Jay, NY to Jefferson City, MO
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Jay, p-t., Essex co., N. Y., 18 n. Elizabeth, 148 N. Albany, 523
W. The surface is mountainous. Watered by a branch of Au Sable
r., along which are fertile flats. The v. is situated on the e.
branch of Au Sable r., and contains 1 Methodist and 1 Baptist
church, 3 stores, 1 grist m., 1 saw m., 1 forge, 1 clothier's
works, 50 dwellings, and about 400 inhabitants. The t. has 5
stores, cap. $26,000; 2 fulling m., 5 forges, 2 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. $1,050. 13 sch. 582 scholars. Pop. 2,258.
Jay C. H., p-v., capital of Jay co., Ia., 100 n. e.
Indianapolis, 523 W. Situated on the n. side of Salamanie r. It
has a court house, and a few dwellings.
Jaynesville, p-o., Covington co., Miss., 69 s. E. Jackson, 1,033
W. Situated on the w. side of a small branch of Leaf r.
Jeaneretts, p-o., St. Mary's par., La., 162 w. by s. New
Orleans, 1,297 W.
Jefferson, County, N. Y. Situated in the n.
part of the state, and contains 1,125 square miles. Bounded w.
by Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence r. The surface is level, or
gently uneven; soil, a rich sandy loam. Watered by Black r.
through the centre, Indian, Chaumont and Perch rs. on the n.,
and Stony and Sandy crs. in the s. w. Capital, Watertown. There
were in 1840, neat cattle 78,694, sheep 165,390, swine 60,518;
wheat 406,721 bush, produced, rye 18,396, Indian corn 445,973,
buckwheat 36,641, barley 74,540, oats 447,936, potatoes
1,345,818, hops 2,905 pounds, sugar 512,254; 2 commission
houses, cap. $5,000; 166 stores, cap. $549,400; 18 lumber yards,
cap. $189,250; 6 furnaces, 1 forge, 1 smelting house produced
300,000 pounds of lead, 22 fulling m., 11 woolen fac, 1 cotton
fac. 1,000 sp., 31 tanneries, 9 distilleries, 8 breweries, 1
rope fac, 8 flouring m., 34 grist m., 109 saw m., 4 oil m., 1
paper factory, 4 printing offices, 5 weekly newspapers. Cap. in
manufac. $721,249. 1 college 200 students, 2 acad. 125 students,
292 sch. 11,548 scholars. Pop. 60,984.
Jefferson, County, Pa. Situated toward the N.
w. part of the state, and contains 1,200 sq. ms. The surface is
hilly, and the soil, in the valleys, generally fertile. Watered
by Mahoning cr., and Little and Big Sandy Lick crs., and Clarion
and Toby's rivers. Iron ore and coal are abundant. Capital,
Brookville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 5,773, sheep 7,342,
swine 8,898; wheat 43,598 bush, produced, rye 24,467, Indian
corn 23,369, buckwheat 14,501, oats 77,077, potatoes 64,110,
sugar 27,067 pounds; 19 stores, capital $49,080 ; fulling m., 1
woolen fac, 6 tanneries, 2 distilleries, 14 grist m., 68 saw m.,
1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in manufac.
$141,840. 1 acad. 25 students, 8 sch. 236 scholars. Pop. 7,253.
Jefferson, County, Va. Situated in the n. e.
part of the state, and contains 225 sq. ms. Bounded n. e. by
Potomac r. The surface is hilly and broken; soil, various.
Watered by Shenandoah r. and Opequan cr. Capital, Charleston.
There were in 1840, neat cattle 11,915, sheep 67,289, swine
72,467; wheat 516,969 bush, produced, rye 41,975, Indian corn
938,552, barley 4,230, oats 71,999, potatoes 151,443 ; 57
stores, cap. $320,000 ; 2 furnaces, 3 fulling m., 3 woolen fac,
6 tanneries, 4 distilleries, 1 brewery, 2 potteries, 18 flouring
m., 17 grist m., 40 saw m., 2 printing offices, 2 weekly
newspapers. Cap. in manufactures, $344,300. 8 acad. 262
students, 19 sch. 475 scholars. Pop. whites 9,323, slaves 4,157,
free colored 602 ; total, 14,082.
