Features of the History of Parke
County, Indiana
By Maurice Murphy, Rockville, Indiana
Parke County, possibly because its
history possesses no intensely dramatic phases, has never
figured prominently in the writing of Indiana history. Its
settlers were attracted principally by the opportunity to be
found in territory newly opened to settlers, and somewhat by the
facilities for trade and communication offered by the Wabash
River, Sugar and Caccoon creeks. Its history is simply that of
the transition of a mighty forest into a prosperous agricultural
region, full of interest, but almost entirely devoid of thrills
or sensation. Only one complete history of the county has been
written, that of the late John H. Beadle, published in 1880. It
is a scholarly, well written book, though now somewhat out of
date. Gen. W. H. H. Beadle and Capt. John T. Campbell, of
Rockville, have contributed to newspapers many valuable articles
dealing with various subjects of Parke county history; and the
writer has drawn frequently from material used in articles he
himself has written, published in the Rockville Tribune. This
material was gathered almost exclusively from interviews with
old settlers. Some of the material which they furnished him is
here used for the first time.
Parke County is primarily an agricultural county. The broad
Wabash valley and the valleys of Sugar creek, Big Raccoon and
their tributaries contain land of great fertility, and splendid
grazing facilities are offered by the parts of the county still
timbered. Coal is the only mineral resource of the county. Its
Indian inhabitants were the Wea, Miami and Piankeshaw tribes,
while some French pioneers, principally coureurs de bois,
settled along the Wabash and along Sugar creek. In the Jesuit
Relations for 1718 appears an account of the visit of a young
Frenchman to a village on Pun-ge-se-co-ne, (Sugar creek,
literally translated Water of many sugar trees.) These early
French settlers acquired a prosperous trade from the abundance
of fur-bearing animals in the county, and many of them married
squaws. The "ten o'clock line" south of which, according to
treaty, the whites should be allowed to settle, ran from the
mouth of Big Raccoon, along the line of the ten o'clock sun, to
the corner of the old reservation on White river. More Indian
troubles followed, and the battle of Tippecanoe followed,
November 5, 1811.
Harrison's army marched through what
is now Parke County. It crossed Big Raccoon where the town of
Armiesburg now stands, and the Wabash at the present site of
Montezuma. No settlements were made in the county until about
1817, and none that resulted in the formation of a town until
the settlement of Roseville in 1819. Chauncey Rose was the most
prominent citizen of this town. Its industries were three, a
store, a grist-mill, and a distillery. Within six years, four
other towns had been established, Armiesburg (1820), Portland
Mills (1825), both on Big Raccoon, Montezuma (1823), on the
Wabash River, and Rockville (1822), the county seat, on the high
land in the center of the county.
As the spread of cotton culture and the plantation system in
Kentucky, Virginia and the Carolinas about 1820-30, forced many
of the smaller planters and non-slaveholding whites to seek new
homes, the majority of the Parke County pioneers can thus be
accounted for. However, many came from Ohio and Pennsylvania
along with the westward movement of population. Most of the
southerners came by way of the Charlestown, Bloomington and
Greencastle trail. The settlers from the east came later by the
National Road and through the woods to their new homes. Parke
County was incorporated as a county in 1824, being named after
Benjamin Parke.
The early settlers entered large claims at the Crawfordsville
land office. Settlement at first followed the streams, and
practically the whole county was settled by 1845. John H. Beadle
records that the last time an Indian was ever seen wild in Parke
County was in 1856.
Though they naturally suffered
hardships, the Parke county pioneers never suffered from cold or
hunger. Game abounded in the county and the abundance of
fur-bearing animals and wood made any suffering from the cold
unnecessary. The pioneers raised chiefly corn, and this they
took on horseback, in ox carts or row boats to the most
convenient grist-mill. They lived far apart, but came together
at social or religious meetings.
Rattlesnakes and sickness were the chief woes in early times.
