Chaplin, CT to Charlottesville, VA
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Chaplin, p-t., Windham co., Ct., 37 e. by n. Hartford, 366 W. It
was formed in 1832 from Mansfield, Hampton, and Windham. Watered
by Natchaug r., a branch of Shetucket r. It has a good soil,
particularly adapted to grazing. It has 3 stores, cap. $7,500; 1
tannery, 1 paper fac, 2 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufactures,
$45,300. 5 sch. 186 scholars. Pop. 794.
Chapman, p-t., Union co., Pa., 42 n. by w. Harrisburg, 152 W.
The surface is hilly; soil, gravel and alluvion. Watered by
Mahantango cr., affording water power. It has 2 stores, cap.
$4,000; 2 grist m., 4 saw m. Pop. 1,297.
Chapman, t., Clinton co., Pa. It has 1 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap.
in manufac. $1,000. Pop. 622.
Chapmanville, p-o., Logan co., Va., 361 w. Richmond, 398 W.
Chapola, river, Flor. and Ala., a branch of the Apalachicola r.,
45 ms. long.
Chappel's Cross Roads, p-o., Surry co., N. Carolina.
Chappel's Ferry, p-o., Newberry dist., S. C., 62 w. n. w.
Columbia, 528 W.
Chaptico, p-v., St. Mary's co., Md., 75 s. Annapolis, 52 W.
Chardon, p-t., capital of Geauga co., O., 170 N. e. Columbus,
338 W. It has a good soil, and is well cultivated. The v. is
situated on the height of land between Grand, Cuyahoga, and
Chagrin rivers, 600 feet above Lake Erie, 14 ms. s. of Fairport,
on the lake. It has a court house, a jail, and a church. Pop.
446. There are in the t., 9 stores, cap. $3,275; 1 fulling m., 1
tannery, 1 printing office. Cap. in manufac. $20,604. 14 sch.
548 scholars. Pop. 1,064.
Charette, t., Warren co., Mo. It has 3 sch. 72 scholars. Pop.
Chariton, County, Mo. Situated centrally in the
n. part of the state, and has Grand r., on the w. and the
Missouri on the s. It contains 832 sq. ms. Chariton r. passes
through it. Capital, Keytesville. There were in 1840, neat
cattle 6,659, sheep 4,088, swine 15,571; wheat 8,162 bush,
produced, Ind. com 180,600, oats 25,304, potatoes 11,125,
tobacco 946,090 pounds; 15 stores, cap. $95,390; 8 grist m., 8
saw. Cap. in manufac. $38,975. 2 acad. 130 students, 6 sch. 123
scholars. Pop. in 1830, 1,788; 1840, whites 3,709, slaves 1,017,
free col'd 20; total, 4,746.
Chariton, river, Mo., rises in Iowa ter., and after a course s.
of 130 ms., it falls into the Missouri r. at the extreme s.
point of Chariton co. It is boatable for 50 miles.
Chariton, p-o., St. Mary's par., La., 153 w. by s. New Orleans,
1,306 W.
Chariton, t, Howard co., Mo. It has 4 sch. 133 scholars. Pop.
Chariton, p-v., Chariton co., Mo., 75 n. w. Jefferson city, 980
W. It is on the n. bank of Missouri r., at the mouth of Chariton
Chariton, t., Macon co., Mo. It has 1 sch. 25 scholars. Pop.
Charlemont, p-t., Franklin co., Ms., 109 w. by n. Boston, 415 W.
Incorporated in 1765. Watered by Deerfield r., which affords
good water power. The surface is mountainous; but the soil is
good, particularly for grazing. It has some manufactures. It has
1 furnace; 1 store, cap. $3,000; 1 grist m., 5 saw m., 2
tanneries, 7 sch. 305 scholars. Pop. 1,127.
