Lee County Soldiers in the Civil War
It would not
be just, I think, to claim that our own Lee county held more
patriotic people and sent more soldiers and supplies during the
Civil war than others, but that our county did stand in the fore
front in all patriotic labors, we do claim and none will
dispute. The fact that two great railway lines crossed each
other m the county, giving an outlet in four directions, was of
much more importance then, as transportation facilities were
very meager, m comparison with those of today. So, a certain
town, not in the center of Lee County, but well up in the
northwestern corner, called Dixon, became a rallying point for
quite a large section of country. Companies of soldiers, formed
in other counties, were sent here to join others; some to wait
days and weeks before orders came as to their location in the
great struggle just commencing. The rolling stock of the
railways was taxed to the utmost, and it was sad to see the
brave boys often sent away in freight cars. Lee County had
shared with others the uncertain and unsatisfactory, state of
feeling for two or three years, and it only needed the shot
fired upon Fort Sumter that April day to fan to a flame the
smoldering fire of patriotism. Everyone from the old people to
the children could think and talk of little else. Even the
children, faithful little copies of the men of their families,
arrayed them-selves in no uncertain manner on the side where
their sympathies led. The words abolitionist and secessionist
were well under-stood, and when the word copperhead was
mentioned, it meant to the child mind something very fearful. It
was a marvel to my childish mind, and is to this day, the
courage it must have taken for a man to avow those sentiments in
this northland, which parted him from relatives, friends and
neighbors, sometimes bringing him financial losses and bodily
injury; and the bitter feeling never ended, but lasted as long
as life itself. The 17th of April found our people, irrespective
of party, in council with great enthusiasm. The action of the
administration heartily approved, a company was being formed. On
the 22d the first company of volunteers met at their armory,
hoisted a flag opposite the mayor's office. They elected A. B.
Gorgas, captain; Henry T. Noble, first and Henry Dement, second
lieutenants. Two other companies, the Dixon Cadets and the Dixon
Blues, were organized, but they were not needed then, the
regiments under the first call being full. Nearly all enlisted
again, later, and went to the war. On the 25th the ladies of
Dixon presented a handsome banner to Captain Gorgas' company.
The banner was made by the ladies, and they spent days in the
old Methodist church, in its making. The presentation took place
in front of the old courthouse, and Miss Mary Williams delivered
the presentation address. Miss Williams, later, became the wife
of Henry Dement. The regiment of 970 men, of the Second
Congressional district, went into camp on the old fair grounds
just east of the cemetery. The drawing for position by companies
gave the Dixon Company. Company A. June 1, the ladies presented
Company A uniforms made by their own hands. Sunday, June 16, the
Thirteenth Regiment of Illinois Volunteers took the cars for
Caseyville, twelve miles from St. Louis. September 2d, the
Thirty-fourth Illinois Volunteers left Dixon. October 1st, a
camp for recruiting and organizing troops was established on the
river bank west of the railroad, somewhere near where the shoe
factory now stands. Col. John Dement commander of the
encampment, December 5th, Dement Phalanx go into winter
quarters, in the stone building, erected for plow works, near
the depots. Jan. 14, 1862, an artillery company, just raised,
elected John Cheney captain. February 2d, the Forty-sixth
Regiment, encamped in Dements barracks through the winter; take
the cars for Springfield, John Stevens, captain, father of our
bright newspaper man, Mr. Frank Stevens. June 10, a new company
was formed, James W. Reardon, captain. September 4th, the
Seventy-fifth Illinois Volunteers in Camp Dixon, on the bank of
the river, was mustered into service, five companies from Lee
County, five from Whiteside. The regiment left for Louisville,
Kentucky, September 27th.
And so they marched away, that
beautiful army of boys, with flags flying, and the inspiring
strains of the fife and drum; sad hearts, gay hearts; with
experiences awaiting them to turn the strongest heart cold;
weariness, loneliness, sickness, exposure, poor food, wounds,
starvation in prisons, and death for thousands of them. The
total quotas for Lee County were 2,454 men, and the enlistments
credited to the county were eight short of that number. Just how
the number was made up, whether by draft or later enlistment,
there seems to have been no record. Two thou-sand four hundred
and fifty-four men seems like a large number to take from one
county, but there were many left at home. Those who were too
old, others who would have gone gladly, but physical infirmities
prevented. There was something for all of them to do. The
business world, farms, stores and manufactories must be cared
for. The supervisors of the county were a busy band of men in
those days. Our great State of Illinois, from the outset, was
determined that the quotas called for should be filled by
enlisted men, and not by drafting. It became necessary after a
time, for our county to offer a bounty. At the November term in
1863, a bounty of $100 was offered to every accepted volunteer.
