Ohio County, VA to Onondaga Hollow, NY
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Ohio, County, Va. Situated in the n. w. part of
the state, and contains 125 square miles. The Ohio r. bounds it
on the w., along which it extends 36 miles, with a mean width of
12 miles. Drained by Wheeling creek and other small streams
flowing into the Ohio r. The surface is hilly and broken; soil,
fertile, particularly the alluvial bottoms on the Ohio r.
Capital, Wheeling. There were in 1840, neat cattle 4,252, beep
26.639, swine 9,651; wheat 124,996 bush, produced, rye 2,276,
Ind. corn 233,537, buckwheat 1,434, barley 599, oats 145,865,
potatoes 3,086, sugar 3,909; bituminous coal 1,178,000 bushels;
91 stores, cap. $464,850; 4 furnaces, 1 forge; 6 lumber yards,
cap. $24,400; 2 woolen fac, 1 cotton fac. 400 sp., 7 tanneries,
1 distillery, 3 glass fac, 2 potteries, 12 flouring m., 7 grist
m., 1 saw m., 4 paper fac, 3 printing offices, 3 weekly, 2
semi-weekly, and 1 periodical newspapers. Cap. in manufac
$519,633. 2 acad. 90 students, 29 schools, 999 scholars. Pop.
whites 2,842, slaves 212, free col'd 303; total, 13,357.
Ohio, County, Ky. Centrally situated toward the
n. w. part of the state, and contains 576 sq. is. Green r. runs
on its s. border. Drained by Rough cr. and its branches, and
Panther creek, ranches of Green r. Capital, Hartford. There were
in 1840, neat cattle 7,028, sheep 6.511, swine 25,092; wheat
30,646 bushels produced, rye 1,205, Ind. corn 240,015, oats
42,091, potatoes 720, tobacco 954,709 pounds; 17 stores, cap.
70,200; 1 cotton fac. 30 sp., 4 tanneries, 3 distilleries, 2
flouring m., 7 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $13,650. 1
sch. 25 scholars. Pop. whites 5,747, slaves 823, free col'd 22;
total, 592.
Ohio, p-t., Herkimer co., N. Y., 108 n. w. Albany, 423 W. The
surface is hilly; soil, well adapted to grass. Drained by West
Canada cr. and its branches. It has 1 store, cap. $300; 5 saw m.
Cap. in manufac. $4,100. 6 sch. 231 scholars. Pop. 692.
Ohio, t., Alleghany co., Pa., 11 n. w. Pittsburg. The surface is
hilly; soil, loam and alluvion. Ohio r. runs on its s. w.
border. Drained Great and Little Sewickly creeks, and Jones's
and Hawser's runs, which flow w. into the Ohio, has 3 stores,
cap. $2,300; 1 tannery, 4 grist m., 7 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$11,100. 2 acad. 71 students, 9 sch. 302 scholars. Pop. 1,631.
Ohio, t., Beaver co., Pa., 10 s. w. Beaver. The surface is
rolling; soil, loam and rich alluvion. Watered by Little Beaver
cr. flowing into Ohio r. at its s. w. angle. It has 4 stores,
cap. 7,300: 1 tannery, 1 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$5,200. 7 sch. 229 scholars. Pop. 1,273.
Ohio, t.. Clermont co., O. It has 14 stores, cap. $18,000; 3
lumber yards, cap. $1,423; 1 woolen fac, 2 tanneries, 1
distillery, 4 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac $44,610. 6 sch.
275 scholars. Pop. 2,895.
Ohio, t, Gallia co., O. The Ohio r. runs on its e. and s.
border. It has 1 store, cap. $2,000; 1 forge, 1 tannery. Cap. in
manufac. $200. Pop. 424.
Ohio, t., Warwick co., Ia. It has 3 sch. 100 scholars. Pop. 690.
Ohio, t., Boone co., Ill. It has 1 sch. 30 scholars Pop. 143.
Ohio City, Brooklyn t., Cuyahoga county, O., 145 n. n. e.
