
saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,000. 1 acad. 40 students, 11 schools,
562 scholars. Pop. 1,409.
Brooklyn, p-o., Halifax co., Va., 145 s. w. Richmond, 232 W. It
contains 2 stores, 1 tannery, several mechanics, 12 dwellings,
and 60 inhabitants.
Brooklyn, p-o., Schuyler co., Ill., 77 w. n. w. Springfield, 857
Brooklyn, p-o., Conecuh co., Ala., 180 s. by E. Tuscaloosa, 932
Brooklyn, p-o., Jackson co., Ala., 71 n. n. e. Tuscaloosa, 531
Brooklyn, p-o., Noxubee co., Miss., 126 n. e. Jackson, 891 W.
Brookneal, p-v., Campbell co., Va., 122 w. s. w. Richmond, 209
W. Beautifully situated on the N. bank of Staunton r. It has 1
Baptist church, 2 stores, 1 tannery, and several mechanics, and
contains 15 dwellings. Pop. 61 whites, 48 blacks; total, 109.
Brooks, p-t., Waldo co., Me., 45 n. e. Augusta. Incorporated in
1816. It has 4 stores, cap. $4,000; 1 tannery, 2 grist m., 4 saw
m. Cap. in manufac. $3,077. 5 sch. 373 scholars. Pop. 910.
Brook's Grove, p-o., Mount Morris t., Livingston co., N. Y., 249
w. Albany, 360 W.
Brookville, p-t., Hancock county, Me., 79 E. Augusta, 675 W. It
lies on the E. side of Penobscot bay, and is conveniently
situated for navigation, having navigable water on 3 sides. It
has 1 fulling m., 3 grist m., 2 saw m., 11 schools, 582
scholars. Pop. 1,246.
Brookville, p-o., Alexander t., Genesee co., N. Y., 255 w.
Albany, 385 W.
Brookville, p-o., Montgomery co., Md., 64 n. n. w. Annapolis, 24
Brookville, p-b., Jefferson co., Pa., 167 n. w. Harrisburg, 256
W. It contains a brick court house and offices, 4 stores, and 40
or 50 dwellings, The first building was erected in 1830. It has
£ stores, cap. $22,080; 1 tannery, 1 distillery, 1 grist m., 1
saw m., 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper. Capital in
manufac. $11,040. 1 acad. 25 students, 1 sch. 60 scholars. Pop.
Brookville, p-v., capital, Franklin co., In., 69 s. E.
Indianapolis, 519 W. Situated a little above the junction of e.
and w. forks of Whitewater r.
Brookville, p-v., Bracken co., Ky., 65 n. e. Frankfort, 495 W.
Brookville, p-v., Marion co., Mo., 119 N. N. E. Jefferson city,
933 W.
Brooksville, p-o., Albemarle co., Va., 98 N w. Richmond, 140 W.
Brooksville, p-o., Randolph co., Ga., 151 s w. Milledgeville,
807 W.
Brooksville, p-o., Blount co., Ala., 114 n. k e. Tuscaloosa, 724
Broome, County, N. Y., situated in the s. part
of the state, contains 627 sq. ms. The soil ia adapted to
grazing, and is fertile. It contains several sulphur and 1 or 2
salt springs. Watered by Susquehanna, Chenango, and Toughnioga
rivers, and Nanticoke creek. A large amount of lumber is floated
down the Susquehanna river to Chesapeake bay. The Chenango canal
connects Binghamton with the Erie canal at Utica. Capital,
Binghamton. There were in 1840, neat cattle 23,546, sheep
50,669, swine 12,880; wheat 66,369 bushels produced, rye 26,443,
Indian com 84,033, buckwheat 31,259, potatoes 303,812, sugar
62,054 pounds; 49 stores, cap. $180,300; 9 fulling m., 14
tanneries, 1 distillery, 23 grist m., 144 saw m., 2 printing
offices, 2 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $44,595. 3 acad.
