Freedom, NY to Furnace Village, CT
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Freedom, p-t., Cattaraugus co., N. Y., 270 w. by s. Albany, 346
W. The surface is level; soil, a fertile gravelly loam, adapted
to grass. Drained by Clear cr., and other tributaries of
Cattaraugus cr. It has 2 stores, cap. $3,000; 1 fulling m., 1
woolen fac, 1 tannery, 2 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$5,200. 14 sch. 415 scholars. Pop. 1,831.
Freedom, t., Adams co., Pa. It has 1 distillery, 2 flouring m.,
2 grist m. Pop. 4G5.
Freedom, p-b., Beaver co., Pa., 224 w. by n. Harrisburg, 250 W.
Situated on the e. bank of Ohio r., 2 ms. from the mouth of
Beaver r. It is pleasantly located on ascending ground, and
contains several manufactories of steam engines and boilers, and
a boatyard, where some of the largest and finest steamboats have
been built. It has 3 stores, cap. $5,550; 1 distillery, 2 saw m.
Cap. in manufac. $18,700. 1 sch. 75 scholars. Pop. 331.
Freedoom, p-v., Carroll co., Md., 50 n. w. Annapolis, 60 W.
Freedom, p-t., Portage co., O., 159 n. e. Columbus, 315 W. The
surface is level, and some of it wet, and the soil is fertile.
It has 7 sch. 227 scholars. Pop. 888.
Freedom, t., Henry co., O. It has 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$4,000. 1 sch. 8 scholars. Pop. 105.
Freedom, t., Wood co., Pa. It has 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$2,500. 1 sch. 28 scholars. Pop. 248.
Freedom, p-o., St. Joseph co., Mich., 131 w. s. w. Detroit, 580
Freedom, t., Washtenaw co., Mich. Pop. 956.
Freedom, p-v., Owen co., Ia., 67 s. w. Indianapolis, 630 W.
Freedom, t., La Fayette co., Mo. It has 3 sch. 90 scholars. Pop.
Freedom Plains, p-v., La Grange t., Dutchess co., N. Y , 79 s.
Albany, 306 W. It contains 1 store, and several dwellings.
Freehold, p-v., Greenville t., Greene co., N. Y., 42 s. by w.
Albany, 355 W. It contains 1 church, 2 stores, 1 grist m., 1
tannery, 1 clothier's works, 2D dwellings, and about 120
Freehold, pt, capital of Monmouth co., N. J., 35 s. e. Trenton,
201 W. The soil is a sandy loam, productive with good culture.
The v. contains a court house, jail, and county offices, 5
churches - 1 Presbyterian, 1 Dutch Reformed, 1 Episcopal, 1
Baptist, and 1 Methodist - an academy, 6 stores, a printing
office, and 40 dwellings. A hard fought battle of the revolution
occurred here, June 28th, 1778, denominated the battle of
Monmouth Tliere are in the t., 12 stores, cap. $49,500: 2
tanneries, 11 distilleries, 2 printing offices, 2 daily
newspapers, 11 grist m., 11 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $21,165. 1
acad. 5 students, 17 sch. 637 scholars. Pop. 6,303,
Freehold, Upper, t., Monmouth co^ N. J. The surface is level,
and the soil, clay, sandy loam, and sand. The soil in the w.
part is good, in the s. e. covered with pine forest. Drained by
Millstone r., and Crosswiek's, Doctor's, and other creeks. It
contains 20 stores, 12 saw m., several grist m. with 15 run of
stones, 1 fulling m., 3 carding machines, several tanneries with
50 vats, and a number of distilleries. It has 18 sch. 1,200
scholars. Pop. 5,026.
Freehold, t., Warren co., Pa. It has 2 stores, cap. $12,000; 1
fulling m., 1 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $9,695. 5 sch.
13S scholars. Pop. 773.
Freeman, p-t., Franklin co., Me., 4S n. n. w. Augusta, 637 W. It
has a fertile soil, adapted to grain. Watered by a branch of
Sandy cr. It has 2 stores, cap. $1,500; 1 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. $500. 7 sch. 387 scholars. Pop. 833.
Freemansburg, p-v., Northampton co., Pa., 99 e. n. e.
Harrisburg, 192.
Freemanton, Effingham co., Ill., 90 s. e. Springfield, 719 W.
Freeport, p-t., Cumberland co., Me., 34 a. s. w. Augusta, 561 W.