The former were exterminated when the thickets were cleared, but
the latter continued till recent years. Parke County is very
rough and broken, and in pioneer times contained many stagnant
ponds and swamps. "By following the windings of the low-land in
some seasons," says John H. Beadle, "a goose could swim across a
township." Malaria, chills and fever were common, and six
doctors were kept busy during the malaria season in one small
community. Travelers of eighty years ago tell of going along Big
Raccoon for miles, and not finding a family free from sickness.
Dr. B. E. Hudson, of Montezuma, who has been practicing medicine
there for fifty-seven years, recalls very vividly his
experiences. "A man was not a good citizen in those days," he
says, "who did not have the chills and fever. I have come home
from a hard day's work among people afflicted with it only to
find my wife and daughter afflicted with it also."
The old theory was that a kind of
poisonous gas was exhaled from the first turning up of the
virgin soil, which contaminated the air. Not until about forty
years ago was the trouble located in the swamps and ponds, and
when these were drained, the annual epidemics almost entirely
The Wabash River and its tributaries were the earliest means of
communication and commercial intercourse between Parke County
and other sections. Pioneers hauled wheat to Chicago, Lafayette,
Cincinnati or Louisville, sold it for 60 cents a bushel, and
hauled back merchandise. Flatboats were sent to New Orleans
loaded with farm products. Pork packing was probably the chief
industry of the pioneer river towns, and later of the canal
towns. Prices were quite different eighty years ago from now.
"About 1830, Patterson, Silliman and Company established a store
at Armiesburg, and on the original price list we find salt $7
per barrel and calico 35 to 40 cents per yard. But pork was sold
for $1.50 a hundred, and two sleek, appetizing 200-pound porkers
might be purchased for $6."
With the building of the Wabash and
Erie Canal, 1844-47, and the building of the old east and west
plank road about the same time, business in the county took a
boom. The canal went through Lodi (Waterman), Montezuma and
Armiesburg, and Howard, West Union and Clinton Lock (Lyford)
grew up on its banks. All did a thriving business in packing,
shipping and importing. Most of the goods for Putnam, as well as
Parke County, came to these towns. Passenger boats, as well as
freight boats, were run on the canal, and much traveling was
done in this way. Various social gatherings, especially dances,
were given on canal boats, as they went up and down the canal.
It began to decline about 1855, when it failed to meet the
competition of the railroads. Most of the canal bed and the
remains of the aqueducts across Big Raccoon and Sugar creek are
still visible, and a section of the old tow path forms part of
the gravel road between Montezuma and West Union.
The first railroad ever built through Parke County was the old
Evansville, Terre Haute and Rockville, in 1856. The line was
built to Crawfordsville in 1873, and later to Logansport and
South Bend, and is now a part of the Vandalia system. The
Indianapolis, Danville and Southwestern was surveyed through the
county in 1853, though when the road was built, in 1873, a
different route was followed.
About forty years ago coal companies
were organized and the industry was well on its feet in a few
years. The town of Nyesville, northeast of Rockville, has grown
up entirely through coal mining, though it was formerly much
larger than now. This is also true of the once flourishing town
of Minshall, in Raccoon Township. Among active mining towns of
the county are Rosedale, Roseville and Lyford, in Florida
township, Mecca, in Wabash Township, and Diamond, in Raccoon
Township. The Parke County Coal Company was incorporated at
Rosedale about twenty years ago, and has developed the coal
industry in Florida Township and in Otter Creek Township, Vigo
County. This company has operated twelve mines in all and the
man to whom chief credit for its success is due is the late
Joseph Martin, of Rosedale, for years its president and largest
Factories in the county have never been numerous, and such as
have existed have not been of gigantic proportions. A woolen
mill was run from 1864 to 1875 in Rockville by J. M. Nichols and
W. M. Thompson, a stave factory from 1870 to 1872 by William Ten
Brook, and a carding mill in the days before the war. A series
of disastrous fires consumed the stave factory and most of the
business houses of Rockville in the years 1870-74, but the town
long ago recovered from the loss. However, the financial
stringency following these fires had much to do with keeping
away factories. The abundance of wheat and timber in Parke
county support a large number of flouring and saw mills, and
several grain elevators. A large factory for the manufacture of
pottery, established at Annapolis more than forty years ago, is
run today by R. G. Atcheson, son of its founder. McCune and
Batman had a woolen mill at Mecca in the antebellum days, and at
one time paid 90 cents a pound for wool. Among later industries
are the Marion Brick and Tile works, near Montezuma, the Dee
clay works at Mecca, the glass factory near Roseville, the
canning factory at Bloomingdale, and the tile factory of R. R.