165 students, 167 schools, 6,627 scholars. Pop. 1830, 17,582;
1840, 22,338.
Broome, t, Schoharie co., N. Y., 33 w. Albany. The surface is
hilly and mountainous; soil, light sandy loam. Drained by
Schoharie creek and its tributaries, and by Catskill cr. It has
8 stores, cap. $10,300; 2 tanneries, 2 grist mills, 11 saw m.
Cap. in manufac. $18,950. 17 sch. 759 scholars. Pop. 2,404.
Brothers Valley, t., Somerset county, Pa. Drained by Castlemans
r. It has 2 stores, cap. $8,000; 3 fulling m., 4 distilleries, 1
flouring m., 6 grist m., 10 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac.
$8,150. 5 schools, 125 scholars. Pop. 1,548.
Brotherton, p-o., Anne Arundel co., Md., 10 n. by w. Annapolis,
50 W.
Brotzmansville, p-o., Warren co., N. J., 78 n. n. w. Trenton,
226 W.
Browers, p-o., Berks co., Pa., 66 n. e. Harrisburg, 159 W.
Brower's Mills, p-o., Randolph co., N. C, 73 w. by s. Raleigh,
347 W.
Brown, County, O., in the s. w. part of the
state, contains about 470 sq. ms. It lies on the Ohio r. Watered
by Eagle, Red-oak, Straight, and White-oak creeks. The surface
on the Ohio is somewhat broken, but at the distance of 5 ms.
becomes level. The soil is generally good, and in some parts
excellent. Organized in 1818. Capital, Georgetown. There were in
1840, neat cattle 16,316, sheep 25,775, swine 39,784; wheat
324,019 bushels produced, rye 2,348, Indian com 757,284, barley
1,919, oats 212,448, potatoes 62,964, tobacco 63,260 pounds; 2
com. houses in foreign trade, cap. 11,000; 63 stores, capital
$210,950; 1 fulling m., 1 woollen fac, 15 tanneries, 2
distilleries, 1 brewery, 42 flouring m., 23 grist m., 38 saw m.,
4 oil m., 2 printing offices, 3 weekly newspapers. Cap. in
manufac. $206,678. 1 college, 22 students, 1 acad. 45 students,
33 sch. 1,352 scholars. Pop. 1830, 17,869; 1840, 22,715.
Brown, County, Ill. Situated in the w. part of
the state, contains 300 sq. ms. The surface is undulating, and
the soil fertile. Illinois r. runs on its e. border, and Crooked
creek on the n. e. McKee's cr. passes through the southern part
of the co. Capital, Mount Sterling. There were in 1840, neat
cattle 4,875, sheep 3,733, swine 10,278; wheat 15,791 bush,
produced, Ind. com 128,105, buckwheat 1,216, oats 17,417,
potatoes 10,735, tobacco 3,030 pounds, sugar 14,963; 13 stores,
cap. $18,800; 4 tanneries, 2 distilleries, 2 potteries, 6 grist
m., 12 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $36,965. 11 sch. 344 scholars.
Pop. 4,183.
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Brown, County, In.,
central in the s. part of the State, contains 310 sq. ms.
Drained by Salt cr. and its tributaries. Surface undulating and
hilly, and the soil fertile. Capital, Nashville. There were in
1810, neat cattle 2,261, sheep 2,635, swine 6,927; wheat 3,388
bush, produced, I. corn 66,578, oats 9,375, potatoes 3,530,
tobacco 3,562 pounds, sugar 23,215; 1 tannery, 6 grist m., 2 saw
m. Cap. in manufac. $5,300. 1 school, 24 scholars. Pop. 2,364.
Brown, County, Wis., lies on both sides of
Green Bay, and w. of Lake Michigan. It contains 1,150 sq. ms. in
the part surveyed. The surface is various, and the soil good,
but somewhat wet and cold. There were in 1840, neat cattle
1,053, sheep 85, swine 1,330; wheat 7,614 bush, produced, Ind.
corn 3,696, oats 13,674, potatoes 27,503, sugar 30,460 pounds; 3
commercial houses in for. trade, cap. $§3,000; 42 stores, cap.