Charles, County, Md. Situated in the s. w. part
of the state, on the Potomac r. It contains 450 sq. ms. The
surface is broken, and the soil moderately good. Capital, Port
Tobacco. There were in 1840, neat cattle 9,270, sheep 10,147,
swine 14,757; wheat 91,231 bush, produced, rye 4,533, Ind. corn
297,137, oats 40,992, potatoes 6,366, tobacco 3,265,371 pounds;
29 stores, cap. $44,200; 3 lumber yards, cap. $4,000; 1 tannery,
17 grist m. Cap. in manufac. $6,000. 25 sch. 647 scholars. Pop.
1830, 17,666; 1840, whites 6,022, slaves 9,182, free col'd 819;
total, 16,023.
Charles City, County, Va. Situated centrally in the s. e. part
of the state, and has Chickahominy r. on the n., and James r. on
the s. It contains 208 sq. ms. The surface is rolling. Grain,
flour, and tobacco are its principal productions. Capital,
Charles City C. H. There were in 1840, neat cattle 2,496, sheep
2,270, swine 6,029; wheat 36,020 bush, produced, Ind. corn
117,846, oats 45,275, potatoes 3,520, cotton 2,010 pounds; 15
stores, cap. $15,900; 1 tannery, 6 grist m. Cap. in manufac.
$11,300. 3 acad. 53 students, 4 sch. 87 scholars. Pop. 1830,
5,500; 1840, whites 1,171, slaves 2,433, free col'd 670; total,
Charles City, C. H, p-v., capital of Charles City co., Va., 45
s. e. by e. Richmond, 162 W. Situated near the centre of the
co., n. of James r. It contains a court house, clerk's office,
tavern, and a single private dwelling.
Charles, r., Ms., rises near the state of R. I., and after a
circuitous course, enters Boston harbor. It is navigable to
Watertown, 7 w. Boston.
Charleston, District, S. C. Situated in the s.
e. part of the state, and contains 2,244 sq. ms. The surface is
low, and liable to be overflowed. It has the Santee r. on its n.
e. boundary. Drained by Ashly and Cooper rivers. A canal,
uniting the Cooper and Santee rivers, passes through it, as does
the s. e. part of the South Carolina railroad. Capital,
Charleston. There were in 1840, neat cattle 30,060, sheep
11,296, swine 17,433; Ind. corn 397,151 bush, produced, oats
120,252, potatoes 619,507, rice 11,938,750 pounds, silk cocoons
250, cotton 2,130,224, sugar 30,000; 400 bush, salt; 61
commercial and com. houses in for. trade, cap. $3,563,750; 582
retail stores, cap. $3,575,100; 10 lumber yards, capital,
$75,000; 2 tanneries, 3 flouring m., 19 grist m., 21 saw m., 8
printing offices, 5 binderies, 4 periodicals, 3 daily, 3 weekly,
2 semi-weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $1,078,630. 19 acad.
1,003 students, 28 sch. 1,558 scholars. Pop. 1830, 86,333; 1840,
whites 20,921, slaves 58,539, free col'd 3,201; total, 82,661.
Charleston, p-t., Penobscot co., Me., 98 n. e. Augusta, 689 W.
It has a fertile soil, adapted to grain. It has 1 grist m., 4
saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,400. Pop. 1,269.
Charleston, city and seaport of S. Carolina, and capital of a
district of the same name, is the largest city in the Atlantic
states s. of the Potomac, and the 9th in population in the
United States, and is situated on a tongue of land formed by the
junction of Ashley and Cooper river. It is in 32° 47' n. lat.
and 79° 64' w. Ion. from Greenwich; and 3° w. Ion. from W. It is
124 s. s. e. from Columbia; 118 n. e. from Savannah; 590 s. s.
w. from Baltimore; 780 s. s. w. from New York; 540 s. s. w. from
W. The population in 1790 was 16,359; in 1800, 18,711; in 1810,
24,711; in 1820, 24,780; in 1830, 30,289; in 1840, 29,261; of
which 14,673 were slaves. Employed in commerce 676, in
manufactures and trades 1,025, in navigating the ocean 292,
learned professions 225. Academies and gram-mar schools 14, with
861 students; 13 common and primary schools, with 574 scholars,
of which 563 were at the public charge. 5 white persons over 20
could neither read nor write.
