Alto Township, Lee County Illinois
Traveling northward from Willow creek,
along the east county line, Alto is reached. The origin of its
name does not seem to have been preserved. At all events the
oldest settlers can give me no information upon the point and
the so-called histories written years before overlooked that
important feature.
At a meeting of the citizens of Alto
Township, held in the schoolhouse of district 3, April 3, 1860,
Hiram C. Holcomb was appointed chairman, Charles R. Hall was
made moderator, and James Tyler, clerk. Justice H. C. Holcomb
administered the oath and the polls were declared opened at 9
At this meeting, it was ordered that the
township be divided into four road districts and that a tax levy
of 40 cents on the hundred dollars be levied for road purposes.
A motion was also carried to raise a tax of 2 mills on the
dollar for town purposes. The long period of herding cattle had
become so much of a nuisance to the increasing settlements that
drastic measures were taken to compel cattle owners to fence
their cattle. A motion was carried to the effect that all cattle
should be kept up at night and if damage followed from leaving
them at large, the owner was to pay for all damage done for the
first offense and for the second offense the owner was to pay
double the damage done. And to enforce the rule summarily, every
man was made his own pound master.
Forty-seven votes were polled. C. R.
Hall was elected the first supervisor; James Tyler, the first
town clerk; Josiah Carpenter, the first collector; James Tyler,
the first assessor; Daniel Carey and H. C. Holcomb, the first
justices of the peace; Josiah Carpenter and John Dorson, the
first constable; Jedediah Loneridge, the first overseer of the
poor; and James A. Smith, Roan McClure and M, Mills, the first
highway commissioners.
The first settlers of Alto were Mr. and
Mrs. John Grimes who came to Alto in 1843 and settled near Plum
Thicket, the only grove in the township. The house of Mr.
Grimes, the first one built in the township, was built, we are
told, in 1847, four years after he settled in the township. The
second settler came in 1845 and his name was J. Wood, a Baptist
preacher. He remained two or three years and then removed to
Earlville. About 1852, Jedediah Loneridge came next. He remained
about twenty years and. removed to Nebraska. Following Loneridge,
''the basket maker,'' came the families of James Holcomb and his
father, Hubbell Williams, Mason Herrick, the Mills family, James
Tyler, C. R. Hall, the Kirbys, the Stewards, the McDonalds (or
McDonnels, as spelled sometimes), and the Carpenters, William F.
Carpenter came to Alto in 1857.
Alto Township is a prairie township and
like other prairie town-ships, did not settle rapidly. In fact
it may be said of Alto that its population was sparse until the
late sixties. And it excited little attention until the railroad
came through.
But since that date, Alto has given an excellent account of
itself. It is a wonderfully rich township and until little
Scarboro was created. Steward was the only village or city, for
that matter, in Northern Illinois to market over a million
bushels of grain year after year. Even now, with Scarboro
feeding on its old territory. Steward has marketed 800,000
bushels of grain. In the years 1869 and 1870, when every
community in Northern Illinois was agitated by the prospects (on
paper) of having a railroad or two, Alto experienced those same
thrills. It was said that Francis E. Hinckley desired to build a
railroad from Forreston to Chicago, to run through Alto
Township. The rumor created great excitement of course and when
it was proposed to bond the township for $32,000, payable when
cars were running over the rails, the proposition provoked the
usual antagonism. Patriotism was appealed to on the one hand;
the fellow, who thought he was paying taxes enough, opposed the
venture. A meeting was had and a vote was taken which was
carried favorably to the bonds by a vote of ninety-three for, to
fifty against. Grading was commenced on Monday, Sept- 26, 1870,
and on Dec. 31, 1870, the road was finished to Rochelle and
trains moved regularly to that point. After that date trains ran
rather irregularly until April, 1871, and only one per day until
1872. The Chicago fire and the financial distress prevailing
over the country interfered with the plans of the company
considerably, but eventually the Chicago and Iowa railroad came
to its own and enjoyed a prosperous business.
