Manchester, IL to Mariaville, ME
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Manchester, p-v., Scott co., Ill., 51 w. by s. Springfield, 831
Manchester, p-v., St. Louis co., Mo,, 108 e. Jefferson City, 82S
Manchester, p-v., capital of Coffee co., Tenn., 68 s. e.
Nashville, 652 W. Situated on the head waters of Duck r., and
contains a court house and several dwellings.
Manchester Centre, p-o., Manchester t., Ontario co., N. Y., 205
w. Albany, 315 W.
Mandana, p-o., Skeneateles t., Onondaga co.. N. Y.
Mandan, District, is a territory of the United
States, included between the British Possessions on the n.,
Wisconsin ter. on the e., the Indian ter. on the s., of which
the n. fork of Platte r. may be considered the boundary, and the
Rocky Mountains, separating it from Oregon ter., on the w. It
contains about 300,000 square ms., being about 520 ms. from n.
to s., and 600 from e. to w. This extensive region has been but
imperfectly explored. The surface is chiefly an elevated plain,
or table land, consisting of vast prairies, on which large herds
of the bison, elk, and deer, range; and though the soil is
generally light and thin, it affords abundant grass and herbage
for their support, and it is undoubtedly capable of supporting
an equal number of domestic cattle. The principal rivers are the
Missouri and Yellow Stone, with their numerous branches,
including their sources. The largest branch of the Yellow Stone
is the Big Horn, which rises in the s. w. part of the ter. The
source of the Missouri in this ter. is about 3,100 ms. above its
junction with the Mississippi, in about 43° 30' n. lat. Within
about ¼ of a mile from this point are found the head waters of
the N. branch of Lewis's r., which flows into the Columbia r.
The principal elevations E. of the Rocky Mountains are the Black
hills, covered with shrubby cedars, which commence in the s.
part of the ter., extending n. e. The most interesting feature
of this region is the capacity which it affords for a pass and a
road across the Rocky Mountains. It appears that all the points
of departure are situated in the vicinity of the Black hills,
between the 43d and the 45th parallels of latitude; and that
among these passes across the mountains, there is one, and
probably but one, sufficiently gradual in its ascents and
descents, and sufficiently open, to admit of the passage of
wheel carriages, and consequently of the ready construction of a
convenient and good road. This pass goes through an opening in
the Black hills, at about 44° 30' n. lat., and, keeping between
these hills and Big Horn Mountain, it crosses the tributaries of
the Yellow Stone from the s., and finally the Yellow Stone
itself. It then crosses the Missouri, or rather the three forks
of that r., a short distance above their junction, from whence
it pursues a southwestwardly direction, until arriving at the
head waters of Bitter Root r.; thence down the valley of this
r., to its junction with the Salmon, or Lewis's r., and thence
down the valley of this last r., to its junction with the
Columbia. The point of departure abovementioned is about 650 ms.
northwestwardly from the Council Bluffs, on the Missouri; and
the direction of that r., for 300 ms., is nearly parallel with
the route above described, and the Missouri would afford the
means of transportation for 300 miles, from the Council Bluffs,
on the route. A future day may witness a good road across the
Rocky Mountains along this interesting route.
The principal aboriginal tribes of
Mandan district are the Pawnees, Riccarees, Crows, Blackfeet
Indians, &c. They own horses in abundance, and on them pursue
the bison and transport their baggage from place to place; and
many of them are very expert horsemen. A greater part of this
region is destitute of timber; but as the rivers descend toward
the e., trees extensively skirt their borders. The Mandan
Indians, who formerly inhabited a part of this territory, were
mostly exterminated by the smallpox in 1837; and those who
remained have become united with other tribes. To perpetuate
their memory, their name has been attached to the district.
Mandarin, p-o., Duvall co., Flor. Situated on the e. side of St.
John's r.
Mandeville, v., St. Tammany parish, La. Situated on the n. side
of Lake Pontchartrain, and contains a few dwellings.
