Wood's Hill, TN to Wysox, PA
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Wood's Hill, p-o., Roane co., Tenn., 162 e. by s. Nashville, 519
Wood's Hole, p-v., Falmouth t., Barnstable co., Mass., 79 s.
Boston, 461 W. Situated in the extreme s. w. part of the t. It
has a good harbor, and ships of the largest class come to its
wharves. It is protected by islands on the s. and w. It contains
an Episcopal church.
Woodsoxville, p-v., Hart co., Ky. Situated on the s. side of
Green r., opposite to Mumfordsville, the capital of the co.
Wood's Station, p-o., Walker co., Ga., 214 N. w. Milledgeville,
623 W.
Woodstock, p-t., Oxford co., Me., 49 w. Augusta, 603 W. The
surface is partly mountainous and partly undulating, with
considerable fertile soil, adapted to grain. Drained by a branch
of Little Androscoggin r., issuing from a pond a little e. of
the centre, which affords water power. Incorporated in 1829. It
has 3 stores, cap. $900; 10 sch. 346 scholars. Pop. 819.
Woodstock, p-t., Grafton co., N. H., 57 n. Concord, 532 W. The
surface is mountainous, containing Blue mt., Cushman's mt., and
Black mt., the latter on its n. boundary. Drained by a tributary
of Pemigewasset r. First settled about 1773. It was formerly
called Peeling. It has 2 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$3,230. 6 sch. 170 scholars. Pop. 472.
Woodstock, p-t., capital of Windsor co., Vt., 51s. Montpelier,
485 W. The surface is pleasantly diversified; soil, fertile.
Drained by Otta Queechee r. and its branches, and by Beaver
brook, all of which afford water power. It contains 2 villages.
The n. or main v. is one of the largest in the co., built around
a beautiful public green. It contains a court house, jail, 5
churches, 1 Congregational, 1 Episcopal, 1 Methodist, 1
Christian, and 1 Universalist, the Vermont medical college, 20
stores, 2 printing offices, 325 dwellings, and 1,400
inhabitants. The s. village is 5 ms. s. of the court house, and
contains 1 church, 2 stores, and a number of mechanic shops.
There are in the t. 12 stores, cap. $58,500; 1 fulling m., 2
woolen fac, 3 tanneries, 2 printing offices, 2 weekly
newspapers, 3 grist rn.,5 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $127,505. 1
acad. 25 students, 16 sch. 1,042 scholars. Pop. 3,315.
Woodstock, p-t., Windham co., Ct., 43 e. n. e. Hartford, 379 W.
The surface is hilly, but generally arable; soil, a fertile
gravelly loam. Drained by Muddy brook and its branches, a branch
of Quinnebaug r., and by a branch of Natchaug r. The first
affords good water power. It contains 6 churches, 3
Congregational, 2 Baptist, and 1 Methodist. It contains Old
Woodstock, and 2 other villages. Old Woodstock contains a
Congregational church, an academy, and a number of dwellings on
a fine public green. The ground is elevated and the prospect
extensive. West Woodstock contains a Congregational church.
North Woodstock, or Muddy Brook, in the n. w. part, on a stream
of that name, is the most compact part of the t., and contains 2
Congregational churches, and 1 Methodist in the vicinity, and
presents a handsome appearance. There are in the t. 16 stores,
cap. $33,000; 2 fulling m., 3 woolen fac, 3 cotton fac. 3,292
sp., 3 acad. 95 students, 20 sch. 909 scholars. Pop. 3,053.
Woodstock, p-t., Ulster co., N. Y., 69 s. Albany, 328 W. The
surface is mountainous, lying on Catskill mountains; soil,
gravel, clay, and loam. Drained by Saghkill and other creeks,
tributaries of Esopus cr. The v. contains 2 churches, 2 stores,
1 tannery, and 20 dwellings. Bristol Glass Works is a
manufacturing v. There are in the t. 2 stores, cap. $20,000; 1
tannery, 1 glass house, 1 glass cutting establishment, 2 grist
m., 12 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $35,295. 7 sch. 372 scholars.
