Montana Territory Gazetteer
Adobetown, Madison County, PO
address Virginia City
Carey and O'Brien, general merchandise
Agency, Missoula County, PO 27 miles
north of Missoula
Dooley John Gr, sutler
Tesson L S, postmaster
Argonta, Beaver Head County, PO 15
miles north of Bannack, is, as its name implies, a
silver mining: locality, also gold, lead, iron, and
copper bearing veins are found. Such veins are numerous
in the vicinity, and have been worked with good success,
but still the wealth of the district may be regarded as
Ball S, carpenter
Bryan William, blacksmith
French George D, postmaster, and general merchandise
Smith W, stock dealer
Bannack City, Beaver Head County, PO
and County seat, 150 miles southwest of Helena, is
situated on Willard or Grasshopper Creek, a tributary of
Beaver Head River, and is the locality of the discovery
of gold which incited exploration leading to further
discoveries and the organization of the Territory of
Montana. The gold placers have been its chief support,
yielding largely from the date of their discovery in
1862, though of late years showing signs of exhaustion.
During the flush times of mining, Bannack was the
principal city of the Territory, and was its first
capital, which, like the mines, followed the rushes to
new placers, and was successively located at Virginia,
and again at Helena. The developments of vein mining in
the vicinity have been quite important, a large number
of lodes being opened with satisfactory results. Gold,
silver, lead, and copper are produced. The treasure
product for 1872 was over $300,000, of which $50,000 was
in silver. There were also shipped to the East in the
same year over 100 tons of lead bullion. These
developments assure the permanence of the town, and give
promise of a bright future.
Bishop C L, liquor saloon
Bowman Charles, wagon maker
Brown George M, carpenter
Crow J B, butcher
Dart George, tinsmith, and hardware
Denar W H, carpenter
Dunlap S F, drugs and medicines
Farlin William L & Company, groceries
Goodrich W C Mrs., hotel
Graeter A F, agent Wells Fargo & Co
Graeter A F & Company, general merchandise
Harley James, brewery
Kepler Joseph, watch maker
Leavitt E D, physician
Mead C, attorney at law
Murray A & Company, blacksmith
Otis H G, general merchandise
Peck Bros, liquor saloon
Pond H S, carpenter
Roe Isaac & Brother, bankers
Smith H A Mrs., milliner
Stapleton G W, attorney at law
Taylor George, shoe maker
Trask C O & Son, general merchandise
Watson Thomas, blacksmith
Wright A F, postmaster
Wright & McMean, groceries and provisions
Beartown, Deer Lodge County, PO 50
miles west of Deer Lodge City
Abacall J & Company, general merchandise
Brown L, general merchandise
Fisher & Garland, hotel
Kroger C, brewery
Lannan John, butcher
Manton Denis, postmaster, and general merchandise
Manton S E, hotel
McCabe C A, general merchandise
McElroy James, attorney at law
McQuestion A B, liquor saloon
Morse G W, butcher
Pilkey Jos, blacksmith
Pilkey Paul, liquor saloon
Pyne John, liquor saloon
Shemell J, boots and shoes
Beaver Creek, Jefferson County, PO
Robb D B, lumber
Rogers John W, postmaster
Beaver Head County. Organized in 1864.
Bounded on the north by Deer Lodge and Missoula
Counties, east by Madison County, and south and west by
Idaho Territory. Area, 4,250 square miles. The total
area of land under cultivation, about 10,000 acres.
Assessed valuation of property for 1874, $553,060.
County seat. Bannack. Principal towns: Argenta, Blue
Wing, and Vipond. The county is exceedingly mountainous,
the summit of the great Rocky chain forming its
northern, southern and western border, and within its
limits are the extreme sources of the mighty Missouri.
The rich placers of Willard Creek were discovered in
1862 and at once attracted a large population. These
were the first discoveries of the precious metals in
Montana, and lead to important results. The county also
has the honor of leading in the discovery of
silver-bearing veins, of which a large number have been
found, chiefly in Argenta, and Vipond districts from 15
and 30 miles north of Bannack, and in Blue Wing district
a few miles east. Mountainous ridges ramify throughout
the county, giving many fine milling streams, but
rendering intercommunication difficult. The Big Hole and
Beaver Head rivers rising nearly as far west as the
114th meridian are the principal streams, which after
receiving many branches join and form the Jefferson, the
main fork of the Missouri.
Officers: George L. Batchelder, Probate
Judge; William Peck. Clerk, Recorder, and Auditor;
Alexander £. Mayhew, District Attorney; J. C. Metlin,
Sheriff; F. L. Graves, Treasurer, and Tax Collector; J.
G. Sillig, Assessor; J. S. Forster, Superintendent
Public Schools.
Beaver Head Valley, Beaver Head County
Ryan James M, general merchandise
Benton City, Choteau County. (See Fort
Big Horn County. Unorganized, but
attached to Gallatin for judicial purposes. Bounded,
including Dawson, which is formed of its northern part,
north by the British Possessions, east by Dakotah
Territory, south by the Territory of Wyoming, and west
by Gallatin, Meagher, and Choteau. Area, about 64,400
square miles. Principal towns: Big Horn City, and
Musselshell. The Belt and Judith mountains are in the
western part, south of the Missouri River, and the Big
Horn mountains, which give name to the county, in the
southeast. The great Missouri runs through the northern
part, and its principal branch, the Yellowstone,
entering from the southwest, follows a sinuous course
northeast and joins the parent stream on the eastern
border, receiving on its way the Big Horn, and numerous
other tributaries. Large steamers ascend the Missouri,
and the Yellowstone is navigable to to the mouth of the
Big Horn, giving it facilities of commerce of great
importance. The vast region comprised within its limits
is but partially explored and sparsely occupied, save by
the savages, the Crows and Sioux having large
reservations in the south, and the Blackfeet and
Assinniboines occupy the fine grazing country north of
the Missouri. Explorations made within late years have
demonstrated the existence of metaliferous deposits in
both placer and vein, of great value, and large tracts
of land susceptible of culture, which inspire the hope
that the country will be speedily populated and that Big
Horn will become one of the most prosperous counties of
Montana. The Black Hill region is on the southern
border, where fabulous wealth is supposed to exist, and
where the pretensions of the Indians no longer
recognized by the Government, a large and rich section
would be opened to settlement and giving its treasures
to the world.
Blackfoot City, Deer Lodge County, PO
25 miles north of Deer Lodge City, on the stage road to
Helena, is one of the principal mining towns of the
Territory. Situated on the western slope of the Rocky
Mountains, its waters run westward to the Hellgate
River, a tributary of the Bitter Root and of Clark's
Fork of the Columbia. In 1866, the placer mines of
Blackfoot created a great excitement, and for some years
paid largely; but recently its dependence is chiefly
upon vein mining, there being a great number of lodes in
the neighboring country bearing gold, silver, copper,
and lead, some of which have been profitably mined; but
the general inaccessibility of the region, particularly
in winter, has retarded development.
