Cummington, IL to Cyruston, TN
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Cummington, p-o.. Macoupin co., Ill.
Cummington W. Village, p-v., Cummington L, Hampshire co., Mass.,
116 w. Boston, 404 W. Situated on the Westfield r. It has
several manufactories and neat dwellings.
Cumru, t., Berks co., Pa. The surface is partly hilly, and
partly level; soil, a productive calcareous loam and gravel.
Watered by Tulpehocken and Schuylkill rivers, and their
tributaries. It contains a church, common to Lutherans and
Presbyterians, and the county poor house, to which a farm is
attached. It has 1 store, cap. $2,500; 1 furnace, 2 forges, 1
fulling m., 1 tannery. 12 flouring m., 5 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap.
in manufac. $16,180. Pop. 2,039.
Cnningham's Store, p-o., Person co., N. C. SI n. n. w. Raleigh.
240 W.
Cunningham, p-o., Putnam co., O., 107 n. w. Columbus, 478 W .
Cunningham's Island, in the w. part of Lake Erie, a short
distance north of the entrance into Sandusky bay. It is of
considerable extent, fertile and populous, and is Ottawa.
Curdsville. p-o., Buckingham co., Va., 68 w Richmond, 153 W.
Cureton's Store, p-o., Lancaster dist., S. C 82 x. x. e.
Columbia, 424 W.
Curlsville, p-o., Armstrong co., Pa.
Currahee Mountain, p-o., Habersham co Ga., 126 n. Milledgeville.
600 W. Situated near the base of a mountain of the same name,
the southern terminus of the Blue ridge.
Curraway, p-o., Crawford co., Ia., 115 w. by s Indianapolis, 646
Curran, p-o., Gallatin co., Ill., 179 s. s. e. Springfield. 788
Current, river, Mo. and Ark., rises in the Ozark ridge, and
after a southerly course of, about 150 ms. enters Black r.
Current River, t., Pope co., Ark. It has 1 sch. 25 scholars.
Pop. 358.
Currey's, p-o., Jefferson co., Ky., 72 w. Frankfort, 614 W.
Currituck, Island, Sound and Inlet. Currituck co., N. C. The
island is 30 ms. long, and 2 broad, and encloses the sound,
which is 50 ms. long, and from 1 to 10 broad, and has no great
depth. The inlet is an entrance into this sound between 2
Currituck, County, N. C. Situated in the n. e.
part of the state and contains 600 sq. ms. The surface is level,
and some part of it is; marshy. Currituck sound separates it
into 2 , parts, and affords facilities for navigation. It
comprehends the entire sea coast of Carolina from the Virginia
line, to a point 20 ms. s. w. of Cape Hatteras. including
Roanoke. Capital. Currituck. There were in 1840, neat; cattle
5,919, sheep 4,590, swine 13,220; wheat 7,685 bush, produced,
Ind. corn 213,595, oats 7,084, potatoes 52,860; 400 bush. salt
produced. 5 sch. 117 scholars. Pop. 1830, 7,654; 1840, whites
4,554, slaves 2,100, free col'd 149 ; total, 6,703.
Currituck, C. H., p-v., Currituck co., N. C, 242 e. n. e.
Raleigh, 270 VV. It stands on the w. side of Currituck sound,
and contains a court house, and several dwellings.
Curreysville, p-o., Sullivan co., Ia., 85 s. w. by w.
Indianapolis, 656 W.
Curtisville. p-v., Stockbridge t., Berkshire co., Mass., 136 w.
Boston, 366 W. It has 2 cotton fac, 1 chair fac, and several
Curwinsville, p-v., Clearfield co.. Pa., 132 N. w. by w.
Harrisburg, 224 W. Situated on the n. w. side of Anderson's cr.,
near its junction with the w. branch of Susquehanna r.
Cushing, p-t., Lincoln co.. Me., 50 s. e. Augusta, 627 W. It is
bounded by St. George r. e., and the Atlantic s. Incorporated in
1789. It was settled early by Irish emigrants. It has 1 store,
cap. $1,500; 1 tannery, 1 saw m., 6 sch. 312 scholars. Pop. 790.
Cussawago, p-t., Crawford co., Pa., 246 n. w. by w. Harrisburg,
319 W. It has 1 store, 1 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
84,600. 7 sch. 300 scholars. Pop. 1,269.