Pop. 1,691.
Woodstock, p-v., Anne Arundel co., Md., 50 N. w. Annapolis, 55
Woodstock, p-v., capital of Shenandoah co., Va., 150 n. n. w.
Richmond, 104 W. Situated on the w. side of the n. fork of
Shenandoah r., about 1 m. from its bank. It contains a court
house, jail, county offices, a Masonic hall, an academy, 3
churches, 1 Lutheran, 1 German Reformed, 1 Methodist, a number
of stores. 125 dwellings, and about 1,000 inhabitants.
Woodstock, p-v., Cherokee co., Ga., 125 n. n. w. Milledgeville,
683 W. Situated on the s. side of Little r., a branch of Etowah
Woodstock, p-v., Rush t, Champaign co., O., 13 n. e. Urbanna, 37
n. w. Columbus, 430 W. It contains 1 store, and 8 or 10
Woodstock, p-t., Lenawee co., Mich., 73 w. s. w. Detroit, 533 W.
Drained by head branches of Raisin r. It has a number of ponds,
and a considerable lake on its s. border. It has 4 saw m. Cap.
in manufac. $5,750. 3 sch. 80 scholars. Pop. 674.
Woodstown, p-v., Pilesgrove t., Salem co., N. J., 53 s. Trenton,
164 W. Situated on the n. fork of Salem cr., and contains 3
churches, 1 Baptist, 1 Friends, and 1 African Methodist, 6
stores, 150 dwellings, and about 700 inhabitants. In the
neighborhood are valuable marl beds.
Woodsville, p-v., Middlesex co., Mass.
Woodsville, p-v., Hopewell t., Mercer co., N. J., 10 s.
Flemington, 13 n. Trenton, 179 W. It has an elevated situation,
commanding a fine prospect, and contains 1 store, and 8 or 10
dwellings. The surrounding country is well cultivated.
Woodville, p-v., Litchfield co., Ct., 39 w. Hartford, 320 W.
Woodville, p-v., Ellisburg t., Jefferson co., N. Y., 171 n. w.
Albany, 399 W. It contains 1 Presbyterian church, 2 stores, 1
grist m., 2 saw m., 25 dwellings, and about 150 inhabitants.
Woodville, p-v., Rappahannock co., Va., 118 n. w. Richmond, 85
Woodville, p-v., Perquiman's co., N. C, 205 E. n. e. Raleigh,
293 W. It contains about 75 inhabitants.
Woodville, p-v., Abbeville dist., S. C, 93 w. Columbia, 525 W.
Woodville, p-v., Greene co., Ga., 55 n. Milledgeville, 604 W.
Woodville, p-v., Jackson co., Ala., 163 n. e. Tuscaloosa, 688 W.
Woodville, p-t., Sandusky co., O., 120 n. n. w. Columbus, 438 W.
Situated on the s. side of Portage r. It has 7 sch. 260
scholars. Pop. 486.
Woodville, p-v., Jackson co., Ia., 74 s. Indianapolis, 601 W.
Woodville, p-v., Hancock co., Ill., 106 w. n. w. Springfield,
8S4 W.
Woodville, p-v., capital of Wilkinson co., Miss., 135 s. w.
Jackson, 1,145 W. It contains a court house, jail, market house,
a bank, 2 academies, 3 churches, 1 Episcopal, 1 Baptist, and 1
Methodist, and about 800 inhabitants. A railroad 29 ms. long
connects it with St. Francisville, on the Mississippi r.
Woodville, p-v., Macon co., Mo., 96 n. by w. Jefferson City, 979
Woodwardsville, p-o., Schroon t., Essex co., N. Y., 101 n.
Albany, 476 W.
Woodwardsville, p-o., Marengo co., Ala., 104 s. by w.