Columbus, 360 W. Situated on Lake Erie, at the mouth of the
Cuyahoga r., opposite to Cleveland. The ground on which it
stands is uneven, and presents many fine situations, which
overlook the lake, the city of Cleveland, and surrounding
country. It has an elegant Episcopal, a Presbyterian, and other
churches, a considerable number of fine stores and neat
buildings. A bridge crosses the Cuyahoga a little above the
place, and a floating bridge and ferry connect it with
Cleveland. It contains a large iron foundry, and a number of
mechanic shops. The harbor, at the mouth of the Cuyahoga, it has
in common with Cleveland. It has 7 stores, cap. $13,500; 7
common houses, cap. $2,000; 2 furnaces. Pop. 1,577.
Ohiopyle Falls, Pa., is a cataract in the Youghiogeny r., at the
head of boat navigation, where it passes Laurel Hill, 60 ms.
above its junction with the Monongahela. The river has a
perpendicular fall of about 20 feet, and a total descent of 60
feet in the space of a mile.
Ohioville, p-v., Ohio t. Beaver co., Pa., 243 w. by n.
Harrisburg, 269 W. It contains 2 stores and 30 dwellings.
Ohls Town, p-o., Trumbull co., O.
Oil, creek, Pa., enters Alleghany r., 8 miles e. Franklin. On
its bank, near the boundary between Venango and Crawford
counties, is a spring, on the surface of which floats an oil,
which has valuable medicinal properties, from which the cr.
derives its name.
Oil Creek, p-t., Crawford co., Pa., 227 n. w. by w. Harrisburg,
308 W. Drained by Oil cr. and its branches. It has 6 stores, 6
sch. 80 scholars. Pop. 738.
Oil Spring, p-o., Cuba t., Alleghany co., N. Y., 280 w. by s.
Albany, 320 W.
Okkuddo, County, Mich. Situated centrally in
the n. part of the state, and contains 576 sq. ms. Drained by
head waters of Au Sable and Cheboygan rivers. It is unorganized.
Oktibbeha, County, Miss. Situated n. e. of the
centre of the state, and contains 625 sq. ms. Oktibbeha r.
crosses its n. e. corner, and Runaway cr. its s. w. comer.
Capital, Starksville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 8,447,
sheep 764, swine 10,042; wheat 2,475 bush, produced, Ind. corn
158,990, oats 16,061, potatoes 10,898, tobacco 1,900 pounds,
cotton 1,834,444; 4 stores, cap. $36,200; 2 grist m., 3 saw m.
Cap. in manufac. $24,000. 13 sch. 247 scholars. Pop. whites
2,064, slaves 2,197, free col'd 15; total, 4,276.
Olantangy, p-o., Crawford co., O., 68 n. Columbus, 400 W.
Olcott, p-v., New Fane t., Niagara co., N. Y., 284 w. by n.
Albany 414 W. Situated on Lake Ontario, at the mouth of Eighteen
Mile cr., and contains 6 stores, 1 forwarding house, and about
60 dwellings and 400 inhabitants. It has a good harbor. Large
salmon trout are taken in great numbers near this place.
Old Bridge, p-v., North Berwick t., Middlesex co., N. J., 34 n.
e. Trenton, 200 W. It contains 6 or 8 dwellings.
Old Church, p-o., Hanover co., Va., 15 n. Richmond, 129 W.
Old Church, p-o., Burke co., Ga., 90 e. Milledgeville, 612 W.
Old Court House, p-o., Bryan co., Ga., 125 8. e. Milledgeville,
679 W.
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Old Codorus, t., York co., Pa., 10 s. w. York. The surface is
rolling; soil, gravelly and indifferent. Drained by Codorus cr.
and its branches. It has 4 stores, cap. $13,000; 1 tannery, 28
distilleries, 5 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $26,625 3
sch. 97 scholars. Pop. 1,131.
Old Fort, p-o., Centre co., Pa., 77 n. w. Harrisburg, 169 W.
