Fallsburg, OH to Fayette, ME
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Fallsburg, p-t., Licking co., O., 6d n. e. Columbus, 363 W.
Situated in the n. e. corner of the county. Pop. 910.
Falls of Schuylkill, p-o., Philadelphia co., Pa., 101 e. by s.
Harrisburg, 142 W.
Falls of St. Croix, p-o., St. Croix co., Wis.
Fallston, p-t., Beaver co., Pa., 229 w. by n. Harrisburg, 255 W.
Situated on the w. bank of Big Beaver r., which affords good
water power. It has a Friends church and an academy.
Incorporated in 1829. It has 4 stores, cap. $17,300; 1 furnace,
2 scythe fac, 2 fulling m., 2 woolen fee, 2 tanneries, 1
distillery, 4 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $11,925. 1
sch. 40 sch. Pop. 565.
Fallstown, p-v., Iredell co., N. C, 151 w. Raleigh, 338 W.
Falls Village, p-v., Canaan t., Litchfield co., Ct., 45 w. n. w.
Hartford, 337 W. Situated on the E. side of the Housatonic r., a
little below the Great Falls. It contains a forge and an anchor
Falmouth, p-t., Cumberland co., Me., 6 n. Portland, 45 s. w.
Augusta, 550 W. Watered by Presumscut River. The soil is
generally fertile. Incorporated in 1718, and included, with the
city of Portland, in Falmouth. It has a considerable number of
vessels employed in the coasting and fishing trade. It has 7
stores, cap. $2,250; 1 tannery, 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$2,281. 1 acad. 54 students, 18 sch. 647 scholars. Pop 2,589.
Falmouth, p-t., Barnstable co., Mass., 75 s. by e. Boston, 465
w. It is situated on the s. w. point of Cape Cod, between
Buzzard's bay and Vineyard sound. The soil is light, but the
most fertile on the cape. It has several good harbors, of which
the best is Wood's Hole, in the s. w. part of the t., which has
from 3 to 6 fathoms of water. Two small streams in the t. afford
water power. It has some manufactures, but more shipping, much
of which is employed in the coasting trade and the fisheries.
There were in 1840, 38,180 bush, of salt produced, and $150,000
invested in the fisheries; 16 stores, cap. $29,500; 2 lumber
yards, cap. $2,500; 2 fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 1 tannery, 5
grist m. Cap. in manufac. $39,150; 1 acad. 20 students, 13 sch.
837 scholars. Pop. 2,071.
Falmouth, p-v., Donegal t., Lancaster co., Pa., 15 s. e.
Harrisburg, 117 W. Situated on the Susquehanna r., at the
junction of Conewago cr., opposite to York Haven. It contains 20
dwellings and about 125 inhabitants.
Falmouth, p-v., Stafford co., Va., 64 n. Rich-mond, 55 W.
Situated on the N. side of Rappahannock r., at the foot of the
Falls, nearly opposite to Fredericksburg. A bridge here crosses
the Rappahannock River. It contains 1 church, free to all
denominations, 13 stores, 3 flouring m., producing 30,000
barrels annually, 3 grist m., various mechanic shops, 80
dwellings, and about 500 inhabitants.
Falmouth, p-v., capital of Pendleton co., Ky., 40 s. s. E.
Cincinnati, 60 n. e. Frankfort, 514 W. Situated at the junction
of a main s. w. branch with Licking r. It contains a court house
and several stores and dwellings.
Fancy Farm, p-o., Franklin co., Ill., 170 s. by E. Springfield,
801 W.
Fancy Hill, p-o., Rockbridge co., Va., 164 w. by n. Richmond,
206 W. It contains 1 store and several dwellings.
Fancy Hill, p-o., Iredell co., N. C, 151 w. Raleigh, 388 W.
