Madison Springs, GA to Manchester, AR
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Madison Springs, p-v., Madison co., Ga., 99 n. Milledgeville,
597 W. Here is a spring, strongly impregnated with iron, and
efficacious in many complaints. It has a spacious hotel, capable
of accommodating 150 or 200 persons.
Madisonville, p-v., Columbia t., Hamilton co., O., 8 n. E.
Cincinnati, 120 s. w. by w. Columbus, 492 W. It is situated 6
ms. n. of Ohio River and contains 1 church and 1 academy, both
of brick, 5 stores, 100 dwellings, and about 600 inhabitants.
Madisonville, p-v., capital of Hopkins co., Ky., 127 w. s. w.
Frankfort, 729 W. Situated on elevated land, between Green and
Tradewater rivers. It contains a court house, and 51
Madisonville, p-v., capital of Monroe co., Tenn., 172 e. s. e.
Nashville, 540 W. It contains a court house and several
Madisonville, p-v., Madison co., Miss., 20 n. n. e. Jackson, 990
W. Situated 2 ms. n. w. of Pearl r.
Madisonville, p-v., Ralls co., Mo., 96 n. n. e. Jefferson City,
900 W.
Madisonville, p-v., and seaport, St. Tammany parish, La., 35 n.
New Orleans, 1,137 W. Situated on Chefonte River, a little n. of
the n. side of Lake Pontchartrain.
Madrid, t., Franklin co., Me., 105 n. w. Augusta. Incorporated
in 1836. Watered by head branches of Sandy r. The soil is
fertile, adapted to wheat. It has 4 tanneries, 4 grist m., 3 saw
m. Cap. in manufac. $1,000. 7 sch. 151 scholars. Pop. 368.
Madrid, pt., St. Lawrence co., N. Y., 235 n. n. w. Albany, 505
W. The surface is gently undulating; soil, a rich loam. Drained
by Grass r., and several small streams, flowing into the St.
Lawrence r., which bounds it on the n. w. Several islands in the
St. Lawrence r. belong to it. It has 17 stores, cap. $71,200; 4
fulling m., 2 tanneries, 1 paper fac, 8 grist m., 8 saw m. Cap.
in manufac. $84,086. 27 sch. 1,195 scholars. Pop. 4,511.
Mad, r., O., a large eastern branch of the Great Miami r., rises
in Logan co., and after a course of 50 miles falls into the
Miami at Dayton. It has a rapid and broken current, and affords
extensive water power.
Mad River, t., Champaign co., O. Situated on the head waters of
Mad r. It has 2 stores, cap. $2,250; 2 tanneries, 2
distilleries, 1 flouring m., 4 grist m., 7 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap.
in manufactures $3,000.
Mad River, t., Clarke co., O. Situated on the proposed route of
Mad river and Lake Erie railroad. Pop. 1,340.
Magazine, t., Pope co., Ark. It has 1 store, cap. $550. Pop.
Magnolia, p-o., Chautauque t., Chautauque co., N. Y., 346 w. by
s. Albany, 333 W.
Magnolia, p-o., Harford co., Md.
Magnolia, p-o., Stark co., O., 128 n. e. Columbus, 311 W.
Magnolia, p-o., Putnam co., Ill., 103 n. Springfield, 796 W.
Mahomet, p-o., Champaign co., Ill., 87 e. by N. Springfield, 704
Mahanoy, r., Pa., rises in Schuylkill co., and, after a course
of 50 ms., falls into the Susquehanna, 11 ms. below Sunbury.
Mahanoy, p-o., Upper Mahanoy t., Northumberland co., Pa., 48 n.
Harrisburg, 155 W. It contains a store, and 8 or 10 dwellings.
Mahantango, r., rises in Schuylkill co., and falls into the e.
side of the Susquehanna r., 18 ms. below Sunbury.
Mahoning, t., Mercer co., Pa., 16 s. w. Mercer b. The surface is
level; soil, clay and loam. Drained by Mahoning r. It has 19
stores, cm $35,000; 3 fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 2 furnaces, 5
tanneries, 1 distillery, 2 potteries, 11 grist in.. 11 saw m.
