Columbia, OH to Conemaugh, PA
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Columbia, t., Meigs co., O., in the n. w. corner of the county.
Drained by the head waters of Leading creek, which flows into
the Ohio. It has 1 grist in., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufactures
$1,600; 7sch. 161 scholars. Pop. 672.
Columbia, t., Randolph co., Ark. It has 2 schools, 40 scholars.
Pop. 630.
Columbia Furnace, p-v., Shenandoah co., Va., 157 n. w. Richmond,
111 W.
Columbia Lake, p-o., Bridgewater t., Washtenaw County, Michigan,
50 w. by s. Detroit, 526 W.
Columbia Cross Roads, p-o., Bradford co., Pa., 153 n. by e.
Harrisburg, 260 W.
Columbia, b., West Hempfield t., Lancaster co., Pa. Pop. 2,716.
Columbia, p-o., Columbiana co., O., 110 e. n. e. Columbus, 641
Columbia, river of the United States, flows into the Pacific
ocean. (See Oregon Ter.)
Columbiana, County, O., situated in the e. part
of the state, bounded on the s. e. by the Ohio r., and contains
750 sq. ms. In the s. part it is broken and hilly, with a light
soil. The northern and middle parts are more level, and are
extremely productive. Common and water limestone are found in
all parts; salt water is found in the s. part, and marl in the
n., and iron ore in the middle. The climate is healthy, and the
water pure. Watered by Little Beaver r. and its branches. The
line of the Sandy and Beaver canal extends through the centre of
the county. Capital, New Lisbon. There were in 1840, neat cattle
24,810, sheep 88,747, swine 26,650; wheat 445,834 bushels
produced, rye 30,737, Ind. corn 336,357, buckwheat 32,058,
barley 3,984, oats 463,430, potatoes 132,611, sugar 25,211
pounds; bituminous coal 163,000 bushels, salt 5,400; 5
commission houses in for. trade, cap. $30,000; 114 stores, cap.
$406,150; 1 lumber yard, cap. $1,000; 3 furnaces, 10 fulling m.,
8 woolen fac, 29 tanneries, 8 distilleries, 2 breweries, 5
potteries, 45 flouring m., 23 grist m., 72 saw m., 2 oil m., 1
paper fac, 3 printing offices, 3 weekly newspapers. Cap. in
manufac. $346,737. 1 acad. 140 students, 114 sch. 2,421
scholars. Pop. 1830, 35,508; 1840,40,378.
Columbiana, p-v., capital of Shelby county, Ala., 73 e.
Tuscaloosa, 781 W. Situated 7 ms. w. of Coosa r. It has a court
house and a few dwellings.
Columbian Grove, p-o., Lunenburg co., Va., 101 Richmond, 218 W.
Columbian Inn, p-o., Stokes co., N. C., 117 Raleigh, 323 W.
Columbiana, in Fairfield t., Columbiana co., O. It has 1 sell.
40 scholars. Pop. 273.
Columbiaville, p-o., Martin co., Ia., 110 s. s. w. Indianapolis,
641 W.
Columbiaville, v., Stockport t., Columbia co., N. Y ., situated
half a mile e. of Hudson r., at the junction of Claverack and
Kinderhook creeks. Incorporated in 1812. It contains 2 stores, 2
cotton fac. with 500 sp., 60 dwellings, and about 600
Columbus, County, N. C, situated in the s. part
of the state, and contains 525 sq. ms. The surface is level, and
some of it marshy. Capital, Whitesville. There were in 1840,
neat cattle 8,554, sheep 5,600, swine 17,406; wheat 1,366
bushels produced, Ind. corn 79,155, potatoes 49,282, rice 38,627
pounds, cotton 24,035; 5 stores, cap. $10,000; 31 tanneries, 14
grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $12,496. 1 sch. 15 scholars.
Pop. 1830, 4,141; 1840, whites 2,799, slaves 1,086, free col'd
56; total, 3,941.