Bill F R, banker
Birdseye C G, postmaster, and agent Wells, Fargo &
Birdseye & Company, general merchandise
Gallagher Frank & Company, butchers
Hall John S, liquor saloon
Higgins W W, groceries
Hinchcliff Samuel, shoe maker
Lindsay E P, groceries, and provisions
Luce & Haines, livery stable
Matthews James, liquor saloon
Olson & Tarpey, blacksmiths
Quigley John R, general merchandise
Schuster George, brewery
Simpson James & Company, butchers
Spear S W, general merchandise
Swartz & Tibbitts, lumber manufacturers
White P S, general merchandise
Boulder Valley, Jefferson County, PO 40
miles south west of Radersburgh
Cook Hiram, postmaster
Sweet & Higley, groceries, and provisions
Bozeman, Gallatin County, PO and County
seat, is situated in the center of the fertile Gallatin
Valley, distant 96 miles southeast of Helena.
Population, 800. The town enjoys a prosperous trade with
the neighboring agriculturists, miners, and with
travelers to the Yellowstone, Big Horn, and other
sections. Silver mines of supposed great richness exist
in the mountains 45 miles northeast, and coal is found
in great abundance on the Yellowstone, both of which
bring trade to Bozeman. The town is pleasantly situated
and well built, having been well endowed by the
Territorial school fund. One newspaper, the Avant
Courier, is published weekly.
Annis & Cook, blacksmiths
Avant Courier, J Wright, proprietor
Aylsworth J H, sash and door manufacturer
Bachelder G J, tinsmith
Baley W H, jeweler
Basinski Bros, clothing
Black L M, banker
Blum John, hotel
Bogert J B & W, general merchandise
Bowen Samuel B, hotel
Bridger B A Rev, clergyman
Burnett T, general merchandise
Carpenter D H, liquor saloon
Clark C L, livery stable
Cooper Walter, gunsmith
Craig John, shoe maker
Davis J J, attorney at law
Davis & Morgan, brick masons
Edwards T R, attorney at law
Ellis & Davis, general merchandise
Englefried F, harness and saddlery
Finch J B, blacksmith
First National Bank of Bozeman
Harper Francis, blacksmith
Harrington, Baker & Co, boots and shoes
Heitchens Henry, painter and glazier
Holzman S L & Bros, news dealers, and varieties
Iliff T C Rev, clergyman
Lamme A & Co, general merchandise
Langhorne S W, drugs and medicines
Lewis S W, barber
Maguire H N, land agent, probate judge, and notary
Manej John, baker
Martin & Meyers, butchers
McAdam P W & Bro, flour manufacturers
Miller Henry, shoe maker
Monroe G W, physician
Morris W W, drugs and medicines
Mounts & Worsham, liquor saloon
Osbourne S H, drugs and medicines
Page & Coleman, attorneys at law
Ponsford & Chesnut, liquor saloon
Rich & Wilson, general merchandise
Speith & Krug, brewery, and liquor saloon
Story Nelson, contractor
Strasburger & Sperling, general merchandise
Taylor Josiah H, postmaster
Vivian R T, attorney at law
Wakefield George W, hotel
Warfield Thomas B, tinsmith
Williams & Murray, liquor saloon
Wright Joseph, proprietor Avant Courier
Burnt Pine, Beaver Head County, PO
Bissenette & Bro, general merchandise
Canovan John, hotel
Gilg Frank, livery and feed stable
Leffler Henry, builder
Lowe Thomas, general merchandise
Morrison A M, liquor saloon
Parker D R, postmaster
Prettyman & Company, liquor saloon
Butte City, Deer Lodge County, PO 40
miles south of Deer Lodge City, in the mountainous
region, m the extreme southern part of the county, on
the headwaters of the Deer Lodge Creek, a tributary of
Hellgate River, is distinguished for the numerous veins
of gold, silver, lead and copper-bearing rock in the
vicinity. Placer mines have been worked with great
profit, but the gold obtained carried so much silver,
being only $14 an ounce, led to prospecting for the
latter metal, and valuable silver bearing veins were
Black John E, blacksmith
Ford Anson, postmaster, physician, notary public, and
justice of the peace
Foster & Ray, general merchandise, and liquor saloon
Humphreys CE, butcher
Savage Charles, butcher
Weibold H C, general merchandise and liquor saloon
Cable City, Deer Lodge County, PO 40
miles south of Deer Lodge City, is in a mountainous
region at the head of Warm Spring Creek, in upper Deer
Lodge Valley, at an altitude of 7,000 feet above the
sea. Rich and important silver-bearing veins are in the
vicinity, much of the ore assaying upwards of $1,000 per
ton, but the developments are yet slight.
Keiser Louis, general merchandise
King Edward, blacksmith
Moss J A, postmaster, and hotel
Camp Baker, Meagher County, PO 18 miles
east of Diamond City
Gaddis William, postmaster, and trader
Potter John, grocery, (Thomson's Gulch)
Rader C T, liquor saloon
Schriver Daniel, tailor, (Deep Creek)
Canton, Meagher County, PO 15 miles
south of Diamond City
Durnan Edin, teacher
McKnight Patrick, blacksmith
Tierney William E, postmaster
Tierney & Scott, general merchandise
Walters James, shoe maker
Canyon Creek, Lewis and Clarke County,
25 miles north west of Helena
Negus William S, postmaster
Canyon Ferry, Meagher County, PO 20
miles north west of Diamond City
Rotwitt Louis, hotel
Stafford J V, postmaster, general merchandise, and hotel
Cave Gulch, Meagher County, PO address,
Canon Ferry
Albrecht Emil, general merchandise
Day Frank, blacksmith
Ingersoll E J, general merchandise
Lambert Joseph, carpenter
Spencer Albert, liquor and billiard saloon
Cedar Creek, Missoula County, PO
address, Quartz Creek
Buck & Cave, general merchandise
Buckley & Williams, general merchandise
Huffman J, blacksmith
Lehman R, liquor saloon
Central Park, Gallatin County, PO 16
miles north west of Bozeman
Blakley C P, attorney at law
Cockrill V A, postmaster, hotel, and general merchandise
Curtis Ellen Miss, school teacher
Perks William, blacksmith
Centreville, Meagher County, PO 22
miles south of Diamond City
Barker James, postmaster, and general merchandise
Hoover David, blacksmith
McFadden G C, hotel
McKnight Patrick, blacksmith
Robinson J M, general merchandise
Smith Bros, general merchandise
Chico, Gallatin County, PO
Chare Patrick, blacksmith
Colwell John, attorney at law-
Cone John, postmaster, and builder
Coverly John, wagon maker
Craig George, plasterer, and contractor
Fitzgerald S M, general merchandise
Hancock Joseph, blacksmith
Lee W H, wagon maker
Handle M, machinist, and miller
Ward A. hotel
Woods George W, blacksmith
Choteau County. Organized in 1866.