Tuscaloosa, 916 W
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Woodworths, p-o., Granville co., N. C., 61 n. Raleigh, 236 W.
Woolwich, p-t., Lincoln co., Me., 35 s. Augusta, 580 W. Bounded
w. by Kennebec r., which affords great facilities for
navigation. It has 2 small streams, and a pond near its centre,
which has its outlet into Kennebec r. It has 2 stores, cap.
$850; 1 fulling m., 2 tanneries, 4 saw m. Pop. L416.
Woolwich, t, Gloucester co., N. J., 11 s. w. Woodbury. Bounded
n. w. by Delaware r. The surface is level; soil, sandy, with
pine forest on the s. e. Drained by Pepaups, Little Timber,
Racoon, and Oldman's creeks. It contains the villages of
Swedesboro' and Battentown. It has 9 stores, cap. $28,400; 1
lumber yard, cap. $3,000; 2 fulling m., 2 woolen fac, 5 grist
m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $25,500. 12 sch. 943 scholars.
Pop. 3,676.
Woonsocket Falls, p-v., Smithfield t., Providence co., R. L, 15
n. n. w. Providence, 414 W. Situated on the falls of Blackstone
r., where it descends 20 feet, within a short distance, over a
precipice of rocks, affording a great water power. The v. lies
partly in Cumberland t., which is on the opposite side of the
r., where is a Baptist church. There is an Episcopal church on
the s. side of the r. The v. contains 16 cotton and 2 satinet
fac. with 1,263 looms, 50,826 sp., employing 1,162 hands,
producing 9,739,717 yds. of cloth annually; of which 5,645,000
were cotton prints, 3,117,000 cotton sheeting, 156,000 satinet,
364,000 jean, 62,400 negro cloth, 584,000 flannel. It contains a
bank, and about 2,500 inhabitants. The Blackstone canal passes
through the v.
Wooster, p-t., capital of Wayne co., O., 51 s. by w. Cleveland,
93 n. e. by n. Columbus, 344 W. The v. is situated in the forks
of Killbuck and Apple creeks, a little above their junction, and
contains a court house, jail, county offices, a bank, a U.
States land office, 5 churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Covenanters, 1
Baptist, 1 Dutch Reformed, and 1 Methodist, 25 stores, 3
printing offices, 1 acad. 25 students, 2 sch. 64 scholars, 1.50
dwellings, and 1,913 inhabitants. There are in the t. 29 stores,
cap. $63.200; 7 tanneries, 1 distillery, 2 printing offices, 2
weekly newspapers, 8 flouring m., 1 grist m., 11 saw in., 1 oil
m. Cap. in manufac. $21,705. Pop. 1,207.
Worcester, County, Mass. Situated in the
central part of the state, and contains 1,500 sq. ms., being the
largest co. in the state. The surface is undulating; soil,
generally strong and productive. Watered by Blackstone,
Quinnebaug, Nashua, Ware, Miller's, and Mill rivers, which
afford extensive water power. The Blackstone canal extends
through its s. part from Worcester to Providence; and the
railroad from Boston, through Springfield to Albany, runs
through it from e. to w., and at Worcester is met by the Norwich
and Worcester railroad. Capital, Worcester. There were in 1840,
neat cattle 67,666, sheep 26,128, swine 26,272; wheat 45,759
bush, produced, rye 84,914, Ind. corn 372,591, buckwheat 13,871,
barley 54,254, oats 375,471, potatoes 1,146,092, tobacco 15.000
pounds; 299 stores, cap. $1,049,045; 4 furnaces, 1 forge, 74
fulling m., 42 woolen fac, 71 cotton fac. 137,358 sp., 58
tanneries, 1 distillery, 1 brewery, 2 powder m., 6 flouring m.,
144 grist m., 320 saw m., 15 paper fac, 10 printing offices, 1
periodical, 6 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac $4,061,344. 23
acad. 1,242 students, 549 sch. 24,496 scholars. Pop. 95,313.