Lee at Bellmore.
Catholic missionaries visited Parke
County in the days of the French regime. The first Protestant
preacher was Rev. Isaac McCoy, who founded an Indian school, but
met strong opposition from the Catholic half-breeds of the
county. The first organized church in the county was old Shiloh
(Presbyterian) about four miles north-east of Rockville. This
church was founded in 1822 by Rev. Charles Beatty, and grew so
rapidly that in 1832 there were enough members living in
Rockville to form a church, so they withdrew in that year. The
church they founded at Rockville still exists, though separated
into two congregations from 1839 to 1869 on account of doctrinal
differences. Revs. William Cravens and William Smith preached
Methodism in the county from the earliest times, and a church
was organized at Rockville about 1826. The Indiana conference
met in Rockville in 1838 presided over by Bishop Soule. Over one
hundred preachers came, by river, stage or on horseback,
ministers and horses being cared for free of charge during their
stay. Lorenzo Dow and Robert R. Roberts were among the eminent
Methodist preachers who visited pioneer Rockville. In later
years Dr. Lyman Abbott, then a pastor at Terre Haute frequently
preached at the Presbyterian Church.
The Friends settled in the northwestern part of the county and
established a church at Bloomingdale in 1826. The Baptists also
appeared at an early day and built a brick church in Rockville.
Some smaller sects took root in the county, such as Associate
Presbyterians (Seceders), Christians, United Brethren,
Cumberland Presbyterians and Lutherans. Among pioneer preachers
of these sects, Doctor Dixon, of the Seceders, and Doctor
Rudisill, of the Lutherans, were noted over Indiana for their
learning. The Roman Catholics founded a church at Rockville in
1854, where Bishop H. J. Alerding, of Fort Wayne, was one-time
parish priest.
The Parke county pioneers were
usually religious, and revivals, camp meetings, and meetings for
doctrinal debates were very common. In spite of the high degree
of fervor aroused, these services seldom witnessed any abnormal
religious manifestations.
Log schools were established in the county in the earliest
times, and a brick school house was built in Rockville about
1830. The teachers knew the rudiments of the three R's and
nothing more. School government was an athletocracy. The school
code was as complex as the law of contracts and as rigid as that
of Draco. An unsuccessful effort was made to get Asbury College
(now DePauw University) located at Rockville in 1837. Though
this resulted in failure it caused an educational awakening in
Rockville. For the next twenty years many select schools and a
female seminary flourished. The Parke county seminary was
founded in 1839. This became Rockville high school in 1872 and
was commissioned a few years ago. The Friends were zealous for
education, and founded the Western Manual Labor Institute at
Bloomingdale in 1846; it soon became Bloomingdale academy and
still exists in a prosperous condition. It was famous under the
superintendency of the late Barnabas C. Hobbs, who also did much
to develop the common schools of the county by his normal
training classes.
Few counties in Indiana experienced
more stormy times during the Civil War than did Parke. The Peace
Democrats were very strong and at times menacing. They were led
by Hon. John C. Davis and other men of marked ability. Many
trivial events gave rise to shooting affrays, and in the
northern part of the county, civil war was threatened. Even
today we hear of the "Battle of McCoy's Bluffs," or the "charge
on Thompson's hen-roosts." One company from Parke County was
sent out under the first call for troops, serving in the 11th
Indiana. Parke County furnished the first company to the first
three year regiments sent out from the state, Company A, 14th
Indiana. The county also furnished companies to the 31st, 21st,
43rd and 85th Infantry, the 6th and 11th Cavalry and the 9th
Battery, of the three year service; and to five short term
regiments, the 78th, 115th, 133rd, 137th, and 149th. The county
sent out about 2,000 soldiers in all, about one-eighth of the
entire population of a county in which a large portion of the
inhabitants were actively or passively opposed to the
subjugation of the South. Ladies' Aid societies existed in every
township, and regularly furnished their contributions to the
Parke County has produced a number of noted people, among them
Gen. Tilghman A. Howard, congressman and minister to Texas ; E.