Bounded north by the British Possessions, east by Dawson
or Big Horn, south by Meagher, and west by Lewis and
Clarke and Deer Lodge. Area, 26,425 square miles.
Population, 1,000. Assessed valuation of property in
1874, $600,000. County seat, Fort Benton. Principal
town: Sun River City. The county is of vast extent, and
but sparsely occupied. The Missouri River enters in the
southwestern corner, and running northeasterly to the
center, turns again southeasterly, receiving the Sun,
Marias, Thompson, and Mountain Rivers on the north, and
the Arrow, Judith, Musselshell, and other streams on the
south. The Great Falls of the Missouri, a few miles
above Fort Benton, limit navigation at a distance of
2,450 miles from St. Louis. North of the river is a
broad extent of excellent grazing land, extending to the
British Possession, which is the favorite range of the
buffalo, these animals in immense herds disputing the
ground with the domestic cattle, and requiring the
constant vigil of the herdsmen to defend their stock and
drive back the native beasts. Great numbers of the
buffalo are slain annually, some by the herdsmen in
defense of their range, others for their hides, and many
in sport. There were shipped from Fort Benton in 1874
upwards of 65,000 buffalo robes, usually worth about $5
each. A great number of other peltries are also taken in
the county, as bear, deer, beaver, and others, bringing
an important revenue. The Sun River Valley is a
promising agricultural section, and having the military
post of Fort Shaw a few miles distant in Lewis and
Clarke County, where about 500 men are usually
stationed, furnishing a ready market, has been quite
well settled and is a prosperous section. The Bear Paw
and Little Rocky ranges of mountains are north of the
river, and the Belt and other smaller ranges are in the
south. Gold, silver, and other metals are known to
exist, but are not extensively mined. Coal is found in
large quantities, many veins showing along the Missouri,
some of which a short distance above Fort Benton being
mined to a considerable extent. Steamboats ascend the
river to Fort Benton, and during the summer many
travelers and traders descend in broadhorns and
mackinacs, boats made for the purpose, the rapid current
of the river giving quick and cheap passage.
Officers: Robert R. Mills, Probate
Judge; J. A. Kanouse, Clerk, Recorder, and Auditor;
Trevannion Hale, Sheriff; John Hunsberger, Treasurer,
and Tax Collector; August Dinsey, Assessor; Moses
Salomon, Coroner; Thomas F. Healy, Superintendent Public
Cicero, Madison County, PO address
Laurin, 12 miles north west of Virginia City
French D & Co, flour manufacturers
Laurin J B, general merchandise, and hotel
Smith James, blacksmith, and wagon maker
White P, wagon maker
Clagett, Jefferson County, PO
Quaintance Abel C, postmaster
Clancy, Jefferson County, PO 50 miles
west of Radersburg
Alexander M, shoe maker
Alexander & Moore, liquor saloon
Allen Levi & Co, lumber manufacturers
Bull, Lewis & Company, general merchandise
Crane George W, postmaster
Crane George W & Company, general merchandise
Dildie Henry Jr, teacher
Dunham J W, liquor saloon
Durfee Frank, lumber manufacturer
Gilett A S, lumber manufacturer
Hassen T M, groceries, and liquors
Hill H M, general merchandise, and liquor saloon.
Holter A M & Bro, lumber, and lath manufacturers
Northrup W D, livery stable
Payne Rufus, blacksmith
Potting & Dell, butchers, and vegetables
Townsend B, butcher
Townsend Miss, hotel
Clarkston, Lewis and Clarke County, PO,
17 miles north east of Helena
Constance Philip, general merchandise
Corwin W S, blacksmith
Travis George, hotel
Wilson J F, postmaster
Cold Spring, Jefferson County, PO
Flaherty William, postmaster
Corvallis, Missoula County, PO 45 miles
south of Missoula
Block Maurice, postmaster
Harris R B, shoe maker
Judd Oscar, liquor saloon
Lent Harvey, hotel
Rollins B, general merchandise
Weinstein & Block, general merchandise
Darling, Beaver Head County, PO 40
miles north of Bannack City
Beehrer, Charles & Company. stock dealers
Beehrer G W & F, stock dealers
Browne Joseph A, postmaster
Gallagher Peter, stock dealer
Deer Lodge City, Deer Lodge County, PO
and County seat, 53 miles southwest of Helena, is on
Deer Lodge Creek, a distant tributary of the Columbia.
Lilie many towns of Montana it is of varying prosperity,
the mining population coming and going as great
prospects invite or fortunes fail. The town is connected
by daily stage with Corriune, running through to Helena,
and other stages radiate to various mining towns. The
town is quite well built, having a fine public school
building, three churches, county buildings, and the
United States Penitentiary. One newspaper, the View
North-West, is published weekly.
Aspling & Son, dry goods
Aylesworth & McFarland, proprietors McBurney House
Bien M, furniture
Blake & Weller, blacksmiths
Blum Charles, dry goods
Bonner E L & Company, dry goods and clothing
Bowie C N, drugs, medicines, oils, glassware, etc
Bradley John A, architect
Burden & Mahan, livery stable
Claggett & Dixon, attorneys at law
Cohen D & Company, groceries, liquors, harness, and
Coleman S, general merchandise
Coleman William, cigars, tobacco, and varieties
Doad & Surpinant, blacksmiths
Fenner & Van Gundy, brewery, and liquor saloon
First National Bank of Deer Lodge, W A Clark president,
S E Larabie cashier
Gamer Bros, boots and shoes
Gans & Klein, clothing and furnishing goods
Gerber & Dickenson, liquor and billiard saloon
Glass J, watch maker and jeweler
Harris Tony, shoe maker
Hatfield F F, barber
Hyde William, watch maker and jeweler
Irvine C E, attorney at law and probate judge
Jonas H k Company, merchant tailors, and furnishing
Jordan & Miller, restaurant
Keiser Lewis, drugs and medicines
Kennon & Zonor, stoves, tin and hardware
Kenyon D S, doors, windows, groceries, sporting
materials, books, stationery, etc
King k Smiley, blacksmiths
Lansing Peter, shoe maker
Love Charles & Company, barber
Mayhew & McMurtry, attorneys at law
McFarland D L, civil engineer and surveyor
McLin & Company, furniture, sashes, etc
Miller F B, stoves, tin, hardware, and agricultural
Mills K Kessler, proprietors New Northwest
Mitchell A H, physician
Murphy Higgins & Co, groceries
Murphy & Company, lumber manufacturers
Mussigbrod Charles F, physician
New Northwest, Mills & Kessler proprietors
Newcomer D P, attorney at law
O'Bannon B, civil engineer and surveyor
O'Neil John, furniture
Osborn & Dennel, groceries
Owings and Goslee, drugs and medicines
Parchen k D'Acheul, drugs, medicines, stationery, oils,
Pascoe Thomas, liquor saloon
Robinson J C, attorney at law
Scott Samuel, proprietor Scott House
Sharp & Napton, attorneys at law
Smith V A, liquor saloon
Stackpole Edward S, postmaster
Strang & Richardson, stoves, tin and hardware
Sweeney & Pettit, furniture
Talbot & Thompson, liquor and billiard saloon
Valiton Peter, wines, liquors, and brewery
Valiton & Hyde, livery stable
Weimar William H & Company, groceries
Welch D J, groceries and liquors
Wilcox J B & Company, groceries, liquors, and forwarding
Willey S A, agent Wells, Fargo & Company
William Brothers, butchers
Wilson William, liquor saloon
Woodward William, cigars, tobacco, and varieties
Wright S A Mrs., ladies' furnishing goods
Deer Lodge County. Organized in 1864.