Mangohick, p-o., King William co., Va.
Manhassett, p-v., N. Hempstead t., Queens co., N. Y., 137 s. by
e. Albany, 247 W. Situated at the head of Cow Neck, and contains
3 churches, 1 Dutch Reformed, 1 Episcopal, and 1 Friends, an
academy, 1 store, and 10 or 15 dwellings.
Manhattan, p-v., Port Lawrence t, Lucas co., O., 137 n. by w.
Columbus, 467 W. Situated at the mouth of Maumee r., at the
termination of the Wabash and Erie canal. It has 1 sch. 35
scholars. Pop. 282.
Manhattan, p-v., Putnam co., Ia., 46 w. by s. Indianapolis, 617
W. Situated on the national road, and on the w. side of Eel r.
Manhattanville, v., New York co., N. Y., 8 n. City Hall, New
York. Situated on the e. side of Hudson River and contains 1
Episcopal Church, 4 stores, 1 white lead fac, 70 dwellings, and
about 500 inhabitants. It has a convenient landing and wharf.
The New York Lunatic Asylum is situated on elevated ground, half
a mile s.
Manheim, pt., Herkimer co., N. Y., 64 w. n. w. Albany, 397 W.
The surface is hilly; soil, a fertile clay and calcareous loam.
Drained by East Canada cr., which flows into the Mohawk r.,
which bounds it on the s. It has 7 stores, cap. $16,500; 3
tanneries, 3 grist m., 9 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac.
$164,600. 9 sch. 496 scholars. Pop. 2,095.
Manheim, pt., Lancaster co., Pa., 33 e. s. e. Harrisburg, 123 W.
The surface is rolling; soil, calcareous loam and clay. Great
Conestoga cr. flows on its e., and Little Conestoga cr. on its
s. w. boundary. Moravia cr. crosses its n. e. corner. It has 3
stores, cap. $6,000; 3 flouring m., 1 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. $2,075. 1 sch. 35 scholars. Pop. 1,829.
Manheim, t., Schuylkill co., Pa. The surface is mountainous;
soil, a sterile white gravel. Schuylkill r. runs through its n.
e. part, by tributaries of which it is drained. It contains a
Lutheran church in its s. w. part. It has 13 stores, cap.
$33,500; 1 furnace, 1 forge, 2 tanneries, 1 powder m., 4 grist
m., 16 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $3,500. 5 sch. 128 scholars. Pop.
Manheim, t., York co., Pa., 16 s. w. York. The surface is
undulating; soil, a fertile loam. Drained by Hammer cr., a
branch of Codorus cr. It has 5 stores, cap. $5,000; 1 woolen
fac, 4 tanneries, 36 distilleries, 1 pottery, 1 paper fac, 11
grist m., 12 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $54,372. 4 sch.
71 scholars. Pop. 1,525.
Manheim Centre, p-o., Manheim t., Herkimer co., N. Y., 72 w. n.
w. Albany, 394 W.
Manilla, p-o., Rush co., Ia., 42 e. s. e. Indianapolis, 548 W.
Manitoowoc, County, Wis. Situated m the N. E.
part of the ter., and contains 468 sq. ms. The soil is heavily
timbered and fertile, with some swamps. Drained by Manitoowoc r.
and its branches. Capital, Manitoowoc. There were in 1840, neat
cattle 81, swine 90; wheat 225 bush, produced, Ind. corn 175,
oats 1,750, Potatoes 1,900, sugar 2,900 pounds; 1 flouring m., 6
saw m. Cap. in manufac. $20,000. Pop. 235.
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Manitoowoc, p-v., capital of Manitoowoc co., Wis., 178 n. E.
Madison, 900 W. Situated on Manitoowoc r., at its junction with
Lake Michigan.
Manistee, County, Mich., on the n. e. shore of
Lake Michigan. Manistee r. passes through the co., into Lake
Michigan. It is unorganized.
