Crogansville, PA to Cummington, MA
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Crogansville, v., is a suburb of Pittsburg Pa., without the city
limits, on the road to Philadelphia.
Crooked Creek, p-o., Tioga co., Pa., 153 n. Harrisburg, 263 W.
Crooked Creek, p-o., Stokes co., N. C, 129 w. n. w. Raleigh, 309
Crooked Creek, p-o., Talladega co., Ala.
Crooked Creek, p-t., Carroll co., Ark., 205 n. n. w. Little
Rock, 1,131 W. It has 2 sch. 50 scholars. Pop. 664.
Crooked Creek, p-o., Steuben co., Ia., 182 N. N. E.
Indianapolis, 553 W.
Crooked Creek, p-o., Clinton co., Ill., 104 s. Springfield, 779
Crooked Hill, p-o., Montgomery co., Pa., 75 e. Harrisburg, 168
Crooked Lake, in Steuben and Yates cos., N. Y., is 18 miles
long, and from 1 to l½ wide. The land rises from its shores to a
considerable height, presenting beautiful and picturesque
scenery. The n. part is divided into 2 branches, separated by
Bluff Point, a promontory 800 feet high, which runs a
considerable distance between the parts of the lake. The outlet
has a fall of 270 feet in 7 miles, and affords excellent water
power. It flows into Seneca lake. A canal connects this with
Seneca lake, and thence with the Erie canal.
Crooked River, t., Ray co., Mo. Pop. 631.
Cromwell, t., Huntingdon co., Pa. It has 1 store, cap. $3,000; 3
furnaces, 1 forge, 2 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $9,755.
1 sch. 21 scholars. Pop. 1,140.
Cropwell, p-o., St. Clair co., Ala., 109 n. e. Tuscaloosa, 745
Crosby, t., Hamilton co., O. It has 3 sch. 89 scholars. Pop.
Crosbyville, p-v., Chester dist., S. C., 72 n. Columbia, 476 W.
Cross Anchor, p-o., Spartanburg dist., S. C., 84 n. w. Columbia,
432 W.
Crossanville, p-v., Jackson t, Perry county, Ohio.
Cross Creek, t., Jefferson co., O., situated on the w. side of
Great Miami r. It is well watered by small streams, and highly
cultivated. It has 1 store, cap. $800; 1 fulling m., 2 flouring
m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $9,800. 6 sch. 320 scholars. Pop.
Cross Creek Village, p-o., Washington co., Pa., 229 w.
Harrisburg, 256 W.
Cross Cut, p-o., Beaver co., Pa.
Cross Hill, p-o., Laurens' dist., S. C, 69 w. n. w. Columbia,
517 W.
Crossingville, p-v., Crawford co., Pa., 249 N. w. by w.
Harrisburg, 322 W.
Cross Keys, p-v., Gloucester co., N. J., 46 s. by w. Trenton,
156 W.
Cross Keys, p-o., Rockingham co., Va.. 123 n. w. Richmond, 138
Cross Keys, p-o., Union dist., S. C, 69 n. w. Columbia, 517 W.
Cross Keys, p-o., De Kalb co., Ga., 100 n. w. Milledgeville, 674
Cross Keys, p-o., Livingston co., Ky.
Cross Keys, p-o., Macon co., Ala., 142 s. e. Tuscaloosa, 809 W.
Cross Keys, p-o., Roane co., Tenn., 147 e. s. e. Nashville, 553
Cross Plains, p-o., Robertson co., Tenn., 34 n. w. Nashville,
696 W.
Cross Plains, p-o., Ripley co., Ia., 78 s. e. Indianapolis, 553
Cross Plains, p-o., Callaway co., Mo., 38 n. e. Jefferson city,
917 W.
Cross Plains, p-o., Murray co., Ga., 194 n. w. Milledgeville,
615 W.
Cross River, p-o., Lewisborough t., Westchester co., N. Y., 172
s. Albany, 275 W.
Cross Roads, p-o., York co., Pa., 37 s. Harrisburg, 103 W.