W. McGaughey, lawyer and statesman; Joseph A. Wright, U. S.
senator and minister to Germany; Thomas H. Nelson, minister to
Mexico and Chile; Barnabas C. Hobbs, churchman and educator;
Robert L. Kelly, now president of Earlham; John H. Beadle,
author and journalist; W. H. H. Beadle, educator; Juliet V.
Strauss, writer; Horace G. Burt, railroad magnate; James Harlan,
U. S. senator and cabinet officer; James T. Johnson,
congressman; and Joseph G. Cannon, ex-speaker of the national
house of representatives.
Parke county was created by act of
the legislature, approved January 9, 1821, and the governor
appointed the following officers to serve until an election
could be held: Captain Andrew Brooks, sheriff; James Blair,
coroner; Wallace Rea, clerk and recorder; Dempsey Seybold and
Joseph Ralston, justices, and Stephen Collett, surveyor. The
election was held the first Monday in August, 1821, the poll
being at the home of Richard Henry, just north of the Vigo
county line. The Jackson men cast a majority of the votes, of
which there were seventy; drinking and a fight between two of
the election officials followed. It was then considered
dishonorable to complain of a man and have him fined for
fighting on Election Day or muster day; so all the accumulated
quarrels of a year or two were then and there settled, and the
books squared.
In its early period, Parke County, like most frontier localities
of that day, was strong for Andrew Jackson and his faction. Most
of the few Clay men in the county were settlers from
Pennsylvania and New England. However, about 1826-'30 came a
great migration of Quakers and small plantation owners from the
Carolinas, most of whom were Whigs. This addition to the Whig
vote gave them a fair majority over the Democrats, and Parke
county most of the time since has returned Whig or Republican
majorities. The strength of parties in various localities of the
county is very much as it was in pioneer days. Liberty and Penn
townships have always returned great Whig and Republican
majorities. Only once, in 1906, did a Democrat carry Penn
Township. Reserve and Jackson townships, largely settled by
Kentuckians and Virginians, who favored low tariff and opposed
the United States bank, have been strongly Democratic from
earliest times. The early Whig and Republican domination was so
strong that no Democratic newspaper ever succeeded in the county
until after the Civil War, though the Rockville Republican,
under various names, has been in existence since 1827. After the
war the Montezuma Era was founded and became the Democratic
organ, but gave way to the Rockville Tribune a few years later,
now the only Democratic paper published in the county.
As originally constituted, Parke
county contained eleven townships, Adams, Washington, Sugar
Creek, Liberty, Reserve, Wabash, Florida, Raccoon, Jackson,
Union and Greene. Scott Township was formed from parts of
Liberty, Sugar Creek and Reserve Townships in 1854, but its name
was changed shortly to Penn Township. Sugar Creek Township was
divided in 1855, and the eastern portion was called Howard
Township. These thirteen townships compose the county as it is
at present.
The county seat was finally established at Rockville in 1824,
but not until after court had been held at Roseville, Armiesburg
and Montezuma. The regular circuit judge usually presided part
of the time at court and the rest of the time court was in
charge of associate judges, who generally were respected men of
the community, but who usually knew little of the law. Few of
the county officials prior to 1850 were men of education. For
years it was the custom to elect a coroner from among the
stalwart blacksmiths of the county, and Randall H. Burks,
Solomon Pinegar and Johnson S. White were among the pioneer
blacksmiths to hold this office. The office of sheriff was
considered very desirable, and among antebellum political
leaders and men of ability who served as sheriff we find William
T. Noel, Austin M. (Montana) Puett, James W. Beadle, and David
Kirkpatrick. The first cases tried in the county were for petit
larceny, gambling and selling liquor without a license. No
famous trial occurred until that of Noah Beauchamp for murder in
1841. Beauchamp was a blacksmith of Vigo County, a good citizen,
but a man of hot temper and a family pride that was almost a
mania. As a result of a charge that his daughter had stolen some
goods from a neighbor's family, Beauchamp became almost insanely
angry, and the result was a quarrel and a murder. The case was
venued to Parke County, and a memorable trial followed, in which
"Ned" McGaughey prosecuted and Tilghman A. Howard represented
Beauchamp, and the result was conviction with a death penalty.