Manlius, pt., Onondaga co., N. Y., 10 e. Syracuse, 121 w. by n.
Albany, 346 W. The surface is rolling; soil, a fertile clay and
sandy loam. Drained by Limestone and Chittenango: creeks. The v.
is situated on the Cherry Valley ' turnpike, and contains 5
churches, an academy, 7 stores, 3 cotton fac, 3 grist m., 1
fulling m., 2 saw m., 1 tannery, 1 carriage fac, 1 plaster m.,
200 dwellings, and about 1,200 inhabitants. Incorporated in
1813. There are in the t., 22 stores, cap. $98,000; 3 tanneries,
1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper, 3 grist m., 7 saw m. Cap.
in manufac. $143,600. 3 acad. 578 students, 24 sch. 1,402
scholars. Pop. 5,509.
Manlius Centre, p-v., Manlius t., Onondaga co., N. Y., 135 w. by
n. Albany, 350 W. Situated on the Erie canal, and contains 1
church, 3 6tores, 40 dwellings, and about 300 inhabitants.
Manlius, t, Allegan co., Mich. It has 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$3,500. Pop. 35.
Manlius, p-o., Carroll co., Mo., 118 n. w. Jefferson City, 1,012
Manningham, p-v., Butler co., Ala., 132 s. s. E. Tuscaloosa, 889
Mannings, p-o., Claiborne co., Miss., 406 n. w. New Orleans,
1,325 W.
Mannington, p-o., Susquehanna co., Pa., 185 N. n. w. Harrisburg,
295 W.
Mannington, t., Salem co., N. J., 6 n. e. Salem. The surface is
level; soil, a fertile loam. Drained by Salem River and
Mannington cr. It contains 1 Baptist and 1 Methodist church, and
the county poorhouse. It has 1 store, 1 grist m. Cap. in
manufac. $4,510. 7 sch. 169 scholars. Pop. 2,064.
Mannington, p-o., Leon co., Flor.
Mannsborough, p-v., Amelia co., Va., 46 s. w. Richmond, 165 W.
Mannsville, p-v., Ellisburg t, Jefferson co., N. Y., 166 n. w.
Albany, 396 W. It contains 1 church, 2 stores, 1 grist m., 2 saw
m., 1 carding and fulling m., 1 tannery, 25 dwellings, and about
150 inhabitants.
Manor, pt., Lancaster co., Pa., 6 s. w. Lancaster, 33 s. e.
Harrisburg, 105 W. The surface is roiling or hilly; soil,
calcareous loam. The Conestoga r. forms its s. E. boundary, by
branches of which it is watered. It has 7 stores, cap. $22,500;
1 woolen fac, 18 distilleries, 10 flouring m., 10 grist m., 4
saw m. Cap. in manufac.; $57,800. 18 sch. 844 scholars. Pop.
Manor Hill, p-o., Huntingdon co., Pa., 83 w. Harrisburg.
Mansfield, t., Lamoille co., Vt, 20 e. by n. Burlington, 20 n.
w. Montpelier. Chartered in 1763. The surface is mountainous,
containing the highest peaks in the Green mountains, denominated
the Chin, 4,279 feet above tidewater, and the Nose, 3,933 feet.
There is a little good land along Waterbury and Brown's rivers,
by which it is drained; but most of it is incapable of
cultivation. It has 2 saw m., 4 sch. 77 scholars. Pop. 223.
Mansfield, pt., Bristol co., Mass., 29 s. s. w. Boston, 421 W.
The surface is level; soil, light and thin. Watered by branches
of Taunton r. Chartered in 1770. A valuable bed of anthracite
coal has been found near the Boston and Providence railroad. It
has 5 stores, 1 woolen fac, 3 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. $76,300. 8 sch. 345 scholars. Pop. 1,332.
Mansfield, pt., Tolland co., Ct., 24 e, Hartford, 360 W. The
surface is uneven; soil, gravelly loam. Watered by Willimantic
r. and Natchaug r. and its branches, which afford water power.
