Butler NY to Byron IL
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Butler, p-t., Wayne co., N. Y., 178 w.
n. w. Albany, 358 W. The surface is rolling, and the soil a
gravelly loam. It has 1 store, cap. $1,500; 1 tannery, 1
distillery, 1 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $1,500. 11
sch. 735 scholars. Pop. 2,271.
Butler, p-b., capital of Butler co., Pa., 203 n. n. w.
Harrisburg, 245 W. Situated on Connequenessing cr. It has a
handsome court house, situated on a public square, the county
offices, a well endowed academy, 5 churches — 1 Presbyterian, 1
Episcopal, 1 Unionist, 1 Methodist, and 1 Roman Catholic — and
about 100 dwellings, 13 stores, cap. $61,850; 3 tanneries, 1
pottery, 2 printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers. Cap. in
manufac. $30,100. 2 acad. 119 students, 2 sch. 125 scholars.
Pop. 861.
Butler, t., Butler co., Pa. It has 1 tannery, 1 brewery, 2
powder m., 4 grist m., 7 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac.
$41,702. 14 sch. 359 scholars. Pop. 1,384.
Butler, t., Luzerne co., Pa. It has 1 store, cap. $8,000; 1
flouring m., 9 saw m. Capital in manufac. 7,100. 2 sch. 80
scholars. Pop. 514.
Butler, p-o., De Kalb co., In., 145 n. n. e. Indianapolis, 558
Butler, t., Branch co., Mich. Watered by Hog r. It has 3 sch. 40
scholars. Pop. 234.
Butler, t., Columbiana co., O. It has 7 sch. 39 scholars. Pop.
Butler, t., Dark co., O. Pop. 1,116.
Butler, t., Mercer co., O. Pop. 178.
Butler, t., Montgomery co., O. It contains 5 grist m., 4 saw m.,
1 fulling m., 2 tanneries, 5 distilleries, and 1 woollen fac.
Pop. 1,896.
Butler's Landing, p-v., Jackson co., Tenn., 85 n. e. Nashville,
636 W., on Cumberland r. 15 ms. from Gainesboro.
Butler's Mills, p-o., Montgomery co., N. C, 106 s. w. Raleigh,
380 W.
Butlersville, p-o., Warren co., O., 94 n. e. Columbus, 466 W.
Butterfly, p-o., New Haven t., Oswego co., N. Y., 161 N. w.
Albany, 386 W.
Butter Hill, a high and steep eminence on the w. of Hudson r. at
the n. entrance of the "Highlands."
Buttermilk Channel, the passage between Governors Island and
Long Island, in the harbor of New York.
Buttermilk Falls, N. Y., a picturesque and beautiful cascade on
the w. bank of the Hudson r., 2 ms. below West Point.
Butternuts, p-t., Otsego co., N. Y., 94 w. by s. Albany, 341 W.
The surface is hilly, and the soil red shale, on slate and
sandstone. Drained by Butternut cr. and Unadilla r. It has 8
stores, cap. $39,200; 4 fulling m., 3 tanneries, 3 grist m., 2
saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $98,120. 18 sch. 796 scholars.
Pop. 4,057.
Butts, county, Ga., in the central part of the state, contains
420 sq. ms. The Ockmulgee river runs on its e. border. Capital,
Jackson. There were in 1840, neat cattle 4,666, sheep 2,522,
swine 5,046: wheat 34,637 bush, produced, rye 562, Indian corn
224,395, oats 28,813, potatoes 5,385, cotton 926,659 pounds; 24
stores, cap. $63,429; 6 saw in., 1 acad. 64 students, 4 sch. 150
scholars. Pop. 1830, 1,944: 1840, whites 3,285, slaves 2,022,
free col'd 1; total, 5,308.
Buttstown, p o , Northampton co., Pa., 97 N. B. Harrisburg, 190
Buxton, p-t., York co., Me., 65 s. w. Augusta, 532 W.
Incorporated in 1772. Saco r. runs on its s. w. border, and has
here a fall of about 80 feet, which furnishes a very extensive
water power. It has 12 stores, cap. $6,650; 2 fulling m., 6
tanneries, 1 pottery, 2 grist m., 12 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$24,138. 15 sch. 1,271 scholars. Pop. 2,688.
Buxton Centre, p-o., Buxton t., York co., Me., 66 s. w. Augusta,
535 W.
Buzzard's Bay, lies on the s. coast of Ms., 30 ms. long, and 7
broad, at an average width. From the head of this bay, a canal
has been proposed across Cape Cod, a distance of only 5 ms. This
would often save a tedious navigation round the cape; and it is
a wonder that a work so easily accomplished, has not been
Buzzard's Roost, p-o., Franklin co., Ala., 147 n. by w.
Tuscaloosa, 800 W.
Byberry, p-t., Philadelphia co., Pa., 113 E. by s. Harrisburg,
155 W. Watered by Poquessing cr. Soil, sandy loam. First settled
in 1682. It has 5 stores, cap. $8,850; 2 flouring m., 3 saw m.
Cap. in manufac. $11,500. 1 acad. 26 students, 5 sch. 183
scholars. Pop. 1,055
Byersville, p-o., Sparta t., Livingston co., N. Y., 249 w.
Albany, 339 W.
Byesville, p-o., Guernsey co., O., 82 e. Columbus, 322 W.
Byfield, p-v., Essex co., Ms., 35 n. by e. Boston, 468 W. It is
a parish partly in Newbury t., and partly in Rowley town. It has
a fertile soil, which is under good cultivation. Parker r. has
falls, which afford good water power. Dummer academy, located
here, was founded in 1756, by a handsome donation, and named
after its founder, the Lt. Governor of the province.
Byram, r., in the s. w. part of Ct., separates this state from
the state of N. Y. It enters Long Island Sound.
Byram, t., Sussex co., N. J., 8 s. e. Newton. It lies on South
Mountain, and the surface is very uneven. Drained by the
Musconetcong r., which runs on its s. border. It has 4 stores,
cap. $43,000; 4 forges, 1 distillery, 2 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap.
in manufac. $34,360. 8 sch. 224 scholars. Pop. 1,153.
Byrd, t., Cape Girardeau co., Miss. It has 5 sch. 123 scholars.
Pop. 2,575.
Byrnville, p-v., Fulton t., Schoharie co., N. Y., 46 w. by s.
Albany, 384 W. It contains 1 store, 1 grist m., 1 saw m., and 12
or 15 dwellings.
Byron, p-o., Oxford co., Me., 56 s. w. Augusta, 633 W. It has 4
sch. 90 scholars. Pop. 219.
Byron, p-t., Genesee co., N. Y., 10 n. e. Batavia, 243 w. by n.
Albany, 384 W. The surface is level, and the soil generally
fertile, and well cultivated. Drained by Black cr., which
furnishes water power. It has several sulphur springs. The v.
has 3 stores, 2 churches, 1 flouring m., 1 saw m., 30 dwellings,
and 200 inhabitants. In the t., are 4 stores, cap. $20,000; 2
fulling m., 1 flouring m., 3 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$4,300. 9 sch. 400 scholars. Pop. 1,907.
Byron, p-v., Shiawassee co., Mich., 72 n. w. Detroit, 589 W.
Byron, p-o., Laporte co., In.
Byron, p-v., Ogle co., Ill., 187 n. Springfield, 820 w.
Table of Contents
Source: A Complete Descriptive And
Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel
Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith,
This book is a joint project between
members of AHGP, Paula Franklin, Judy White, Sheryl McClure and
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