Naturally there was a fight over the question of the bonds, but
this question was compromised by the issuance and acceptance of
a $25,000 issue, and at a less rate of interest.
For a time the railroad offices and the warehouse or freight
house were located in the bam of Wesley Steward.
Now, the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Company controlling the
road, runs some of the most beautiful trains in the country over
this line of railway. All its northwestern business is carried
via that route. This service includes two beautiful through
trains each way, each day. The freight traffic over it now is
In 1904, the importance of Steward was recognized by the
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Company. That corporation
enjoyed a joint occupancy of the strip of road running southerly
out of Rockford, and when the latter company desired to reach
further south into the coal fields, Steward was selected as the
junction point from which to bear off to the southwest.
Immediately this new road established two new stations in Lee
County, Scarboro in Willow Creek Township, and Roxbury in
Wyoming Township. With the up-building of Steward, the township
of Alto took on an unusual degree of activity. Projects of
improvement in every direction were formulated, not the least of
which was the extensive system of drainage more particularly
mentioned in other parts of this work. But here in Alto they
were agitated first and here in Alto they began to materialize
under the dredge and the spade, and an Alto man, Wesley Steward,
was made a member of the first drainage board of Lee County to
begin those operations which since have been made so stupendous.
The village of Steward stands upon the corners of four sections,
16, 17, 20 and 21, and Main and Dewey streets form the dividing
lines. The town site was selected by Wesley Steward, on his
lands, and he platted the village in 1870. William McMahan, the
then county surveyor, made the survey of the plat, and S. O.
Barnett, still a resident of Steward, assisted him in the
performance of that job, as chainman.
The first house on the new town site was built by Patrick Carey,
from the first a section foreman for the Burlington Company.
This was in 1874; it was built on John Street, where it stands
today, and was used as Mr. Carey's residence.
The first place of business was erected in 1871, by William
Guthrie who used it for a restaurant.
The second business house was built by Henry A. Robinson in
1871, and he used it for a store of general merchandise.
In 1875 P. A, Billion & Co. opened the first hardware store.
They sold it to G. A. Ruckman, who conducts it today on the same
spot and in the same building.
In 1877, Edward O 'Neil erected a building on Main street and
opened therein a general store. Doctor Gardner opened the first
drug store, but finding a drug store would not pay, he moved the
stock upstairs and rented the store room to Yetter and Healy,
who put in a stock of general merchandise.
In 1859 the first schoolhouse was built in Alto, and Miss Carrie
Whitcomb was the first teacher. Miss Carrie Norton succeeded
her. The last named lady married Mr. Merritt Miller, who was a
teacher, and afterwards Mr. Miller taught during the winter
months and Mrs. Miller during the summer months. In the old
schoolhouse, Misses Thurber, Holmes and others, followed. This
same old building stands today on Main street and is used for a
store building.
In 1881, at a cost of $7,000, a new school building was built.
On Feb. 8, 1903, this building was destroyed by fire and for the
rest of the school year school was conducted in the rooms over a
Mr. Foster's store. During the summer of 1903, the present
beautiful building was erected, and by November 1st the schools
were opened with Miss Ida Van Patten as principal. Miss Nona
Floyd, teacher of the intermediate department, and Miss Valeria
Whetston (Mrs. F. J. Beardsley) as primary teacher. Among those
who have taught in the Steward schools are Delos W. Baxter, of
Rochelle, and Messrs. Sensor, Fillmore and Miller as principals;
Miss Ella Wilcox, now Mrs. Robinson of Iowa, Mrs. Nellie Bowles,
Doctor Fauser; Henry H. Hagen, principal; Miss Nora O'Neil,
primary, and Miss Dora Ackland, intermediate.
The post office was established in Steward in 1871 and Mrs.