The treasury being low, it was necessary to issue $15,000 in
bonds for that purpose. At the February term of the supervisors
court, it was reported that $4,061.50 had been distributed, as a
relief fund to families of volunteers. On July 18, 1864, the
President called for 500,000 more men, and on September 14th the
board appropriated $900 for each and every man enlisting to fill
said call. The clerk was also authorized to issue orders not to
exceed $150,000. He was also ordered to draw notes on the county
treasury for a sum not to exceed $2,000 for the relief of
families of voltmeters, not to exceed $100 each. June 20, 1861,
the Volunteer Aid Association secured subscriptions to the
amount of $2,625, as a fund for the benefit of families of
absent volunteers. Much individual work was done; loads of wood
hauled, sawed and split, provisions sent where needed, clothing
as well. One item along this line I found touched my heart
deeply. Nov. 2, 1864, a number of young men in the public
schools formed a patriotic club for the purpose of aiding
soldiers widows and families in need of help that they could
render Carlos Burr, president; LaFayette Davis, vice president;
Goodwin Patrick, secretary; Sherwood Dixon, assistant secretary;
Charles Giles, treasurer.
The reports of the adjutant general
show that Lee County paid $405,214.75 bounties; to soldiers'
families, $15,465.75; besides $218,707.55 paid as interest on
county warrants or bonds, making a total of $639,388.05. This
was more than was expended by any other county in the state,
Cook and Bureau counties alone excepted.
And the women! What did they do! Do!
What didn't they do! After the partings were over, and who can
measure the silent agony they endured! Wives who saw the
husbands go, leaving them to be father and mother to the
children and often the bread winner too; mothers who saw the
school book drop from the son's hand or the hoe in the field it
might be, with the faraway look in the eyes, hearing the distant
call; and when they said, ''Mother, we must go!'' said never a
word to keep them back. Sweet girls saw their lovers march away,
taking the sunlight of happiness out of their lives. The story
of the Spartan mother has always inspired admiration for her
noble courage and patriotism; but in 1861 there were Spartan
mothers at every cross road and in every hamlet of this great
country. When the reaction came after these dreadful partings,
there was work in plenty for these women to do and then, as
always, it was a source of relief. Indeed for a time, there was
a perfect fury of work; no doubt much was wasted at that time
from lack of organization. As has been mentioned, the Dixon
ladies made the uniforms for Company A, Thirteenth Regiment,
under the efficient superintendence of Mr. W. J. Carpenter, and
assistants, Messrs. Decamp and Cheeseman, did great service
cutting and fitting the many garments. Sewing machines were
rather a new thing here, and not very numerous, and were taken
to Union Hall, known now as Maccabee Hall, and many women's
hands made quick work, assisted by several of the boys, who were
always ready to help by running the machines for the tired
ladies. A few of those dear women are still with us; many have
passed on.
Union Hall was used all that long
summer for meetings for work, packing supplies, and
entertainments of all kinds, fairs, dinners, suppers, dances and
concerts, anything that would bring in money to help the
soldiers. When the cold weather came on, meetings for work were
held at the different homes, as it was too expensive to heat the
hall. In March, 1862, the ladies of Dixon formed a Soldiers' Aid
Society, under the leadership of Mrs. Enoch Wood, a natural born
organizer and most efficient in every way. Among-the many
interesting things they did, I would like to mention one; and
that was the making of a silk album quilt. In the center of each
block was a white silk piece, on which names were written by
Mrs. Alice McComsey Burton; each name of course bringing in a
small sum of money. The quilt was bought and given back, sold
over and over again. It finally found its way to Chicago, was
displayed at a fair given by the Sanitary Commission. A Mr.