Old Fort, p-o., Burke co., N. C, 232 w. Raleigh, 462 W.
Oldham, County, Ky. Situated in the n. part of
the state, and contains 220 sq. ms. The Ohio r. runs on its n.
w. border. Drained by the head branches of Floyd's Fork of Salt
r., Harrod's cr., and other small creeks which flow into the
Ohio r. Capital, La Grange. There were in 1840, neat cattle
5,803, sheep 9,762, swine 19,144; wheat 87,846 bush, produced,
rye 2,967, Ind. corn 4 19,927,oats 72,761, potatoes 8,163,
tobacco 162,078 pounds, sugar 2,191; 14 stores, cap. $54,900; 2
tanneries, 16 distilleries, 1 pottery, 3 flouring m., 11 grist
m., 13 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $51,165. 1 acad. 20 students, 14
sch. 320 scholars. Pop. whites 4,858, slaves 2,377, free col'd
145; total, 7,380.
Old Hickory, p-o., Bradford co., Pa., 163 n. Harrisburg, 272 W.
Old Hickory, p-o., Wayne co., O., 104 n. e. Columbus, 347 W.
Old Jefferson, p-v., Saline co., Mo., 83 n. w. Jefferson City,
988 W.
Old Mans, v., Brookhaven t., Suffolk co., N. Y. Situated around
the head of Old Man's harbor, and contains about 20 dwellings.
Old Mines, p-v., Washington co., Mo., 112 s. e. Jefferson City,
872 W.
Old Point Comfort, p-o., Elizabeth City co., Va., 97 e. s. e.
Richmond, 212 W. It is called also Fortress Monroe, and
constitutes the n. point at the entrance of James r., 3 ms.
distant from Willoughby point, the s. entrance. The fort is on
the point, a mile from Fort Calhoun, on the Rip Raps, which 2
forts command the entrance of the r. The beach is much resorted
to in the summer for sea-bathing, and has a commodious hotel
near the fort.
Old Salem, p-o., Washington co., Tenn., 276 E. Nashville, 478 W.
Situated on Little Lime-stone cr., 11 ms. s. w. Jonesboro'.
Old Town, p-t., Penobscot co., Me., 80 n. e. Augusta, 675 W.
Situated on the w. side of Penobscot r., and contains a part of
Marthas island, in the r. This t. contains a settlement of the
Penobscot Indians, on an island situated in the Penobscot r.,
commonly called Indian Old Town. The remnant of this tribe
consists of about 95 families and 360 individuals. They receive
a considerable annuity from the state, for lands which they have
sold. They have a small Roman Catholic Church, and a
considerable number of small dwellings for themselves. The
island is fertile, and they cultivate corn and vegetables. Many
shad are taken here in the spring of the year. There are in the
t. 11 stores, cap. $25,850; 1 tannery, 1 grist m., 35 saw m.
Cap. in manufac. $351,000. 8 sch. 629 scholars. Pop. 2,342.
Old Town, p-v., Alleghany co., Md., 191 n. w. Annapolis, 124 W.
Situated on the Potomac r., 14 ms. below Cumberland.
Old Town, p-v., Stokes co., N. C., 115 w. n. w. Raleigh, 326 W.
Old Town, p-v., Philip's co., Ark. Situated w. of the
Mississippi r. There are many curious remains in the vicinity.
Old Town, p-v., Claiborne co., Tenn., 224 e. by n. Nashville,
496 W.
Old Town, p-o., Greenup co., Ky., 137 e. by n. Frankfort, 431 W.
Situated on Old Town cr. at its entrance into Little Sandy r.
Olean, p-t., Cattaraugus co., N. Y., 293 w. by s. Albany, 307 W.