Merritt Miller became the first postmistress. Through the
intrigue of cheap enmity to the founder of the town, the name of
the post-office was made ''Heaton,'' professedly in honor of
Judge William W. Heaton of Dixon. But this inconsistency and
troublesome feature was short-lived. The department changed it
to the name of the plat and the railway station, ''Steward,''
just as it should have been called from the first. The first
post office was in the old depot, the scene of other interesting
beginnings. After about a year, Mrs. Miller gave up the office
and H. A. Robinson was appointed. Those who succeeded to the
office have been William Preston, G. A. Ruckman, and John P.
Yetter, the present postmaster, although on Cleveland's second
election, Ruckman was returned and then in turn, Yetter was
returned. In 1904 two rural deliveries were established from
this office, both of which continue to this day. The two first
carriers were S. H. Diller and Patrick O'Neal.
In view of the enormous quantities of grain produced at this
point, Mr. Steward erected in 1872-73 an elevator to handle it
and he engaged in the grain business. A coal and lumber business
was connected with the grain business.
In 1880, C. Jorgens & Co. erected another elevator. These people
sold out to Miller and Emmitt and they in turn, in the year
1894, sold to Titus Brothers. In 1904 this old elevator was torn
down and rebuilt, much enlarged, on a new site furnished by the
new Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul company.
On April 13, 1913, the tillage of Steward was incorporated and
officers as follows were elected:
President, U. S. Shearer; trustees, J. M. Durin, J. P. Yetter,
John Taylor, F. P. Barnett, L. E. Birdsall and Thomas F. Kirby;
clerk, Edward T. Corwin; treasurer, Zeno Wise; police
magistrate, S. J. Whetston; marshal, Jay Stiles.
One will find in Steward a peculiar situation in the business
field. The grain dealers have always done a banking business and
to this day Shearer Brothers receive deposits and write exchange
to a very large amount in the course of the year.
The First National Bank was organized Jan. 1, 1903, with a
capital stock of $25,000. Its first officers were: E. L. Titus,
president; I. R. Titus, cashier; R. W. Hough, assistant cashier,
and E. L. Titus, I. R. Titus, Wesley Steward, G. W. Thompson, J.
M. Burin, R. W. Hough, A. B. Titus, George E. Stocking and G. W.
Durin, directors.
The Neola Elevator Company operates the old Wesley Steward
elevator. Alto Township contains one of the best herds of pure
bred Hereford cattle in the State of Illinois, owned by W. E.
Hemenway. The annual dispersion sales from this farm are events
in Lee County history. For many years, Morris Cook, son-in-law
of Mr. Hemenway, owned a rare herd of the same breed, but on
account of his large landed interests, he dispersed them about
four years ago.
Mr. Hemenway's farm is the old Plum Thicket and it has been
named ''The Grove Farm.''
At the International Live Stock show held in Chicago in 1905,
''Masquerader" tied with another bull for sweepstakes honors,
which tie had to be decided by casting lots. In this test, Mr.
Hemenway lost and so was given second. At other live stock shows
this herd has achieved great distinction with ''Right Lad'' and
other noted animals.
Concerning the churches of Alto, their early history is much the
same as the history of Malugin's Grove in Brooklyn and Willow
Creek. All were in the same circuit and the same circuit riders
visited each, although circuit riding had been abandoned
practically when Alto began its church history.
The year 1874 seems to mark the beginning of church life in
Steward as a distinctive feature. Of course there were other
church services in Alto Township, but just where I have not been
able to ascertain.
In April, 1874, a meeting was held in the railroad depot for the
purpose of maturing plans to build a Methodist Church in
Steward. J. C. Curry, H. A. Robinson, H. VanPatten, V. W. Wells,
Jeremiah Tyler, James A. Smith, Merritt Miller, Robert M. Peile
and John Yetter were elected a building committee. M. L. Barnett
was made treasurer and J. C. Curry was made clerk. Perkins
Richardson of Aurora draughted plans and to T. J. Labdell was
given the contract for building the new church. By September it
was finished and then the question arose as to who should be
given control of it. It was voted to the Methodists. On Sept. 6,
1874, the church was dedicated by Prof. Miner Raymond of the
Garrett Biblical Institute of Evanston.