Jefferson, County, Ga. Situated toward the e.
part of the state, and contains 660 sq. miles. Ogeechee r. runs
through its s. w. part, and Brier cr. runs on its n. e. border.
Watered by Reedy and Mill crs. and branches of Ogeechee River.
Capital, Louisville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 8,023,
sheep 3,369, swine 16,537; wheat 10,301 bush, produced, rye
1,198, Indian corn 273,416, oats 4,391, potatoes 8,770, cotton
6,443,120 pounds ; 13 stores, cap. $39,660; 9 grist m., 9 saw m.
1 sch. 12 scholars. Pop. whites 2,878, slaves 4,342, free col'd
35 ; total, 7,254.
Jefferson, County, Flor. Situated in the
central part of the ter., extending from Georgia to the Gulf of
Mexico. It contains 702 sq. ms. Mickasuky lake lies on its w.
part. The outlet of the lake and several other streams unite,
and 2 miles s. e. of the lake, where they constitute a
considerable mill stream, they suddenly sink into the earth and
disappear. The soil, in many parts, is fertile. Oscilla r. runs
on its e. boundary. Capital, Monticello. There were in 1840,
neat cattle 8,112, sheep 752, swine 9,680; Ind. corn 125,540
bush produced, oats 2,015, potatoes 25,904, rice 7,300 pounds,
tobacco 5,500, cotton 1,855,715, sugar 46,850; 9 stores, cap.
$41,000; 1 tannery, 4 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$2,000. 1 acad. 90 students, 5 sch. 94 scholars. Pop. whites
2,162, slaves 3,549, free col'd 2; total, 5,713.
Jefferson, County, Ala. Situated a little n. of
the centre of the state, and contains 1,040 sq. ms. Watered by
Locust Fork of Tuscaloosa or Black Warrior r. and its branches.
Capital, Ely-ton. There were in 1840, neat cattle 8,032, sheep
2,331, swine 22,163; wheat 34,157 bush, produced, Ind. corn
353,721, oats 22,790, potatoes 9,314, tobacco 4,003 pounds,
cotton 790,867; 5 stores, cap. $13,000; 4 tanneries, 5
distilleries, 1 flouring m., 25 grist m., 11 saw m., 1 oil m.
Cap. in manufac. $2,950. 33 sch. 464 scholars. Pop. whites
5,486, slaves 4,636, free col'd 9 ; total, 7,131.
Jefferson, County, Miss. Situated in the s. w.
part of the state, and contains 630 sq. miles. Mississippi r.
runs on its w. border. Drained by Fairchild's and Coles' crs.
and branches, Bayou Pierre and Homochitto rs. Toward the w., and
particularly on the Mississippi, the soil is fertile; toward the
e. it is light, and covered with pines. Capital, Fayette. There
were in 1840, neat cattle 15,156, sheep 7,595, swine 21,823;
Ind. corn 364,972 bush, produced, potatoes 30,881, rice 6,818
pounds, cotton 14,033,479; 11 stores, cap. $112,000; 2
tanneries, 153 grist m., 8 saw m., 2 printing offices, 2 weekly
newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $88,300. 1 acad. 40 students, 15
sch. 318 scholars. Pop. whites 2,339, slaves 9,176, free col'd
85; total, 11,650.
Jefferson, Parrish, La. Situated in the s. e.
part of the state, and contains 720 sq. ms. The Mississippi
bounds it on the n., and Barrataria Bay of the Gulf of Mexico on
the s. The land, excepting on the margin of the streams, is
generally too low for cultivation. Capital, La Fayette. There
were in 1840, neat cattle 7,891, sheep 6,781, swine 2,878 ; Ind.
corn 198,813 bush, produced, potatoes 82,250, rice 104,260
pounds, sugar 5,134,500; 143 stores, capital $64,749; 81 lumber
yards, capital $110,745; 1 tannery, 1 distillery, 1 pottery, 6
saw m., 2 printing offices, 2 daily newspapers, 1 weekly paper,
3 periodicals. Cap. in manufactures, $786,000. 1 acad. 55
students, 2 sch. 29 scholars. Pop. whites 4,866, slaves 4,986,
free col'd 618; total, 10,470.
Jefferson, County, Tenn. Situated toward the e.
part of the state, and contains 356 sq. ms. Holston r. runs on
its n. w. border, and French Broad r. waters it in the s. part.
