Part of the American History and Genealogy Project

Story of Utah

The story of Utah is a story of pioneer effort, personal suffering and sacrifice, political and religious struggles the like of which no American State has witnessed, barriers broken down, marvelous progress and permanent successes. The development of no State has been hampered by greater obstacles, but the credit for the great work accomplished, as the years roll by and men deal toward each other with more fairness, is distributed where it rightfully belongs with the progressive men of the old days as well as to the enterprising ones of the new.

There is no proper place in this publication for a recital of the bitter strife between the "Saints" and the "Gentiles." In the upbuilding of Utah commercially the fanaticism of neither party works a helpful part. Mormon and non-Mormon have learned some expensive lessons in the past, and each, with increasing enthusiasm, joins the other in bringing into use the remarkable resources of this splendid State.

Utah was settled in 1847. It matters not to the present age and to Utah's future greatness whether Brigham Young and his hardy followers were directed to the Salt Lake valley by divine revelation or located here by chance. They came, they toiled; their settlement attracted many of their faith, and many more who did not accept that faith. A fine city was established, a Territory was organized the mountain streams were diverted from nature's causeways, enlivening the soil of the arid valleys, awakening interest in agricultural pursuits, while the mountains themselves were made to yield a part of their fabulous wealth.

This generation is enjoying those early efforts. The men and women of today are perfecting the work begun by the men and women of yesterday. And so accommodating is Nature that all who call find ample means, if not abundance, the reward of their industry.

Utah became a State in 1895. Her prestige has grown in a more marked degree from that date than throughout all the years before. Cities have sprung up, valleys have been dotted with countless homes, the rock-ribbed hills have been probed for the riches within. Capital has found its way into every section of the State and has been profit-ably employed. New population in a continuous stream pours into Utah, adding wealth and bettering the condition of all.

A more healthful section has not been found. Neither is there a State where greater attention is given to education than here. The percentage of illiteracy is remarkably low. All religions are represented.

Utah contains 87,750 square miles. About one-third the area is capable of cultivation, or is a range for sheep and cattle. Probably three-fifths of the area is occupied by mountain ranges, filled with precious metals, coal, salt, iron and building materials. The remainder is arid.

Great though the total of the mineral product is in Utah, the product of the farms, orchards and ranges is greater, and the annual increase of the irrigated area of the State promises to keep pace with the swift development of the mines. Utah promises to become one of the greatest fruit-growing States in the Union.

There are opportunities for all in Utah. 

Source: Sketches of the Inter-Mountain States, Utah, Idaho and Nevada, Published by The Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1909 



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