Worcester, County, Md. Situated in the s. e.
part of the state, and contains 700 sq. ms. The surface is
level; soil, sandy. Bounded s. E. by the Atlantic, and on the w.
by Chesapeake bay. Drained by Pocomoke r. and its branches.
Several islands extend along its coast, and enclose Sinepuxent
bay. Capital, Snow Hill. There were in 1840, neat cattle 14,765,
sheep 14,924, swine 19,900; wheat 20,679 bush, produced, Ind.
corn 487,442, oats 161,752, potatoes 35,441; 45 stores, cap.
$257,600; 5 tanneries, 24 grist m., 15 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$51,650. 4 acad. 212 students, 24 sch. 600 scholars. Pop. whites
11.765, slaves, 3,539, free col'd 3,173: total, 13,377.
Worcester, p-t., Washington co., Vt., 31 e. Burlington, 8 n.
Montpelier, 524 W. The surface is uneven, and in the w.
mountainous; soil, adapted to grazing, and fertile along the
streams. Watered by the n. branch of Onion or Winooski r., which
affords water power. It contains a Congregational church, and
Freewill Baptists and Methodists. Chartered in 1763, first
settled in 1797. It has 1 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac
$1,600. 7 sch. 175 scholars. Pop. 587.
Worcester, p-t., capital of Worcester co., Mass., 39 n. n. w.
Providence, 42 w. by s. Boston, 524 W. Pop. 1830, 4,172; 1840,
7,497. The surface of the town is agreeably diversified, and the
soil is generally fertile and well cultivated. The village is
one of the largest and finest of the inland towns of New
England. The houses, many of which are elegant, and of brick,
are chiefly on 1 broad street, a mile in length, crossed by
other streets, generally at right angles. It contains a fine
court house, which cost $20,000, a jail, a bank, 4 churches, 3
Congregational and 1 Baptist and the hall of the American
Antiquarian Society, containing its library of 6,000 volumes of
rare and valuable books, and its respectable cabinet, and the
Massachusetts Lunatic Asylum, with its spacious and commodious
edifice. Worcester enjoys great facilities for communication and
for trade. The Blackstone canal connects it with Providence, and
cost $500,000. The railroad from Boston to Springfield and
Albany passes through the place; and a railroad to Norwich,
Connecticut, is connected with steam-boats, forming a daily
communication with New York City, which renders Worcester one of
the greatest thoroughfares in the country, and cannot but add to
its growth and prosperity. It is surrounded by a fertile and
well cultivated country. It had in 1840, 90 stores, capital
$413,000; machinery produced to the value of $90,000; 1 furnace,
1 woolen fac. capital $40,000; 1 cotton fac. 1,672 sp., 2 grist
m., 2 saw m., 2 paper fac, 4 printing offices, 4 weekly
newspapers, 1 periodical. Capital in manufac. $400,000. 3 acad.
120 students, 30 sch. 1,488 scholars.
Worcester, p-t., Otsego co., N. Y., 57 s. w. Albany, 371 W. The
surface is hilly; soil, sandy loam. Drained by Charlotte r. and
its tributaries. The v. contains 2 churches, 3 stores, 2 grist
m., 1 tannery, 30 dwellings, and about 200 inhabitants. There
are in the t. 6 stores, capital $16,700; 2 fulling m., 1
tannery, 4 grist m., 16 saw m. Cap. in manufac $25,290. 10 sch.
590 scholars. Pop. 2,390.
Worcester, p-t., Montgomery co., Pa.. 89 e. Harrisburg, 162 W.
It has 2 stores, cap. $6,500; 1 tannery. Cap. in manufac.
$1,300. Pop. 1,200.
Worcester, p-v., McDonough co., Ill., 98 n. w. Springfield, 871
Wormley, p-o., Eaton t., Steuben co., N. Y., 223 w. by s.
Albany, 297 W.
Worthington, p-t., Hampshire co., Mass., 17 w. n. w.