Capita] in manufac. $8,009. 20 sch. 663 scholars. Pop. 3,099.
Mahoning, t., Columbia co., Pa. Bounded s. by Susquehanna r. The
surface is diversified; soil, clay and gravel. Drained by
Mahoning cr., which flows into Susquehanna r. It has 10 stores,
cap. $103,800; 1 fulling m., 1 furnace, 1 tannery, 3
distilleries, 1 brewery, 1 printing office. Cap. in manufac.
$51,370. 2 acad. 41 students, 6 sch. 314 scholars. Pop. 1,927.
Mahoning, r., O. and Pa., rises in Portage co., passes Warren in
Trumbull co., O., and joins Beaver r. in Pa., through which it
enters the Ohio river at Beaver. The Pennsylvania and Ohio canal
is constructed along this r. in its lower part.
Mahoning, pt., Indiana co., Pa., 173 w. by n. Harrisburg, 226 W.
The surface is hilly; soil, clay. Drained by Great and Little
Mahoning crs., on the latter of which iron ore is found, £ has 7
stores, cap. $16,100; 2 tanneries, 3 distilleries, 7 grist m., 8
saw m. Capital in manufac. $11,810. 1 sch. 41 scholars. Pop.
Mahoning, p-o., Stark co., O., 142 n. e. Columbus, 305 W.
Maiden Creek, pt., Berks co., Pa., 60 e. Harrisburg, 153 W. The
surface is level; soil, calcareous loam. Drained by the
Schuylkill River, and Maiden creek, its tributary. It contains 1
church, common to Lutherans and Presbyterians, and 1 Friends
church. It has 2 stores, cap. $3,000; 4 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap.
in manufac. $14,640. Pop. 1,749.
Maiden Spring, p-o., Tazewell co., Va., 2% w. Richmond, 350 W.
Maidstone, t., Essex co., Vt., 8 n. Guildhall, 54 n. e.
Montpelier. It lies on the w. side of Connecticut r. There is
some good land along the r. Watered by Paul's stream, which
flows into Connecticut r. Maidstone Lake, 3 ms. long and half a
mile wide, has its outlets into Paul's stream. It has 1 grist m.
Cap. in manufac. $200. 3 sch. 90 I scholars. Pop. 271.
Maine, p-v., Union t., Broome co., N.
Y., 1471 w. s. w. Albany, 296 W. It contains 1 Presbyterian and
1 Baptist church, an academy, 2 stores, 1 tannery, 50 dwellings,
and about 300 inhabitants.
Mainesburg, p-o., Tioga co., Pa., 142 n. Harrisburg, 252 W.
Malaga, pt., Monroe co., O., 110 e. Columbus, 290 W. The v. is
situated on elevated ground, and contains 1 church, 2 stores,
and 15 or 20 dwellings. There are in the t. 2 sch. 55 scholars.
Pop. 1,442.
Malaga, p-v., Gloucester co., N. J., 55 s. w. Trenton, 166 W.
Situated on the head branch of Maurice r., and contains 2
stores, a grist m., a glass fac, which manufactures window
glass, 35 dwellings, and about 200 inhabitants.
Malcolm, p-o., Jefferson co., Miss., 70 s. w. Jackson, 1,080 W.
Malden, pt., Middlesex co., Mass., 5 n. Boston, 445 W. The
surface is rough and uneven, with considerable salt meadow. It
contains 4 churches, 1 Congregationalist, 1 Baptist, 1
Methodist, and 1 Universalist. Incorporated in 1649. A bridge
over Mystic r. connects it with Charlestown. There are in the t.
13 stores, cap. $9,550; 3 grist m. Cap. in manufac. $105,675. 8
sch. 659 scholars. Pop. 2,514.
Malden, p-v., Saugerties t., Ulster co., N. Y., 112 n. New York,
43 s. by w. Albany, 333 W. Situated on the w. side of Hudson r.,
and contains 1 church and 2 stores. It has a steamboat landing,
from which a large quantity of leather and of flagging stones
are shipped.
Malden Bridge, p-v., Chatham t., Columbia co., N. Y., 16 s. by
e. Albany, 361 W. Situated on Kinderhook cr., and contains 2
churches, 3 stores, 1 flouring m., 1 cabinet fac, 1 tannery and
harness fac, 40 dwellings, and about 250 inhabitants.