The surface is uneven and rough, but it has some fertile soil.
Capital, Dandridge. There were in 1840, neat cattle 7,780, sheep
9,998, swine 27,717; wheat 80,449 bush, prod., rye 1,619, Ind.
corn 336,644, oats 77.967, potatoes 12,631, tobacco 10,107
pounds, cotton 10,809, sugar 4,883; 17 stores, cap. $36,500; 2
fulling m., 3 woolen fac, 1 cotton fac. 500 sp., 49 tanneries,
18 distilleries, 1 powder m., 1 pottery, 12 flouring m., 33
grist m., 30 saw m., 3 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $62,272. 1
college, 80 students, 1 acad. 45 students, 13 sch. 320 scholars.
Pop. whites 10,662, slaves 1,282, free col'd 132; total, 12,076.
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Jefferson, County, Ky. Situated in the n. part
of the state, and contains 504 sq. ms. The Ohio r. runs on its
n. w. border. Drained by Floyd's fork and Pond cr., branches of
Salt r. The rapids of the Ohio lie opposite to this co., around
which is a canal. Capital, Louisville. There were in 1840, neat
cattle 12,716, sheep; 14,971, swine 42,266; wheat 115,175 bush,
prod., rye 16,969, Ind. corn 665,899, barley 1,750, oats
156,092, potatoes 60,604, tobacco 75,360 pounds, sugar 3,944; 1
commercial and 11 com. houses, cap. $191,800 ; 270 stores, cap.
$2,182,980; 3 lumber yards, cap. $52,000; 9 tanneries, 9
distilleries, 2 breweries, 1 glass fac, 2 potteries, 11 flouring
m., 17 grist m., 17 saw m., 1 oil m., 1 paper fac, 7 printing
offices, 2 binderies, 1 periodical, 5 daily, 7 weekly, 3
semi-weekly newspapers. Cap. in. manufac $861,006. 1 college, 80
students, 15 acad. 452 students, 37 sch. 814 scholars. Pop.
whites 26,937, slaves 8,596, free col'd 763 ; total, 36,316.
Jefferson, County, O. Situated in the e. part
of the state, and contains 396 sq. ms. Ohio r. runs on its e.
border. Drained by Cross, Short and Yellow creeks, which afford
water power. The surface is uneven; soil, fertile. Capital,
Steubenville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 18,566, sheep
18,814, swine 11,279; wheat 287,486 bush, produced, rye 2,001,
Ind. corn 177,459, barley 2,963, oats 215,378, potatoes 50,189,
sugar 1,000 pounds; 3 com. houses, cap. $3,200 ; 62 stores, cap.
$120,800; 5 lumber yards, cap. $23,000; 1 furnace, 1 fulling m.,
7 woolen fac, 1 cotton fac. 10,224 sp., 10 tanneries, 4
distilleries, 2 breweries, 24 flouring m., 3 grist m., 22 saw
m., 1 oil m., 1 paper fac, 2 printing offices, 2 weekly
news-papers. Cap. in manufac. $330,980. 1 college, 208 students,
2 acad. 170 students, 44 sch. 2,906 scholars. Pop. 25,030.
Jefferson, County, Ia. Situated in the s. e.
part of the state, and contains 360 sq. ms. Ohio r. bounds it on
the s. e. Drained by branches of Muscatatack r., by Indian
Kentucky cr., and Big and Lewis creeks. The surface is various,
and the soil productive. Organized in 1809. Capital, Madison.
There were in 1840, neat cattle 12,000, sheep 13,477, swine
15,135; wheat 85,483; bush, produced, rye 2,126, Ind. corn
250,007, oats 84,264, potatoes 14,597, tobacco 13,180 pounds,
sugar 6,603; 11 commercial and 5 com. houses, cap. $960,000; 35
stores, cap. $227,529 ; 1 furnace, 1 cotton fac. 800 sp., 12
tanneries, 1 brewery, 10 flouring m., 21 grist m., 31 saw m., 1
oil m., 1 paper fac, 2 printing offices, 4 weekly news-papers.
Cap. in manufac. $233,693. 1 college, 72 students, 1 acad. 22
students, 16 sch. 1,050 scholars. Pop. 16,614.