The bay formed at the junction of Ashley and Cooper rivers is 2
miles wide, and extends s. of e. 7 miles to its entrance into
the Atlantic, below Sullivan's Island. Ashley is 2,100 yards
wide opposite the town, and Cooper is 1,400; and both are deep,
and navigable for large vessels. A sand bar extends across the
mouth of the harbor, but has two entrances, the deepest of
which, passing very near Sullivan's Island, has 16 feet of water
at low tide. It is defended by fort Moultrie, which, though then
comparatively a weak fortress, repulsed a powerful attack of the
British fleet, June 28th, 1776, under Sir Peter Parker. It is
further defended by Fort Pinkney, on an island 2 miles below the
city, and by Fort Johnson 4 miles below. The harbor is open to
easterly winds, and storms from that quarter are often
troublesome to the shipping at the wharves. The ground on which
Charleston is built is raised but about 7 feet above high tide,
so that parts of the city have been overflowed, when the wind
and tide have combined to raise the waters, though it has not
often occurred. The streets, which are from 35 to 70 feet in
width, extend from e. to w. from the Cooper to the Ashley r.,
and are intersected by others at nearly right angles, running
from n. to s. Many of the houses are of brick, while others are
of wood, many of them painted white, which, with the profusion
of foliage by which they are commonly surrounded, gives them a
beautiful appearance. The houses are generally elegant, and they
are often furnished with piazzas which extend to the roof, and
are ornamented with vines. The gardens are adorned with orange,
peach, and other trees and a variety of shrubbery; while the
streets are often lined with the Pride of India, and other
beautiful trees. Refinement and hospitality characterize the
Society of Charleston; the city is considered more healthy
during the summer months than the surrounding country, and at
that season it is much resorted to by the planters in the
vicinity, and by the inhabitants of the West Indies.
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Among the public buildings are the city hall, the exchange, a
court house, jail, a circular Congregational church, 88 feet in
diameter, 2 arsenals, a theatre, 2 college halls, an almshouse,
and an orphan asylum. A fire-proof edifice for the security of
public documents has been erected at an expense of 660,000. The
orphan asylum accommodates 150 destitute children. The literary
and philosophical society has a fine collection of objects in
natural history, and the academy of fine arts possesses some
valuable paintings. The city library contains about 15,000
The neck to the n. of the city is adorned with plantations in a
high state of cultivation, and may be regarded as a suburb of
the city. Moultrieville, on Sullivan's Island, at the mouth of
the harbor, is a small, but pleasant town, and the refreshing
breezes from the ocean cause it to be much resorted to from the
city during the sum-mer and autumnal months.
The commerce of Charleston is extensive, comprising that of
nearly the whole of the state. Its tonnage in 1840, was 29,250.
There were in 1840, 27 for. commercial and 34 commission houses,
with a cap. of 83,563,750; 428 retail stores, cap. $3,317,450; 7
lumber yards, cap. S50.000; 3 grist m., 4 saw m., with a total
cap. of 8334,000; 8 printing offices, 5 binderies, 3 daily, 3
weekly and 2 semi-weekly newspapers, and 4 periodicals, with a
cap. of $120,000; 84 brick and stone houses, and 26 wooden,
built at the cost of $927,700. Total capital in manufac.
There are three lines of packets which ply between this city and
New York. One line has 6 ships, one of which sail from each
place, every 5 days. Another consists of 8 brig9, one of which
sails every 4th day. There is another line consisting of 6
brigs. A canal of 22 ms. in length connects the harbor with the
Santee r. A rail-road extends 136 miles to Hamburg, on the
The college of Charleston has in its scientific department, 60
students, and a library of 3,000 volumes. There are in the city
20 churches, of which the Episcopalians have 4, the
Presbyterians 3, the Methodists 3, the Congregationalists 2, the
Roman Catholics 2, and various others. There are 6 newspapers
published here, 3 of which are issued daily, 1 semi-weekly, and
2 weekly. The city is divided into 4 wards.