It is noted for the production of silk, which commenced here in
1793, and has progressed to the present time. A large amount of
sewing silk is exported. It has 5 stores, cap. $6,100; 1 woolen
fac, 1 cotton fac 1,000 sp., 3 tanneries, 1 pottery, 4 grist m.,
5 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $66,133. 17 sch. 613 scholars. Pop.
Mansfield, pt., Cattaraugus co., N. Y., 5 w. Ellicottville, 300
w. by s. Albany, 342 W. The surface is undulating; soil,
gravelly loam, adapted to grass and grain. Drained by
Cattaraugus cr., and tributaries of Alleghany r. It has 1 grist
m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac $1,600. 6 sch. 252 scholars. Pop.
Mansfield, pt., Warren co., N. J., 48 n. n. w. Trenton, 207 W.
The surface is mountainous; soil, calcareous loam, and fertile.
Drained by Musconetcong and Pohatcong creeks. It contains a
chalybeate spring, and iron ore is found. The Morris canal winds
through the t., between its hills. It has 8 stores, cap.
$33,400; 1 tannery, 1 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac
$66,950. 12 sch. 1,027 scholars. Pop. 3,057.
Mansfield, t., Burlington co., N. J., 7 N. Mount Holly. The
surface is level; soil, sand, loam, and clay, well cultivated
and productive. Drained by Black's, Craft's, and Assiscunk
creeks, which flow into Delaware r. Along the r. is a clay,
which makes excellent fire bricks. It contains several villages.
It has 5 stores, cap. $13,100; 1 fulling m., 2 distilleries, 1
pottery, 1 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $122,500. 1
acad., 12 sch. 144 scholars. Pop. 2,401.
Mansfield, p-o., Tioga co., Pa., 143 n. by w. Harrisburg, 253 W.
Mansfield, p-v., and capital of Richland co., O., 63 n. n. e.
Columbus, 378 W. It is pleasantly situated on elevated ground,
and contains a court house, jail, a market house, 6 churches, 17
stores, 2 printing offices, 300 dwellings, and 1,328
Mansfield, p-o., Louisa co., Va., 61 n. w. Richmond, 104 W.
Mansfield Centre, p-o., Mansfield t., Tolland co., Ct., 29 e.
Hartford, 363 W.
Mansker's Creek, p-o., Davidson co., Tenn., 13 Nashville, 692 W.
Mansura, Avoyelles parish, La., 249 n. w. N. Orleans, 1,206 W.
Mantua, pt., Portage co., O., 150 n. e. Columbus, 327 W. Watered
by Cuyahoga r. and its branches. It is a good agricultural t.,
and is distinguished for its fine orchards. It contains a church
and an academy, 10 sch. 463 scholars. Pop. 1,187.
Mantua, p-v., McMinn co., Tenn., 164 e. s. e. Nashville, 564 W.
Manwaring's, p-o., Shelby co., Ia., 23 s. e. Indianapolis, 573
Maple, pt., Ionia co., Mich., 129 w. n. w. Detroit, 623 W. It
has a good soil, adapted to grain.
Maple Grove, p-o., Butternutts t., Otsego co., N. Y., 90 w.
Albany, 340 W.
Maplesville. p-v., Bibb co., Ala., 62 s. e, Tuscaloosa, 809 W.
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Mapleton, p-v., Abbeville dist., S. C, 110 w. Columbia, 558 W.
Mapleton, p-v., Stark co., O., 132 n. e. Columbus, 308 W.
Maquon, p-o., Knox co., Ill., 89 n. n. w. Springfield, 819 W.
Maramec, r., Mo., rises in Crawford and Washington counties, and
flowing n. e. through Franklin co., it curves to the e. and s.
e., and enters the Mississippi r. 20 ms. below St. Louis.
