State of Pennsylvania
Page 517
one of the middle United States, is bounded n. by New York and
Lake Erie; t. by New Jersey, from which it is separated by
Delaware River; s. by Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia; and w.
by Virginia and Ohio. It is between 39° 43' and 42° n. lat., and
between 74° aid 80° 40' w. Ion.; and between 3° 31' w. and 2°
18' e. from w. It is 307 miles long, and 160 broad, containing
46,000 square miles, or 29,440,000 acres. The population in
1790, was 434,373; in 1800, 602,545; in 1810, 810,091; in 1820,
1,049,313; in 1830, 1,347,672; in 1840, 1,724,033. Of these
844,770 were white males; 831,345 do. females; 22,752 free
colored males; 25,102 do. females. Employed in agriculture,
207,533; in commerce, 15,338; in manufactures and trades,
05,883; in mining, 4,603; navigating the ocean, 1,815; do.
lakes, rivers, &c, 3,951; learned professions, &c, 6,706.
The state is
divided into 55 counties, which, with their population in 1840,
and their capitals, are as follows:
County, Population, Capital
Eastern District |
Western District |
Adams, 23,044, Gettysburg |
Alleghany, 81,235, Pittsburgh
Berks, 64,569, Reading |
Armstrong, 28,365, Kittaning |
Bucks, 48,107, Doylestown and
Bristol |
Beaver, 29,368, Beaver |
Chester, 57,515, West Chester
Bedford, 29,335, Bedford |
Cumberland, 30,953, Carlisle
Bradford, 32,769, Towanda |
Dauphin, 30,118, Harrisburg
Butler, 22,378, Butler |
Delaware, 19,791, Chester |
Cambria, 11,256, Ebensburg |
Franklin, 37,793, Chambersburg
Centre, 20,492, Bellefonte |
Lancaster, 84,203, Lancaster
Clearfield, 7,834, Clearfield
Lebanon, 21,872, Lebanon |
Clinton, 8,323, Lock Haven |
Lehigh, 25,785, Allentown |
Columbia, 24,267, Danville |
Monroe,,879, Stroudsburg |
Crawford, 31,724, Meadville
Montgomery, 47,241, Norristown
Erie, 31,344, Erie |
Northampton, 40,996, Easton
Fayette, 33,574, Union |
Perry, 7,096, Bloomfield |
Greene, 19,147, Waynesburg |
Philadelphia, 258,037,
Philadelphia |
Huntingdon, 35,484, Huntingdon
Pike, 3,832, Milford |
Indiana, 20,782, Indiana |
Schuylkill, 29,053, Orwigsburg
Jefferson, 7,253, Brookville
Wayne, 11,848, Honesdale |
Juniata, 11,030, Mifflintown
York, 47,010, York |
Luzerne, 44,006, Wilkesbarre
... |
Lycoming, 22,649, Williamsport
... |
McKean, 2,975, Smithport |
... |
Mercer, 32,873, Mercer |
... |
Mifflin, 13,092, Lewistown |
... |
Northumberland, 20,027, Sunbury |
... |
Potter, 3,371, Cowdersport |
... |
Somerset, 19,650, Somerset |
... |
Susquehanna, 21,195, Montrose
... |
Tioga, 15,498, Wellsborough
... |
Union, 22,787, New Berlin |
... |
Venango, 17,900, Franklin |
... |
Warren, 9,278, Warren |
... |
Washington, 41,279, Washington
... |
Westmoreland, 42,699,
Greensburg |
Harrisburg is
the seat of government, on the E. bank of the Susquehanna River,
97 miles w. n. w. from Philadelphia.
The Alleghany
Mountains cross the state from s. w. to n. e., and there are
many smaller ranges on each side of the principal ridge, and
parallel to it. These mountainous tracts cover all the central
part of the state, embracing nearly one seventh of its whole
surface. In the s. e. and n. w., the country is either level or
moderately hilly. The soil is generally good, and much of it is
of a superior quality; the richest tract is in the s. e., on
both sides of the Susquehanna. This part of the state has been
long settled, and is under high cultivation. Between the head
waters of the Alleghany and Lake Erie, the soil is excellent.
The most important production of the state by far is wheat,
which grows here in great perfection; and next in value is
Indian corn. Rye, barley, buckwheat, oats, hemp, and flax are
also extensively cultivated. Cherries, peaches, and apples are
abundant, and much cider is made. Although the state is better
adapted to grain than to grazing, yet in many parts there are
large dairies, and fine horses and cattle are raised.