Charleston was first settled in 1630. In 1690 a colony of French
refugees, exiled in consequence of the revocation of the edict
of Nantz, settled in Carolina, and some of them in Charles-ton,
from whom some of its present respectable inhabitants are
descended. At the close of 1779, the city was captured by the
British, who had possession of it until the middle of the
following May. In 1778, a fire consumed 252 houses, and another
in 1796, destroyed about one third of the city, at a loss of
$2,500,000. From 1830 to 1840, the population diminished 1,028.
Charleston, p-t., 3Iontgomery co., N. Y., 40 w. n. w. Albany,
339 W. The surface is hilly; soil, clay, sand, and gravelly
loam. It has Schoharie r. on the e., which affords mill seats.
Drained by small branches of Mohawk r. It has 6 stores, cap.
$26,600; 1 fulling m., 3 tanneries, 1 grist m., 5 saw T m. Cap.
in manufac. $17,070. 14 sch. 841 scholars. Pop. 2,103.
Charleston - , p-t., Tioga co., Pa., 146 n. Harrisburg, 256 W.
It has 2 stores, cap. $2,100: 6 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,650.
2 sch. 45 scholar. Pop. 1,010.
Charleston, p-t., Kalamazoo co., Mich., 127 w. Detroit, 592 W.
It has 4 sch. 234 scholars. Pop. 605.
Charleston, p-v., capital of Clarke co., Ia., 101 s. s. E.
Indianapolis, 539 W.
Charleston, p-v., Peoria co., Ill., 91 n. Springfield, 805 W.
Charleston, p-v., Bradley co., Tenn., 167 s. B. Nashville, 570
Charleston, t., Orleans co., Vt., 55 n. n. e. Montpelier.
Watered by several ponds with their outlets, which discharge
their waters into Clyde r., which enters Lake Memphremagog. It
has 2 stores, cap. $4,500; 1 fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 1
tannery. 2 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $3,375. 5 sch.
134 scholars. Pop. 731.
Charleston, p-o., Jackson co., Iowa, 918 W.
Charleston, p-v., Tallahatchee co., Miss., 136 n. Jackson, 967
Charleston- Four Corners, p-o., Charleston t., Montgomery co.,
N. Y., 33 w. n. w. Albany, 397 W.
Charlestown, p-t., Sullivan co., N. H., 54 w. Concord, 453 W. It
lies on the e. side of Connecticut r. Drained by Little Sugar r.
The soil is generally good, particularly its fine interval land,
but some of it is broken and poor. Incorporated in 1753. It has
2 villages, the s. one particularly pleasant. A bridge connects
this town with Springfield, Vt. It has 7 stores, cap. $22,500; 2
fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 2 tanneries, 1 grist m., 8 saw m. Cap.
in manufac. $9,214. 1 acad. 47 students, 532 scholars in sch.
Pop. 1,722.
Page 117
Charlestown, p-t, and, with Boston, a port of entry, Middlesex
co., Mass., 1 n. Boston, 441 W. Situated on a peninsula lying
between Charles and Mystic rivers, and connected with Boston by
Charles and Warren bridges. There are two other bridges across
Mystic River, one of which connects it with Chelsea, and the
other with Maiden. There is another which connects it with
Craigie's bridge, leading to Cambridge. The streets, though not
laid out with great regularity, are wide, and ornamented with
trees. The public buildings are a state prison, on the most
improved model, the Massachusetts insane hospital, called, from
a distinguished benefactor, McLean Asylum, an almshouse, town
house, and 5 churches, 2 Congregational, 1 Baptist, 1 Methodist,
and 1 Universalist, a United States Navy Yard, in the s. e. part
of the place, with a dry dock built of hewn granite. The Navy
Yard covers 60 acres of land, on which are erected a marine
hospital, a spacious warehouse, an arsenal, powder magazine, and
a house for the superintendent, all of brick; and 2 immense
wooden edifices, under which the largest vessels of war are
built. Breed's Hill, commonly called Bunker Hill, is immediately
in the rear of the place, where a bloody battle was fought at
the commencement of the revolution, June 17, 1775, in which the
Americans lost, in killed and wounded 449, and the British,
1,055. To commemorate this important event, a granite obelisk
has been erected on the spot, which is 30 feet square at the
base, 220 feet high, and 15 feet square at the top, ascended
within by a winding staircase, estimated to cost about $100,000.