Columbus, p-t., Chenango co., N. Y., 98 w. Albany, 353 W. The
surface is hilly and some broken, and the soil clay and sandy
loam. Watered by Unadilla r. and its tributaries. The v. has 1
church, 2 stores, 1 tannery, and 20 dwellings. There are in the
t., 2 stores, cap. $24,500; 7 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $5,031. 15
sch. 497 scholars. Pop. 1,561.
Columbus, p-v., Mansfield t., Burlington co., N. J , 12 s. by e.
Trenton, 163 W. It has 1 store and about 30 dwellings,
surrounded by a fertile country.
Columbus, .p-o., Warren co., Pa.
Columbus, city, and capital of Franklin co., O., and of the
state, 139 s. w. Cleveland, 110 n. e. Cincinnati, 175 s.
Detroit, Mich., 184 s. w. Pittsburg, Pa., 393 W. It is in 39°
47' n. lat., and 83° 3' w. Ion., and 6° w. Ion. from W. It is
situated on the e. bank of Scioto r., immediately below the
confluence of Whetstone r. When this place was fixed on as the
seat of the legislature, in 1812, it was an entire wilderness.
The land rises gradually from the river, and the streets cross
each other at right angles. Broad-street extends from the bridge
along the national road, a little s. of E. on the n. side of the
public square of 10 acres, to the e. limit of the city, and is
120 feet wide. High-street, 100 feet wide, crosses Broad-street
at the n. w. corner of the public square, at right angles, and
passes through the city in that direction. This is the principal
business street of the city, and is graveled, and the side-walks
are paved. All the other streets are 88 feet wide, and the
al-leys 33 feet wide. A convenient wharf, 1,300 feet long, has
been erected along the margin of the r. The public buildings
are, a state house on the s. w. corner of the public square, a
brick edifice, 75 by 50 feet, of two lofty stories, with a
steeple 106 feet high. From the balcony, a beautiful view of the
city, and of the surround-ing country, is presented. Immediately
n. of the state house is a building for the public officers of
the state, 150 by 25 feet. Still further n., in a line with the
others, is the federal court house. There are 5 churches, 1
Presbyterian, 1 Baptist, 1 Methodist, 1 Episcopal, and 1 German
Lutheran. Several of these churches are elegant buildings. The
state penitentiary is a spacious and elegant edifice, on the
bank of the Scioto, half a mile n. of the centre of the city.
The asylum for the deaf and dumb is a brick edifice, 50 by 80
feet, 3 stories high, half a mile e. of the state house, with
handsome Doric porticoes. There is a lunatic asylum, an
institution for the blind, a German Lutheran theological
seminary, a fine banking house of stone, with a Doric portico of
stone. The private houses are neat and substantial, and some of
them elegant. The national road passes through the place, and a
canal of 11 miles in length connects it with the Ohio canal. A
bridge across the Scioto connects the place with Franklinton.
There were in 1840, in Columbus, and Montgomery t., in which it
is situated, 3 commission and 4 commercial houses in foreign
trade, cap. $63,000; 58 retail stores, cap. $319,750; 3 lumber
yards, cap. $12,000; 5 tanneries, 2 distilleries, 3 breweries, 1
pottery, 4 printing offices, 3 binderies, 1 daily, 3 weekly, 1
semi-weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac $257,850. Pop. 6,048.
Columbus, p-t., St. Clair co., Mich., 37 n. e. Detroit, 561 W.
It has 2 stores, cap. $3,200; 1 tannery, 1 grist m. Cap. in
manufac. $2,800. 2 sch. 43 scholars. Pop. 155.
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Columbus, city, p-v., capital of Muscogee co., Ga., 124 w. s. w.