•142,700; 8 lumberyards, cap. $8,200; 1 tannery, 3 grist m., 25
saw m., 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in manufac.
$126,338. 3 sch. 46 scholars. Pop. 2,107.
Brown, t., Lycoming co., Pa. Surface mountainous; soil, various.
Drained by Pine cr. and its tributaries. It has 2 grist m., 4
saw m. Cap. in manufac. $1,500. 3 sch. 60 scholars. Pop. 263.
Brown, t., Mifflin county, Pa. It has 2 stores, cap. $15,000; 3
grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $29,310. 4 sch. 115
scholars. Pop. 903.
Brown, t., Hancock co., In. It has 1 grist m., 1 saw m. Pop.
Brown, t., Washington co., In. It has 1 store, cap. $1,500; 3
tanneries, 1 flouring m., 5 grist m., 6 saw m., 2 sch. 60
scholars. Pop. 1,451.
Brown, t., Athens co., O., in the s. w. part of the co. Situated
on the waters of Racoon cr. It has 2 stores, cap. 2,000; 2 grist
m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $4,500. 2 schools, 30 scholars.
Pop. 257.
Brown, t., Carroll co., O. Sandy cr. and the Sandy and Beaver
canal pass through it. It has 6 sch. 185 scholars. Pop. 2,165.
Brown, t., Dark co., O. Watered by a head branch of Stillwater
cr. Pop. 294.
Brown, t., Delaware co., 0.,4 e. of Delaware. The soil is
generally good. Watered by Alum cr. It has 7 sch. 130 scholars.
Pop. 908.
Brown, t., Franklin co., O. Established in 1830. Situated on the
w. border of the co. It has 1 sch. 20 scholars. Pop. 425.
Brown, t., Knox co., O., in the n. part of the co. Situated on
Yellow cr. It has 5 sch. 200 scholars. Pop. 1,210.
Brown, t., Miami co., O. Drained by branches of Miami r. It has
1 saw m., 4 sch. 194 scholars. Pop. 1,233.
Brown, t., Paulding co., O. Pop. 180. Brownill's Mills, p-o.,
Lenawee co., Mich., 83 s. w. Detroit, 523 W.
Brownfield, p-t., Oxford co., Me., 78 s. w. Augusta, 563 W.
Incorporated in 1802. It has the Saco r. on the E., and contains
2 stores, 1 tannery, 3 grist m., 6 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$4,000. 2 acad. 94 students, 13 sch. 480 scholars. Pop. 1,360.
Brownhelm, p-t., Loraine co., O., 124 n. e. Columbus, 348 W.
Watered by Vermillion r. It has 2 stores, cap. $5,000; 1 lumber
yard, cap. $10,000; 1 tannery, 1 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. $0,200. 4 sch,. 134 scholars. Pop. 934.
Brownington, p-t., Orleans co., Vt., 49 n. n. e. Montpelier,
5:>5 W. Watered by Willoughby r., a branch of Barton r., Which
furnishes water power. Chartered in 1790. It has 8 stores, cap.
$2,500; 1 tannery, 1 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,200.
1 acad. 46 students, 3 sch. 65 scholars. Pop. 486.
Brownington, p-v., Butler co., Pa., 215 w. n. w. Harrisburg, 257
Browns, p o., Fairfield dist., S. C, 24 n. Columbia, 504 w.
Brownsborough, p-v., Oldham co., Ky., 42 n. w. Frankfort, 534 W.
Brownsburg, p-o., Makefield t., Bucks co., Pa., 114 e.
Harrisburg, 170 W. Situated on Delaware r., and contains 1 store
and 5 or 6 dwellings.