The t. has 3 commercial and 8 commission houses, cap. $125,000;
73 stores, capital $346,000; 6 lumber yards, capital $82,000; 5
printing offices, 1 bindery, 1 weekly newspaper, 4 tanneries, 3
distilleries, 1 brewery, 3 potteries, 3 rope walks, 5 grist m.,
4 saw m., 1 oil m., 24 sch. 2,202 scholars. Pop. 11,484.
Charlestown, p-t., Washington co., R. I., 45 s. s. w.
Providence, 385 W. Watered by Charles r., a branch of Pawcatuck
r., which affords water power. Pawcatuck r. runs on its n. w.
border. It has 2 large fresh water, and 2 salt water ponds. Near
the sea the land is level and rich, but to the N. it is rough,
and not well adapted to cultivation. The remains of the
Narraganset Indians, once a powerful tribe, long continued in
this place, and had a missionary among them, supported by a
society for propagating the gospel, and a considerable
reservation of land; but they are now nearly or quite extinct.
It has 3 stores, cap. $5,500; 1 tannery, 1 grist m., 1 saw m., 8
sch. 233 scholars. Pop. 923.
Charlestown, p-v., Cecil co., Md., 70 n. e. Annapolis, 80 W.
Charlestown, p-v., capital of Jefferson co., Va., 168 n.
Richmond, 65 W.
Charlestown, p-t., Portage co., O., 145 n. e. Columbus, 321 W.
It is a fertile t., well watered and well cultivated. Watered by
branches of Mahoning r. It has 1 acad. 25 students, 5 sch. 199
scholars. Pop. 851.
Charlestown, t., Chester co., Pa., 82 e. Harrisburg, on the
Susquehanna r. The v. contains 1 store, 1 hemp and flax fac, and
10 or 12 dwellings. Pop. 1,039.
Charloe, p-v., capital of Paulding co., O., 137 n. w. Columbus,
506 W.
Charlotte, County, Va. Situated in the s. part
of the state, and contains 600 square miles, rained by Little
Roanoke r. The soil is fertile, producing grain, tobacco, and
fruits. Capital, Charlotte C. H. There were in 1840, neat cattle
9,662, sheep 14,593, swine 21,597; wheat 64,914 bush, produced,
Ind. corn 509,260, oats 246,974, potatoes 14,776, tobacco
4,180,745 lbs., cotton 19,010; 20 stores, cap. $133,640; 5
tanneries, 11 flouring m., 28 grist m., 10 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. $43,600. 1 acad. 6 students, 30 sch. 555 scholars. Pop.
1830, 15,252; 1810, whites 5,130, slaves 9,260, free col'd 307;
total, 14,595.
Charlotte, p-t., Washington co., Me., 186 e. n. e. Augusta, 772
W. Incorporated in 1825. Watered by a pond which has an outlet,
which passes through Pembroke into Cobscook bay. It has 1 saw m.
Cap. in manufac. $680. 6 sch. 298 scholars. Pop. 066.
Charlotte, p-t., Chittenden co., Vt., 54 w. Montpelier, 449 W.
It lies on Lake Champlain, across which is a ferry at this
place. Watered by Platte River, which affords water power and
Lewis cr. Chartered in 1762. The land on the lake shore is
level, and very fertile, in the w. part of the t. it is uneven.
It is well cultivated, and is one of the best farming towns in
the state. An elevated ridge of land along the stage road to
Burlington, presents a fine view of the lake, and the country w.
There is a Congregationalist, a Baptist, and a Methodist church.
It has 2 stores, cap. $11,000; 1 tannery, 1 grist m., 3sawm.