Bounded on the north by the British Possessions, south
by Beaver Head County, past by Choteau, Lewis and Clarke
and Jefferson Counties, west by Missoula County. Area,
15,300 square miles. Quantity of laud under cultivation,
in 1873, 28,753 acres. Assessed valuation of property in
1874. $1,619,303. Taxes and licenses paid into the
Territorial treasury in 1873, $12,030. County seat. Deer
Lodge. Principal towns: Emmetsburg, Blackfoot,
Philipsburg, Cable, Beartown, Silver Bow, Butte, and
Reynolds, all of which are mining camps, varying much in
population and importance. It is the second most
populous conn y ill the Territory. Resources: it
embraces within its limits some of the richest mining
ground in Montana, and its product of gold exceeds that
of any other county within the same. Important
discoveries of silver, lead, and copper mines have been
made, showing a vast number, many of which give very
high assays, and promising to return largely when
properly worked. It is well watered by various
tributaries of the Missouri and Columbia rivers, and
contains extensive tracts of grazing and agricultural
lands on each side of the Rocky Mountains, which
intersect it from southeast to northwest.
Officers: C. E. Irvine, Probate Judge;
H. S. Clark, County Clerk and Recorder; Alexander E.
Mayhew, District Attorney; Charles S. Warren, Sheriff;
R. T. Kennon, Treasurer and Tax Collector; John H.
Meyer, Assessor First District; Peter Jessen, Second
District; J. S. McAndrews, Third District; Thomas
Strang, Coroner; Addison Smith, Public Administrator and
Superintendent Public Schools.
Diamond City, Meagher County, PO and
County seat, distant 40 miles east of Helena. Present
population about 250. The resources of the surrounding
country are mining and agriculture, the mines producing
about $350,000 in gold annually.
Allen S, barber, and tailor
Brainard H B, liquor and billiard saloon
Collins T E, attorney at law
Davis A Q, shoe maker
Eckert Gilbert, shoe maker.
Foller A, butcher
Folsom D E, surveyor
Ford W T, liquor saloon
Garrigan Owen, notary public
Haase William H, general merchandise
Hampton G A, hotel
Higgins Jonas, groceries
Howell Thomas, builder, and cabinet maker
Laney Josiah, livery stable
Marks Leopold, postmaster, and general merchandise
McDonnell D A, drugs and medicines
Miller John L, jeweler, and liquor saloon
Nolan John, hotel
Parbury William, physician
Ramspeck Henry, brewery
Rian Whack, liquor saloon
Shields Nelson, stock dealer
Simmonds D, blacksmith
Yancey C D, attorney at law
Divide, Deer Lodge County, PO 56 miles
south of Deer Lodge City
Burderf Robert, hotel
Ealer A M, assayer
Huffel George, butcher
McCaully Pff, blacksmith (Soap Gulch)
Turner N L, assayer
Wiber A E, justice of the peace
Wunderlich Charles, postmaster, general merchandise, and
Wunderlich F E, general merchandise
Divide Creek, Deer Lodge County, PO
address, Divide.
Forest William, station keeper
McKenzie John, hotel
Wunderlich Charles S, groceries and provisions
Eau Claire, Madison Co. (See Jefferson
Emigrant, Gallatin County, PO 40 miles
south east of Bozeman
Bottler Bros, general merchandise, and hotel
Bottler Frederick, postmaster
Emmetsburgh, Deer Lodge County, PO 50
miles west of Deer Lodge City
Caplice & Smith, general merchandise
Wallswork Matthew, postmaster
Fish Creek, Madison County, PO 49 miles
north of Virginia City
Jordan Harrison, postmaster
Flat Head Lake, Missoula County, PO 100
miles __ of Missoula City
Cohn I, general merchandise
Coombes V H, postmaster
Deschamps Gaspard, blacksmith
Forest City, Missoula County, PO 80
miles north west of Missoula
Buck & Cave, general merchandise
Buckley & Williams, general merchandise
Caplice & Smith, general merchandise
Cummins Michael, shoe maker
Fox Thomas, billiard and liquor saloon
Garber George, brewery, and liquor saloon
Lodius Gustave, liquor saloon
Longivine Stephen, shoe maker
Luland & Talbot, billiard and liquor saloon
Murphy C, restaurant
Roses Alphonse, blacksmith
Williams Thomas, postmaster
Fort Benton, Choteau County, PO and
County seat, is situated at the head of steamboat
navigation on the Missouri River, and distant one
hundred and forty miles northeast of Helena. Present
population, about 600. This is the oldest settled place
in the Territory, being an old fur-trading post many
years before the discovery of gold. The fur trade it
still enjoys, and is an important commercial point.
Tri-weekly stages connect it with Helena, and a
telegraph line gives instantaneous communication with
the world.
Anderson A C & Co, blacksmiths, and wagon maker.