Fannet, t., Franklin co., Pa., 16 N. Chambersburg. The surface
is mountainous; soil, calcareous loam and slate. Watered by
Tuscarora cr. It has Tuscarora Mountain on its w. border. It has
5 stores, cap. $10,100; 2 tanneries, 6 grist m., 8 saw m., 2 oil
m. Cap. in manufac. $8,300. 8 sch. 275 scholars. Pop. 1,853.
Fannettsburg, p-v., Metal t., Franklin co., Pa., 59 s. by w.
Harrisburg, 107 W. Situated on the w. branch of Conecocheague
cr. It contains about 25 dwellings.
Farley, p-o., Culpepper, co., Va., 107 n. by w. Richmond, 91 W.
Farlow's Grove, p-o., Mercer co., Ill., 148 n. w. Springfield,
873 W.
Farm Hill, Poinsett co., Ark.
Farmer, p-o., (in Farmersville v.,) Seneca co., N. Y., 180 w.
Albany, 313 W. The v. is on elevated ground, and contains 2
churches, 5 stores, 70 dwellings, and about 450 inhabitants.
Farmer, t., Williams co., O. It has 2 sch. 27 scholars. Pop.
Farmers, p-o., Meriwether co., Ga., 107 w. Milledgeville, 726 W.
Farmers Creek, p-o., Lapeer co., Mich., 54 n. Detroit, 577 W.
Farmers Grove, p-o., Southampton co., Va., 58 s. by E. Richmond,
177 W.
Farmers Mills, p-o., Kent t., Putnam co. N. Y.
Farmers Valley, p-o., McKean co., Pa.
Farmersville, p-t., Cattaraugus co., N. Y., 279 w. by s. Albany,
332 W. Situated on elevated ground, dividing the waters which
flow n. into Lake Erie, e. into Genesee r., and s. into
Alleghany r. The v. contains 2 churches, 1 store, 20 dwellings,
and about 125 inhabitants. There are in the t., 1 store, cap.
$4,000; 2 tanneries, 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $1,700. 12 sch.
446 scholars. Pop. 1,294.
Farmersville, p-o., Susquehanna co., Pa., 166 n. by e.
Harrisburg, 273 W.
Farmersville, p-o., Montgomery co., O., 86 w. Columbus, 479 W.
Farmersville, p-o., Lowndes co., Ala., 114 s. E. Tuscaloosa, 875
Farmersville, p-v., capital of Union parish, La., 333 n. w. New
Orleans, 1,223 W. Situated on the n. side of the Bayou D'Arbonne.
It contains a court house and several dwellings.
Farmingham, p-o., Barre t., Orleans co., N. Y., 250 w. by N.
Albany, 394 W.
Farmington, p-t., and capital of Franklin co., Me., 32 n. w.
Augusta, 621 W. The v. is situated at the junction of Sandy and
Little Norridgewock Rivers, which afford good water power, The
t. was incorporated in 1794, and has a good soil, well adapted
to the production of wheat. It has 19 stores, cap. $47,725 , 1
fulling m., 4 tanneries, 2 potteries, 1 printing office, 1
weekly newspaper, 5 grist m., 6 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $20,403.
19 sch. 753 scholars. Pop. 2,613.
Farmington, p-t., Strafford co., N. H., 33 e. n. e. Concord, 513
W. Incorporated in 1798. Watered by Cocheco r. The surface is
uneven and mountainous. Near the v. is a rock weigh-ing 60 or 80
tons, so balanced as to be slightly moveable by the hand. It has
5 stores, cap. $8,700; 3 tanneries, 3 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. $5,850. 17 sch. 428 scholars. Pop. 1,380.
Farmington, p-t., Hartford co., Ct., 9 w. by s. Hartford, 331 W.
The soil on Farmington r., which waters it, is excellent, and
the t. is rich in its agricultural products, though much of the
soil is light and sandy. Incorporated in 1645. It is situated
between 2 mountain ridges, running N. N. E. and s. s. w. The v.
is situated on an elevated plain, at the base of the E. range,
and lies chiefly on one extended street, containing a
Congregational and Methodist church, a flourishing academy, and
about 100 dwellings, many of them elegant. The t. has a school
fund of $10,000, besides what it receives from the state fund.