Mallet Creek, p-o., Medina co., O., 117 n. e. by n. Columbus,
356 W.
Mallorysville, p-v., Wilkes co., Ga., 91 n. e. Milledgeville,
583 W. It contains an academy, 2 stores, and 8 or 10 dwellings.
Malone, pt., capital of Franklin co., N. Y., 214 N. by w.
Albany, 529 W. The surface is level; soil, a fertile sandy loam.
Watered by Salmon and Trout rivers, which flow into Canada. The
v. has a romantic situation, on both sides of Salmon r., crossed
by a bridge 80 feet wide, and 65 above the surface of the r. It
contains a court house, jail, county clerk's office, 3 churches,
1 Presbyterian, 1 Baptist, 1 Methodist, the Franklin Academy, a
state arsenal, 1 cotton fac. with 5,000 sp. and 80 looms, 1
grist m., 1 saw m., 1 pail fac, 1 fulling m., 2 tanneries, 1
distillery, and 1 furnace, 100 dwellings, and about 750
inhabitants. The r. affords extensive water power, and the best
of iron ore is found in the vicinity. The t. has 6 stores, cap.
$18,250; 1 lumber yard, cap. $5,000; 1 fulling m., 1 forge, 2
tanneries, 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper, 2 grist m., 8
saw m. Cap. in manufac. $37,673. 1 acad., 18 8ch. 765 scholars.
Pop. 3,229.
Malta, pt., Saratoga co., N. Y., 6 s. e. Ballston Spa, 29 n.
Albany, 400 W. The surface is undulating; soil, clay, loam, and
sand. Saratoga Lake lies in the n. e., and Round lake in the s.
E. part. Drained by Anthony's Kill, the outlet of Round Lake.
The v., called Dunning Street, has 1 store, and 12 or 15
dwellings. The t. has 3 stores, cap. $8,800; 3 fulling m., 2
woolen fac, 3 tanneries, 2 distilleries, 2 grist m., 3 saw m,
Cap. in manufac. $16,100. 10 sch. 357 scholars. Pop. 1,457.
Malta, p-v., Morgan co., O., 72 e. by s. Columbus, 331 W.
Situated on the w. side of Muskingum r. The v. contains 3
stores, 30 dwellings, and about 200 inhabitants. The t. has 4
stores, cap. $8,100; 1 tannery, 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac $1,750.
5 sch. 101 scholars. Pop. 1,405.
Maltaville, p-v., Malta t., Saratoga co., N. Y., 30 n. Albany,
401 W. Situated near Round lake, and contains 1 church, 1 store,
1 woolen fac, 1 grist m., and 15 or 20 dwellings.
Maluncas, p-o., Aroostook co., Me., 140 n. e. Augusta, 735 W.
Malugin Grove, p-o., Lee co., Ill.
Malvern, p-o., Carroll co., O., 137 e. n. e. Columbus, 306 W.
Mamakating, t., Sullivan co., N. Y., 12 E. Monticello, 101 s. s.
w. Albany. The surface is hilly and mountainous. Watered by
Bashe's Kill, along which passes the Delaware and Hudson canal.
It has 23 stores, cap. $45,250; 9 lumber yards, cap. $4,900; 6
tanneries, 3 distilleries. 5 grist m., 14 saw m. Cap. in manufac
$48,553. 1 acad. 36 students, 16 sch. 883 scholars. Pop. 3,418.
Mamaroneck, pt., Westchester co., N. Y, 23 n. e. New York, 143
s. Albany, 248 W. The surface is hilly; soil, sandy loam and
clay, well cultivated. Drained by Mamaroneck cr., which flows
into Long Island sound t which latter bounds it on the s. The v.
is situated on the sound and contains 1 Episcopal and 1
Methodist church, stores, 1 salamander safe fac, 40 dwellings,
and about 250 inhabitants. Two or three sloops owned here, ply
between this place and New York. The t. has 3 sch. 64 scholars.
Pop 1,416
Mammelle, t., Poinsett co., Ark. It has tannery, 1 grist m. Cap.
in manufac. $1,500. sch. 25 scholars. Pop. 124.
