Utah Biographies ~ Quigley to Richmond
Quigley, Charles Andrew
Charles Andrew Quigley was born June 6,
1862, in Dubuque, Iowa, son of John P. and Margaret A. Quigley,
the elder Quigley being a physician and surgeon. Charles A.
Quigley was educated in the schools of Dubuque, Iowa, and came
to Utah in 1893 to assume charge of the business in Utah and
Idaho of the Studebaker Bros. Company, now the Studebaker Bros.
Company of Utah. On March 2, 1898, he was married to Miss Effie
Elinore Gee, and they have two children, Charles G., aged ten,
and Frederick, aged six.
Mr. Quigley has been a popular man since he came West, and this,
combined with his sterling business qualities, accounts for the
large measure of success he has achieved for himself as well as
for the interests he represents. He is a member of the Alta
Club, the Elks Club, the Salt Lake Commercial Club, the Country
Club, the Salt Lake Press Club, and the Commercial Club of
Boise. His home is at 204 East Third South Street, Salt Lake
One of the great characteristics as a citizen is his civic
usefulness. Every public question that comes up receives his
attention, and his opinion on any subject is valued. His
participation in politics is limited to voting, and he has never
sought or held political office. The company whose business he
manages with distinguished ability is one of the heaviest
patrons of the railroads in the State, both transcontinental and
local, and his house, like other commercial institutions in the
State, has gone into the fight for better freight rates for the
inter-mountain country in earnest. Mr. Quigley has been a member
of the Commercial Club from its organization seven years ago,
and was instrumental and, in fact, the leading force in
organizing the traffic bureau of the club, and m securing the
services as traffic director of S. H. Babcock, for many years
traffic manager of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad system. Mr.
Quigley was chosen unanimously as president of the traffic
bureau, and his work is now beginning to bear fruit, the
Interstate Commerce Commission having taken official notice of
the complaint of unfair treatment of Utah shippers by the
railroads, and ordered an investigation.
As an evidence of Mr. Quigley 's activity in the expansion of
the business of the Studebaker Bros. Company of Utah since his
arrival here and his assumption of its management in 1893, the
following list of branch houses he has established in that time
is cited: Utah- American Fork, Spanish Fork, St. George, Vernal,
Bountiful, Brigham City, Coalville, Heber City, Junction City,
Logan, Mt. Pleasant, Morgan, Murray, Nephi, Fillmore, Ogden,
Payson, Park City, Provo, Price, Richfield, Idaho-American
Falls, Blackfoot, Idaho Falls, Mackay, Pocatello, Rexburg.
In the headquarters at Salt Lake and in the larger branches the
stocks carried are enormous and include all classes of farm
machinery, automobiles, farm wagons, electric trucks of all
capacities, electric runabouts and phaetons, gasoline touring
cars, harness, and all kinds of light and heavy vehicles, for
speeding or hauling, including drays and furniture vans, and a
great variety of smaller articles.
Raddatz, Emil John
A resident of America since August,
1869, Emil John Raddatz has carved out for himself a notable
place among the prominent citizens of Utah.
Mr. Raddatz was born October 5th, 1857, in the far-off city of
Stettin, Germany, his father being Otto C. Raddatz, a merchant
of Stettin, and his mother Wilhelmina C. Raddatz. He was
educated at the Stettin High School and later in the schools of
St. Louis, Missouri, where he made his home prior to coming to
Colorado in 1875, and to Utah in 1886. In June, 1890, he was
married, in St. Louis, to Miss Emma Guth of that city, and a
family of four girls and one boy, namely, Pearl, Flora Belle,
Eunice, Lucille and Harold have since blessed the union.
Mr. Raddatz early turned his attention to mining matters, and
for some years past has been president of the Tintic Standard
Mining Company, the B. & S. Promoting Company, the Electric
Utility Company, the Duluth and Utah and the North Beck Mining
Company. He is also a director in the Lion Hill Consolidated
Mining Company, the Polar Star, the Honerine Extension, Montana
Mining Company, and the Honerine West Mining Company, in all of
which concerns his efforts have been notably successful.