Brownsburg, p-v., Rockbridge co., Va., 139 w. by N. Richmond,
180 W. Situated on Maffet's cr. It has 1 large church, 3 stores,
1 tannery, 1 flouring m., 1 grist m., various mechanics, 20
dwellings, and 120 inhabitants. It is surrounded by a
flourishing country.
Brownsburg, p o., Hendricks co., In., 14 w. Indianapolis, 585 W.
Brown's Corner, p-o., Kennebec co., Me., 6 Augusta, 601 W.
Brown's Cove, p-o., Albemarle co., Va., 112 n. w. Richmond, 136
Brown's Mills, p o., Brown t., Mifflin co., Pa., 62 n. w.
Harrisburg, 154 W. Pop. of the t. 903.
Brown's Mills, p-o., Roxbury t., Washington co., O., 87 s. e.
Columbus, 317 W.
Brown's Port, p-v., Perry co., Tenn., 101 s. w. Nashville, 785
Brown's Store, p-o., Warren co., O.
Brown's Store, p-o., Caswell co., N. C, 96 n. w. Raleigh, 272 W.
Brownstown, p-t., Wayne co., Mich , 25 s. s. w. Detroit, 504 W.
It is situated at the mouth of Huron r., on Lake Erie. It has 4
stores, cap. $4,700, 1 flouring m., 1 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. $3,000. 4 sch. 62 scholars. Pop. 793.
Brownstown, p-v., capital of Jackson co., In. 71 s.
Indianapolis, 597 W. Situated on the E. side of a branch of East
Fork of White v.
Brownsville, p-t., Piscatiquis co., Me., 102 n. e. Augusta, 699
W. Incorporated in 1821. Pleasant r., a branch of the
Piscatiquis r., passes through the t. Otter pond, which is 4 or
5 ms. long, and 3 or 4 broad, lies on its E. border. It has 1
store, cap. 10,000; 1 tannery, 1 flouring m., 1 grist m., 1 saw
m., 6 sch. 254 scholars. Pop. 568.
Brownsville, p-o., Windsor co., Vt., 63 s. Montpelier, 474 W.
Brownsville, p-v., Brownville t., Jefferson co., N. Y., 168 n.
w. Albany, 5 w. Watertown, 420 W. The surface is level, and the
soil, a fertile marly loam. Watered by Black and Perch rivers.
The v. is 4 ms. below Watertown, on the N. bank of Black r., at
the lower rapids, where there are mills, and below which the r.
is navigable. Incorporated in 1829, and has 1 Presbyterian, 1
Episcopal, and 1 Methodist church, 8 stores, 1 cotton fac, 2
satinet fac, 2 grist m., 1 saw m., 2 iron foundries, 2 machine
shops, 1 whitelead fac, 1 oil m., 1 tannery, and 1 distillery,
125 dwellings, and 1,000 inhabitants. There are in the 1. 10
stores, cap. $35,000; 5 fulling m., 1 woollen fac, 2 furnaces, 1
distillery, 1 flouring m., 2 grist m., 7 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap.
in manufac. $112,200. 20 sch. 1,387 scholars. Pop. 3,963.
Brownsville, p-v., Fayette co., Pa., 191 e. by s. Harrisburg,
207 W. It is situated on the e. bank of ihe Monongahela r., at
the mouth of Redstone cr. It contains about 250 dwellings. The
country around is rich and fertile. The national road passes
through the place, and constitutes its principal street, and
passes over the Monongahela by a fine bridge. It has 17 stores,
cap. $94,100; 1 forge, 1 tannery, 1 brewery, 1 glass fac., 1
grist m., 1 saw m., 1 printing office, 1 weekly paper. Cap. in
manufac. $15,095. 3 sch. 113 scholars. Pop. 1,362.
Table of Contents
Source: A Complete Descriptive And
Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel
Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith,
This book is a joint project between
members of AHGP, Paula Franklin, Judy White, Sheryl McClure and
Susan Dorris our finder!
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