An appeal to the Supreme Court and even to the governor failed,
and Beauchamp was hanged in November, 1841, on a hillside about
a mile east of Rockville. Only one other man has ever been
hanged in the county, "Buck" Stout, who committed a murder in
Montgomery County in 1884, and whose case was venued to Parke
Parke was originally paired with Vigo
County in the election of a representative, but in 1826 was
created an independent district. This continued until this
present year, when Parke and Fountain counties were paired. The
county early was joined with Vermillion as a member of the 47th
judicial circuit of Indiana, and this continued until the
present year, when, by act of legislature, the counties were
given separate circuits.
From 1825-50 was an age of extensive internal improvements all
over the county, and Parke County became involved in the general
plan. When the national road was surveyed in 1827, one set of
surveyors reported a route across Parke County, crossing the
Wabash at Clinton. However, Terre Haute had a representative in
Congress, and he succeeded in having the route built through the
Prairie City. As early as 1825 the Wabash and Erie Canal was a
local issue in the county, and in that year Joseph M. Hayes, of
Montezuma, announced himself for the legislature, making the
canal his chief issue. It continued a vital issue in the county
until it was finally built. The county was well enough settled
to feel the effects of the panic of 1837, and from thenceforward
national issues are most prominent in campaigns of the county.
The Whigs used their "log cabin and hard cider" propaganda with
complete success, so far as Parke County was concerned, in the
campaign of 1840.
The campaign of 1844 was one of the
most bitter and strenuous ever waged in the county. Political
activity began in 1843 with the gubernatorial and senatorial
elections. E. W. McGaughey, Whig, and Joseph A. Wright,
Democrat, both of Rockville, were the opposing candidates for
congress, and both made stump speeches at almost every town,
cross roads and school house in the county. The Olive Branch,
the Whig organ, was a typical pioneer political "sheet," more
noted for calumny and rabid partisanship than for news sense and
correct use of the King's English. During the campaign it
abounded in such expressions as these: "Infidel dog, who thus
dares to open his God-defying lips," "locofoco," "sneak," "wily
Joe (Joseph A. Wright)" and "tricky Austin (Austin M. Puett)".
The Whigs carried Parke County, but the State went Democratic,
and Wright carried the district by just three votes, this was
especially humiliating to the Parke County Whigs, as "Little
Ned" ran far below his ticket in the county. (He was elected two
years later.) The editor of the Olive Branch offered excuses,
and announced: "No paper will be issued from this office for
three or four weeks, as the editor must go out and collect what
is due him." Clay clubs sprang up all over the county early in
1844, the Democrats soon manifested similar activity, and by
fall politics had transcended business in importance. Citizens
of Rockville remember a wagon and team of oxen coming to town
from the northern part of the county, the wagon and horns of the
oxen being adorned with polk berries. Polk-stalks and roosters
were Democratic, and 'coon skins and poplar boughs Republican
emblems. "Argument was completely abandoned. In its stead was
abuse of the opposing party, vile caricatures of its candidates,
obscene and foolish song, with sarcasm, clamor and confusion."
Campaigns continued to be heated, but the issue gradually
changed from "finance" to "slavery," and on this issue the Whigs
maintained a strong plurality in the county. The "underground
railroad" ran through Parke County, and a "station" was
established in a barn about a mile east of Annapolis.