Mr. Steward then was superintendent of the railroad and to
secure a large attendance he caused free trains to run into
Steward from Chicago and Mount Morris. The ladies furnished free
dinners. At the meeting Messrs. Steward and Curry agreed to pay
the deficit after all the subscriptions had been made by the
Before this period Willow Creek furnished about the only church
services to be found in that vicinity.
North and south through Alto Township the old Ottawa-Rockford
trail ran. In 1856 a road was viewed and laid out from Paw Paw
to Rochelle.
The lands in Alto average high in price and fertility.
The Plum Thicket run is the only natural stream running through
Alto Township, and that is so unimportant that it is little
known. Water is reached easily. Drive wells reach an easy flow
of water at a depth of 100 to 200 feet.
The very large Norwegian Evangelical Church in the south-eastern
comer of the township already has been noticed in the account of
Willow Creek. It is known as the North West Church and is not
far from Lee.
It is so close to Lee that it is regarded as a Lee institution.
It was organized June 25, 1870. At the meeting Michael Knutson
was made chairman and Rasmus O. Hill, secretary. After prayers,
articles of faith were adopted and officers were elected. Peter
O. Espe, Peter O. Hill and Elias O. Espe were elected trustees
and Michael Knutson, Rasmus O. Hill and Ole O. Hill were made
Its size is 36x56, 16 feet high, and has a seating capacity for
400. It is surrounded by a large yard and ample shed room for
many teams. The cost of construction was $2,300 and the society
is free from debt. While the Fertile Valley Church is considered
as a Steward Church, it is in reality an Inlet swamp church over
in Reynolds Township and will be considered there.
The very best of citizenship is found in Alto. The church-going
element predominates almost to the extent of taking in every
family in the township.
Saloons are not permitted in Alto Township. It has been dry
territory for many years.
The Norwegian settlement extends over into Alto considerably,
and into its neighboring town to the east, Milan, in DeKalb
County. Once in the lifetime of Wesley Steward, he owned
considerable over two thousand acres of land in this township
and his brother Lewis Steward, owned something like one thousand
three hundred acres.
James Kirby, for many years supervisor, and one of the big men
of Lee County before his death, owned in his home farm nearly a
thousand acres of land, I am told.
Considerable useful information concerning Alto lands will be
found in the chapter devoted to the Inlet drainage scheme, one
of the biggest in the state.
Lands in Alto Township run up to two hundred and fifty and three
hundred dollars, and I doubt if the latter figure could buy a
single acre of the beautiful Morris Cook farm, just east of
town. Mr. Cook is a splendid farmer and when he speaks of
threshing a season's crop, it means anything from ten thousand
bushels upward. Mr. Cook holds to the theory that one year with
another, it pays to market one's grain from the mouth of the
machine, and in his admirable system of keeping track of things,
his figures prove the truth of his theory.
The village of Steward is only six miles from Rochelle and very
naturally trade at Rochelle, the larger place, would gravitate
that way, but Steward has some splendid stocks of general
merchandise and the merchants enjoy a splendid trade, running as
high as fifty-five thousand dollars in a single year, I have
been told, with one of them, Mr. John P. Yetter, the postmaster.
Rev. F. A. Graham, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church here
and at Fertile Valley, has two very substantial congregations
and his Sunday schools are very prosperous.