Cross Roads, p-o., Madison co., O., 53 w. Columbus, 434 W.
Cross Roads, p-o., Bedford co., Va., 161 w. by s. Richmond, 236
Cross Roads, p-o., Cobb co., Ga., 106 n. w. Milledgeville, 634
Cross Roads, p-o., Gasconade co., Mo., 16 s. e. Jefferson city,
952 W.
Crossville, p-o., Forsyth co., Ga., 120 n. w. Milledgeville, 640
Crossville, p-o., Bledsoe co., Tenn., Ill s. e. Nashville, 570
Crosswicks, p-v., Chesterfield t., Burlington co., N. J., 8 s.
s. e. Trenton, 174 W. It is situated on the high s. bank of
Crosswick's cr. It has a large Friends church, 6 stores, 1 saw
m., 1 grist m., 50 dwellings, and about 300 inhabitants.
Crowder's Creek, p-o.. Lincoln co., N. C, 196 w. by s. Raleigh,
433 W.
Crowley's, p-o., Greene co., Ark., 182 n. e. Little Rock, 1,027
Crow Meadows, p-o., Marshall co., Ill., 92 sr. Springfield, 785
Crown Point, p-t., Essex co., N. Y., 106 n. by e. Albany, 473 W.
It has Lake Champlain on its e. border, and near it the land is
level; but toward the w. it is mountainous. The soil is clay
loam. Drained by Putnam's cr., and other small streams. Here are
the ruins of an old fort, much celebrated by important events in
the French and revolutionary wars. They are situated on a point
of land, projecting into Lake Champlain, in the n. e. angle of
the town; and are an object, of interest to the traveler, not
only from their historical associations, but for the beautiful
scenery by which they are surrounded. The v. contains 1 church,
1 store, 1 grist m., 2 saw m., 1 plaster m., and 12 or 15
dwellings. There are in the t. 6 stores, cap. $19,000; 1
furnace, 2 forges, 2 fulling m., 2 tanneries, 4 grist m., 16 saw
m. Cap. in manufac. $31,190. 16 sch. 621 scholars. Pop. 2,212.
Crown Point, p-o., capital of Lake county, Ia., 158 n. n. w.
Indianapolis, 702 W. Situated in the centre of Robinson's
Prairie, 15 miles s. of Lake Michigan. It has a court house and
several dwellings in the vicinity.
Crowsville, p-o., Spartanburg dist., S. C, 87 n. w. Columbia,
500 W.
Croxon, p-o., Bush Creek t., Jefferson co., O. 133 e. by n.
Columbus, 235 W.
Croydon, p-t., Sullivan co., N. H., 43 n. w. Concord, 482 W. The
surface is somewhat rough, but the soil is fertile. Drained by
Sugar r., which affords good water power. Chartered in 1763, and
settled 3 years after. It has 3 stores, cap. $3,000; 1 fulling
m., 1 woolen factory, 1 tannery, 2 grist m., 2 saw m., 7 sch.
410 scholars. Pop. 956.
Croydon Flatt, p-o., Sullivan t. and co., N. H., 43 n. w.
Concord, 477 W.
Crucifer, p-o., Henderson co., Tenn., 126 w. s. w. Nashville,
810 W.
Crum Elbow, p-o., Hyde Park t., Dutchess co., N. Y., 69 s.
Albany, 309 W.
Cuba, p-t., Alleghany co., N. Y., 280 w. by s. Albany, 317 W.
Situated on the line of the Genesee Valley canal, and of the New
York and Erie railroad. The surface is elevated and undulating,
and the soil productive. The village contains 1 Presbyterian and
1 Baptist church, 10 stores, 1 flouring m., 1 saw m., 1
clothier's works, 1 tannery, 100 dwellings, and about 800
inhabitants. There are in the t., 1 furnace, 10 stores, cap.
$23,000; 1 fulling m., 3 tanneries, 1 printing office, 1 weekly
newspaper, 2 grist m., 12 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $27,950. 2
sch. 101 scholars. Pop. 1,768.