Baker Isaac G & Brother, general merchandise
Carroll & Steel general merchandise
Carson John, brewery
Cohn A, merchant tailor
Delaney Charles, restaurant
Elmore & Samples, restaurant
Gobert R & Company, brewery, and liquor saloon
Hamblin & Scott, wagon makers, and blacksmiths
Marshall, Carson & Company, brewers
Mecure & Lorion, builders, and carpenters
Mills Robert, hotel
Northwest Fur Company, fur dealers
Power John W, postmaster
Power Thomas C & Brother, general merchandise
Wright & Weatherwax, butchers
Fort Ellis, Gallatin County
Bowen & Cutter, general merchandise
Fort Owen, Missoula County. (See
Fort Shaw, Lewis and Clarke County, PO
85 miles north of Helena
Gerhausen A, brewery
McKnight J H & Co, general merchandise, and traders
McKnight Joseph H, postmaster, and agents Wells Fargo &
Pauer & Swerney, hardware, and agricultural implements
French Bar, Lewis and Clarke County, PO
14 miles east of Helena
Foster J H B, general merchandise
Gray Thomas, postmaster
Langloes Louis, hotel
Lightbody T, hotel
French Gulch, Deer Lodge County, PO 40
miles south of Door Lodge City
Matte Louis, blacksmith
Maturan Samuel, butcher, and billiard and liquor saloon
Morrison A M, postmaster
Primont Frank, general merchandise
Frenchtown, Missoula County, PO 18
miles west of Missoula
Demers T T, general merchandise, and liquor saloon
Larabie T B, blacksmith
Lasserre H T, postmaster
Lebeau Salinie, flour manufacturer
McCabe _____ Mrs., hotel
Pichette O, justice of the peace, and liquor saloon
Reeves Moise, hotel
Vogt ____, carpenter
Gaffney, Madison County, PO 28 miles
north of Virginia City
Gaffney Owen, postmaster, and general merchandise
Jefferson L B, blacksmith
Morier Henry, hotel
Page J M, surveyor, notary public, and hotel
Gallatin City, Gallatin County, PO 30
miles northwest of Bozeman, is situated near the
confluence of the Madison, Jefferson, and Gallatin
rivers, the head waters of the Missouri River, and
distant 71 miles south east of Helena. The Missouri, it
is thought, can be made navigable from this point to the
Falls, a distance of 300 miles, at a slight expense.
Here, as well as elsewhere throughout Montana, all are
waiting anxiously for the coming of the Northern Pacific
Railroad, and hopes are entertained that one from Utah
will penetrate the valley. The town contains a number of
fine buildings, a flour mill and machine shop, and also
the buildings and grounds of the Eastern Montana
Agricultural and Mechanical Society, where annual fairs
are held.
Aplin James, machinist
Campbell G H, general merchandise
Culver John A, hotel
Girard Joseph, blacksmith
Harris W T, postmaster, and general merchandise
Hill R W, attorney at law
Ketchum D G, physician
Street J H D, attorney at law
Thomas George D, flour manufacturer
Gallatin County. Organized in 1864.
Bounded on the north by Meagher County, south by Wyoming
Territory, east by Big Horn County, west by Madison and
Jefferson counties. Area, 6,800 square miles.
Population, 1874, 2,800. Assessed valuation of property
in 1874, $525,000. County seat, Bozeman. Principal
towns: Gallatin, and Sixteen Mile District. There is a
large extent of arable land in the county, the most
occupied portion being on the Gallatin, Madison, and
Jefferson rivers, which join at the town of Gallatin and
form the Missouri. Large crops of grain are raised, the
yield of wheat being usually about thirty bushels per
acre. Several large grist mills are in active operation
in the Gallatin Valley, the center of the agricultural
district. This county has the reputation of being one of
the most beautiful sections of country west of the
Mississippi, and prosperity is quite general. Very rich
silver-bearing veins have been found on Sixteen Mile
Creek, 48 miles northeast of Bozeman; also rich gold
placers on the Jefferson, in the southwestern part of
the county. Much of the great area of the county is but
slightly explored, the hostility of the Indians making
it unsafe to travel in small parties, and constantly
threatening isolated settlements.
Officers: H. Maguire, Probate Judge;
Arch. Graham, Clerk, Recorder, and Auditor; R. P. Vivion,
District Attorney; C. D. Clark, Sheriff; S. B. Bowen,
Treasurer, and Tax Collector; B. M. Dawes, Assessor; S.
M. Reed, Surveyor; A. D. McPherson, Coroner; Stephen
Allen, Public Administrator; J. T. Curtiss,
Superintendent Public Schools.
German Gulch, Deer Lodge County, PO 42
miles south west of Deer Lodge City
Edward William, attorney at law
Foster & Ray, general merchandise
McCleary Hugh B, postmaster
McCleary & Bro, lumber manufacturers
Ross James, teacher
Glendale, Beaver Head County, PO
address Darling
Dahler, Armstrong & Co, general merchandise.
Longley John L, hotel
McCauley Jeff, blacksmith
Gold Creek, Deer Lodge County
Connolly N, general merchandise
Greenwood, Deer Lodge County, P 28
miles north 6 of Deer Lodge City
Boisincault Charles, general merchandise (Dog Creek)
Busack E, pottery
Clarke Henry S, postmaster
Cox & Clancy, manufacturers fire clay and brick
Hobert & Barton, proprietors Star Coal Mine
Johnson J, liquor saloon (Dog Creek)
Reynolds J B, hotel
Gwendale, Deer Lodge County, PO 20
miles south of Deer Lodge City
Burkett I C, teacher
Demander N, cabinet maker
Edwards W R H, attorney at law
Evans Morgan, flour manufacturer
Helstrom J H, blacksmith
Hendricson A Rev, clergyman
James W M Rev, clergyman
Pinnington Thomas, blacksmith
Ross James, teacher
Smith Archibald, blacksmith
Stone AV H, teacher
Thomas E P, postmaster, and butcher
Wier William, general merchandise, and liquor saloon
Hamilton, Gallatin County, PO 18 miles
north west of Bozeman
Baker William, blacksmith
Crittenden L B Rev, clergyman
Potter John, general merchandise, and attorney at law
Small Albert, postmaster
Hamilton, Madison County
Patten John T, general merchandise.
Harrisburg, Deer Lodge County, P 40
miles north of Deer Lodge City
Richards Robert K, postmaster, and general merchandise.
Harrison, Madison County, PO 35 miles
north east of Virginia City
Allen Z M, blacksmith
Hall & Isdell, general merchandise
Isdell Nelson J, postmaster
Lake C V, teacher
Havana, Madison Company
Davis N J, general merchandise
Hayden, Gallatin County, PO 24 miles
east of Bozeman
Ferrell R E Mrs., postmistress
Helena, Lewis and Clarke County, PO,
County seat and Capital of the Territory, is in the
midst of one of the richest mining regions of Montana,
12 miles west of the Missouri, and is a large,
prosperous and well-built city of about 8,000
inhabitants. A large portion of the city is constructed
of brick, granite, and blue limestone, obtained in the
vicinity. Numerous large and elegant churches, schools,
and other public buildings have been erected. It is
supported by the surrounding rich quartz and placer
mines, which give remunerative employment to a large
number of miners. Highly productive lands stretch along
the beautiful streams of the Ten Mile, Silver and
Prickly Pear, upon which about two hundred ranches are
located within sight of the city, producing a sufficient
supply of cattle, dairy produce, and vegetables to meet
its wants. The adjacent mountains, which are covered
with forests of pine and fir trees, furnish it with an
abundance of fuel, and supply logs for several saw
mills, which are constantly employed in producing lumber
for building purposes. Water for domestic, mining, and
agricultural purposes, is plentifully obtained from the
various streams and mountain springs in the
neighborhood. Hot springs, possessing rare medicinal
properties, exist about three miles to the northeast of
the city, and are a popular resort for invalids and
pleasurer seekers. Daily bi-daily and weekly stage lines
keep up a constant and regular communication with
Cheyenne, Corrinne, Virginia City, Fort Benton, and
other places. Two daily papers are published, the
Independent and the
Herald, which also issue weekly editions.