Milledgeville, 757 W. Situated on the e. bank of Chattahoochee
r., at the head of steamboat navigation, immediately below the
falls on the r., which descends 111 feet in the distance of 4
miles above. It is 300 miles above its junction with Flint r.,
and 130 above the Appalachicola bay. The river, just below the
falls, is only 351 feet wide, but soon widens to 250 yards. The
town is elevated 60 feet above the ordinary height of the r.,
and covers 1,200 acres. Two streets running parallel with the
r., exactly n. and s., are 165 feet wide; six others are 132 ft.
wide. These are intersected by 12 other streets, at right
angles, which are 99 feet wide. It contains a splendid court
house, a jail, a market house, 5 churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1
Episcopal, 1 Baptist, 1 Methodist, and 1 Roman Catholic, 100
stores, about 700 dwellings. There is a flour-ing mill in the
immediate vicinity, and various mills and manufactories on the
r. above. From 13 to 15 steamboats navigate the r., and
steam-boats ply to New Orleans. A steamboat requiring 5 feet of
water can come to the place at any season. A bridge here crosses
the Chattahoochee r., which cost $30,000. It was laid out in
1828, and its growth has been rapid, and it is still increasing.
Pop. 1842, about 4,000. There were in 1340, 6 for. commission
houses, cap. $80,000; 106 ret. stores, cap. $473,000; 3 printing
offices, 3 weekly newspapers, and 1 periodical. Cap. in manufac.
$39,8J0. 1 acad. 20 students, 5 schools, 124 scholars. Pop.
Columbus, p-v., capital of Lowndes co., Miss.. 141 n. e.
Jackson, 885 W. Situated on the e. bank of the Tombigbee r., at
the head of steam-boat navigation. It is regularly laid out with
streets crossing each other at right angles, and is the centre
of an extensive trade in cotton. It has a court house, jail, a
United States land office, 3 churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1
Methodist, and 1 Episcopal, a bank, 4 commission houses, 12 or
15 stores, 2 printing offices, 2 weekly news-papers, and about
2,000 inhabitants.
Columbus, p-v., Hempstead co., Ark., 119 s. w. Little Rock,
1,184 W.
Columbus, p-v., Polk co., Term., 170 e s. e. Nashville, 570 W.
Situated on N. side of Hiawassee r.
Columbus, p-v., capital of Ballard co., Ky., 110 s. w. by w.
Frankfort, 837 W. Situated on the e. bank of the Mississippi r.,
25 miles below the mouth of the Ohio r.
Columbus, p-v., Adams co., Ill., 101 w. Spriner-field,873 W. F b
Columbus, p-v., capital of Bartholomew co., Ia., 41 s. s. e.
Indianapolis, 579 W. Situated on the e. side of the East Fork of
White r. It contains a court house, 4 churches, 1 Presbyterian,
1 Methodist, 1 Christian, and 1 Roman Catholic, an academy, 7
stores, and about 600 inhabitants. There are in the t., 5 sch.
347 scholars. Pop. 2,433.
Columbus, t., Warren co., Pa. It has 4 stores, cap. $6,000; 1
furnace, 1 fulling m., 2 tanneries, 2 grist m., 7 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. $33,127. 9 sch. 261 scholars. Pop. 1,169.
Colvins, p-o., Wachitta par., La., 358 n. n. w. New Orleans.
1,228 W.
Colvins Tavern, p-o., Culpepper co., Va., 100 n. n. w. Richmond,
86 W.
Coman's Well, p-o., Sussex co., Va., 48 s. s. e. Richmond, 167
W. It was some time since a watering place, but has gone to
decay. It has a store and several dwellings.
Comfort, p-o., Jones co., N. C, 119 s. e. Raleigh, 349 W.
Comac, p-v., Smithtown t., Suffolk co., N. Y., 187 s. by e.
Albany, 267 W. It contains 2 churches, a store, and about 20
Commerce, p-t., Oakland co., Mich., 35 n. w. Detroit, 559 W. It
has 2 stores, cap. $4,375; 1 flouring m., 1 grist m., 3 saw ul,
6 sch. 158 scholars. Pop. 939.
Commerce, p-v., Wilson co., Term., 48 v. n. e. Nashville, 649 W.