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Cuba, p-v., Washington t., Clinton co., O., 73 s. w. Columbus,
451 W.
Cuba, p-o., Fulton co., Ill., 61 n. w. Springfield, 827 W.
Cub Creek, p-o., Charlotte co., Va., 110 s. w Richmond, 197 W.
Cub Hill, p-o., Baltimore co., Md.
Cuckooville, p-v., Louisa co., Va., 47 n. w. Richmond, 93 W. It
contains 1 Reformed Baptist or Campbellite church, 1 store, and
several mechanic shops.
Cuddebackville, p-o., Deerpark t., Orange co., N. Y., 109 s. by
w. Albany, 272 W.
Cuivre, t., Pike co., Mo. It has 8 schools, 337 scholars. Pop.
Cuivre, t., St. Charles co., Mo. It has 3 sch. 85 scholars. Pop.
Cuivre, t. Audrain co., Mo. Pop. 183.
Culbertson's, p-o., Mercer co., Pa., 234 w. n. w. Harrisburg,
292 W.
Culbreath's, p-o., Columbia co., Ga., 116 n. e. by e.
Milledgeville, 590 W.
Culloden, p v., Monroe co., Ga., 63 w. Milledgeville, 723 W.
Culloden, p-o., Bradley co., Tenn., 150 s. e. Nashville, 537 W.
Culpepper, County, Va., situated toward the n.
e. part of the state, and contains 672 sq. ms. Rappahannock
river runs on its n. e. boundary, and Rapid Ann on its s.
border. Drained by Thornton r. and its branches, and by Mountain
cr., branches of the Rappahannock r. The surface is pleasantly
diversified, and the soil fertile. Its chief productions are
grain and tobacco. Capital, Fairfax or Culpepper C. H. There
were in 1840, neat cattle 10,588, sheep 15,234, swine 19,930;
wheat 122,376 bushels produced, rye 13,739, Ind. corn 333,830,
buckwheat 1,709, oats 123,136, potatoes 20,964, silk cocoons 199
pounds, tobacco 23,591, cotton 158; 23 stores, capital $125,700;
1 furnace, 2 tanneries, 15 distilleries, 5 flouring m., 32 grist
m., 29 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $73,399. 7 acad. 152 students, 25
sch. 617 scholars. Pop. 1830, 24,026; 1340, whites 4,933, slaves
6,069, free col'd 491; total, 11,393.
Culpepper, C. H., p v., Culpepper co., Va., 93 n. n. w.
Richmond, 82 W. It contains a court house, jail, and clerk's
office, on the public square, a Presbyterian, Episcopal, and
Baptist church, a Masonic hall, 9 stores, a market house, 2
tanneries, and various mechanics, 3 select schools, 1 printing
office, and 1 weekly newspaper.
Culstia Creek, p-o., Cherokee co., Ala., 166 n. e. Tuscaloosa,
664 W.
Cumberland, river, a large river of Ky. and Tenn., rises in
Cumberland mountains, near the boundary between Virginia and
Kentucky, and pursuing a westerly and s. westerly course, enters
the state of Tennessee; and after an extensive sweep to the s.
it turns north west-wardly and northerly, and enters and crosses
Kentucky, and enters the Ohio 11 miles above the mouth of the
Tennessee r., and 5 ms. above the mouth of the Ohio. The entire
length of the river is about 600 miles, and it drains a
territory of 17,500 square miles. It is navigable for large
steamboats and vessels 203 ms., to Nashville, and for boats of 5
tons 300 miles further. At certain seasons of high water,
vessels of 40 tons may descend the river, 400 miles, to the
Ohio; and, for half its length, boats may navigate it at all
seasons. The elevation of the sources above the mouth of the
river, probably, exceed 1,000 feet. It is the second river in
size which enters the Ohio, being inferior only to the
Tennessee. Nashville, an important town, is on the s. side, near
the extreme part of its southern bend. Below Nashville the river
is deep and narrow.
Cumberland, County, Me., situated in the s. w.
part of the state, and contains 990 sq. ms. The soil is fertile,
and it is well cultivated. It has several large ponds, the chief
of which is Sebago pond, from which a canal extends to Portland.