Abt M F, boots and shoes
Armitage J, groceries and provisions
Auerbach L & Bro, general merchandise
Baker H R, livery stable
Bartos Frank, watches and jewelry
Binzel & Foller, brewers
Blake Richard, butcher
Booker & Curtis, auction and commission merchants
Borstadt Frank H, watches and jewelry
Boyce J R A Company, dry goods
Brown & Weisenhorn, blacksmiths, and wagon makers
Bullard Massena, attorney at law
Bullard W R, physician
Cannon Brothers, bakery, and groceries
Chaxel Albert, watches and jewelry
Child W C, agent pianos. Register U S land office, and
agent Wells, Fargo & Company
Chumasero & Chadwick, attorneys at law
Clark, Conrad & Curtin, hardware
Comly Harry R, attorney at law
Crounse S H, postmaster
Crounse & Moffit, books, stationery, and fancy articles
Cullen W E, attorney at law
Curtin A P, carpets, upholstery goods, etc
Davis & Tatem, iron founders and machinists
Davis & Wallace, groceries
Davis W J, boot maker
Denn John, groceries, and liquors
Dilger & Pilcher, proprietors Overland House
Fall A, liquor saloon
Fary Daniel, restaurant
Feldberg J, clothing and furnishing goods
First National Bank of Helena, S T Hauser president,
D C Corbin cashier
Fisk Bros, proprietors Helena Herald
Foller & Reahm, brewers
Fox Geo W, President People's National Bank
Frary L W, dentist
Ganer Frederick, boots and shoes
Gans & Klein, clothing and furnishing goods
Gerhauser & Kuhwarth, brewers
Goldberg D & J, clothing
Groshon T C. liquors
Hale R S & Company, druggists
Hall S M, general merchandise
Hartwell & Co, flour, lumber, etc
Hauser S T, president First National Bank
Helena Herald, Fisk Brothers proprietors
Helena Independent, Kerley, McQuaid,
La Croix & Co, proprietors
Herrmann George, undertaker
Hersh field L H & Bro, bankers
Holmes L E, physician
Holter A M & Bros, iron, steel, hardware, and gas
Holzman & Brother, clothing
Holzman S L & Bro, fruit, cigars, varieties, etc
Horskey & Kinck, brewery
Hoyt Z, blacksmith
Hoyt E M & Brother, groceries
Irvin & Todd, groceries
Jeffries C, blacksmith
Johnston & Toole, attorneys at law
Kemp Alexander, blacksmith, and wagon maker
Kenck & Sullivan, hotel
Kerley, McQuaid, LaCroix & Company, proprietors
Helena Independent
Kessler & Miller, brewery, and liquor saloon
King Frederick L, painting, and paper hanging
Kinna & Jack, hardware
Klane C. furniture
Koonigsberger Brothers, tobacco and cigars, ammunition,
and notions
Lackey R & Bro, fruit, provisions, tobacco and cigars
Lawrence R, attorney at law
Lehman Charles, general merchandise
Lehman Frederick, general merchandise
Levy Jonathan, general merchandise
Lissner M, liquor saloon
Lobenstein W C, furs, hides, and harness
Lockey J & Company, furniture and crockery
Loeb & Brothers, clothing
Lowenburg A & Company, dry goods
Maclay E G & Company, forwarding, and freighting
Mann G B, groceries
Markham Charles, harness and saddlery
Marks J, liquor saloon
Marsh Emma Miss, teacher piano
Mather William, liquor and billiard saloon
Mayn Charles & Company, groceries and provisions
McLean William, blacksmith, and wagon maker
McLeod & Jack, hardware, stoves and tinware
Michalsky Jacob, furnishing goods
Millen Nick, leather, findings, rubber goods, and boots,
and shoes
Miller & Addoms, insurance agents
Ming J H & Company, stationery, books, and fancy goods
Moliter S F, assayer
Montana Ore Sampling Works
Moore Moses, livery stable
Morris Bros, cigars, tobacco, cutlery, ammunition, toys,
fruits and confectionery
Murphy, Neel & Company, general merchandise
Myres Joseph, butcher
Olin C S, machinist
Palladino L B Rev, clergyman (R C)
Parchen H M & Company, drugs, stationery, etc
People's National Bank of Helena, George W Fox,
president, C W Lyster, cashier
Pichler & Bartels, hotel
Powell T C & Company, agricultural implements
Prewitt W G, liquor saloon
Reece Thomas, physician
Reinard M, bakery, groceries, and provisions
Riale C K, lumber
Rinda & Sklower, restaurant
Rosecranz L H, groceries
Rumley Thomas, jeweler, and assayer
Sanders W F, attorney at law
Sandford John, upholsterer
Sands Brothers, dry and fancy goods, carpets, oilcloths,
Sanford & Evans, lumber, and flour manufacturers
Schultz H A, boots and shoes
Schwab Samuel, hotel, and liquor saloon
Shaffer & Yergy, sash, doors, and blinds
Shed E R, liquor saloon
Shober & Lowry, attorneys at law
Sims William, liquor saloon
Sparenburg W, furniture
St. Vincent Female Academy, Sisters of Charity,
Star Sol, real estate agent
Sullivan J T, jewelry
Swanson Otto, tailor, and gent's furnishing goods
Toole Joseph K, attorney at law
Twogood B Mrs., millinery
Vawter J E & Co, groceries
Walker Bros, lumber manufacturers
Walker Frank, flour, and produce
Watson Bros, groceries, and provisions
Webster N H, liquors, tobacco, ammunition, and fruit
Weir & Pope, drugs, medicines, assayers' materials,
paints, oils, etc
Will A K, manufacturing jeweler
Williams R H, attorney at law
Williams J J, attorney at law
Woolfolk. Porter & Bullard, attorneys at law
Wytlenbach Henry, proprietor International Hotel
Zeigler Brothers, auction and commission merchants
Zimmerman E, liquor saloon
Helmville, Deer Lodge County, PO 50
miles north of Deer Lodge City
Lincoln Alvin, postmaster
Highland, Deer Lodge County.
Manderlich C, groceries and provisions
Horse Plains, Missoula County, PO 80
miles north west of Missoula
Clark James R, postmaster
Hot Springs, Jefferson County, PO
address, Clancy, 51 miles west of Radorsburg
Redding & Stein, hotel
Stein George W, physician
Hot Springs, Meagher County, PO
address, Camp Baker
Brewer J S, hotel and liquor saloon
Indian Creek, Jefferson County. (See
St. Louis)
Iron Rod, Madison County, 40 miles
north east of Virginia City
Sperry B W. hotel
Jefferson City, Jefferson County, PO is
situated on the Prickly Pear River, 50 miles north of
Radersburg and 20 miles southeast of Helena. The valley
of the Prickly Pear is considered to be one of the most
fertile spots in the Territory, being covered, where not
already subject to the plow, with a dense growth of the
most nutritious grasses.