Jefferson, county, Ill. Situated centrally, in
the s. part of the state, and contains 576 sq. ms. Drained by
branches of Big Muddy and Little Wabash rivers. The surface is
one-third prairie, and the soil moderately fertile. Capital,
Mount Vernon. There were in 1840, neat cattle 12,370, sheep
6,001, swine 17,955; wheat 11,503 bush, produced, Ind. corn
271,800, oats 27,797, potatoes 6,802, tobacco 29,272 pounds,
cotton 13,862; 10 stores, cap. $23,900 ; 2 tanneries, 2
distilleries, 14 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac $9,118. 1
acad. 125 students, 8 sch. 375 scholars. Pop. 5,762.
Jefferson, County, Mo. Situated in the e. part
of the state, and contains 500 sq, ms. Drained by Big r. and
Joachim cr. The surface is hilly and broken; soil, various.
Minerals and mineral springs abound. Capital, Hillsboro. There
were in 1840, neat cattle 7,753, sheep 4,202, swine 13,533;
wheat 13,350 bush, produced, Ind.com 182,125, oats 20,195,
potatoes 4,836, tobacco 3,000 pounds; 6 stores, cap. $18,000 ; 1
smelting house, prod. 775,000 pounds of lead, 2 tanneries, 1
distillery, 3 flouring m., 4 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$20,900. 5 sch. 83 scholars. Pop. 4,296.
Jefferson, County, Ark. Situated a little s. e.
of the center of the state, and contains 1,180 sq. ms. Watered
by Arkansas r., which runs through its center. Capital, Pine
Bluffs. There were in 1840, neat cattle 7,443, sheep 439, swine
8,879; Ind. corn 157,560 bush, produced, potatoes 6,730, cotton
659,750 lbs; 7 stores, cap. $49,100; 1 tannery, 17 grist m., 11
saw m. Cap. in manufac. $34,100. Pop. whites 1,551, slaves
1,010, free col'd 5 ; total, 2,566.
Jefferson, County, Wis. Situated toward the s.
part of the territory, and contains 576 sq. ms. It is well
timbered, and has some swamps. Drained by Rock r., passing
through its Centre. Capital, Jefferson. There were in 1840, neat
cattle 1,045, sheep 32, swine 1,763; wheat 6,647 bush, produced,
rye 186, Ind. corn 15,192, oats 4,465, potatoes 14,410, sugar
13,050 pounds; 1 store, cap. $2,500; 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$11,000. 6 sch. 133 scholars. Pop. 914.
Jefferson, County, Iowa. Situated in the s. w.
part of the territory, and contains 330 sq. ms. Organized in
1839. Drained by Checauque or Skunk r. and its branches. It has
a fertile soil. Limestone and stone coal are found. Capital,
Fairfield. There were in 1840, neat cattle 3,075, sheep 2,118,
swine 7,172 ; wheat 4,223 bush, produced, Ind. corn 89,675, oats
10,795; 7 stores, cap. $16,500; 5 saw m., 7 sch. 151 scholars.
Pop. 2,773.
Jefferson, p-t., Lincoln co., Me., 21 s. e. Augusta, 613 W. It
lies around Damariscotta pond, the outlet of which forms
Damariscotta r. It has other ponds, from one of which flows
Dyer's r., a branch of the Sheepscut r. Incorporated in 1807. It
has 11 stores, cap. $3,650; 2 fulling m., 4 tanneries, 4 grist
m., 9 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $21,496. 15 sch. 345 scholars.
Pop. 2,214.
Jefferson, p-t., Coos co., N. H., 108 n. Concord, 569 W. Watered
by Israel's r. A pond in the t. gives rise to John's r. The
surface is un-even and mountainous, and it has some good land,
adapted chiefly to grazing. It has 1 store, 1 grist m., 2 saw m.
Cap. in manufac. $2,100. 5 sch. 200 scholars. Pop. 575.
Jefferson, p-t., Schoharie co., N. Y., 56 w. Albany, 375 W. The
surface is hilly and mountainous ; soil, generally a poor sandy
loam, excepting in the valleys. Drained by head branches of
Delaware r. and branches of Schoharie cr., forming the height of
land between Delaware and Hudson rivers. It has 3 stores, cap.