Commerce, p-v., Tunica County, Miss., 211 n. Jackson, 950 W.
Situated on the e. bank of the Mississippi r. Its progress has
been very rapid. It has a number of stores and dwellings. A
railroad connects it with Hernando.
Commerce, p-v., Scott co., Mo., 230 s. e. Jefferson city, 863 W.
Situated on the w. bank of the 3Iississippi r. It has several
stores and dwellings. #
Commettsburg, p-o., Washington co., Pa.
Commons, p-o., Newport co., R. I., 34 s. Providence, 430 W.
Como, p-o., Whitesides co., Ill., 180 n. Springfield, 843 W.
Comstock, p-v., Kalamazoo co., Mich., 137 w. Detroit, 601 W.
Situated on the N. bank of Kalamazoo r. It has 1 flouring m., 2
saw m., 1 store. The t. has 1 grist m., 4 saw m., 7 sch. 216
scholars. Pop. 624.
Comstock's Landing, p-o., Fort Ann town, Washington co., N. Y.,
66 n. Albany, 436 W.
Concord, p-t., Somerset co., Me., 54 n. Augusta, 648 W. It lies
on the w. side of Kennebec r. Incorporated in 1821. The soil is
fertile. It has 2 saw m., 9 sch. 234 scholars. Pop. 577.
Concord, p-t., capital of Merrimac co., and of the state of N.
H., lies on both sides of the Merrimac r., in 43° 12' 29 n.
lat., 71° 29' w. Ion., 65 n. n. w. Boston, Mass., 146 s. w.
Augusta, Me., 97 s. e. Montpelier, Vt., 153 n. e. Albany, N. Y.,
481 W. There are here 2 bridges across the Merrimac. The v.,
containing 200 houses, is on the w. side of the river, and
extends nearly 2 ms. between the bridges. There are also 2 other
small villages in the town. Through Concord r., which is made
navigable for boats, by dams, locks, and canals, and the
Middlesex canal, and a railroad recently finished, a
communication is formed with Boston, where its extensive trade
centres. There are 5 churches, and a court house, jail, &c. The
state house is an elegant structure of hewn granite, 126 by 49
feet, with a projection in the centre of 4 feet on each front;
it cost $30,000. The state prison is a solid structure of
granite, 70 by 36 feet, surrounded by a high stone wall. The
falls in the Merrimac, and the locks at this place, create a
vast water power. There were in 1840, 36 stores, cap. $149,900;
hardware and cutlery produced, $40,810; 1 fulling m., 1 woolen
fac., cap. $12,000; 3 tanneries, cap. $5,000; 2 potteries, 4
grist m., 13 saw m., 1 paper fac; 10 printing offices, 5
binderies, 6 weekly newspapers, 1 periodical, cap. $43,950.
Capital in manufac. $197,000. 1 acad. 180 students, 28 sch.
1,180 scholars. Pop. 4,897.
Concord, p-t., Essex co., Vt., 47 n. e. Montpelier, 556 W. It
lies on the w. bank of Connecticut r. A branch of Pasumsic r.
waters it in the n. vv., and 2 beautiful ponds discharge their
waters into Connecticut r. It is a good grazing t. It has 2
stores, cap. $2,500; 1 fulling m., 8 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in
manufac. $900. Pop. 1,024.
Concord, p-t., capital of Middlesex co., Mass., 17 N. w. Boston,
445 W. Concord r., a branch of the Merrimac, passes through it.
The soil is various; some of it light, and on the streams,
fertile. After killing a few militia at Lexington, April 19,
1775, the British proceeded to this place to destroy some
military stores, but they were resisted at the bridge, and two
British soldiers were killed, the first British blood that was
shed in the revolutionary war. A handsome marble monument on the
spot, commemorates the fact. It has 5 stores, cap. $19,000; 1
grist m., 1 saw m., 2 printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers.