Situated at the head of Casco bay. Organized in 1789. The v. is
pleasantly situated, and has a small harbor, and some
navigation, and ship building. There are in the t. 11 stores,
cap. $11,900; 1 tannery, 2 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$3,100. 18 sch. 806 scholars. Pop. 2,662.
Freeport, p-b., Buffalo t., Armstrong co., Pa., 196 w. n. w.
Harrisburg, 228 W. Situated at the confluence of Buffalo cr.
with Alleghany r. The Pennsylvania canal passes through the t.,
crossing the cr. in an aqueduct, and an office is established
here for the collection of tolls. It contains 6 churches - 1
Presbyterian, 1 Episco* pal, 1 Baptist, 1 Associate Reformed, 1
Methodist, and 1 Roman Catholic - 1 steam saw m., 1 steam grist
m., 1 water grist and saw m., 1 tannery, numerous mechanic
shops, and about 150 dwellings. It has 11 stores, cap. $15,700;
1 fulling m., 1 pottery, 1 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$14,250. 2 sch. 100 scholars. Pop. 727.
Freeport, p-t., Harrison co., O., 99 e. n. e. Columbus, 304 W.
It contains several flouring m. and factories. The v. is
situated on Big Stillwater cr., a branch of Tuscarawas r., and
contains 4 churches, 6 stores, 2 warehouses, 25 mechanic shops,
60 dwellings, and about 300 inhabitants. The Stillwater is
boatable !o this place; and at its mouth, 20 ms. distant,
connects with the Ohio canal. It has 5 sch. 323 scholars. Pop.
Freeport, p-v., Shelby co., Ia., 29 s. e. Indianapolis, 560 W.
Freeport, p-v., Stephenson co., Ill., 200 ms. n. Springfield,
832 W. Situated on the Peekatonica r.
Freesburg, p-v., Union co., Pa., 66 n. Harrisburg, 156 W.
Freeshade, p-o., Middlesex co., Va., 98 E. Richmond, 169 W.
Freetown, p-t., Bristol co., Mass., 42 s. Boston, 427 W.
Incorporated in 1683. Situated on the E. side of Taunton r., by
a branch of which it is watered. The soil is light, and not very
fertile. It has considerable manufactures, and some navigation.
It has 9 stores, cap. $12,943; 2 furnaces, 1 tannery, 1 pottery,
1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper, 9 grist m. Cap. in
manufac. $30,500. 1 acad. 25 students, 14 sch. 534 scholars.
Pop. 1,772.
Freetown, p-t., Cortland co., N. Y., 139 w. by s. Albany, 326 W.
The surface is undulating; soil, a fertile sandy loam. Drained
by tributaries of Toughnioga and Ostelic rivers. It has 1 store,
cap. $3,500; 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,400. 9 sch. 374
scholars. Pop. 950.
Freetown Corners, p-o., Freetown t., Cortland co., N. Y., 144 w.
by s. Albany, 324 W.
French Broad, p-o., Buncombe co., N. C 265 w. Raleigh, 488 W.
French Broad, r., one of the head branches of Tennessee r.,
rises on the n. side of the Blue Ridge, in Buncombe co., N. C,
and enters Tennessee through a gap in the mountains, and unites
with Holston r. 5 miles above Knoxville. It is navigable for
boats of 15 tons to Dandridge. Its chief branches are Nolachucky
r., on the v, and Great and Little Pigeon Rivers, on the s.
French Creek, N. Y. and Pa., rises in Chautauque co., N. Y., and
passes into Pa., and, running by Meadville, enters the Alleghany
r. at Franklin b., Venango co. It is 100 ms. long and boatable
half that distance.
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French Creek, p-t., Chautauque co., N. Y., 368 w. by s. Albany,
353 W. The surface is hilly; soil, moist sandy loam, well
adapted to grass. Watered by French cr. It has 1 grist m., 2 saw
m. Cap. in manufac. $3,600. 4 sch. 99 scholars. Pop. 621.
French Creek, t., Venango co., Pa. It has 2 stores, cap. $2,800;
2 fulling m., 1 tannery, 2 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$3,800. Pop. 787.
French Creek, p-t., Mercer co., Pa., 223 w. N. w. Harrisburg,
297 W. The surface is level; soil, clay and loam, not very
fertile. Drained by French and Sandy creeks. It has 3 tanneries,
1 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $350. 6 sch. 240 scholars.
Pop. 931.