Howard who had lived in Dixon years before, saw it, learned that
it was made in Dixon, bought it, and it was used and prized by
the Howard family until it was ragged and worn out. The Dixon
women were called upon to do a great deal of cooking the first
Word would be circulated that a
company would be here at a certain time, totally unprovided for,
and the men must be cared for until arrangements for government
rations could be made. So, on would go the coffee pots, and the
lard kettles for frying doughnuts, and bread baked as soon as
possible. At other times train loads of soldiers passing through
the town would stop for a meal. Then there were the companies
encamped here, for different lengths of time, always welcomed
any home cooking, vegetables especially, to vary their very
monotonous menu of hard dry biscuits and poor salt meat. Many
were the pails of cooked tomatoes, beans and vegetables of all
kinds that those devoted women carried to the barracks in the
west end. So our active women had plenty of this work, lacking
any other. The old ladies knitted socks, and made night shirts
for the wounded in hospitals; the young ladies sang war songs at
concerts, the most pathetic songs ever composed, unspeakably
dear to the hearts of every true man and woman; school girls
wrote letters to boy schoolmates who had gone to the front. Who
can tell how much good those cheery letters did those homesick
boys. The little girls scraped lint, made little comfort bags,
made other little articles, held little fairs and brought their
money to be used by the Sanitary Commission, for the poor
soldiers. Then after all the work and strain, came the waiting
time for those faithful women; who can tell the agonies of hope
deferred, through one, two, three and four long years. Sometimes
good news came, sometimes the saddest, but worst than all were
those to whom no news ever came, whose loved ones lie in unknown
One busybody I have not mentioned; he
of the tiny bow and arrows, our little god of love. He was here,
there and everywhere. Mason and Dixon line meant nothing at all
to him, and if he shot one of his arrows and found impaled upon
it a bluecoat, or ''Yank,'' and a bitter little southern rebel,
or a greycoat and a serious-eyed northern nurse, he only laughed
at the confusion he had made. He put it into the minds of many
of the soldier boys; that Instead of ''The girl he left behind
him," it should be the wife, and many a going away morning saw a
quiet wedding. In my own family a dear young uncle of barely
twenty-one was married the morning he left for the war. He was
sent home soon, on account of illness, spent a short three weeks
with his bride, then back again, to die shortly, a victim of
poor food and insanitary surroundings. He has been sleeping away
the years in the Southland, with thousands of others, within
sound of the mighty Mississippi waters, with the stately
magnolia trees above him swinging their snowy censers, and the
mocking birds trilling a tireless requiem.
Truly Lee County did a great work
during those troublous years. All honor we render, where we feel
much honor is due. But one criticism we must make and it lies
very near the hearts of many of her good citizens.
Fifty years have passed since those
gallant men marched away, and Lee County has reared no memorial
for those 2,454 men who gave up everything, some of them, even
life itself, that this country be made peaceful and prosperous.
Lee County is rich and prosperous.
Our supervisors have seen to it that we have a fine courthouse
and other county buildings, but nothing to him of the musket who
made these prosperous conditions. Our neighboring counties are
not so remiss. Winnebago has a fine memorial hall in Rockford,
with beautiful assembly room, museum, amusement rooms, dining
room and kitchen; and all about the walls, bronze tablets with
the name of every soldier who went from the county. I am very
proud that my soldier husband's name is among the number.
Stephenson County has a monument just in front of the courthouse
in Freeport. Ogle County has provided a memorial hall in the
courthouse in Oregon, with marble tablets with the soldiers'
names upon them upon the walls. It would seem if the matter is
not taken up, during the life of the present generation, it is
probable it never would be. Some may say, why not let some
individual or organization rear a memorial of some kind? I have
no doubt there are those who would be willing to do so, but it
should not be an individual gift. It should be a tribute from
everyone in the county.
Is it not true, that we are more
interested, and prize more highly, something in which we have a
While motoring in Wisconsin the past
summer we spent a day in Janesville, and there in front of the
courthouse was a massive granite monument, simply in memory of
the soldiers of Rock County. Then in Baraboo, we spent two days,
and almost the first thing I saw when I looked out of the hotel
window, which faced the courthouse square, was a soldiers'
monument, Sauk County's tribute to her soldiers. What do the
children think, when we try to teach them patriotism, when we
have no memorial to point to with pride, as a token of our love
and appreciation? How much it would mean to the families of
those who gave their loved ones, to see in our beautiful
courthouse park, a fitting tribute, in which they would have a
vital interest? And what a lesson in patriotism to the community
at large, every time they passed that way, to look upon that
memorial of courage and bravery.
It would seem as though our present
honorable board of supervisors could not do a more fitting or
beautiful thing, than to make a suitable appropriation for this
object of love and duty.
Very soon the veterans will all have
passed to the better land. When our Great Commander shall call
all His brave boys, for a final review, there will be no
neglected or disappointed ones. He will credit every one for
every noble deed, and in His smile of approval, they will find
perfect satisfaction.
When we stand before Him, and He asks
if we did all we could in love, gratitude and appreciation, for
this great army of men, not for what they were themselves, for
their sacrifice entailed on many of them, broken health,
shattered bodies, minds and morals, but for the great things
they did for each and every one of us, what shall our answer be!
In running through the Adjutant
General's reports to find the names of the soldiers who enlisted
from Lee County, a perfect roster cannot be claimed. I found
other Wyomings, Sugar Groves, Hamiltons, Marions, Franklins,
Brooklyns, and Palmyras. In such cases, if no other Lee County
names were found, no attention was paid to them. I feel,
however, that a reasonably accurate list has been completed. One
or two desertions have been noted. Others may have deserted, but
I doubt it. The boys from Lee were a loyal body of men.
In many cases where recruiting was
progressing just over the line in neighboring towns, if recruits
got their mail there, the recruiting station was credited with
the recruit and not Lee County, so that I lost the name.
Lee County
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