Cap. in manufac. $3,625. 11 sch. 226 scholars. Pop. 1,620.
Charlotte, p-v., Greece t., Monroe co., N. Y., 224 w. n. w.
Albany, 375 W. It is situated at the mouth of Genesee r., 7 ms.
below Rochester. Sometimes called Port Genesee. There is a
steamboat landing, 1 store, 1 forwarding house, and 20 or 30
dwellings. The steamboat line from Lewiston to Oswego stops at
this place, and a small steamboat runs from this to Carthage. A
stage also runs to Rochester.
Charlotte, p-t., Eaton co., Mich., 116 w. by s. Detroit, 5S6 W.
Charlotte, p-v., capital of Mecklenburg co., N. C., 153 s. w.
Raleigh, 397 W. Situated on the e. side of Sugar cr., a branch
of Catawba r. It contains the county buildings, 4 churches, 1
Presbyterian, 1 Baptist, 1 Methodist, and 1 Roman Catholic, 10
stores, 160 dwellings, and about 1,000 inhabitants. Here is a
branch of the United States Mint. East of Charlotte are a number
of very rich and productive gold mines.
Charlotte, p-v., capital of Dickson co., Tenn., 38 w. by n.
Nashville, 722 W.
Charlotte Centre, p-o., Charlotte t., Chautauque co., N. Y., 333
w. by s. Albany, 333 W.
Charlotte, t., Chautauque co., N. Y., 330 w. by s. Albany. The
surface is undulating, and the soil moist clay loam, well
adapted to grass. Drained by Cassadaga cr. It has 4 stores, cap.
$30,000; 2 fulling m., 1 tannery, 2 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. $37,620. 2 acad. 55 students, 9 sch. 377 scholars. Pop.
Charlotte, C. H., p-v., capital of Charlotte co., Va., 98 w. s.
w. Richmond, 185 W. Situated 3 ms. from Little Roanoke r., and
li from Ward's Fork. Formerly called Marysville. It contains a
court house of brick, jail of stone, and a jailer's dwelling of
brick, a Baptist and a Presbyterian church, an academy, 5
stores, a tannery, a number of mechanic shops, and 475
Charlotte Harbor, Flor. (See Gasparilla Sound.)
Charlotte Hall, p-v., St. Mary's co., Md., 66 s. Annapolis, 60
W. It derives its name from an academy which has 3 brick
buildings, and is well endowed by the state. The situation is
elevated, pleasant and healthy.
Charlottesville, p-o., Summit t., Schoharie co. N. Y., 57 w.
Albany, 373 W.
Charlottesville, p-v., capital of Albemarle co., Va., 85 n. w.
Richmond, 121 W. Situated on Moore's cr., 2 ms. from its
entrance into Rivanna r. The plan is irregular, but it is well
built, chiefly with brick. It contains about 230 buildings of
every kind, and about 1,000 inhabitants. It has a court house
and other county buildings, 4 churches, 1 Episcopal, 1
Presbyterian, 1 Baptist, and 1 Methodist, and an academy. It has
22 stores, 2 bookstores, a female academy, a circulating
library, and a printing office, from which a weekly newspaper is
issued. There are several flouring mills in the vicinity. It
derives its chief importance from the University of Virginia, of
which it is the seat. This institution was planned by Mr.
Jefferson. It was designed to be more on the plan of European
universities than most American colleges. The university
buildings are various in their architecture, and arranged on
three sides of a grassy parallelogram, at the upper end of which
stands a large rotunda, containing lecture rooms and the
library. The philosophical and chemical apparatus, and the
mineralogical cabinet, and anatomical and general museum, are
extensive. It has a fine astronomical observatory on the apex of
a hill in the vicinity. It was founded in 1819, has a president
and 8 professors or other instructors, has had 200 alumni, has
290 students, and 16,000 volumes in its libraries. The
commencement is on the 4th of July. It is munificently endowed
by the state.
Table of Contents
Source: A Complete Descriptive And
Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel
Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith,
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