French Creek, p-o., Lewis co., Va., 307 w. Richmond, 275 W. It
contains 1 Presbyterian Church, 1 tannery, various mechanics,
and about 70 scattered dwellings. It is an agricultural
settlement, peopled chiefly from New England.
French Creek, p-o., Peoria co., Ill.
French Grant, p-o., Green t., Scioto co., O., 110 s. Columbus,
426 W.
French Grove, p-o., Bureau co., Ill. Situated on branches of
Spoon r. It contains fine timber groves, surrounded by rich
rolling prairie.
French Mills, p-o., Bradford co., Pa., 159 n. by e. Harrisburg,
269 W.
French Mills, p-o., Onslow co., N. C, 157 s. by e. Raleigh, 387
Frenchtown, p-v., Lewis co., Va., 311 w. n. w. Richmond, 279 W.
Frenchtown, p-o., Hunterdon co., N. J., 35 N. by w. Trenton, 192
Frenchtown, t., Monroe co., Mich. Pop. 833.
Frenchville, p-o., Clearfield co., Pa.
French Village, p-v., St. Clair co., Ill. It contains about 20
or 30 families.
Frewsburgh, p-o., Carroll t., Chautauque co., N. Y., 340 w. by
s. Albany, 317 W.
Frey's Bush, p-o., Canajoharie t., Montgomery co., N. Y.
Friends Grove, p-o., Charlotte co., Va., 98 w. s. w. Richmond,
183 W. It contains a store, and a tobacco fac, employing 30
Friendship, p-t., Lincoln co., Me., 51 s. e. Augusta, 631 W. It
has the Atlantic on the s., and Muscongus bay on the w., and
contains several islands. It has considerable navigation and
trade. It has 6 stores, cap. $6,400; 2 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap.
in manufac. $2,872. 7 sch. 224 scholars. Pop. 725.
Friendship, p-t., Alleghany co., N. Y., 272 w. by s. Albany, 325
W. The surface is undulating; soil, argillaceous mold, well
adapted to grass. Watered by Campan's cr., a branch of Genesee
r. The v. is situated on the line of the New York and Erie
railroad, and contains 2 churches, 8 stores, 1 grist m., 90
dwellings, and about 700 inhabitants. Pop. of the t. 1,244. It
has 5 stores, cap. $24,000; 2 fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 1
tannery, 3 grist m., 17 saw m. Cap. in manufac. 1824,100.
Friendship, p-v., Anne Arundel co., Md., 31 n. w. Annapolis, 61
Friendship, p-o., Guilford co., N. C, 91 w. N. w. Raleigh, 312
Friendship, p-o., Sumter dist., S. C, 81 E. s.; e. Columbia, 519
Friendship, p-o., Sumter co., Ga., 108 s. w. Milledgeville,764W.
Friendsville, p-v., Middletown t., Susquehanna co., Pa., 175 n.
n. e. Harrisburg, 233 W. It contains 1 store, and G or 8
Friendsville, p-o., Alleghany co., Md., 217 N. w. Annapolis, 175
Friendsville, p-o., Wabash co., Ill., 177 s. e. Springfield, 715
Friend's Mills, p-o., Warrick co., Ia.
Front Royal, p-v., capital, Warren co., Va., 139 n. n. w.
Richmond, 85 W. Pleasantly situated on Happy cr., 1 mile from
the Shenandoah. It contains a court house, 2 churches, 2
academies, several stores, various mechanics, a saw and grist
m., 40 dwellings, and about 300 inhabitants.
Frostburg, p-v., Alleghany co., Md., 176 n. w. Annapolis, 144 W.
Situated on the national road, 10 miles w. of Cumberland.
Frostville, p-o., Cuyahoga co., O., 131 n. n. e. Columbus, 371
Fruit Hill, p-o., Providence co., R. I., 4 Providence, 404 W.
Fruit Hill, p-v., Clearfield co., Pa., 132 n. w. Harrisburg, 222
Fruit Hill, p-o., Christian co., Ky., 192 s. w. Frankfort, 728
Fruit Hill, p-o., Edgefield dist., S. C, 70 w. by s. Columbia,
544 W.
Fryeburg, p-t., Oxford co., Me., 72 w. s. w. Augusta, 569 W.
Situated on both sides of Saco r. Incorporated in 1777. The soil
on the r. is fertile; but otherwise it is light, and not very
fertile. The v. is beautifully situated on a plain, surrounded
by hills, and contains a Congregational church, and a
flourishing academy. Lovell's pond, famous in early Indian
warfare, lies near the v. There are in the town 1 academy 60
students, 15 schools, 550 scholars. Population 1,536.