In this state
there were in 1840,361,558 horses and mules; 1,161,576 neat
cattle; 1,755,597 sheep; 1,485,360 swine. There was produced
poultry to the value of $681,979. There were raised 12,993,218
bushels of wheat; 206,858 of barley; 20,485,747 of oats;
6,544,654 of rye; 2,096,016 of buckwheat; 14,077,363 of Indian
corn; 3,028,657 pounds of wool; 48,694 of hops; 32,708 of wax;
9,477,343 bushels of potatoes; 1,302,685 tons of hay; 2,644 of
hemp and flax; 325,018 pounds of tobacco; 7,262 of silk cocoons;
2,265,755 of sugar. The products of the dairy amounted to
$3,152,987; and of the orchard, $610,512. There were made 14,328
gallons of wine. The value of lumber was $1,146,355.
The mineral
wealth of Pennsylvania is very great. Iron ore is widely
disseminated, and has been extensively wrought. But the coal
regions furnish the most interesting portion of its mineral
productions. West of the Alleghany ridge, bituminous coal is
found, of an excellent quality, and in inexhaustible quantities.
In Pittsburgh and the vicinity it is extensively used for
manufacturing purposes. In this region salt springs occur, which
afford a strong brine. But the anthracite coal region, E. of the
Blue Ridge and between it and the n. branch of the Susquehanna,
is immense, and is extensively wrought. The Mauch Chunk,
Schuylkill, and Lynken's valley coal-field, extends from the
Lehigh, across the head waters of the Schuylkill, and is 65
miles in length, with an average breadth of about 5 miles. The
Lehigh coal, procured at the northern portion of this field, is
heavy, hard, and difficult of ignition. At Mauch Chunk this coal
is found near the surface, and extends to the depth of from 12
to 50 or 60 feet. The Schuylkill coal is from the centre of the
above field, burns with less difficulty than the Lehigh, and
yields red ashes. The Lackawanna coal-field extends from
Carbondale, on the Lackawannock, to 10 miles below Wilkesbarre,
on the Susquehanna. This field is made accessible by the
Carbondale railroad and the Delaware and Hudson canal, extending
to the Hudson River. Limestone is abundant in all parts of the
state, and in the s. e. parts a fine marble.
The climate
of Pennsylvania is various. In the mountainous region in the
interior, the winters are severe. The weather is colder on the
western than the eastern side of the mountain ridge and in both
the rivers are frozen between one and two months in the year. In
the s. e. portion the winters are mild, and on the whole the
climate is healthy.
The Delaware
River washes the eastern border of the state, and is navigable
for largo ships to Philadelphia. The Lehigh, after a course of
75 miles, enters it at Easton. The Schuylkill, 130 miles long,
unites with it 6 miles below Philadelphia. The Susquehanna is a
large river, which rises in New York, flows s. through this
state, and enters the Chesapeake Bay, in Maryland. It is much
obstructed by falls and rapids. The Juniata rises among the
Alleghany Mountains, and, after a course of 180 miles, enters
the Susquehanna, 11 miles above Harrisburg. The Alleghany River,
400 miles long, from the n., and the Monongahela, 300 miles
long, from the s., unite at Pittsburgh, and form the Ohio. The
Youghiogeny is a small river which flows into the Monongahela.
between the Delaware and Schuylkill Rivers, and Pittsburgh, at
the junction of the Monongahela and Alleghany Rivers, are the
most commercial places in the state. The other principal towns
are Lancaster, Reading, Harrisburg, Easton, York, Carlisle,
Alleghany, and Erie.
Page 519
The exports
of the state for the year ending September, 1840, were
$6,820,145; and the imports were $8,464,882.
There were
194 commercial and 178 commission houses engaged in foreign
trade, with a capital of $3,662,811; there were 6,534 retail
drygoods and other stores, with a capital of $35,629,170; there
were 5,064 persons engaged in the lumber trade, employing a
capital of $2,241,040; 2,146 persons employed in internal
transportation, who, with 466 persons employed as butchers,
packers, &c, employed a capital of $727,850; 58 persons were
employed in the fisheries, with a capital of $16,460.