The Farmington canal, extending from New Haven to Northampton,
Mass., passes through it. There are in the t., 8 stores, cap.
837,000; 1 paper fac, 3 grist m., 6 saw in. Cap. Hi manufac.
$33,500. 1 1 sch. 558 scholars. Pop. 2,011.
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Farmington, p-t., Ontario co., N. Y., 205 w. Albany, 351 W. The
surface is level; soil, generally stiff clay, difficult of
cultivation, but productive. Drained by Mud cr., winch enters
Canandaigua outlet, and affords water power. The Auburn and
Rochester railroad passes through the s. w. corner of the t.
Large tracts of water limestone are found here. It has 2 stores,
cap. $8,500; 1 fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 1 tannery, 1 flouring
m., 1 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $60,427. 1 acad. 40
students, 16 sch. 740 scholars. Pop. 2,122.
Farmington, t., Venango co., Pa. It has 2 stores, cap. $7,000; 1
furnace, 2 grist m., 7 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $5,300. 1 sch. 18
scholars. Pop. 799.
Farmington, p-o., Fayette co., Pa.
Farmington, t., Tioga co., Pa. It has 2 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap.
in manufac. $7,700. 4 sch. 84 scholars. Pop. 503.
Farmington. p-t., Trumbull co., O., 166 n. e. Columbus, 317 W.
It lies on the head waters of Grand r. It has 1 acad. 179
students, 10 sch. 400 scholars. Pop. 1,172.
Farmington, p-t., Oakland co., Mich., 20 n. w. Detroit, 542 W.
Watered by the N. branch of Rouge r., and Power's cr. It has 3
stores, cap. $16,350; 1 tannery, 1 distillery, 2 flouring m., 2
grist m., 9 saw m. Cap. in manufactures $13,400. 18 sch. 471
scholars. Pop. 1.684.
Farmington, p-v., capital of Van Buren co., Iowa. It is
pleasantly located, and surrounded I by a fine agricultural
country, which abounds j with iron ore, coal, and building
Farmington, p-v., Davie co., N. C, 133 vv. Raleigh, 314 W.
Farmington, p-v . Marshall co., Tenn., 54 s. Nashville, 693 W.
It is on a branch of Duck r., and has 1 Cumberland Presbyterian
church, and 100 inhabitants.
Farmington, p-v., Clarke co., Ga., 62 n. by w. Milledgeville,
620 W.
Farmington, p-v., Fulton co., Ill., 78 n. w. Springfield, 809 W.
It is in the N. e. corner of the county, and is surrounded by a
rich, rolling prairie.
Farmington, p-o., Tishemingo co., Miss., 218 E. N. E. Jackson,
845 W.
Farmington, p-v., capital of St. Francis co., Mo., 139 s. e.
Jefferson city, 901 W. It is on the head waters of Big River,
and contains a court house, jail. 6 stores, 3 churches, 1
Baptist, 1 Roman Catholic, and 1 Methodist, 2 schools, and 250
Farmington Falls, p-v., Farmington t., Franklin co., Me., 27 n.
w. Augusta, 618 W. Situated on Sandy r., 5 ms. above Farmington
v., and contains a flourishing academy.
Farmville, p-v., Prince Edward co., Va., 70 w. s. w. Richmond,
160 VV. Situated on the s. side of Appomattox r. Incorporated in
1832. It has 2 churches, 1 Presbyterian and 1 Methodist, 2 large
tobacco warehouses, and 5 tobacco factories, employing 250
persons, various mechanic shops, and about 900 inhabitants.
Batteaux navigate the r., to Petersburg, at all seasons of the
Farnham, p-o., Richmond co., Va., 69 s. e. Richmond, 128 W.
Farnumsville, p-v., Northbridge t., Worcester co., Mass., 39 w.
s. w. Boston, 496 W.