$3,200; 3 fulling m., 3 tanneries, 2 grist m., 6 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. $3,600. 2 acad. 157 students, 18 sch. 609 scholars.
Pop. 2,033.
Jefferson, v., Dix t., Chemung co., N. Y. Situated at the s. end
of Seneca Lake, and at the termination of the Chemung canal. It
has a convenient steamboat landing, and contains 1 Episcopal
church, 3 stores, 3 warehouses, 1 flouring m., 1 steam saw m., 1
plaster m., 30 dwellings, and about 200 inhabitants. A steamboat
runs daily, 40 miles, to Geneva.
Page 312
Jefferson, t., Morris co., N. J., 15 n. w. Morristown. The
surface is covered with mountains, except one deep and narrow
valley. Drained by Rockaway r., which affords good water power.
Hurd's pond, 1½ m. long and 1 wide, enters Hopatcong Lake, from
3 to 4 ms. long and 1 wide, covering 3,000 acres, which forms a
feeder to the summit level of the Morris canal. Iron is
extensively found in the mountains. It contains 2 stores, cap.
$35,000; 11 bloomeries, 1 distillery, 2 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap.
in manufac. $8,100. 5 sch. 175 scholars. Pop. 1,412.
Jefferson, p-t., Greene co., Pa., 204 w. by s. Harrisburg, 220
W. Monongahela r. bounds it on the e. The surface is rolling;
soil, loam. The v. is situated on Ten Mile cr., 4 miles from its
mouth, is surrounded by beautiful scenery, and contains 5
stores, 100 dwellings, and about 500 inhabitants. Incorporated
in 1827. There are in the t. 7 stores, cap. $20,150; 2
tanneries, 2 distilleries, 3 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
85,950. 5 sch. 125 scholars. Pop. 1,295.
Jefferson, t., Alleghany co., Pa. It has 3 stores, cap. $10,300;
1 tannery, 7 distilleries, 2 flouring m., 5 grist m., 8 saw m.
Cap. in manufac. 836,175. 10 sch. 450 scholars. Pop. 1,779.
Jefferson, t., Fayette co., Pa. It has 2 stores, cap. $4,200; 1
woolen fac, 1 tannery, 1 glass house, 1 paper fac, 1 flouring
m., 3 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $12,485. 3 sch. 75
scholars. Pop. 1,316.
Jefferson, t., Luzerne co., Pa. It has 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$1,100. Pop. 282.
Jefferson, p-t., capital of Ashtabula co., O., 204 n. e.
Columbus, 338 W. Situated on Mills' cr., 10 miles from its
entrance into Lake Erie. It contains a brick court house, 40 by
50 feet, an academy, 3 stores, and a printing office, issuing a
weekly newspaper. The t. contains 5 sch. 110 scholars. Pop. 710.
Jefferson, t., Adams co., O. It contains the v. of Brush Creek
Furnace, 11 e. of West Union. It has 5 stores, cap. $1,200; 1
flouring m. Cap. in manufac. $3,650. 1 sch. 50 scholars. Pop.
1,498. P
Jefferson, t, Clinton co., O. It has 1 store, cap. $100 ; 1 saw
m. Cap. in manufac. $235. 3 sch. 216 scholars. Pop. 474.
Jefferson, t., Coshocton co., O. Pop. 771.
Jefferson, t., Franklin co., O., 12 e. by n. Columbus. Watered
by Black Lick and Rocky fork of Big Walnut creeks. The surface
is level; soil, moderately fertile. It has 12 sch. 300 scholars.
Pop. 1,949.
Jefferson, t., Guernsey co., O. It has 3 sch. 90 scholars. Pop.
Jefferson, t., Jackson co., O., 6 or 8 ms. e. Jackson C. H. It
has 1 sch. 26 scholars. Pop. 752.
Jefferson, t, La Fayette co., O. It has 2 stores, cap. $7,000; 3
grist m., 6 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $1,450. 12 sch. 300
scholars. Pop. 1,949.
Jefferson, t., Logan co., O. It has 5 sch. 135 scholars. Pop.
Jefferson, t., Knox co., O. It has 5 sch. 180 scholars. Pop.
Jefferson, t., Montgomery co., O. It contains the village of
Liberty, and has 3 grist m., 3 saw m., and 8 distilleries, 5
sch. 260 scholars. Pop. 1,895.