The surface is hilly am broken; soil, sandy loam, generally
covered with a dense pine forest. Watered by Alleghany r and its
tributaries. The v. is situated on the n side of Alleghany r.,
at the termination of the Genesee Valley canal. It contains 1
Presbyterian and 1 Episcopal church, 8 stores, 1 grist m., 3 saw
m., 1 tannery, about 100 dwellings, and 600 inhabitants. Lumber
is exported to a large amount down Alleghany r. to the Ohio.
There are in the t. 5 stores, cap. $23,000; 1 tannery, grist m.,
3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $4,550: sch. 100 scholars. Pop. 633.
Oleander, p-o., Morgan co., Ala., 128 n. n. e Tuscaloosa, 719 W.
Olemon, p-v., Greenbush t., Penobscot co Me., 98 n. e. Augusta,
693 W. Situated on the Olemon r., at its entrance into the
Penobscot t.
Olena, p-o., Warren co., Ill., 112 n. w. Spring field, 858 W
Oley, p-t., Berks co., Pa., 62 e. Harrisburg 155 W. The surface
is level; soil, calcareous loam, highly cultivated. Watered by
the head branches of Manatawny and Manookisy creek: It contains
2 churches, 1 German Presbyterian and 1 Lutheran; 5 stores, cap.
$16,500; 2 furnaces, 3 forges, 2 tanneries, 2 paper m., 6 grist
m., 8 saw m., 2 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $13,050 Pop. 1,877.
Olive, p-t, Ulster co., N. Y., 72 s. s. w. Albany, 326 W. The
surface is generally uneven and on the w. mountainous; soil,
gravel and clay loam. Drained by Esopus cr. It has 2 store cap.
$7,000; 1 woolen fac, 3 tanneries, 2 grist m., 12 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. $21,050; 9 sch. 305 scholars. Pop. 2,023.
Olive, p-t., Morgan co., O., 96 e. by s. Columbus, 310 W. It
contains the v. of Sharon. There are in the t. 4 stores, cap.
$5,600; 4 tanneries, distillery, 1 pottery, 1 grist m., 4 saw
m., 1 oil r Cap. in manufac. $2,960. 8 sch. 247 scholar Pop.
Olive, p-o., McMinn co., Tenn., 159 e. Nashville, 566 W.
Olive, t., Meigs co., O. Watered by Shade r. and its branches.
It has 3 stores, cap. $4,40 1 tannery, 6 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$2,000. 7 sch. 141 scholars. Pop. 743.
Olive Grove, p-o., Decatur co., Ga., 241s. w. Milledgeville, 888
Olive Hill, p-o., Carter co., Ky., 116 e. Frankfort, 444 W.
Oliver, t., Mifflin co., Pa. It has 3 stores cap. $9,000; 1
woolen fac, 1 furnace, 1 forge,3 grist m., 10 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. $21,420. 10 sch. 323 scholars. Pop. 1,907.
Oliver, t., Perry co., Pa. It has 5 stores, c: $18,500; 1 woolen
fac, 1 furnace, 1 tannery grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$19,7 Pop. 796.
Oliver's, p-o., Anderson co., Term. 163 Nashville, 527 W.
Oliversburg, p-v., Milton t., Richland co., 73 n. by e.
Columbus, 374 W. Situated on the e. side of Whetstone r. It has
2 stores, 1 grist m., and about 20 dwellings.
Oliver's Prairie, p-o., Newton co. Mo.
Olmstead, t., Cuyahoga co., O. It was formerly called Lenox. It
has 3 tanneries, 2 grist 9 saw m. Cap in manufac. $500. 6 sch.
355 scholars. Pop. 659.
Olney, p-v., capital of Richland co., Ill. Situated on the e.
side of Little Wabash r.
Omer, p-v., Villenova t., Jefferson co., N. Y. 87 n. w. Albany,
437 W. Situated on the w. branch of Connewango cr., and contains
2 churches, 2 stores, 1 grist m., 1 saw m., 1 fulling a., about
25 dwellings, and 150 inhabitants.
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Omega, p-o., Pike co., O., 64 s. Columbus, 411 W.