Farrandsville, p-v., Clinton co., Pa., 115 n. w. Harrisburg, 207
W. Situated on the n. side of the w. branch of the Susquehanna
r. It contains several stores and dwellings.
Farrell Place, p-o., Clinton co., N. Y., 174 n. Albany, 549 W.
Far Rockaway, v., Hempstead t., Queens co., N. Y. Situated on a
peninsula, between Jamaica bay and the Atlantic, and contains 1
Methodist church and about 25 dwellings. One mile w. is the
Marine Pavilion and Rock Hull, two splendid boarding houses. The
former, near the beach, is one of the most fashionable watering
places in the vicinity of New York.
Farrowsville, p-o., Fauquier co., Va., 127 n. Richmond, 70 W.
Far View, p-o., Warren co., Ky., 137 s. w. Frankfort, 661 W.
Far West, p-o., Johnson co., Ia., 15 s. Indianapolis, 586 W.
Far West, p-v., capital of Caldwell co., Mo., 169 n. w.
Jefferson city, 1,072 W. It is 1 mile s. of Shoal cr., and 30 n.
of the Missouri r. Pop. 500. This place was originally settled
by the Mormons, who were driven hence by force, by the state
Farensdale, p-o., Marengo co., Ala.
Fauquier, County, Va., situated toward the N.
E. part of the state, and contains 720 square ms. Drained by
head branches of the Rappahannock and the Ocoquan rivers. The
surface is pleasantly diversified, and the soil moderately
productive. Capital, Warrenton. There were in 1840, neat cattle
26,184, sheep 35,055, swine 36,573; wheat 362,227 bush,
produced, rye 34,576, Ind. corn 670,275, buckwheat 6,454, oats
305,661, potatoes 56,650, hops 626 pounds, tobacco 54,473, silk
cocoons 74; 52 stores, cap. $331,100; 1 fulling m., 1 woolen
fac, 19 tanneries, 14 distilleries, 24 flouring m., 76 grist m.,
45 saw m., 2 printing offices, 1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in
manufac. $126,384. 9 acad. 313 students, 40 sch. 1,208 scholars.
Pop. whites 10,501, slaves 10,708, free col'd 688; total,
Fausse Riviere, a lake of La., formerly the bed of the
Mississippi, until about 1714, when the river took a shorter
course, and filling up the old channel, near its junction with
the new, left the remainder an extended lake. The banks consist
of a very fertile soil, covered with fine farms.
Fawcetts Store, p-o., Orange co., N. C, 70 N. w. Raleigh, 290 W.
Fawn Grove, p-t., York co., Pa., 49 s. e. Harrisburg. It extends
from Muddy cr. to the Maryland line. It has 3 stores, cap.
$3,100; 1 tannery, 4 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$25,330. 4 sch. 80 scholars. Pop. 859.
Fawn River, t., St. Joseph co., Mich. Pop. 220.
Fayette, County, Pa. Situated in the s. w. part
of the state, and contains 824 sq. ms. The surface in the e.
part is mountainous, having Laurel Hill and Chesnut Ridge. The
soil is fertile, and well cultivated. Coal, iron ore, and salt
springs are found. There are also sulphur springs. Monongahela
r. flows on its w. boundary. Watered by Youghiogheny r., and
Brown's, Dunlap, Redstone, and Cook's creeks. At the Ohiopile
falls, the Youghiogheny r. descends 60 feet in the space of a
mile. Capital, Union. There were in 1840, neat cattle 30,237,
sheep 54,007, swine 30,568; wheat 334,297 bush, produced, rye
27,226, lnd. corn 551,114, buckwheat 20,566, oats 560,172,
Potatoes 98,118, bituminous coal 1,350,610; tobacco 7,140
pounds, silk cocoons 90, sugar 84,551; 107 stores, cap.
$426,060; 9 furnaces, 3 forges, 4 fulling m., 6 woolen fac, 30
tanneries, 17 distilleries, 1 brewery, 6 glass fac, 1 glass
cutting establishment, 6 potteries, 16 flouring m., 61 grist m.,
139 saw m., 4 oil m., 4 paper fac, 4 printing offices, 1
bindery, 2 periodicals, 4 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac.