Northampton, 112 w. Boston, 395 W. The surface is elevated and
uneven, being on the Green mountain range; soil, strong and
productive. Drained by Westfield r. and its branches. It has a
Congregational church near the centre, and a Methodist in the s.
e. part. Incorporated in 1763. It has 7 stores, cap. $9,900; 1
fulling m., 2 tanneries, 3 grist m., 7 saw m. Capital in
manufac. $19,950. 1 acad. 155 students, 11 sch. 429 scholars.
Pop. 1,197.
Page 742
Worthing ton, p-v., Armstrong co., Pa., 189 w. Harrisburg, 243
Worthington, p-v., Sharon t., Franklin co., O., 9 n. Columbus,
402 W. Situated on the E. hank of Olentangy or Whetstone r., a
branch of Scioto r. The v. plat contains 210 acres. It has 10
streets running n. and s. parallel to each other, and to the r.,
crossed by 7 streets at right angles with them. It contains 3
churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Episcopal, and 1 Methodist, a
Universalist congregation, an academy, and a college, the
medical department of which only is in operation, with 4
professors. It is conducted on "the reformed system." It has 5
stores, 1 college 25 students, 1 acad. 50 students, 2 sch. 40
scholars. Pop. 440.
Worthington, t., Richland co., O. It has 577 scholars in
schools. Pop. 1,842.
Worthington, p-v., Muhlenburg co., Ky., 172 s. w. by w.
Frankfort, 714 W.
Wrentham, p-t., Norfolk co., Mass., 32 s. s. w. Boston, 418 W.
The surface is diversified; soil, moderately good. Drained by
branches of Charles, Taunton, and Neponset rs., which afford
water power. Two ponds, near the centre, have their outlet n.
into Charles River. The v. in the n. w. part contains 2
Congregational churches. In South Wrentham is a Congregational
church, an academy, a bank, and about 45 dwellings. Incorporated
in 1763. There are in the t. 6 stores, capital $10,500; 4 cotton
fac. 3,500 sp., 3 grist m., 10 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $46,825.
1 acad. 150 students, 18 sch. 767 scholars. Pop. 2,915.
Wright, County, Mo. Situated toward the s. w.
part of the state, and contains 1,730 sq. ms. Drained by head
branches of Gasconade river, a tributary of Missouri r. Capital,
Wrightsborough, p-v., Columbia co., Ga., 95 e. n. e.
Milledgeville, 613 W. Situated on a branch of Little r., which
flows into Savannah r., and contains a church, an academy, and
30 dwellings.
Wrightsborough, p-o., St. Lawrence co., N. Y., 233 n. w. Albany,
500 W.
Wright's Corners, p-o., Newfane t., Niagara co., N. Y., 279 w.
Albany, 406 W.
Wright's Cross Roads, p-o., Fentress co., Tenn.
Wrightstown, p-t., Bucks co., Pa., 7 s. e. Doylestown, 24 n.
Philadelphia. The surface is level; soil, clay. Bounded s. by
Neshaminy cr., by tributaries of which it is drained. Near the
s. e. boundary is a v., which contains a church, with 5 or 6
dwellings. It contains also Penn's v. It has 3 stores, cap.
$13,000; 2 grist m., 1 saw m. Capital in manufac. $3,350. 4 sch.
118 scholars. Pop. 708.
Wrightstown, p-v., Hanover t., Burlington co., N. J., 23 s.
Trenton, 171 W. It contains about 50 inhabitants.
Wrightsville, p-b., York co., Pa., 11 n. w. York, 31 Harrisburg,
101 W. Situated on the w. side of Susquehanna river, opposite
Columbia b., with which it is connected by a bridge 5,690 feet
long. It contains about 80 dwellings. Pop. 672.
Wrightsville, p-v., Roane co., Tenn., 154 e. by s. Nashville,
539 W.
Wurtsborough, p-v., Mamakating t., Sullivan co., N. Y., 97 s. w.