Fryer's Ponds, p-o., Burke co., Ga., 94 E. by s. Milledgeville,
617 W.
Fullersville, p-v., Fowler t, St. Lawrence co., N. Y., 190 n. n.
w. Albany, 460 W. It contains 2 churches, 1 store, 1 furnace, 2
forges, 1 grist m., 1 saw m. A branch of Oswegatchie r. affords
water power.
Fullersville, p-o., Barbour co., Ala.
Fullwood's Store, p-o., Mecklenburg co., N. C, 177 w. s. w.
Raleigh, 414 W.
Fulton, County, N. Y. Situated n e. of the
centre of the state, and contains 500 sq ms. The surface is
hilly, with some mountains. The valleys have a fertile soil.
Drained by the Sacandaga r. and East Canada cr. Capital,
Johnstown. There were in 1840, neat cattle 19,982, sheep 32,525,
swine 14,042; wheat 25,162 bush, produced, rye 33,573, Ind. corn
59,886, buckwheat 31,011, barley 22,860, oats 245,718, potatoes
402,954, sugar 80,129 pounds; 57 stores, capital $143,825; 1
furnace, 11 fulling m., 5 woolen fac, 23 tanneries, 2 rope fac,
19 grist m., 156 saw m., 2 oil m., 7 paper fac, 3 printing
offices, 1 bindery, 1 periodical, 2 weekly newspapers. Capital
in manufac. $541,643. 2 acad. 235 students, 89 sch. 4,059
scholars. Pop. 18,049.
Fulton, County, Ia. Situated toward the n. part
of the state, and contains 350 sq. ms. The surface is level.
Watered by the head branches of Tippecanoe River. Capital,
Rochester. There were in 1840, neat cattle 2,130, sheep 1,440,
swine 5,246; wheat 9,122 bush, produced, Indian corn 64,626,
oats 9,824, potatoes 13,513, sugar 22,748 pounds; 3 stores, cap.
$15,000; 1 forge, 1 grist m., 6 saw m. Cap. in manufac $5,100. 3
schools, Pop. 1,993.
Fulton, County, Ill. Situated toward the n, w.
part of the state. Illinois r. runs on its s. e. border. Watered
by Spoon r. and Copperas cr. The surface is undulating,
consisting of timber land and prairie, and the soil is
excellent. Capital, Lewiston. There were in 1840, neat cattle
13,419, sheep 12,019, swine 39,326; wheat 105,373 bush,
produced, rye 3,825, Indian corn 608,883, buckwheat 2,336, oats
127,059, potatoes 60,702, tobacco 7,737 pounds, sugar 23,934; 29
stores, cap. $70,335; 1 furnace, 5 tanneries, 11 distilleries,
18 grist m., 31 saw m., 1 oil m., 2 printing offices, 2 weekly
newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $37,590. 2 acad. 72 students, 47
sch. 1,328 scholars. Pop. 13,142.
Page 228
Fulton, t., Schoharie co., N. Y., 9 s. Schoharie, 42 Albany. The
surface is uneven, overlaid with graywacke, of which grindstones
are manufactured. The soil in the valleys is fertile. Drained by
Schoharie cr. and its tributaries, one of which has a fall of
100 feet. The v., on Schoharie cr., contains 1 store, 1 grist
m., and 12 or 15 dwellings. There are in the t. 2 stores,
capital $2,000; 1 fulling m., 1 tannery, 1 grist m., 1 saw m.
Cap. in manufac. $2,750. 13 sch. 671 scholars. Pop. 2,147.
Fulton, p-v., Volney t., Oswego co., N. Y., 190 w. n. w. Albany,
460 W. Situated on the E. side of Oswego r. A fall here of about
20 feet produces an extensive water power. It contains 4
churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Episcopal, 1 Methodist, and 1
Universalist, 12 stores, 3 flouring m., 8 saw m., 250 dwellings,
and about 1,600 inhabitants.
Fulton, p-o., Westmoreland co., Pa., 183 w. Harrisburg, 209 W.
Fulton, p-t., Hamilton co., O., 120 s. w. by w. Columbus, 496 W.