Maramec Iron Works, p-o., Crawford co., Mo., 63 s. w. by w.
Jefferson City, 935 W. It is situated at the "Big Spring" of
Maramec r. The spring issues 30,000 cubic feet of water per
minute; and there is now erected at this spring a saw m., a
grist m., with 2 run of stone, a blast furnace and 3 forges,
capable of manufacturing 1,000 tons of bar iron per year. This
spring has been called the head of the river, but there are two
small branches coming in on each side of it, called the Water
Fork and the Dry Fork.
Marathon, pt., Cortland co., N. Y., 141 w. Albany, 318 W. The
surface is undulating; soil, sandy loam. Drained by Toughnioga
r. and its tributaries. It has 2 stores, cap. $1,300; 1 tannery,
1 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $7,350. 7 sch. 359
scholars. Pop. 1,063.
Marathon, t., Lapeer co., Mich. It has 1 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap.
in manufac. $5,000. Pop. 92.
Marblehead, pt., and port of entry, Essex co., Mass., 18 n. e.
Boston, 458 W. Situated on a rocky point, projecting 3 or 4 ms.
into 3Iassachusetts bay. It has a good harbor, ease of access,
and is inhabited chiefly by fishermen. It has about 100 vessels
employed in the fisheries, coasting and foreign trade. It
contains 5 churches, 1 Congregational, 1 Unitarian, 1 Episcopal,
1 Methodist, and 1 Baptist, 2 banks, with an aggregate capital
of $220,000; 2 insurance companies, with a capital of $100,000.
The t. has 29 stores, cap. $46,600. Cap. in manufac. $73,850. 2
acad. 126 students, 20 sch. 886 scholars. Pop. 5,575. Tonnage of
the dist., 12,478.
Marble Hill, p-o., Prince Edmond co., Va., 85 w. s. w. Richmond,
175 W.
Marble, t., Hot Springs co., Ark. It has 1 store, cap. $500; 1
grist m., 1 sch. 18 scholars. Pop. 167.
Marbletown, pt., Ulster co., N. Y., 7 s. w. Kingston, 64 s. s.
w. Albany, 318 W. The surface is hilly; soil, a fertile loam.
Drained by Esopus and Rondout creeks, which afford water power.
Shawangunk Mountain lies on its s. border. The Delaware and
Hudson canal passes through it. It has 15 stores, cap. $23,400;
7 lumber yards, cap. $3,200; 2 fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 7
tanneries, 1 flouring m., 6 grist m., 10 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$33,460. 13 sch. 687 scholars. Pop. 3,813.
Marburyville, p-v., St. Tammany par., La., 70 n. n. w. New
Orleans, 1,172 W.
Marcellus, pt., Onondaga co., N. Y., 141 w. by s. Albany, 343 W.
The surface is hilly; soil, a fertile loam. Drained by Nine Mile
cr. The v. is situated on Nine Mile cr., and contains 3
churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Episcopal, and 1 Methodist, 5
stores, 1 woolen fac, 2 paper m., 1 flouring m., 1 saw m., 100
dwellings, and about 600 inhabitants. There are in the t., 7
stores, cap. $34,200; 4 fulling m., 2 woolen fac, 5 tanneries, 2
distilleries, 2 paper fac, 2 flouring m., 2 grist m., 6 saw m.
Cap. in manufac. $118,570. 12 sch. 571 scholars. Pop. 2,726.
Marcellus Falls, p-v., Marcellus t., Onondaga co., N. Y., 143 w.
by s. Albany, 345 W. Situated on Nine Mile cr., 1 mile below the
v. of Marcellus. It contains 1 store, 1 woolen fac, 1 flouring
m., 1 saw m., 1 clock fac, and 25 or 30 dwellings.
Marcus, p-o., Robertson co., Term., 45 n. w. Nashville, 719 W.
Marcus Hook, p-v.. Lower Chichester t., Delaware co., Pa., 20 s.