Ompompanoosuc, r., Vt., rises in the n. w. part f Vershire t.,
and enters Connecticut r. in the e. part of Norwich. It is about
20 ms. long, and affords good water power.
Onancock, p-v., Accomac co., Va., 185 e. by. Richmond, 205 W.
Situated on the e. shore of Chesapeake bay, at the entrance of
Onancock inlet, 8 s. w. by w. Drummondtown.
Onecho, p-o., Montgomery co., Tenn., 30 n. w. Nashville, 714 W.
Oneco, p-o., Stephenson co., Ill., 222 n. Springfield, 842 W.
Oneida Lake, N. Y., borders on Oneida, Madison, Onondaga, and
Oswego counties. It is 22 ms. long and from 4 to 6 broad. It
receives Wood, Oneida, Chittenango creeks, and other small
streams. It abounds with fine fish. Its lnlet flows into Oswego
Oneida, cr., N. Y., rises in Madison co., and ms into Oneida
Lake. It is navigable 3 ms., to Oneida Castle v. It affords good
water power, and is employed as a feeder to the Erie Canal.
Oneida, County, N. Y. Situated n. e. of the
center of the state, and contains 1,101 sq. ms. the surface is
diversified by gentle hills and well cultivated valleys; soil,
very productive, adapted to grain. Drained by Black and Mohawk,
rivers, and their tributaries, and by Oriskany, Sadaquada, Fish,
Wood, and Oneida creeks. It contains potters' clay, iron ore,
gypsum, water limestone, peat, and marl. The Erie Canal, with
the Chenango canal, and the line of western railroads, pass
through it. Capitals, Utica, Rome and Whitesboro'. There were in
1840, neat cattle, 92,669, sheep 177,070, swine 66,543; wheat,
159 bush, produced, rye 6,064, Ind. corn 4,075, buckwheat
30,240, barley 98,331, oats 7.952, potatoes 1,574,109, hops
33,724 pounds, sugar 286,502; 2 commercial and 3 commission
houses, cap. $58,000; 332 stores, cap. $2,684,575; lumber yards,
cap. $55,400; 14 furnaces, 1 grist m., 40 fulling m., 23 woolen
fac, 13 cotton fac. 37,316 sp., 2 dyeing and printing
establishments, 61 tanneries, 2 rope fac, 11 distilleries, 4
breweries. 3 glass fac, 2 potteries, 5 flouring m., 57 grist m.,
248 saw m., 2 oil m., 6 paper fac, 9 printing offices, 9 weekly
newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $2,829,376. 2 colleges, 190
students, acad. 2,035 students, 441 sch. 20,166 scholars, p.
Oneida, p-t., Eaton co., Mich., 130 w. by n. Detroit, 600 W. It
has 1 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. In manufac. $3,000. Pop. 265.
Oneida Castle, p-v., Vernon t.. Oneida co., N. Y., 113 w. n. w.
Albany, 366 W. Situated on both sides of Oneida cr. Incorporated
in 1841. It contains 1 Presbyterian and 1 Baptist church, 2
stores, about 60 dwellings, and 400 inhabitants.
Oneida Depot, p-o., Verona t., Madison co., N. Y. Situated on
the Syracuse and Utica railroad and contains a few dwellings.
Oneida Lake, p-o., Lenox t., Madison co., N. Y., 123 w. n. w.
Albany, 372 W.
Oneida r., N. Y, forms the outlet of Oneida Lake. After running
w. in a circuitous course, it unites with Seneca r. to form
Oswego r.
Oneonta, p-t., Otsego co., N. Y, 20 s. Cooperstown, 79 w.
Albany, 349 W. The surface is somewhat broken, with fertile
flats along the streams. Watered by Susquehanna r. and its
branches, Charlotte r. and Otego cr. The v. is situated on
Susquehanna r., and contains 3 churches, 10 stores, 1 woolen
fac, 1 iron foundry, 1 tannery, 1 grist m., 1 saw m., 1
distillery, 90 dwellings, and about 500 inhabitants. There are
in the t. 8 stores, cap. $20,000; 2 furnaces, 1 fulling m., 1
tannery, 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper, 2 grist m., 7
saw m. Cap. in manufac. $23,790. 1 acad. 35 students, 13 sch.