Cap. in manufac. $1,550. 1 acad. 85 students, 10 sen. 525
scholars. Pop. 1,784.
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Concord, t, Erie co., N. Y., 25 s. Buffalo, 282 w. Albany. The
surface is hilly; soil, clay loam. Watered by Cattaraugus cr. It
has 10 stores, cap. $13,300; 2 fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 1
furnace, 2 tanneries, 2 grist m. 7 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$23,300. 21 sch. 1,104 scholars. Pop. 3,021.
Concord, p-v., Sussex co., Del., 46 s. Dover, 123 W. Situated on
the head of Broad cr., a branch of Nanticoke r.
Concord, p-v., Franklin co., Pa., 72 w. Harrisburg, 122 W.
Situated at the head of Tuscarora cr.
Concord, t., Erie co., Pa. The surface is hilly; soil, gravelly
loam, adapted to grazing. Drained by tributaries of French and
Broken Straw crs. It has 1 woolen fac, 1 tannery, 1 distillery,
2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $4,250. 6 sch. 225 scholars. Pop. 652.
Concord, t., Delaware co., Pa., 20 w. Philadelphia. Watered by
Painter's cr., a branch of Chester cr., which affords water
power. It contains 1 Episcopal and 1 Friends' church. It has 1
store, cap. $800; 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $23,500. 3 sch. 105
scholars. Pop. 1,057.
Concord, p-t., Lake co., O., 177 n. e. Colum-bus, 345 W. It has
3 fulling m., 2 tanneries, 2 grist m., 7 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$800. 12 sch. 500 scholars. Pop. 1,136.
Concord, p-v., Campbell co., Va., 102 w.bys. Richmond, 188 W.
Concord, p-v., capital, Cabarrus co., N. C, 139 w. s. w.
Raleigh, 376 W. Situated on w. side of Big Cold water cr., a
branch of Rocky r. It has 3 churches, 1 Lutheran, 1 Methodist,
and 1 Presbyterian, 1 academy, a courthouse, 5 stores, 1 cotton
fac, cap. $35,000; 50 dwellings, and about 350 inhabitants.
Concord, p-v., Tippecanoe co., Ia., 63 n. w. Indianapolis, 621
Concord, p-v., Baker county, Ga., 154 s. s. w. Milledgeville,
811 W.
Concord, p-v., Lewis co., Ky., 104 e. n. e. Frankfort, 483 VV.
Situated on s. bank of the Ohio r.
Concord, p-t., Jackson co., Mich., 84 w. by s. Detroit, 556 W.
The v. is situated on Kalamazoo r., and has 2 stores and a large
flouring mill. The situation is pleasant, the water power
extensive, and the country around is fertile and flourishing. It
has 1 store, cap. $10,000; 1 flouring m., 1 grist m., 2 saw m.
Cap. in manufactures, $23,250. 1 sch. 43 scholars. Pop. 814.
Concord, p-v., White co., Ill., 191 s. e. Springfield, 753 W.
Concord, p-v., Lincoln co., Tenn., 78 s. Nashville, 713 W.
Concord, p-v., Callaway co., Mo., 35 n. e. Jefferson city, 920
Concord, t., Washington co., Mo. It has 1 sch. 29 scholars. Pop.
Concord, t., Green co., Ark. Pop. 256.
Concord, t., Ross co., O. Paint cr. crosses the middle of the t.
Pop. 2,519.
Concord, t., Champaign co., O. It has 2 saw m., 3 sch. 65
scholars. Pop. 935.
Concord, t., Delaware co., O. Pop. 1,185.
Concord, t., La Fayette co., O. It has 2 stores, cap. $2,200; 7
sch. 140 scholars. Pop. 1,014.
Concord, t., Highland co., O. It has 4 sch. 161 scholars. Pop.
Concord, t., Miami co., O. The Miami canal passes through it
from s. to N., and the Miami r. forms its e. boundary. It has 18
stores, capital $107,000; 2 tanneries. 3 breweries, 3 printing
offices, 1 bindery, 2 weekly newspapers, 1 periodical, 3
flouring m., 3 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $38,350. 6
sch. 367 scholars. Pop. 1,034.