Philadelphia, 94 e. s. e. Harrisburg, 119 W. Situated on the
Delaware r., and contains 1 Baptist and 1 Episcopal church, 3
stores, and about 35 dwellings.
Marcy, pt., Oneida co., N. Y., 6 n. Utica. 98 w. n. w. Albany,
394 W. The surface is hilly; soil, clay and sandy loam. Drained
by Nine Mile cr., flowing into the Mohawk River, which bounds it
on the s. It has 1 fulling m., 3 tanneries, 4 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. $23,950. 9 sch. 674 scholars. Pop. 1,799.
Mardisville, p-v., Talladega co., Ala., 1 11 e. Tuscaloosa, 762
W. Situated on the s. side of Talladega cr. It contains a U. S.
land office, several stores and dwellings.
Marengo, county, Ala. Situated in the w. part
of the state, and contains 975 sq. ms. Tombigbee r. runs on its
w. border, and Black Warrior on its n. w. border. The soil is
sterile, covered with pine. Capital, Linden. There were in 1840,
neat cattle 15,126, sheep 2,175, swine 36,819; wheat 2,785 bush,
produced, rye 1.021, Ind. corn 649,734, oats 22,933, Potatoes
36.906, rice 3,815 pounds, tobacco 1,146, cotton 6,353,028; 34
stores, cap. $139,540; 2 tanneries, 1 distillery, 1 flouring m.,
18 grist m., 7 saw m., 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper.
Cap. in manufac. $28,525. 3 acad. 131 students, 9 sch. 201
scholars. Pop. whites 5,350, slaves 11,902, free col'd 12;
total, 17,264.
Marengo, p-o., Galen t., Wayne co., N. Y., 179 w. by n. Albany,
355 W.
Marengo, pt., Calhoun co., Mich., 100 w by s. Detroit, 572 W. It
has a fertile soil, adapted to grain. It contains 1 store, cap.
$3,000; 1 distillery, 1 flouring m., 1 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap.
in manufac. $38,500. 10 sch. 307 scholars. Pop. 872.
Marengo, p-v., McHenry co., Ill., 226 n. n. e. Springfield, 778
W. Situated on the s. side of the Kishawaukee r.
Margallaway, r., N. H., rises in the Highlands which separate
Maine from Canada, and after a short course enters Maine; and
from thence, after flowing a distance of about 40 ms., returns
into N. H., and enters the Androscoggin r. a few miles below
Umbagog lake.
Margaretta, pt., Erie co., O., 100 n. w. by n. Columbus, 414 W.
It has 4 stores, cap. $25,000; 1 flouring m., 1 grist m., 2 saw
m. Cap. in manufac. $51,800. 1 sch. 30 scholars. Pop. 1,101.
Margaretta, p-o., Clark co., Ill., 112 e. s. e. Springfield, 672
Margaretta Furnace, p-o., York co., Pa., 36 s. e. Harrisburg,
104 W.
Margarettsville, p-v., Northampton co., N. C, 150 n. e. by e.
Raleigh, 219 W. Situated on the Portsmouth and Roanoke railroad.
Marge Grove, p-o., Wayne co., Ill., 140 s. e. Springfield, 752
Maria Creek, p-o., Knox co., Ia., Ill s. w. Indianapolis, 678 W.
Marianna, p-v., capital of Jackson co., Flor., 77 w. n. w.
Tallahassee, 927 W. Situated on the w. side of Chipola r. It
contains a court house and several stores and dwellings.
Mariaville, pt., Hancock co., Me., 103 n. e. Augusta, 685 W.
Watered by Union r. and its branches, which afford extensive
water power. Incorporated in 1836. It has 1 tannery, 1 grist m.,
2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $500. 2 sch. 86 scholars. Pop. 275.
Table of Contents
Source: A Complete Descriptive And
Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel
Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith,
This book is a joint project between
members of AHGP, Paula Franklin, Judy White, Sheryl McClure and
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