Beckler _____, blacksmith
Dell & Potting, butchers
Goodnov G W, millwright
Merriman M, postmaster and hotel
Moulton A H, dairy
Nottingham W W, lumber manufacturer
Patterson Jesse, lumber manufacturer
Pickett James L, carpenter
Reng _____, liquor saloon
Sanders & Whetstone, general merchandise
Sherman J, general merchandise
Starrett C., assayer
Taylor J M D, collector and justice of the peace
Townsend B, butcher
Jefferson County. Organized in 1864.
Bounded north by Lewis and Clarke, east by Meagher and
Gallatin, south by Madison, and west by Deer Lodge.
Area. 2,720 square miles. Assessed valuation of property
in 1874. $300,000. County seat, Radersburg. Principal
towns: Cedar Plains, Clancy, Jefferson City, and
Springville. The Rocky Mountains form the western
border, and arms from the parent range extend throughout
the county, holding many fine valleys of farming land
between, and large areas most suitable for
stock-raising, the entire face of the country being
covered with a luxuriant growth of grass. Placer gold
mines have been worked on Prickly Pear, Boulder, Basin,
Indian, Crow, and Pipestone Creeks, tributaries of the
Jefferson and Missouri rivers, ever since 1864, and
continue to contribute largely to the wealth of the
county. Many rich veins of argentiferous galena as well
as milling ores of silver are found in various parts of
the county. The smelting furnace at Helena furnishes a
market for the ores of the county in the vicinity, and
numerous mills in the various districts aid in smelting
the product of treasure. Hot Springs, on the Prickly
Pear River, Clancy, Cedar Plains, Silver .Star and
Jefferson, are mining districts, where extensive
operations are carried on.
Officers: J. R. Weston, Probate Judge;
George Wilkinson, County Clerk, Recorder and Auditor; R
P. Vivion, District Attorney; Alexander Proffitt,
Sheriff; D. H. Linebarger, Treasurer and Tax Collector;
R. K. Emerson, Assessor; H. Gilman, Coroner; J. J.
Rohrbaugh, Superintendent Public Schools.
Jefferson Island, Madison County, PO 50
miles north east of Virginia City
Bradberry _____, butcher
Bowers J. hotel, and liquor saloon
Carpenter C J Jr, general merchandise
Dotby G, lime manufacturer
Gans Joseph, postmaster
Shannon & Hanley, liquor saloon
Junction, Madison County, PO 5 miles
north of Virginia City
Mau Charles & Company, butchers
Mearns John G, postmaster, and general merchandise
Mosseau Z, general merchandise
Wynne John E, blacksmith
Laurin, Madison County, PO. (See
Laurin Jean B, postmaster
Lewis, Madison County, P 45 miles east
of Virginia City
Hayward Paul D, postmaster, and hotel
Lewis and Clarke County. (Formerly
Edgerton County.) Organized in 1864. Bounded on the
north by Choteau County, east by Choteau and Meagher,
south by Jefferson, and west by Deer Lodge. Area, 1,700
square miles. Assessed valuation of property for 1874.
$3,000,000, the usual manner of assessing throughout the
Territory being to place the value at about half of its
real worth. County seat. Helena, which is also the
capital of the Territory. Principal towns: Clarkson,
Fort Shaw, Silver City and Unionville. Resources: both
mineral and agricultural. Although the smallest county
in the Territory, it contains the greatest number of
inhabitants, and the assessed valuation of its property
is almost double that of any other. The mining section
is chiefly limited to the southern portion of the
county, in the neighborhood of Helena, at which place
extensive operations on quartz and placer mines are
carried on, and a large amount of gold is annually
extracted. The northern portion is a fine grazing and
agricultural district, embracing the western side of the
fertile valley of the Missouri River, which flows along
the eastern boundary, thirty-five miles in length by
five in width, affording farms to a large number of
people. Sun River, both sides of which are expected soon
to be included within the county, is a fertile region,
having some 300 farmers well established. Extreme cold
at times prevails, but the winters are dry and open, and
although stock suffers much, it is wintered successfully
without care.
Officers: N. Hilger, Probate Judge;
John N. Heldt, Clerk and Recorder; Joseph K. Toole,
District Attorney; Seth Bullock, Sheriff; J. F. Taylor,
Treasurer and Tax Collector; S. C. Ashby, Assessor First
District; J. C. Douthill, Second District; E. Lewis,
Third District; George B. Footte, Surveyor; S, C.
Ingersoll, Coroner; David Searles, Superintendent Public
Lincoln, Deer Lodge County, PO 65 miles
north of Deer Lodge City
Baker J V, general merchandise
Gulp D W, general merchandise
Euch Matthew, blacksmith
Rose Alfred P, postmaster
London City, Madison County, PO
address, Jefferson Island
Buford & Coraly, general merchandise
Gogert & Tanner, general merchandise
Lovell's, Beaver Head Co
Estes Sim, hotel
Ryan J M, groceries
Willey C F, agent Wells, Fargo & Co
Madison County. Organized in 1864.
Bounded north by Jefferson, east by Gallatin and Wyoming
Territory, south by Idaho Territory, and west by Beaver
Head. Area, 5,100 square miles. Assessed valuation of
property in 1873, $1,867,138. Taxes collected 1873,
$50,150. Paid into Territorial Treasury 1873, $9,505.
Population about 3,000. County seat, Virginia City.
Principal towns, Adobetown, Nevada, Sheridan, Sterling,
and Twin Bridges. Resources, mineral and agricultural.
High mountains, broad and fertile valleys, and noble
rivers diversify the surface. The summit of the Rocky
Mountains forms the southern border, and the Tobacco
Root, Snow Crest, Madison, and Ruby ranges radiate
through the interior. These are great storehouses of
treasure, of which it has yielded, it is estimated,
about $50,000,000 from Alder Gulch alone, there having
been taken between thirty and forty millions dollars in
gold. The great product has been chiefly from the
placers, which are measurably exhausted, but innumerable
quartz veins exist, bearing gold, silver, lead, and
copper, which will give permanence to the mining
industry. The placers, however, still continue to yield
largely, and contribute a fair proportion of the
$3,666,438 gold taken from Montana in 1874. The
principal valleys are the Madison, Jefferson, Willow
Creek, Passamari, Red Rock, and Big Hole. These are
large, fertile, possess a comparatively mild and very
healthy climate, and contain farms in an excellent state
of cultivation. The Madison, Jefferson, Passamari,
Beaver Head, and Big Hole are the chief rivers. The
county possesses resources of a high order, and could
furnish profitable employment and pleasant homes to many
thousand people, but awaits the construction of the
railroad to bring it into easy communication with the
world, and render residence desirable.