Concord Academy, p-o., Caroline co., Va., 56 n. Richmond, 75 W.
Concord Centre, p-o., Concord t., Erie co., N. Y., 393 w.
Albany, 359 W.
Concordia, lake, La. At seasons of high flood the water from the
Mississippi flows into it, through a small bayou, and passes off
into Bayou Tensas. It was evidently, in former times, the bed of
the Mississippi river.
Concordia, p-v., Fayette co., Tenn., 199 s. w. by w. Nashville,
88S W. It contains about 75 inhabitants.
Concordia, p-o., Harrison t., Dark co., O., 105 w. by n.
Columbus, 501 W.
Concordia, Parish, La. Situated in the e. part
of the state, and lies between the Mississippi r. e., Tensas r.
w., and Red r. s. It is long and narrow, and contains 1,390 sq.
ms. The surface is level, and much of it liable to submersion,
except narrow strips which border the streams. The soil is
exceedingly fertile, covered, in its natural state, with a heavy
growth of timber. The chief article of production is cotton.
Capital, Vidalia. There were in 1840, neat cattle 10,633, sheep
1,534, swine 11,613; Ind. corn 301,781 bush, prod., oats 4,032,
potatoes 21,486, cotton 19,490,600 pounds; 1 store, cap. $1,500;
9 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $31,000. 3 sch. 49 scholars. Pop.
1830, 4,662; 1840, whites 1,380, slaves 8,003, free col'd 31;
total, 9,414.
Concordville, p-v., Delaware co., Pa., 83 e. s. e. Harrisburg,
117 W.
Conescheague, cr., rises in Pennsylvania, by 2 branches which
unite 3 ms. n. of Maryland line, and it passes through Maryland,
and falls into the Potomac at Williamsport.
Conecuh, river, rises in Alabama, and runs through Florida, into
Pensacola bay. Two ms. below the Florida line, it receives the
Escambia, the name of which it afterward assumes, though of
inferior size. It is navigable for upwards of 100 ms., but the
country is poor.
Conecuh, County, Ala. Situated in the s. part
of the state, and contains 1,531 sq. ms. Watered by Conecuh
river and its branches. The soil is moderately good, and the
chief production, cotton. Capital, Sparta. There were in 1840,
neat cattle 22,269, sheep 2,737, swine 27,271; wheat 1,847 bush,
produced, Ind. corn 237,025, oats 6,132, potatoes 30,050, rice
2,845 pounds, cotton 700,019; 9 stores, cap. $23,000; 20 grist
m., 19 saw mills. Cap. in manufac. $35,550. 2 acad. 146
students, 9 schools, 151 scholars. Pop. 1830,7,444; 1840, whites
4,376, slaves 3,817, free col'd 4; total, 8,197.
Conedogwinit, creek, Pa., after a course of 80 ms., falls into
the Susquehanna, 2 ms. above Harrisburg.
Conemaugh, r., Pa., rises in the Alleghany mts., and runs w. n.
w. into the Alleghany r., 29 n. n. e. Pittsburg. In the lower
part of its course, it takes the name of Kiskeminetas. It has
salt works on both its banks, 15 n. e. Greensburg. The
Pennsylvania canal passes along its border, from Johnstown until
it enters into the Alleghany. Its length is about 150 ms.
Conemaugh, t., Cambria co., Pa., 15 s. w. Ebensburg. The surface
is hilly; soil, clay and calcareous loam. Little Conemaugh r.
and Stone cr. unite in the w. part of the t., at Johnstown, to
form Conemaugh r. It has 2 lumber yards, cap. $1,000; 2 grist
m., 8 saw in. Cap. in manufac. $930. 9 sch. 439 scholars. Pop.
Table of Contents
Source: A Complete Descriptive And
Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel
Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith,
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