Manahocking, p-v., Stafford t., Monmouth co N. J., 61 E.
Trenton, 200 W. Situated on a cr. of the same name, 4 miles from
Little Egg Harbor bay, and contains 3 churches, 1 Baptist,
Methodist, and 1 Friends, 30 dwellings, am about 200
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Manalapan, p-o., Monmouth co., N. J., 26 n. E. Trenton, 192 W.
Manasquan, r., Monmouth co., N. Y., rises in Freehold t., and
after a s. E. course of 18 miles, enters the Atlantic by
Manasquan inlet. The tidewater, 3 ms. above its mouth, is
crossed by Squan bridge.
Manasquan, p-v., Howell t., Monmouth co., N. J., 51 e. s. E.
Trenton, 217 W.
Manayunk, p-v., Roxborough t, Philadelphia co., Pa., 7 n. n. w.
Philadelphia, 99 e. by s. Harrisburg, 144 W. Situated on the E.
bank of Schuylkill r., and on Flat Rock canal, a part of the
Schuylkill chain. It has an extensive water power, created by
the waste water of the canal, t contains 5 churches, 1 German
Reformed, 1 Episcopal, 2 Methodist, and 1 Roman Catholic, 12 or
15 stores, 25 or 30 mills and manufactories, and 500 dwellings.
Two bridges cross the Schuylkill, and the Schuylkill canal and
Norristown railroad pass through the place.
Manchac, p-o., East Baton Rouge parish, La., 102 n. w. New
Orleans, 1,182 W. Situated on the e. bank of the Mississippi r.,
and n. side of Manchac Pass.
Manchaug, p-o., Worcester co., Mass., 43 w. Boston, 400 W.
Manchester, pt., Hillsboro' co., N. H., 21 s. s. e. Concord, 461
W. Merrimac r. runs on its w. border, and affords an extensive
water power. Massabesic pond, a large body of water, lies on its
e. border. The canal around Amoskeag falls, in the Merrimac, is
in this t. The soil is light and sandy, but fertile on the r.
Incorporated in 1751. A nourishing manufacturing v. is rising up
at, the falls. There are in the t. 31 stores, cap. $66,915; 3
lumber yards, cap. $18,000; 1 fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 1
brewery, 2 printing offices, 3 weekly newspapers, 4 grist m., 5
saw m. Cap. in manufac. $569,512. 8 sch. 950 scholars. Pop.
Manchester, pt., and semi-capital of Bennington co., Vt., 95 s.
s. w. Montpelier, 428 W. The surface is uneven, and the soil
fertile. Watered by Battenkill r. and its branches, which afford
extensive water power. White marble is found in inexhaustible
quantities. The v. is pleasantly situated on elevated ground,
and handsomely built, chiefly on one street. It contains i court
house, jail, a well endowed academy, called the Burr Seminary, a
Congregational Church, and a number of stores and mechanic
shops. There is another v. n. of this, and in the t. an
Episcopal and a Baptist church. It has 4 stores, cap. $18,000; 3
fulling m., 2 woolen fac, 1 grist m., 12 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$2,075. 1 acad. 105 students. 10 sch. 510 scholars. Pop. 15,815.
Manchester, pt, Essex co., Mass., 23 n. e. Boston, 463 W.
Situated on Massachusetts bay. The surface is rough and rooky,
and the soil various. The inhabitants are extensively employed
in the fisheries. Vessels of 120 tons come to the n, and vessels
of any size find good anchorage in the harbor, which is safe.
The v. has 1 Congregational and 1 Universalist church, and about
80 or 90 dwellings. There are in the t. 6 commercial houses,
cap. $10,500; 1 tannery, 2 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$65,950. 4 sch. 200 scholars. Pop. 1,355.
Manchester, pt., Hartford co., Ct., 10 e. Hartford, 316 W.
Situated on Hockanum river, Inch affords water power. The
surface is uneven; soil, sandy and gravelly loam. It has several
villages. Incorporated in 1823. It has stores, cap. $20,300; 6
fulling m., 5 woolen c, 2 cotton fac. 3,800 sp., 2 powder m., 7
paper fac, 2 grist m. Cap. in manufac. $220,500. 7 sch. 407
scholars. Pop. 1,695.