$369,983. 1 college, 119 students, 103 schools, 2,973 scholars.
Pop. 33,574.
Page 209
Fayette, County, Va. Situated in the w. part of
the state. Watered by New r., a main branch of Great Kanawha r.
This r. is exceedingly rapid and precipitous. Gauley r., the
other constituent branch of the Great Kanawha, runs on the line
of the co. a few miles. Clear and March forks of Coal r. rise in
this county. The surface is mountainous, and the soil sandy
loam. On New r., 2 ms. from Fayetteville, is Long Point, which
projects into the r., the top of which consists of a flat rock,
covering 2 acres, elevated I, 500 feet above the level of the
water. At 6 ms. from the v. is Hawk's Nest, or Marshall's
Pillar, a naked, perpendicular rock, 1,100 feet above New r.
There are several interesting re-mains of ancient fortifications
in this co. Capital, Fayetteville. There were in 1840, neat
cattle 4,286, sheep 4,594, swine 6,537; wheat 11,125 bush,
produced, rye 4,481, lnd. corn 104,672, oats 63,957, potatoes
14,754; 8 stores, cap. $20,700; 4 tanneries, 26 grist m., 7 saw
m. Cap. in manufac $30,075. Pop. whites 3,773, slaves 133, free
col'd 18; total, 3,924.
Fayette, County, O. Situated a little s. w. of
the centre of the state, and contains 415 sq. ms. The surface is
generally level; soil, moderately good. Drained by Deer and
Paint creeks. First settled in 1805, from Virginia and Kentucky.
Capital, Washington. There were in 1840, neat cattle 15,642,
sheep 22,680, swine 31,714; wheat 144,335 bushels produced, rye
6,328, Indian corn 604,506, buckwheat 1,325, oats 99,047,
potatoes 11,722, sugar 14,051 pounds; 25 stores, capital
$91,045; 3 tanneries, 2 distilleries, 2 flouring m., 7 grist m.,
12 saw m., 2 printing offices, 1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in
manufac $17,650. 75 sch. 1,990 scholars. Pop. 10,984.
Fayette, County, Ga. Siuated a little n. w. of
the centre of the state, and contains 545 sq. ms. Drained by the
head streams of Flint river. Surface, level; soil, fertile.
Capital, Fayetteville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 6,582,
sheep 2,390, swine 13,466; wheat 28,010 bush, produced, lnd.
corn 228,957, oats 17,902, potatoes 3,586, tobacco 1,675 pounds,
cotton 1,980,113; 18 stores, cap. $43,600; 8 distilleries, 3
flouring m., 7 grist m., 4 saw m., 1 printing office, 1
periodical, 1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in manufac. $7,095. 1 acad.
32 students, 3 sch. 324 scholars. Pop. whites 4,827, slaves
1,334, free col'd 30; total, 6,191.
Fayette, County, Ala. Situated in the w. part
of the state, toward the n., and contains 1,250 sq. ms. Drained
by Sipsey and Battahatchy Rivers, and Luxapatilla cr., branches
of Tombigby r. Surface, undulating; soil, fertile. Capital,
Fayette C. H. There were in 1840, neat cattle 10,517, sheep
3,112, swine 20,349; wheat 22,852 bush, produced, lnd. corn
283,640, oats 12,328, potatoes 5,986, cotton 612,895 pounds; 8
stores, cap. $11,550; 2 tanneries, 14 distilleries, 20 grist m.,
12 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $10,996. 13 sch. 273 scholars. Pop.
whites 5.961. slaves 981; total, 6,942.
Fayette, County, Ky. Situated a little n. e. of
the centre of the state, and contains 275 sq. ms. Kentucky r.
runs for a short distance on the s. border of the county.