manufactures of Pennsylvania are extensive. There were in 1840,
home-made or family goods produced to the amount of $1,292,429;
235 woolen manufactories, and 337 fulling mills, employing 2,909
persons, producing articles to the value of $2,298,861, and
employing a capital of $1,500,546; 106 cotton manufactories,
with 146,494 spindles, employing 5,522 persons, producing
articles to the value of $5,013,007, and employing a capital of
$3,325,400; 2,977 persons produced 359,686 tons of anthracite
coal, with a capital of $4,334,102; 1,798 persons produced
11,620,654 bushels of bituminous coal, with a capital of
$300,416; 213 furnaces, producing 98,395 tons of cast iron, and
169 forges, &c, producing 87,244 tons of bar iron, employing
11,522 persons and a capital of $7,781,471; 87 paper
manufactories produced to the amount of $792,335, and other
paper manufactures to the amount of $95,500, the whole employing
794 persons and a capital of $581,800; mts and caps were
manufactured to the amount of $819,431, and straw bonnets to the
amount of $80,5 12, employing 1,467 persons and a capital of
$449,107; 1,149 tanneries employed 3,392 persons, and a capital
of $2,729,536; 2,132 other leather manufactories, such as
saddleries, &c, produced articles to the amount of $3,453,243,
employing a capital of $1,249,923; 30 powder mills manufactured
1,184,225 pounds of powder, employing 58 persons and a capital
of $66,800; drugs, paints, &c, employed 519 persons, producing
articles to the amount, of $2,179,625, and turpentine and
varnish to the amount of $7,865, the whole employing 519 persons
and a capital of $1,179,625; 28 glass-houses, and 15 glass
cutting establishments, employed 835 persons, producing articles
to the amount of $772,400, with a capital of $714,100; 182
potteries employed 322 persons, producing articles to the amount
of $157,902, employing a capital of $75,562; 1,969 persons
produced machinery to the value of $1,993,752; 763 persons
produced hardware and cutlery to the amount of $783,482; 168
persons produced 5 cannon and 21,571 small-arms; 245 persons
manufactured the precious metals to the amount of $2,679,075;
536 persons manufactured granite and marble to the amount of
$443,610; 3,858 persons made bricks and lime to the amount of
$1,719,796; 770 persons manufactured carriages and wagons to the
amount of $1,203,732, with a capital of 559,831; 1,005
distilleries produced 6,228,768 gallons, and 87 breweries
produced 12,765,974 gal->ns, employing 1,601 persons and a
capital of $1,585,771; 725 flouring mills produced 1,181,530
barrels of flour, and with other mills, employed 7,916 persons,
producing articles to the amount of 3,232,515, employing a
capital of $7,779,784; 353 persons manufactured 5,097,690 pounds
of soap, 316,843 pounds of tallow candles, and 5,002 do. of
spermaceti candles, employing a capital of £94,442; ships were
built to the amount of $668,015; 2,357 persons manufactured
furniture to the amount of $1,151,167, with a capital of
$714,817; 1,991 brick houses, and 2,406 wooden houses are built,
employing 9,881 persons, and cost $5,339,530; 221 printing
offices, 46 binderies, 12 daily, 10 semi-weekly, and 162 weekly
newspapers, and 42 periodicals, employed 1,702 persons and a
capital of $680,340. The whole amount of capital employed in
manufactures in the state, was $31,629,415.
The colleges
in this state are numerous. The following are their names,
location, and the date their being founded. University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1755; Dickinson College, Carlisle,
1783; Jefferson College, Cannonsburg, 1802; Washington College,
Washington, 1806; Alleghany College, Meadville, 1815;
Pennsylvania College, Gettysburgh, 1832; Lafayette Col-re,
Easton, 1832; Marshall College, Mercersburg, 1836. Besides these
are the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, 1765; Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, 24;
Medical Department of Pennsylvania College, Philadelphia, 1839.
The Theological Seminary of the Lutheran Church, Gettysburg,
1826; German Reformed, York, 1825; Western Theological Seminary
at Alleghany, 1828; Theological Seminary at Cannonsburg;
Theological Seminary at Pittsburgh. In all these seminaries
there were in 1840, 2,034 students. There were in the state 290
academies, with 15,970 students, 4,968 primary and common
schools, with 179,989 scholars. There were 33 940 persons over
20 years of age who could neither read nor write.
Of the
religious denominations, the Presbyterians, including the
Associate Reformed, had in 1836, about 400 ministers; the
Baptists, 140; the Methodists, 250; German Reformed, 73;
Episcopalians, 70; the Friends, 150 congregations. Besides,
there are several other denominations less numerous.
In Jan. 1840,
there were in this state, 49 banks, with an aggregate capital of
$24,286,405, and a circulation of $9,338,636. At the close of
1840, the state debt amounted to $34,723,261.