Albany, 287 W. Situated on the Delaware and Hudson canal. It
contains 1 Dutch Reformed and 1 Methodist church, 6 stores, 3
storehouses, 1 tannery, 1 plaster m., 1 boatyard, 30 dwellings,
and about 200 inhabitants. 1 mile n. is a valuable lead mine,
supposed to be inexhaustible.
Wyalusing, creek, Pa., rises in Susquehanna co., and flows into
Susquehanna r., in Bradford County.
Wyalusing, p-t., Bradford co., Pa., 149 n. Harrisburg, 259 W.
The surface is hilly; soil, gravelly loam. Drained by Wyalusing
creek and its tributaries, flowing into Susquehanna r. It has 7
stores, capital $23,200; 1 fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 4 grist m.,
12 saw m. Cap. in manufactures $19,550. 6 sch. 318 scholars.
Pop. 1,400.
Wyandot, County, Mich. Situated in the n. part
of the peninsula, and contains 476 sq. miles. It has 3
considerable lakes, which receive Cheboygan and Skooawargurmish
rs., and other considerable streams, and discharge their waters
into the straits of Mackinaw, opposite to Bois Blanc island.
Wyandot, p-o., Marion co., O., 61 n. Columbus, 416 W.
Wyatt, p-v., Lafayette co., Miss., 174 n. n. e. Jackson, 912 W.
Situated on the n. side of Tallahatchee r., and contains about
200 inhabitants.
Wye Mills, p-o., Talbot co., Md., 31 e. by s Annapolis, 71 W.
Situated on Wye r.
Wykertown, p-v., Sussex co., N. J., 80 n. Trenton, 249 W.
Wye, river, Md., separates Talbot and Queen Anne counties, and
flows into the e. side of Chesapeake bay.
Wylliesburg, p-o., Charlotte co., Va., 106 s. w. Richmond, 204
Wynant's Kill, p-v., Greenbush t., Rensselaer co., N. Y., 10 e.
Albany, 380 W. It contains 1 Dutch Reformed church, 2 stores, 1
tannery, and about 15 dwellings.
Wynant's Kill, or creek, N. Y., rises in Sand Lake t., forming
the outlet of several small lakes, and affords good water power.
Wyoming, County, N. Y. Situated toward the w.
part of the state, and contains 500 square ms. Taken from
Genesee co. in 1841. The surface is undulating; soil, moist,
sandy, or gravelly loam, and very fertile. Drained by Allen's
and Tonawanda crs. and crossed in its s. w. part by Cattaraugus
cr., and in its s. E. angle by Genesee river. Capital, Warsaw.
Wyoming, County, Pa. Situated in the n. e. part
of the state, and contains 480 sq. ms. Taken from Luzerne co. in
1841. Drained by Susquehanna River and its branches. Capital,
Wyoming, p-v., Middlebury t., Wyoming co., N. Y., 248 w. Albany,
366 W. Situated on Allen's cr., and contains 1 Presbyterian, 1
Baptist, and 1 Methodist church, an academy, 4 stores, 90
dwellings, and about 600 inhabitants.
Wyoming, p-v., Luzerne co., Pa., 131 n. e. Harrisburg, 236 W.
Situated on the w. side of the Susquehanna r., and contains
about 200 inhabitants.
Wyoming, p-o., Jackson co., Mich., 85 w. Detroit, 555 W.
Wyoming, p-v., Dinwiddie co., Va., 59 s. Richmond, 178 W.
Wyoming, p-v., Starke co., Ill., 101 n. Springfield, 815 W.
Situated on the e. side of Spoon r., and contains about 75
Wyoming, p-v., Wayne co., Iowa.
Wysox. p-t., Bradford co.. Pa., 136 n. Harrisburg, 246 W. The
surface is hilly; soil, gravelly loam. Drained by Rumfield and
Wysox crs.
Table of Contents
Source: A Complete Descriptive And
Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel
Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith,
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