555 scholars. Pop. 1,936.
Onion, r. Vt., rises by several small streams in Cabot, and
flows s. and s. w. to Montpelier, where it receives a large
branch, and thence flows northwesterly, until it enters Lake
Champlain, 5 ms. n. of Burlington v. From Montpelier, it passes
the Green mountain range, which towers precipitously on each
side, with barely sufficient space on its margin at some places
for the road which forms the only easy passage through these
mountains. This r. has falls, which afford good water power. The
narrow valley through which this r. passes, subjects it, at
times, to great and sudden rises.
Ono, p-o., Edgar co., Ill., 120 e. Springfield, 671 W.
Onondaga Lake, N. Y., situated in the N. part of Onondaga co.,
is 8 ms. long, and from 2 to 4 broad, and is famous for the salt
springs which are found on its borders, though its own waters
are fresh.
Onondaga, County, N. Y. Centrally situated
toward the n. part of the state, and contains 711 sq. ms. The
surface is level on the n., and moderately hilly s. The soil is
a fertile calcareous loam. It contains Oneida, Skeneatles and
Otisco lakes, and has Oneida Lake on its n. e. border. Drained
by Oneida and Seneca rivers, which unite and form Oswego r. The
brine springs of this co. are owned by the state, and yield a
large revenue. In the villages of Salina, Syracuse, Liverpool
and Geddes, which are near together., there were produced in
1840, 2,622,335 bushels of salt, yielding a revenue to the state
of $162,404. The Erie Canal passes through the co., and the
Oswego canal extends from Syracuse to Lake Ontario. The great
western railroad also passes through it. Capital, Salina. There
were in 1840, neat cattle 46.020, sheep 159,650, swine 61,733;
wheat 655,799 bush, produced, rye 3,593, Ind. corn 401,303,
buckwheat 14,420, barley 334,615, oats 533,762, potatoes
800,317, sugar 178,520 pounds; 264 stores, cap. $1,082,300; 5
lumber yards, cap. $19,700; 2,864,634 bush, of domestic salt; 1
furnace, 23 fulling m., 10 woolen fac, 3 cotton fac 3,792 sp.,
43 tanneries, 7 distilleries, 1 brewery, 23 flouring m., 29
grist m., 1 14 saw m., 1 oil m., 2 paper fac, 6 printing
offices, 1 periodical, 1 daily, 5 weekly newspapers. Cap. in
manufac. $1,402,305. 12 acad. 1,531 students, 333 sch. 17,870
scholars. Pop. 67,911.
Onondaga, p-t., Onondaga co., N. Y., 5 s. Syracuse, 133 w. by n.
Albany, 346 W. The surface is hilly; soil, a fertile clay loam.
Drained by Onondaga cr. The v. contains 1 Presbyterian and 1
Episcopal Church, 2 stores, 50 dwellings, and about 300
inhabitants. The situation is elevated, commanding a fine
prospect. There are in the t. 1 acad. 224 students, 35 sch.
1,748 scholars. Pop. 5,653.
Onondaga, p-o., Ingham co., Mich., 96 w. by n. Detroit, 582 W.
Onondaga, p-o., Marshall co., Ia., 122 n. Indianapolis, 641 W.
Onondaga Hollow, p-v., Onondaga t., Onondaga co., N. Y., 4 s.
Syracuse, 131 w. by N. Albany, 344 W. It contains 1 Presbyterian
and 1 Methodist church, an academy, 3 stores, 1 flouring m., 1
plaster m., 100 dwellings, and about 800 inhabitants. Three ms.
s. are the remains of the tribe of Onondaga Indians, amounting
to the number of 350 persons.
Table of Contents
Source: A Complete Descriptive And
Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel
Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith,
This book is a joint project between
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