Steward Of Today
Steward, located in the midst of the best body of land on this
earth almost, naturally reaps many advantages, one of which is
that until Scarboro, just below it, was platted, one million
bushels of grain and over were marketed every year there. Three
large elevators take care of it and in one of them there are
three dumps which may be operated at the same moment, so that
one man may come to market black oats, another may market white
oats and still another with wheat, barley or corn may be served
without interference. This grain elevator of Shearer Brothers,
on one occasion paid out in one day for grain, $22,000. I doubt
if any place of ten times the size of Steward can make that
boast. This is the concern, too, which does a large banking
business as well as grain business and, too, they own one of the
elevators at Scarboro.
What is true of the grain trade is true of the livestock trade.
H. K. Sherlock, one of the buyers, spent $24,000 for six weeks'
receipts. In two other months he paid out $22,000. Besides him,
other dealers buy: Mr. G. W. Durin, Peter Daum, P. C. Wagner and
Thomas Kelley.
Another elevator is owned by the Neola Company, the Armours, and
the third is called the Farmers, I believe.
The First National Bank is owned largely in the Titus family, it
has a capital of $25,000 and a surplus of over $5,000.
Besides owning the harness shop, E. T. Corwin runs the garage
there and he tells me there are nearly one hundred automobiles
tributary to Steward. Something like thirty were sold in the
place last season.
The residences of Steward are of the very highest class. Besides
that of Mr. Steward, the founder is one owned by A. A.
Richardson, costing $12,000. Cement sidewalks are laid before
every lot in Steward. This is one of the few places which has an
independent electric light all night service, called the Steward
Electric Light and Water Company, managed by L. D. Beitel. The
town is lighted by fifteen 64-candlepower Tungsten lights, and
never since Mr. Beitel has controlled the plant has the town
been without light. Steward also has a splendid water service
furnished by the electric light company at moderate figures. The
pressure can be made seventy-five pounds to the square inch in
an instant.
Hon. Wesley Steward, who founded the little place, died not long
ago, leaving Mrs. Steward, his widow, and Miss Bertha, his
daughter, two charming ladies, surviving him. Miss Steward is a
member of the Rochelle chapter, D. A. R. She also is a member of
the State Historical Society and is very much interested in
historical subjects. Her father, before his death, kept a diary
every day of his life after he came to Alto Township in 1855,
and therein every transaction was recorded just as it occurred,
and when it occurred. When he came there he bought up 2,100
acres of land and his brother, Lewis, owned 1,300 acres more.
Mr. Steward broke the first furrow on the land on which he lived
and on which the village of Steward is situated, and ever since
1855, he lived on that land. During all his long career he was
one of the leading citizens of Illinois and in Lee County, no
one occupied a greater share of public esteem. Since his death,
Mrs. Steward and Miss Steward spend much of their time in
travel, especially during the winter months.
The business men of the place may be set down as follows: E. T.
Corwin, as stated already; John P. Yetter, general merchant and
postmaster, and he runs one of the best equipped stores I ever
have seen; William Cratty, blacksmith; William Stauffer,
blacksmith; the electric light and power plant; First National
bank; Shearer Bros., grain and banking; The Farmer's Elevator,
A. Coon, manager; Neola elevator, F. F. Nelson, manager; M. M.
Fell, life insurance agent; Dr. G. Kimball; Dr. J. M. Durin; F.
P. Barnett, groceries; W. A. Foster, restaurant; Thomas F.
Kirby, farm implements; The O 'Neil Estate, general merchandise,
a very large store; C. O. Raymond, painter; G. A. Ruckman,
hardware; Will Daum, plumber; W. W. Holton, barber; City Hotel,
and the Telephone Exchange.
Among the most successful farmers are Morris Cook, Ole J.
Prestegaard, the very wealthy family of Herrmann, some of whom
live over in Willow Creek, Ira Cooper, Elmer Smith, and the
Henning Brothers. Peter Daum is another.
Farm lands of Alto have gone out of sight in price, so that it
is impossible for me to quote it.
Just now, two railroads pass through Steward, the old Kinckley
road, now the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, and the Chicago,
Milwaukee and St. Paul running north and south.
Lee County
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