Cusseta, p-v., Chambers co., Ala., 172 e. s. e. Tuscaloosa, 767
Custards, p-v., Crawford co., Pa., 240 n. w. by w. Harrisburg,
293 W.
Cutchogue. p-v., Southold t., Suffolk co., N. Y., 238 s. s. e.
Albany, 218 W. It contains 2 churches, and about 40 dwellings.
Cuthbert, p-v., capital of Randolph co., Ga., 158 s. w.
Milledgeville, 814 W. It contains a court house, and a few
Cutler, p-t., Washington co.. Me. It has the Atlantic ocean on
the s. e., and Machias bay w., and has a good harbor. It has 4
stores, cap. $3,000; 1 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$10,000. 7 sch. 276 scholars. Pop. 657.
Cut Off, p-o., Walton co., Ga.
Cuttingsville, p-v., Rutland co., Vt., 72 s. s. w. Montpelier,
466 W.
Cuyahoga, river, O., rises in the central parts of Geauga co.,
and runs southwardly through Portage co., where it gradually
turns and proceeds through Summit and Cuyahoga counties, in a
direction n. n. w. to its entrance into Lake Erie, at Cleveland.
Its whole length is over 60 miles, and it is one of the most
important rivers in northern Ohio. It has a number of falls,
which afford excellent mill seats, and it is less affected by
drought in the summer, than most other streams. The Ohio canal
runs along the valley of this r., about 35 miles to near Akron,
and crosses it in an aqueduct at Boston, 23 s. of Cleveland.
Cuyahoga, County, O., situated in the n. part
of the state, is bounded n. by Lake Erie. It contains 475 sq.
ms. Watered by Cuyahoga and Rocky rivers, which enter Lake Erie.
The surface is level, inclining to the n; soil, fertile.
Capital, Cleveland. There were in 1840, neat cattle 22,260,
sheep 30,396, swine 17,669; wheat 106,580 hush, produced, rye
2,104, Ind. corn 180,781, buckwheat 5,949, barley 1,016, oats
101,398, potatoes 149,891, tobacco 2,000 pounds; 28 commission
houses in for. trade, cap. $60,000; 93 stores, cap. $188,700: 3
lumber yards, cap. $3,000; 4 furnaces, 6 fulling m., 4 woolen
fac, 13 tanneries, 2 distilleries, 1 brewery, 6 flouring m., 15
grist m., 70 saw m., 1 oil m., 5 printing offices, 1 periodical,
1 daily, 4 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $153,982. 6 acad.
188 students, 168 sch. 7,953 scholars. Pop. 1830, 10,360 ; 1840,
Cuyahoga Falls, p-v., Summit co., O., 128 n. e. Columbus, 335 W.
This romantic and pleasant village is situated on the Cuyahoga
r., which here passes through a deep channel in the rocks, and
by successive leaps, falls in a short distance 240 "feet,
creating a great water power, which has been considerably
employed in mills and manufactories. The Pennsylvania and Ohio
canal passes through the place, and unites with the Ohio canal a
few miles w. at Akron. In the town of Tallmadge, in the
immediate vicinity, is a bed of excellent bituminous coal, which
is extensively mined. There are in the v., 2 churches, a lvceum,
an academy, and a considerable number of stores and
manufactories, among which those of paper are very extensive.
Cuyler. p-o., Truxton t., Cortland co., N. V ., 125 w. Albany,
337 W.
Cuylersville, p-o., Livingston co., N. Y.
Cynthiana, p-v., Perry t., Pike co., O., 75 s. Columbus, 429 W.
Cynthiana, t., Shelby co., O. It has 1 store, cap. $500; l
tannery. Cap. in manufac. $1,100. 1 sch. 25 scholars. Pop.
Cynthiana, p-v., capital of Harrison co., Ky., 37 n. e.
Frankfort, 505 W. Situated on e. side of the south fork of
Licking r. It has a court house, jail, several stores, 3 sch.
100 scholars. Pop. 793.
Cynthiana, p-v., Posey co., Ia., 153 s. w. Indianapolis, 728 W.
Cypress, p-o., Union co., Ky., 233 w. s. w. Frankfort, 760 W.
Cypress, p-o., Darlington dist., S. C, 92 e. n. e. Columbia, 490
Cypress Creek, p-o., Lafayette co., Miss., 172 n. n. e. Jackson,
899 W.
Cyruston, p-v., Lincoln co., Tenn., 97 s. Nashville, 726 W.
Table of Contents
Source: A Complete Descriptive And
Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel
Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith,
This book is a joint project between
members of AHGP, Paula Franklin, Judy White, Sheryl McClure and
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