This county has an important seacoast, and enjoys great
facilities for commerce. Capital, Portland. There were in 1840,
neat cattle 37,536, sheep 59,535, swine 12,033; wheat 33,921
bushels produced, rye 23,103, Indian corn 160,551, buckwheat
4,060, barley 59,553, oats 70,318, potatoes 1,139,551, sugar
7,527 pounds; 43 commercial and commission houses in foreign
trade, cap. 3653,509; 429 stores, cap. $708,650; 10 lumber
yards, cap. $33,100; 4 furnaces, 15 fulling m., 4 woolen fac, 1
cotton foe. 4,000 sp., 45 tanneries, 2 distilleries, 1 powder
m., 7 potteries, 1 flouring m., 60 grist m., 94 saw m., 1 oil
m., 10 printing offices, 6 binderies, 2 daily, 7 weekly, and 3
semi-weekly newspapers, 4 periodicals. Cap. in manufac.
$322,168. 1 college, 150 students, 21 acad. 2,415 students, 401
sch. 13,660 scholars. Pop. 1830, 60,113; 1840, 63,653.
Cumberland, County, N. J., situated in the s.
w. part of the state, and contains 524 square ms. Organized in
1743. It has Delaware bay on the s. s. w. Drained by Stow and
Cohansey crs., and Maurice and Tuckahoe rivers. It contains iron
ore and beds of marl. A salt marsh, from half a mile to two
miles wide, extends along Delaware bay. Much of the soil is
light, but some of it is fertile. Capital, Bridgetown. There
were in 1840, neat cattle 9,753, sheep 9,310, swine 3,430; wheat
42,326 bushels produced, rye 21,723, Ind. corn 20,008, buckwheat
26,349, oats 131.291, potatoes 31,851, hops 356 pounds, 6
commission houses in for. trade, cap. $81,000; 32 stores, cap.
$131,600; 2 lumber yards, cap. $1,300; 1 forge, 1 fulling m., 1
woolen fac, 4 tanneries, 6 distilleries, 8 glass fac, 1 pottery,
2 flouring m., 23 grist m., 21 saw m., 2 paper fac, 1 printing
office, 1 bindery. 1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in manufac.
$467,552. 3 acad. 396 students, 55 sch. 2,912 scholars. Pop.
1830, 14,093; 1840, 14,374.
Cumberland, County, Pa., situated s. e. of the
centre of the state, and contains 544 square miles. Drained by
Conedogwinit creek, and Yellow Breeches cr., both tributaries of
the Susquehanna. The surface is moderately hilly, and the soil
very fertile. It contains iron ore. Capital, Carlisle. There
were in 1840, neat cattle 24,201, sheep 23,93 swine 47,235;
wheat 507,654 bush, produced, rye 247,230, Ind. corn 645,156,
buck-wheat 13,772, barley 11,104, oats 631,477, potatoes
121,641, hops 4,812 pounds; 11 commission houses in foreign
trade, cap. $22,500; 112 stores, cap. $318,146; 13 lumber yards,
cap. $42,339; 6 furnaces, 5 forges, 12 fulling m., 9 woolen fac,
1 cotton fac, 31 tanneries, 23 distilleries, 3 breweries, 1
pottery, 54 flouring m., 5 grist m., 63 saw m., 1 oil m., 1
paper fac, 5 printing offices, 2 binderies, 6 weekly newspapers.
Cap. in manufac. $390,601. 3 acad. 115 students, 12 sch. 583
scholars. Pop. 1830, 29,223; 1840, 30,953.
Cumberland, County, Va., situated s. e. of the
centre of the state, and contains 320 sq. ms. Organized in 1748.
The Appomattox river runs on its s. e. border. Drained by Willis
r. The surface is moderately hilly, and the soil is fertile.
Capital, Cumberland C. H. There were in 1840, neat cattle 5,855,
sheep 9,507, swine 10,131; wheat 61,247 bushels produced, Ind.
com 247,203, oats 121,507, hops 116 pounds, tobacco 2,895,930,
cotton 23,143; 16 stores, cap. $163,300; 1 lumber yard, cap.