Page 520
In the year
1825, Pennsylvania began a splendid course of internal
improvements. Her greatest work is a canal from Philadelphia,
including a railroad from Johnstown to Hollidaysburg, 37 miles,
over the Alleghany to Pittsburgh, 400 miles. There is a tunnel
on the railroad 870 feet lone 200 feet below the top of the
mountain. The Schuylkill Navigation canal extends 108 ms. from
Philadelphia to Port Carbon; the Union canal, 82 ms. from
Reading to Middletown; the Lehigh, 84 ms. from Easton to
Stoddartsville; the Lackawaxen, 25 ms. from Delaware r. to
Honesdale; the Conestaga, 18 ms. from Lancaster to Safe Harbor;
the Codorus, 11 ms. from York to Susquehanna River; Bald Eagle,
25 ms. from West Branch canal to Bellefonte; the Susquehanna, 45
ms. from Wrightsville to Havre de Grace, and several small
The railroads
of this state are still more numerous. The Columbia, 81 ms. from
Columbia to Philadelphia; Valley, 20 ms. from Norristown to
Columbia railroad; Harrisburg and Lancaster, 35 ms; Cumberland
Valley, 50 ms. from Harrisburg to Chambersburg; Westchester, 10
ms. from Columbia railroad to Westchester; Franklin, 30 ms. from
Chambersburg to Williamsport; York and Wrightsville, 13 ms.;
Strasburg, 7 ms. from Cumberland Valley railroad to Strasburg;
Philadelphia and Reading, 95 ms. from Reading to Pottsville;
Little Schuylkill, 23 ms. from Port Clinton to Tamaqua; Danville
and Pottsville, 44½ ms. from Pottsville to Sunbury; Little
Schuylkill and Susquehanna, 106 ms. from Tamaqua to
Williamsport; Beaver Meadow branch, 12 ms. Irons Lardner's Gap
to Beaver Meadow railroad; Williamsport and Elmira, 73½ ms.
between the 2 places; Corning and Blossburg, 40 ms. do.; Mount
Carbon, 7i ms. from Mount Carbon to Norwegian Creek; Schuylkill
Valley, 10 ms. from Port Carbon to Tuscarora; branches of do. 15
re.; Schuylkill, 13 ms. from Schuylkill to the Valley; Mill
Creek, 9 ms. from Port Carbon to Coal Mine; Mine Hill and
Schuylkill Haven, 20 ms. from Schuylkill Haven to Mine Hill Gap;
Mauch Chunk, 9 ms. from Mauch Chunk to Coal Mine; branches of
do. 16 ms.; Room Run, 5¼ ms. from Mauch Chunk to Coal Mine;
Beaver Meadow, 20 ms. from Parrysville to Coal Mine; Hazelton
and Lehigh, 8 ms. from Hazelton Mine to Beaver Meadow railroad;
Nesquehoning, 5 ms. from Nesquehoning Mine to Lehigh River;
Lehigh and Susquehanna, 19½ ms. from White Haven to Wilkesbarre;
Carbondale and Honesdale, 17½ ms., connects the 2 places; Ly
kin's Valley, 16½ ms. from Broad Mountain to Millersburg; Pine
Grove, 4 ms. from Pine Grove to Coal Mine; Philadelphia and
Trenton, 26¼ ms. from Philadelphia to Morrisville; Philadelphia,
Germantown, and Norristown, 17 ms. from Philadelphia to
Norristown; Germantown branch of do. 4 ms.; Philadelphia and
Wilmington, 27 ms. from Philadelphia to Wilmington.
This state
was granted to William Penn, of the Society of Friends, by James
II of England in 1681. It had previously been settled by the
Swedes and Finns, and conquered by the Dutch in 1654. Penn
disposed of 20,000 acres to a company of Friends, for 400 pounds
sterling, and a colony of them came over towards the close of
the year, and formed a settlement at Philadelphia It was
governed by the proprietors until early in the revolutionary
war, when the legislature purchase it, by paying the proprietors
130,000 pounds sterling, in lieu of all quit-rents. This state
was the theatre of several hard fought battles in the
revolutionary war, particularly of Brandy wine and Germantown;
and Philadelphia was for some time in the possession of the
The constitution of the United States
was adopted in convention, December 13th, 1787; yea; 46, nays
23; majority, 23. The United States congress removed from
Philadelphia to Washington in 1800.
Table of Contents
Source: A Complete Descriptive And
Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel
Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith,
This book is a joint project between
members of AHGP, Paula Franklin, Judy White, Sheryl McClure and
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