Many of the Carolina settlers of Parke County were Democrats and
many of them carried the southern viewpoint with them to the
north. Other Democrats believed that the war was wrong on
principle, and that it was wrong to subdue the South. These two
refractory elements of population, quite numerous for a county
the size of Parke were always threatening and at times turbulent
until the end of the war. The bitter feeling engendered by this
conflict figured strongly in the political campaigns of the next
twenty-five years, and has not died out entirely even today. The
Knights of the Golden Circle, later called the Sons of Liberty,
had a very large organization in Rockville, at the head of which
were Hon. John G. Davis and Dr. H. J. Rice. Both were speakers
of ability, and made many speeches denouncing this "unholy,
fratricidal strife." Mr. Davis spoke in all parts of the county
in behalf of the Peace Democracy. The Parke County Republican
viciously attacked him; its editor, Madison Keeney, was a man of
undoubted courage, much ability and zealous patriotism, but his
attacks were as vicious as they were fearless. His aptitude for
strong language and acrid repartee especially angered the Peace
Democracy. Mr. Davis called the Republican a "smut machine," and
Mr. Keeney replied: "Smut machines has two definitions,
agricultural, a machine for separating the grains of wheat from
the dirt, the chaff and the cheat; political, a paper for
separating the good and true men from ditto. We accept the
designation." The editor's life and property were threatened,
but he refused to retract anything he had said, "even though all
the people of Parke County were against him." Local speakers,
notably Thomas N. Rice, a prominent attorney, spoke vigorously
against the Peace Democracy upon various occasions, and in
August, 1861, Governor Morton spoke in Rockville. Contemporary
estimates of the crowd that heard him, doubtless greatly
exaggerated, place it at 5,000 people. He discussed the issues
of the war and then turned to the "Copperheads:"
"Let them beware, vigilant men watch them, and the moment they
transgress the limits of the law, they will be summarily
punished." This warning became perverted, as was to be expected
in such strenuous times, and John G. Davis, in subsequent
speeches, spoke of the "sneaking administration that sets a
vigilance committee secretly to watch men who merely express
their honest convictions."
John G. Davis, once one of the most popular and esteemed men in
Rockville, became the most hated, at least so far as the Union
people were concerned. Things continued in this state for many
months, and a Union mass meeting was called. The meeting
unanimously decided that John G. Davis should be killed, but one
man, a little more far-sighted than the others, asked, "Whom
shall we appoint to kill him?" Thereupon the meeting got "cold
feet." No one wanted the task, and Mr. Davis continued to live
and make speeches. Daniel W. Voorhees spoke several times in
Rockville during the war; the Peace Democracy considered his
speeches examples of almost infallible logic, while the
succeeding issues of the Republican gave him a severe grilling.
The smoldering hatred of the two
factions resulted in a shooting affray in Rockville in the
summer of 1862. The Puetts were a family prominent among the
Peace Democracy, having been natives of North Carolina, and an
apparently harmless remark made by one of them about Marshal
James K. Meacham, a loyal Union man, was enlarged upon and
carried to Mr. Meacham in the form of a challenge. The result
was that the marshal and his supposed challenger started a fight
with pistols on the public square of Rockville, and were joined
by others, so that the affair became a miniature battle.
However, the heat of the conflict was in inverse proportion to
the accuracy of the firing, for no one was killed or seriously
The anti-war party was successful in the elections of 1862, but
was defeated in those of 1863. Accordingly, while affairs were
comparatively quiet during 1863, trouble was started again in
1864. The Butternut building, referred to elsewhere, became an
object of strong suspicion, and it was said with more or less
truth that the Peace Democrats were drilling in this building.
All kinds of insurrection rumors were afloat, and some Union men
even went so far as to threaten Dr. Rice's life and property in
case of open violence. The Republican became full of talk about
"traitors," "suspicious looking characters," "secret drillings,"
"hundreds of desperate, villainous looking strangers" and the
like. "It was a wearisome task," says John H. Beadle, "to
recount all the rumors of trouble, the neighborhood quarrels,
the fist fights, threats and recriminations." Only in Sugar
Creek and Howard townships, however, was there any organized
attempt at violence. These townships contain many hills and
hollows and were still in the rude, pioneer state at the
outbreak of the war. Sentiment was about evenly divided on the
question of the Union.