$1,000; 2 tanneries, 1 distillery, 12 flouring m., 15 grist m.,
6 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $107,475. 15 sch. 263 scholars. Pop.
1830, 11,689; 1810, whites 3,263, slaves 6,781, free col'd 355;
total, 10,399.
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Cumberland, County, N. C, situated in the s.
part of the state, and contains 1,300 square miles. Drained by
Cape Fear river and branches. Surface, undulating; soil,
fertile. Capital, Fayetteville. There were in 1840, neat cattle
14,178, sheep 15,164, swine 28,974; wheat 6,037 bushels prod.,
rye 3,019, Ind. com 291,630, oats 16,577, potatoes 62,999,
cotton 459,747 lbs; 51 stores, cap. 372,400; 8 cotton fac.
14,234 sp., 1 flouring m., 90 grist m., 61 saw m., 2 oil m., 2
printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers. Capital in manufactures
$334,000. 4 acad. 150 students, 4 sch. 95 scholars. Pop. 1830,
14,824; 1840, whites 9,030, slaves 5,392, free col'd 862; total,
Cumberland, County, Ky., situated on the s.
border of the state, and contains 270 square m. Cumberland river
flows centrally through it. Surface, uneven; soil, fertile.
Capital, Burkesville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 10,257,
sheep 7,437, swine 37,970; wheat 32,937 bushels produced, rye
3,265, Indian corn 496,006, oats 56,509, potatoes 18,990,
tobacco 1,480,846 pounds, cotton 45,595, sugar 1,931; 6
commission houses in for. trade, cap. $23,000; 11 stores, cap.
$37,075; 7 tanneries, 3 distilleries, 4 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap.
in manufac. $4,350. 8 sch. 193 scholars. Pop. whites 4,571,
slaves 1,485, free colored 34; total, 6,090.
Cumberland, p-t., Cumberland co., Me., 42 s. s. w. Augusta, 553
W. It is pleasantly situated on Casco bay, which affords it
commercial advantages. Organized from North Yarmouth, in 1821.
It has 3 stores, cap. $8,000; 1 fulling m., 1 grist m., 3 saw m.
Cap. in manufac. $5,350. 15 sch. 652 scholars. Pop. 1,616.
Cumberland, p-v., capital of Alleghany co., Md., 166 w. n. w.
Annapolis, 134 W. Situated on the n. bank of Potomac r., at the
mouth of Will's cr. It contains a court house, jail, a market
house, a bank, 5 churches, 1 German Lutheran, 1 Methodist, 1
Presbyterian, 1 Episcopal, and 1 Roman Catholic, 3 flouring m.,
and 2 priming offices, issuing weekly newspapers. Stone coal
abounds in the vicinity, and is transported down the Potomac.
The Cumberland or national road, which proceeds w. to the Ohio,
and through the Western States, commences here. The Chesapeake
and Ohio canal and the Baltimore and Ohio rail r. pass through
this place.
Cumberland, t., Adams co., Pa. Rock creek bounds it on the e.,
and Marsh creek on the w., which unite a little below the town.
The former receives Bear run, and the latter Willoughby run, in
the t. Gettysburg b. lies in the e. part of the town. The t. has
1 store, cap. $1,800; 1 tannery, 2 distilleries, 3 flouring m.,
4 grist m., 3 saw m., 7 6ch. 315 scholars. Pop. 1,217.
Cumberland, p-v., Guernsey co., Ohio, 93 e. Columbus, 314 W.
Situated on Buffalo Fork of Will's cr. It has 3 churches, 4
stores, and about 30 dwellings, 1 grist m., 1 saw m., and 1
steam carding and fulling m.
Cumberland, p-v., Marion co., Ia., 10 e. Indianapolis, 561 W.
Situated on the national road.
Cumberland, p-o., Fayette co., Ill., 87 s. s. e. Springfield,
735 W.
Cumberland, C. H., p-v., Cumberland co., Va., 52 w. by s.