Jefferson, t., Madison co., O., 14 w. Columbus. The national
road passes through it. Watered by Little Darby cr. The v.
contains 295 inhabitants. The t. has 5 stores, cap. $63,000; 2
tanneries, 1 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $10,650. 12
sch. 370 scholars. Pop. 607.
Jefferson, t., Mercer co., O. It has 1 sch. 25 scholars. Pop.
Jefferson, t., Muskingum co., O. It contains the v. of Dresden,
and has 2 flouring m., 3 saw m., 6 sch. 376 scholars. Pop.
Jefferson, t., Preble co., O. The national road passes through
it. Pop. 2,164.
Jefferson, t., Ross co., O. The Scioto r. runs on its s. w.
border. Drained by Walnut and Salt creeks and their tributaries,
the latter of which affords water power. Pop. 871.
Jefferson, t., Richland co., O. It has 9 sch. 950 scholars. Pop.
Jefferson, t., Scioto co., O. It borders on Scioto r., on which
the bottom land is very fertile. It has 2 sch. 40 scholars. Pop.
Jefferson, t., Tuscarawas co., O. It has 2 saw m., 5 sch. 336
scholars. Pop. 992.
Jefferson, t., Williams co., O. It has 1 gnat m. Cap in manufac.
$4,000. 1 sch. 25 scholars Pop. 353.
Jefferson, p-v., Clinton co., Ia., 46 n. by w. Indianapolis, 604
W. Situated on the borders of a beautiful prairie, 4 ms. w. of
Frankfort, and contains 2 or 3 stores, and about 75 inhabitants.
Jefferson, t, Miami co., Ia. It has 2 stores, cap. $6,000; 2
flouring m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $1,400. 1 sch. 25
scholars. Pop. 481.
Jefferson, t., Noble co., Ia. Pop. 68.
Jefferson, t., Putnam co., Ia. It has 2 stores, cap. $2,700; 1
tannery, 3 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $3,010. 8 sch.
489 scholars. Pop. 1,129.
Jefferson, t., Saline co., Mo. It has 1 sch. 8 scholars. Pop.
Jefferson, t., Wayne co., Mo. It has 1 sch. 18 scholars. Pop.
Jefferson, t., Jefferson co., Wis. It has 1 sch. 42 scholars.
Pop. 250.
Jefferson, p-v., Frederick co., Md., 83 n. w. Annapolis, 51 W.
Jefferson, p-o., Powhatan co., Va., 34 w. Richmond, 136 W.
Jefferson, p-v., capital of Ashe co., N. C, 202 w. n. w.
Raleigh, 366 W. Situated on the w. side of New river. It
contains a court house, jail, several stores and dwellings.
Jefferson, p-v., capital of Jackson co., Ga., 95 n.
Milledgeville, 630 W. Situated on w. side of Oconee r. It
contains a court house, jail, an academy, several stores, and
about 25 dwellings.
Jefferson, p-v., capital of Cherokee co., Ala., 152 n. E.
Tuscaloosa, 677 W. Situated on the n. side of Coosa r. It has a
court house, and several dwellings.
Jefferson, p-v., Rutherford co., Tenn., 22 s. e. Nashville, 677
W. Situated on w. side of Stone's r., a branch of Cumberland r.,
at the junction of the West Fork.
Jefferson, t., Cass co., Mich. The soil is fertile, adapted to
grain. It has 1 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $1,700. 1
sch. 25 scholars. Pop. 471.
Jefferson, p-t., capital of Jefferson co., Wis., 36 e. Madison,
834 W. It has 1 sch. 42 scholars. Pop. 250.
Jefferson Barracks, p-v., and U. S. Military Station, St. Louis
co., Mo., 142 E. Jefferson City, 822 W.
Jefferson City, p-v., capital of Cole co., and of the state of
Missouri, 936 w. Washington City. Situated on the s. bank of the
Missouri r., on elevated and uneven ground, and contains a state
house, a governor's house, which is large and elegant, a state
penitentiary, an academy, several large mercantile
establishments, and a fine steam saw m., 200 dwellings, and
1,174 inhabitants.
Table of Contents
Source: A Complete Descriptive And
Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel
Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith,
This book is a joint project between
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