Mr. Raddatz is a thirty-second degree Mason, a Shriner, and a
leading light in the local lodge of Elks. In 1875 he came to
Denver, and since then has been steadily engaged in mining in
Colorado, Nevada, California and Old Mexico. In 1886 he took
charge of the Calumet and Silver King Mines in Stockton, Utah,
and since that time has made his headquarters in Salt Lake.
It would be difficult to find a man more nearly typical of his
profession than E. J. Raddatz. Possessed of a good stock of
health, a kindly disposition and an inherent sense of fair play,
these qualities have placed him in an enviable position among
the members of his profession. Socially, as in a business way,
Mr. Raddatz has been a success. Known as a man of versatile
education and wide experience, he is at once popular with old
and young, and many a time he has been known to go out of his
way to extend the helping hand of friendship to some less
fortunate brother in adversity. Mr. Raddatz's home life is a
very happy one, his beautiful home at 1140 Second Avenue being
frequently the scene of merry parties and other entertainments,
at which a good time has always been a foregone conclusion.
Prom the standpoint of a position of prominence earned by his
own industry and ability, Mr. Raddatz is enabled to look back
over the past where failure is but little known and forward upon
a future rich in the promise of this world's goods.
Rice, Windson V.
Among the careers of the really big men
of the West none stand out more brilliantly than that of Windsor
V. Rice, the subject of this sketch.
Born in the little town of Riceburg, near Montreal, Canada, in
1850, young Rice received his earlier education in the public
schools of that village and of Montreal, and at an early age
gave promise of a mechanical genius which later was to place him
in the foremost ranks of his profession, that of mechanical
His father was Martin Rice, for years connected with various
iron works in Canada, and his mother, Permilla Vincent Rice. In
1863 the young man removed to the State of Michigan, and at the
age of sixteen he began his active career. He spent eight years
in Michigan, where he continued his studies and at the same time
gained the practical knowledge which enabled him to assume his
duties as manager of the Ottawa Iron Works at Grand Haven. In
1871 he returned to the scenes of his boyhood days in Canada,
and there in partnership with a brother, under the style of Rice
Brothers, he engaged in the foundry as well as sawmill and
gristmill business. These enterprises were notably successful,
but an overpowering ambition for wider fields possessed him, and
soon caused him to seek new fields of action. In 1897 he came
west and located in Park City, Utah.
At that time the Ontario and Daly mines were the only producing
properties in the camp, and having a thorough practical
knowledge of mechanics and machinery, it was not strange that
mining should attract his attention. Mr. Rice soon worked into a
position where his practical knowledge and experience were early
demonstrated, and in an incredibly short time he formed a
connection with the Anchor Mining Company, subsequently becoming
connected with the Woodside, the Quincy, the famous Silver King
and Steamboat Mining Companies. Later he assumed the management
of the Park City waterworks, and at one time was the principal
owner of the electric light plant. Through the purchase of a
block of stock of the First National Bank of that city, Mr. Rice
became identified officially with that institution, from which
time on he continued to make investments in Park City, all being
very successful.
When attention was called several years ago to the undeveloped
mineral resources of Nevada, Mr. Rice was among the first to
enter that State and apply his capital to the mining industry.
His interests have expanded until in Goldfield, Rhyolite,
Fairview and Yerington he is recognized as one of the fortunate
operators of that rich State. Mr. Rice is a director of the
Silver King Coalition Mines Company of Park City, one of the
greatest dividend-paying organizations of the country. He is
president of the Nevada Hills Company, another dividend-paying
mining proposition, and he is treasurer and director of the
Nevada Douglas Copper Company, one of the largest straight
copper-smelting companies of Nevada. Colorado and Idaho as well
have attracted him, and even in far-off British Columbia the
name of Windsor V. Rice is known and appreciated as representing
one of the really big men of the mining West.
In Salt Lake City, where he has a beautiful residence and an
ideal home life, Mr. Rice has been one of the most faithful
pillars of numerous charitable institutions, his unostentatious
support of educational and relief associations for the uplifting
of humanity stamping him one of the most desirable and
intelligent of philanthropists.