Richmond, 142 W. Situated on a high and healthy ridge, between
Willis r. and Appomattox r. It contains a court house and other
county buildings, 1 church, free to all denominations, 1 store,
and several mechanics. Pop. 30 whites, 60 col'd; total, 90.
Cumberland, t., Green co., Pa., 11 e. Waynesburg. The surface is
level; soil, loam. Drained by Muddy cr., a branch of Monongahela
r. It contains the v. of Lisburn. It has 2 fulling m., 1 woolen
fac, 1 tannery, 3 distilleries, 8 grist m., 10 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. $13,195. 1 acad. 42 students, 4 sch. 94 scholars. Pop.
Cumberland, t., Providence co., R. I., 8 n. Providence.
Abbott's, Mill, and Peter's rivers afford good water power. Some
part of the surface is hilly, and chiefly adapted to grazing;
but other parts are fertile, and well adapted to cultivation. It
supplies many articles for the Providence market, and has
considerable manufactures of cotton and wool, and boats are
extensively built. It has 29 stores, cap. $41,550; 2 fulling m.,
1 woolen fac, 22 cotton fac. 59,711 sp., 1 printing office, 1
weekly newspaper, 5 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac $996,419.
1 acad. 30 students, 27 sch. 1,357 scholars. Pop. 5,225.
Cumberland Ford, p-o., Knox co., Ky., 135 s. e. Frankfort, 503
W. Situated at the crossing of the Great Western road, over the
Cumberland r.
Cumberland Gap, p-o., Claiborne co., Tenn., 17 s. Cumberland
Ford, 233 e. by n. Nashville, 486 W. Situated at the passage of
the Cumberland mountains. There are several extensive caves in
the vicinity, extending into the states of Virginia and
Kentucky. There are a few dwellings in the neighborhood. It is a
distributing post-office.
Cumberland Hill, p-v., Cumberland t., Providence co., R. I., 16
n. by w. Providence, 419 W. Situated on the n. e. side of
Blackstone r. It contains a Baptist church, a bank, and several
neat dwellings.
Cumberland Iron Works, p-o., Stewart co., Tenn., 69 n. w.
Nashville, 754 W. Situated on the s. bank of Cumberland r., 6 e.
Cumberland, island, Camden co., Ga., on the coast, 15 ms. long,
and from 1 to 5 broad.
Cumberland Centre, p-o., Cumberland t. and co., Me., 49 s. s. w.
Augusta, 554 W.
Cumberland Mountains, Tenn. The range commences in the s. w.
part of Pa., and in Va. It takes the name of Laurel mt., passes
through the s. e. part of Ky. and Tenn. and terminates in
Northern Alabama.
Cumberland Valley, t, Bedford co., Pa., situated between Evits
mt. e. and Will's mt. w. Evits cr. runs through the t. It has 1
store, cap. $3,000; 1 tannery, 1 flouring m., 2 saw m. Cap. in
manufac $5,190. 2 sch. 46 scholars. Pop. 904.
Cumming, p-v., capital of Forsyth co., Ga., 109 n. w.
Milledgeville, 641 W. Situated 9 w. Chattahoochee r. It has a
court house and several dwellings.
Cummings, p-t, Lycoming co.. Pa., Ill n. Harrisburg, 221 W. It
has 2 stores, cap. $5,000; 1 furnace, 1 forge, 3 grist m., 8 saw
m. Cap. in manufac $16,450. 3 sch. 120 scholars. Pop. 569.
Cummingsville, p-o., Hamilton co., O., 121 s. w. Columbus, 497
Cummington, p-t., Hampshire co., Mass., 111 w. Boston, 399 W.
The surface is uneven, but the soil is good for grazing. Watered
by Westfield river, which affords good water power. Incorporated
in 1779. It has 5 stores. cap. $10,500; 1 fulling m., 1 woolen
fac, 1 cotton fac. 650 sp., 1 furnace, 3 tanneries, 3 grist hi.,
5 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $31,800. 16 sch. 164 scholars. Pop.
Table of Contents
Source: A Complete Descriptive And
Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel
Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith,
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