A general raid was made, late in
1864, on the Union men of Howard Township, with the intention of
disarming them. George Lay, an aged engineer who had served on
the Baltimore & Ohio thirty years before and who later settled
on a farm in Howard Township, proved the La Tour d'Auvergne of
the locality. When about thirty anti-war men raided his home at
night, he rose and met them undauntedly with a corn cutter. He
wounded two of them, one mortally, and his wife blew a blast on
the dinner horn to arouse the neighbors, and the raiders fled,
one accidently shooting himself fatally while climbing a fence
in haste. Mr. Lay himself was wounded, but not seriously. The
home guards, consisting of a company from nearly every township
in the county, all under the command of Col. Caspar Budd, of
Howard, was called out, and the hills and vales of Sugar Creek
and Howard townships were raided. Much excitement was aroused,
but the Peace Democracy had subsided, and no fighting occurred.
A great sensation was aroused in Rockville the same summer by
what may be called the Beaubien incident. Rev. J. C. B. Beaubien
was pastor of the First, or Old School, Presbyterian Church of
Rockville, at the time, and made an apparently professional
visit to Indianapolis. After his return a letter was found,
purporting to be from prominent Knights of the Golden Circle in
Rockville to their brethren in Indianapolis. The missive gave
instructions for the sending of arms and ammunition to the
Rockville branch of the order, in care of Mr. Beaubien. The
letter was printed in the Parke County Republican, and made the
subject of long and venomous editorial comment in several
issues. Whether or not the letter was authentic, it was taken at
full value in Rockville; Mr. Beaubien, though known previously
as a man of high character and considerable ability, found
himself deserted in wrath by most of his congregation, and
publicly denounced by men who had been his most active members.
He professed no connection with the K. G. C, and avowed
his loyalty to the Union, but the people refused to believe in
his sincerity, and he finally resigned in November, 1864.
By the campaign of 1864, the
Republicans and War Democrats had been fused into the Union
party, and carried Parke County that year by a large majority.
Candidates for the Union nomination for office were numerous,
and there were no less than nine for sheriff. The convention
nominated principally ex-Union soldiers, and the War Democrats
were greatly peeved over the nomination of a young Union soldier
for commissioner, over Judge Walter Danaldson, one of the most
prominent citizens of Montezuma. They had the following notice
published in the Republican, and carried it out, though without
success and against the protest of Judge Danaldson himself: "We,
the War Democrats of Parke county, intend to run Judge Danaldson
as our candidate for county commissioner, whether he is willing
or not."
One unfortunate class living in Rockville during the Civil War
was the class of people who came from the South, and who,
although they believed in the righteousness of the Union cause,
were too devoted "to the home of their childhood and the
traditions of their people" to support it actively. Their
practical neutrality was regarded as an evidence of treason, and
they were called "traitors" and "Copperheads" by the radical
Unionists, and socially ostracized. Notable among these people
was the Rev. Samuel H. McNutt, a Presbyterian minister of talent
and most lovable character. Some Virginia and Carolina families
were looked upon with suspicion be-cause of their Southern
origin, even though their sons fought with gallantry in the
Union army.
The antipathy for the men who opposed the war or actually
sympathized with the South remained very bitter for years after
the war, and has not yet completely subsided. "Copperhead,"
"traitor," "rebel," "Knight of the Golden Circle," were employed
for years by the Republicans in campaigns. This was especially
true in the bitter campaign of 1876. As a typical incident, a
highly respected Reserve township Democrat had been selected as
the party's choice for representative, and his prospects were
seriously hurt by a communication to the Republican to the
effect that during the war he had refused a Union soldier
refreshment. According to the communication, he said that he
cared nothing for the soldiers or the cause for which they were
fighting. He replied with a communication, professing esteem for
the soldiers of the Union, and speaking of various relatives who
had served in the Civil War. However, as he and several brothers
were of military age during the war, and none served in the
army, the first communication was generally believed, and the
candidate failed of election. In the deadlock following the
election of 1876, feeling was exceedingly tense. Democratic
meetings denounced in severest terms Senator Morton, as well as
"Republican treachery," and "narrow, unreasonable war
Source: Indiana Magazine of History, Vol. XII March, Some
Features of the History of Parke County, by Maurice Murphy, 1916
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