Drained by the sources of Elkhorn r. The surface is an elevated
table land, from which the streams flow in all directions, but
eventually fall into Kentucky r. The soil is exceedingly
fertile. Capital, Lexington. There were in 1840, neat cattle
19,431, sheep 24,262, swine 41,894; wheat 109,998 bush,
produced, rye 163,563, lnd. corn 1,006,959, oats 135,648,
potatoes 35,204, flax and hemp 1,312 tons, tobacco 52,900
pounds, sugar 665; 2 commission houses, cap. $35,500; 73 stores,
cap. $890,735; 3 woolen fac, 1 cotton fac 2,300 sp., 1 dyeing
and printing establishment, 3 tanneries, 2 distilleries, 1
brewery, 1 powder m., 21 rope fac, 5 flouring m., 21 grist m.,
11 saw m., 2 paper fac, 4 printing offices, 1 bindery, 7
periodicals, 3 weekly and 2 semi-weekly newspapers. Cap. in
manufac $635,740. 1 college, 339 students, 7 acad. 253 students,
44 sch. 1,325 scholars. Pop. whites 10,885, slaves 10,710, free
col'd 599; total, 22,194.
Fayette, County, Tenn. Situated in the s. w.
part of the state, and contains 576 sq. ms. Drained by
Loosahatchy and Wolf rivers. The soil is excellent. A railroad
from La Grange, in this county, extends to Memphis, on the
Mississippi r., and a branch of it extends to Somerville.
Capital, Somerville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 18,164,
sheep 10,793, swine 53,828; wheat 42,593 bush, produced, Indian
corn 887,590, oats 79,705, potatoes 50,027, tobacco 10,150
pounds, cotton 3,685,580; 36 stores, cap. $232,200; 3 tanneries,
10 flouring m., 14 grist m., 8 saw m., 2 printing offices, 2
weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $43,150. 6 acad. 215
students, 31 sch. 786 scholars. Pop. whites 10,573, slaves
10,885, free col'd 43; total, 21,501.
Fayette, County, Ia. Situated in the e. part of
the state, and contains 400 sq. ms. Rolling in the e., level in
the w. part. Most fertile to the n. and e. Drained by the
branches of Whitewater r., which unite in the centre of the
county, and produce an immense water power. Capital,
Connersville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 9,257, sheep
15,784, swine 31,343; wheat 70,439 bush, produced, rye 7,989,
lnd. corn 711,855, oats 123,815, potatoes 16,794, sugar 28,721
pounds; 21 stores, cap. $29,800; 1 fulling m., 3 tanneries, 5
distilleries, 2 flouring m., 6 grist m., 14 saw m., 2 oil m., 1
printing office, 1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in manufac $60,513. 1
acad. 125 students, 14 sch. 447 scholars. Pop. 9,837.
Fayette, County, Ill. Situated a little s. of
the centre of the state, and contains 648 sq. ms. The surface is
level, and contains prairie and woodland. Drained by Kaskaskia
River and its branches. The lands on Kaskaskia r. are liable to
be overflowed, and often contain small lakes and ponds. The
surface around Vandalia is undulating and timbered, but the soil
is indifferent. Capital, Vandalia. There were in 1840, neat
cattle 8,212, sheep 4,652, swine 17,439; wheat 16,906 bush,
produced, lnd. corn 252,330, oats 45,242, potatoes 9,719,
tobacco 3,500 pounds; 12 stores, cap. $72,400; 1 tannery, 14
grist m.,8 saw m., 2 printing offices, 2 daily newspapers. Cap.
in manufac. $17,825. 10 sch. 280 scholars. Pop. 6,328.
Fayette, p-t, Kennebec co., Me., 18 w. n. w. Augusta, 600 W.
Incorporated in 1795. Watered by a branch of Sandy r. It has a
good soil, adapted to gram and to grazing. It has 3 stores, cap.
$7,000; 1 fulling m., 3 tanneries, 1 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. §10,200. 9 sch. 386 I scholars. Pop. 1,016.
Table of Contents
Source: A Complete Descriptive And
Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel
Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith,
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