Situated on Ohio r., above and adjoining Cincinnati. It fronts
on the r. 2¼ ms., and extends back to the top of the river hill,
half a mile. The v. consists of one extended street. It has 2
extensive lumber yards, 4 steam saw m., and 4 ship yards, where
numerous steamboats are built. About a mile intervenes between
the v. and the compact part of the city, so that it has the
character of a separate village. There are in the t., 3 sch. 143
scholars. Pop. 1,506.
Fulton, p-v., Lawrence t., Stark co., O., (po. called Canal
Fulton,) 125 Columbus, 330 W. Situated on the Ohio canal, and
contains 6 stores, 6 large warehouses, 1 steam saw m., 1
tannery, 1 brewery, 90 dwellings, and about 500 inhabitants.
Fulton, p-v., Barry co., Mich., 140 w. by n. Detroit, 605 W.
Fulton, p-v., Davie co., N. C, 156 w. Raleigh, 364 W.
Fulton, p-v., Sumter dist., S. C, 69 e. by s. Columbia, 509 W.
Fulton, p-v., Hempstead co., Ark., 126 s. w. Little Rock, 1,191
W. Situated on the n. side of Red r.
Fulton, p-v., Whitesides co., Ill., 185 n. by w. Springfield,
865 W.
Fulton, p-v., capital of Callaway co., Mo., 22 n. e. Jefferson
City, 917 W. Situated on Riviero au Vases, 12 ms. N. Missouri r.
It contains a court house, 2 churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1
Baptist, 2 academies, 8 stores, 40 dwellings, and about 500
Fulton, t., Fountain co., Ia. It has 141 scholars in schools.
Pop. 657.
Fulton, p-v., Lauderdale co., Tenn., 200 w. Nashville, 832 W.
Situated on the e. side of the Mississippi r., 2 ms. above the
mouth of the Big Hatchee, on a beautiful bluff. It has 1 large
warehouse and a few dwellings.
Fulton, p-v., capital of Itawamba co., Miss., 210 n. E. Jackson,
875 W. Situated on the e. fork of Tombigbee r. It contains a
court house and a few dwellings.
Fultonham, p-o., Fulton t., Schoharie co., N. Y., 42 w. Albany,
380 W.
Fultonham, p-v., Uniontown t., Muskingum co., O., 57 e.
Columbus, 348 W. The v. contains 1 Lutheran and 1 Baptist
church, 4 stores, 12 or 15 mechanic shops, and about 60
dwellings. Jonathan's cr., on which is a great number of mills,
runs in sight, of the v.
Fultonville, p-v., Glen t., Montgomery co., N. Y., 43 w. n. w.
Albany, 407 W. Situated on the s. side of Mohawk r., on the Erie
canal. It contains 1 Dutch Reformed church, 4 stores, 2
groceries, a dry dock and boat yard, 60 dwellings, and about 400
inhabitants. A bridge here crosses the Mohawk.
Fulton Lakes, N. Y., a chain of 8 small lakes, lying in Herkimer
and Hamilton counties. They are connected by navigable outlets,
and discharge their waters into Moose r., a branch of Black r.
Fundy, Bay of, sets up between Cape Sable, the s. point of Nova
Scotia, and Mount Desert island, in Maine, a distance of 150 ms.
From Eastport to St. Johns, N. B., is 60 ms. The bay is divided,
in its n. e. part, into 2 branches, the H. w. called Chignecto
bay, the head of which is 170 ms. from Eastport. The s. E. part
is called the Basin of Mines, 150 miles from Eastport. Gypsum is
obtained on the Basin of Mines, and grindstones on Chignecto
bay. The tide rises at Eastport 25 feet, at St. Johns 30, at
Windsor 60, at the head of Chignecto bay 71 feet. The tide comes
in with amazing rapidity, and swine are often overtaken and
drowned while feeding on shellfish.
Funkstown, p-v., Washington co., Md., 99 n. w. Annapolis, 67 W.
Situated on the e. bank of Antictam cr., a tributary of the
Potomac, 22 N. w. Frederick.
Furnace, p-o., Vermillion t., Erie co., O., 117 N. Columbus, 391
Furnace Village, p-v., Salisbury t., Litchfield co., Ct., 51 w.
n. w. Hartford, 335 W. Here is a large pond, the outlet of which
affords water power, and on which is a large furnace. The ore
which supplies if. is obtained from a rich ore bed in the w.
part of the t., on the border of the state of New York.
Table of Contents
Source: A Complete Descriptive And
Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel
Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith,
This book is a joint project between
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