Manchester, pt., Ontario co., N. Y., 8 n. Canandaigua, 202 w.
Albany, 348 W. The surface is undulating; soil, sandy loam and
clay, and fertile. Drained by Canandaigua outlet. It contains a
sulphur spring in the e. part of the t. The v. is situated on
the outlet of Canandaigua Lake and contains 2 churches, 2
stores, 1 woolen fac, 1 furnace, 25 dwellings, and about 200
inhabitants. There are in the t. 3 stores, capital $3,550; 3
fulling m., 3 woolen fac, 2 tanneries, 2 distilleries, 1 paper
fac, 2 flouring m., 2 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$93,450. 10 sch. 975 scholars. Pop. 2,912.
Manchester, v., Kirtland t., Oneida co., N. Y. Situated on
Oriskany cr., and contains 1 church, 3 stores, 1 cotton fac, 1
flouring m., 1 grist m., 50 dwellings, and about 350
Manchester, t., Wayne co., Pa. It has 4 stores, cap. $17,000; 2
tanneries, 15 distilleries, 1 pottery, 8 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap.
in manufac. $84,450. 3 sch. 60 scholars. Pop. 284.
Manchester, v., Poughkeepsie t., Dutchess co., N. Y. Situated on
Wappinger's creek, and contains a cotton fac. with 2,000 sp. and
66 looms, employing 100 persons; 20 or 30 dwellings, and about
250 inhabitants.
Manchester, p-o., Monmouth co., N. J
Manchester, t., Passaic co., N. J., 18 n. w. New York. Organized
in 1836. The surface is hilly or mountainous. Watered by Ramapo,
Pompton, and Passaic Rivers, which afford extensive water power.
The v. is on the Passaic r., opposite to Paterson, with which it
is connected by 2 bridges. It has 9 stores, cap. $16,000; 2
tanneries, 1 distillery, 7 grist m., 6 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$38,665. 1 acad. 24 students, 6 sch. 265 scholars. Pop. 3,110.
Manchester, pt., York co., Pa., 18 s. Harrisburg, 96 W. It has 4
stores, cap. $17,000; 2 lumber yards, cap. $1,100; 2 tanneries,
15 distilleries, 1 pottery, 1 flouring m., 8 grist m., 5 saw m.
Cap. in manufac $84,450. Pop. 2,152.
Manchester, p-v., Carroll co., Md., 60 n. w. Annapolis, 70 W.
Manchester, p-v., Sprigg t., Adams co., O., 114 s. by w.
Columbus, 451 W. Situated on the Ohio r., and contains a number
of stores, about 30 or 40 dwellings, and about 200 inhabitants.
First settled in 1791.
Manchester, t., Morgan co., O. It has 1 store, cap. $1,200; 1
grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,025. 8 sch. 268 scholars.
Pop. 1,267.
Manchester, v., Franklin t., Summit co., O. (See Nimisilla.)
Manchester, p-v., Chesterfield co., Va., 2 s. Richmond, 119 W.
Pleasantly situated on James r., opposite to Richmond, to which
it is united by Mayo's bridge. It contains 2 churches, 1 Baptist
and 1 Methodist, 6 grocery stores, 1 cotton seed oil m., 1
cotton fac, with a cap. of $70,000, 8 tobacco fac, 1 flouring
m., 360 dwellings, and 1,500 inhabitants.
Manchester, p-v., capital of Clay co., Ky., 119 s. e. Frankfort,
540 W. Situated on the w. side of Goose cr., a tributary of
Kentucky r. It contains a court house, and several stores and
Manchester, pt., Washtenaw co., Mich., 55 w. Detroit, 523 W. It
has 3 stores, cap. $12,000; 1 fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 1
tannery, 1 distillery, 1 brewery, 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac
Manchester, t., Clark co., Ark. Pop. 443. Manchester, p-v.,
Dearborn co., Ia., 76 s. Indianapolis, 524 W. Pop. of the t.
Table of Contents
Source: A Complete Descriptive And
Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel
Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith,
This book is a joint project between
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