Possessed of a large circle of friends, Mr. Rice is no less
prominent in social than in business circles. Well informed on
current events and widely traveled, he is a delightful
companion, easily approached and one from whom knowledge and
optimism are to be obtained. Fortunate in the possession of
physical strength, and more than ever convinced of the greatness
of the West, Mr. Rice bids fair to be even more successful and a
power for a good many years to come.
Richards, Joseph T.
Joseph T. Richards was born at Ogden,
Utah, December 8, 1871. His parents were Franklin S. Richards,
the prominent lawyer, and Emily S. Richards. He married Mattie
Sells, and now has three children, Martha, Josephine and Edward.
Mr. Richards was educated in the grade schools, at the
University of Deseret and at Cornell University. After
graduating in June, 1892, he was admitted to the bar and
immediately commenced the active practice of law, as a member of
the firm of Richards, Moyle & Richards, which continued only a
year or two, and the firm of Richards & Richards was formed, of
which Mr. Joseph T. Richards was the junior member. In 1898 he
became a member of the firm of Bennett, Harkness, Howat, Bradley
& Richards, and in 1900 upon the dissolution of that firm,
became the senior member of the firm of Richards & Ferry. For
the last seven years the firm has been Richards, Richards &
Ferry, consisting of Franklin S. Richards, Joseph T. Richards
and Edward S. Ferry, and is one of the most able and prominent
law firms in the State.
In 1893, Mr. Richards was appointed Assistant United States
Attorney for the Territory of Utah, under Mr. Cleveland's second
administration, and made an enviable record in that position. He
has devoted his time almost exclusively to the practice of his
profession, in which he has distinguished himself. His practice
has been very active and varied. Mr. Richards has successfully
conducted litigation of great importance, involving large
interests and many difficult questions.
Though his energies have been devoted to professional matters
almost exclusively, Mr. Richards has become associated with
various industrial enterprises, and has devoted considerable
attention to mining, so that he is not only widely and favorably
known as a lawyer, but has a reputation as a business man of
judgment and integrity, and is prominent in both spheres.
Mr. Richards is a member of the Alta Club, University Club,
Commercial Club and Country Club. He is very fond of outdoor
sports, and his hours of recreation are devoted to amusements of
this class.
Richmond, Frederick C.
Of the younger generation of prominent
and progressive men of the inter-mountain States none are more
prominently identified with the growth and development of their
resources and industries than is the subject of this sketch.
Frederick C. Richmond first saw the light of day at New Bedford,
Massachusetts, on the 19th day of November, 1862. He is a son of
James H. C. and Hannah Katherine Courtis Richmond, who were of
English ancestry. His father was a whaler of New Bedford,
Massachusetts, noted the world over for that industry. Mr.
Richmond received his early education at private schools of his
native place, and later on at the Quaker College at Providence,
Rhode Island.
In 1897, at the age of thirty-five, he arrived in Salt Lake
City, and has been prominently identified with business ever
since. He is the president of the F. C. Richmond Machinery
Company, one of the most progressive and best known concerns in
the West. They are jobbers of everything in the line of mining
and power machinery, and their business covers the entire
Western country. They are also the general agents for the
Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company of Chicago, the largest concern
of its kind in the world; also for the Alamo Manufacturing
Company, manufacturers of hoisting machinery and engines; and
for the Charles A. Schieren Company of Brooklyn, New York,
manufacturers of leather belting, also one of the largest
manufacturers of leather belting in the United States. Mr.
Richmond is one of the most active and energetic of Utah's
business men, and, besides his many connections with large
manufacturing corporations, he is actively identified with many
mining corporations and their operation; among them being a
director in the Scott Mines Company of Pioche and the
Tri-Metallic Mining Company.
Mr. Richmond was married on July 16, 1885, to Miss Laura Trelore
Osborne of Shullsburg, Wisconsin, and to them have been born
three children, Frederick Courtis, Laura Gladys, and Marguerite
Richmond. He is a member of the Commercial Club, is a Knight
Templar and thirty-second degree Mason. He resides at 512 East
Second South Street, Salt Lake City.
Source: Sketches of the Inter-Mountain
States, Utah, Idaho and Nevada, Published by The Salt Lake
Tribune, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1909