Officers: N. D. Johnson, Probate Judge;
A. V. Corry, Clerk and Recorder; R. P. Vivion, District
Attorney; Thomas J. Farrell, Sheriff; L. Daems,
Treasurer and Tax Collector; Thomas Donegan, Assessor;
James M. Page, Surveyor; Stephen Edmunds, Coroner; Amos
Purdum, Superintendent Public Schools.
McClellan Gulch, Dear Lodge County, PO,
50 miles north of Deer Lodge City
Pryse Charles, postmaster
Meadow Creek, Madison County, PO 18
miles northeast of Virginia City
Walton W P, postmaster
Meagher County. Organized in 1866.
Bounded on the north by Choteau County, east by Big
Horn, south by Madison, and west by Jefferson, Lewis and
Clarke. Area, 7,650 square miles. Extent of land under
cultivation, 1874, 20,000 acres. Assessed valuation of
property, 1874, $585,316. Population about 1,100. County
seat. Diamond City. Principal towns: Cañon Ferry,
Copperopolis and Trout Creek, all small places.
Resources, mineral, grazing and agricultural. The
product of the mines, as reported by the Commissioner of
Mining Statistics for 1873, aggregated $350,000. Rich
veins of gold, silver, and copper-bearing rock are found
in various parts, particularly upon the head waters of
the Musselshell River, but hostile Indians render mining
unsafe, The Missouri River runs along the western
border, having numerous affluents, and the Musselshell
rises in the Belt Mountains, and runs northeast to the
Officers: John E. Murray, Probate Judge; T. E. Collins,
Clerk, Recorder, Auditor, and Deputy District Attorney;
Thomas J. Fleming. Sheriff; Charles W. Sutton,
Treasurer, and Tax Collector; H. C. Graves, Assessor
First District ; A. J. Stephens, Second District; D. E.
Folsome, Surveyor; William H. Sutherlin, Public
Administrator; Charles S. Kelly, Superintendent Public
Missoula, Missoula County, PO, and
County seat, 130 miles west of Helena. Connected with
Helena, Deer Lodge, and the Cedar Creek Mining District
by regular by daily stages. One newspaper, the
Missoulian, is published weekly.
Baker George A, groceries
Bonner E L & Company, dry goods
Buker J B, physician
Chapman J A, feed stable
D'Aste ____ Rev, clergyman (R C), St Mary's Mission
Dickinson W S H, postmaster, and stationery, etc
Duncan Hugh Rev, clergyman
Edwards & Co, butchers
Gans & Klein, dry goods, etc
Henke & McFarland, drugs and medicines
Kennedy William, proprietor Dana House
Leiser J S, cigars and tobacco
Lent Alvin, agent Wells, Fargo & Company
Lent & Osborne, livery stable
Lyons W J, liquor saloon
Martin C, blacksmith
McCormick W J, attorney at law
McNamara T J, liquor saloon
McWhick Brothers, liquor saloon
Missoula National Bank, C P Higgins, president
Missoulian, W A Turk, proprietor
Parker J M, boots and shoos
Pomeroy Thomas M, attorney at law
Reinhardt J P, hardware, stoves, and tinware
Rivalli F Rev, clergyman (R C), St Mary's Mission
Stephens W J, attorney at law
Turk W A, proprietor Missoulian
Welch Daniel J, general merchandise
Weller & Squires, blacksmiths
Worden & Company, general merchandise
Missoula County, Organized in 1864.
Bounded on the north by the British Possessions, east by
Deer Lodge, south and west by Idaho Territory. Area,
20,400 square miles. Extent of land under cultivation
1874, 36,800 acres. Assessed valuation 1874, $850,000.
County Seat, Missoula. Principal towns. Cedar Junction,
Corvallis, Forrest City, Fort Owens, Frenchtown,
Mayville and Montreal. This large area occupies the
upper basin of the Columbia lying between the Rocky
Mountains on the east and the Bitter Root separating it
from Idaho on the southwest. Deer Lodge county occupies
part of the basin. The region is a high plateau broken
by numerous mountain ranges and peaks, and threaded by
many large rivers, tributaries of the great Columbia. In
the eastern part is Flathead Lake, the largest body of
water in Montana, 25 miles in length by 10 in breadth,
and receiving Maple River from the north and flowing
southerly into Clark's Fork of the Columbia. Mining for
gold is successfully conducted in different localities,
and the greater portion of the country is regarded as
excellent for grazing.
Officers: Frank H. Woody, Probate Judge, Clerk and
Recorder; A. B. Mayhew, District Attorney; John Miller,
Sheriff; W. S. Edwards, Treasurer and Tax Collector;
Daniel Woodman, Assessor; J. M. Minesinger, surveyor; W.
H. Jacoby, Coroner; Thomas M. Pomeroy, Public
Administrator; J. B. Buker, Superintendent Public
Nevada City, Madison County, PO 2 miles
north west of Virginia City
Carey Nicholas, postmaster
Carey & O'Brien, general merchandise
Christenot Charles F, hotel, and liquor saloon
Cruise George, groceries and provisions
Farewell George, blacksmith
Foreman & Ready, butchers
Tunier L A, freight agent
McGregory W G, blacksmith
Sheffler N, brewery and liquor saloon
New Chicago, Deer Lodge County, P 30
miles west of Doer Lodge City
Featherman John A, postmaster
Pierson & Company, lumber
Sexton H L & Company, general merchandise
Huson E T & Company, general merchandise
Park City, Lewis and Clarke County, PO
address, Unionville. 4 miles south west of Helena
Hackshaw E, liquor saloon
Hames E M, liquor saloon
McNeal R, hotel
Storkey George T, general merchandise
Phillipsburg, Deer Lodge County, PO 65
miles west of Deer Lodge City
Bell Hugh, postmaster, drugs, books, stationery, etc
Brown John, general merchandise
Imkamp H, liquor saloon
Kaiser M, hotel
Lytle &. Duffy, livery stable
Morrill J M, assayer
Weinstein & Black, general merchandise
Pike's Peak, Deer Lodge County, P 14
miles west of Deer Lodge City
Allan William H, blacksmith
Aspling &. Son, groceries
Aylesworth W N. hotel
Brady T C, postmaster
Cohen D & Bro, groceries
Grady James O, liquor saloon
King S F, liquor saloon
McDonel & Bro, livery stable
Morse Cal, butcher
Murray & Murphy, grocers
Piper & Brother, boots and shoes
Rulean Charles, hotel
Wood Thomas, blacksmith
Wykoff C D, blacksmith
Pioneer, Deer Lodge County, P 18 miles
west of Deer Lodge City
Bennett Charles, jewelry and notions
Buzzard Frederick, hotel
Carten John, liquor saloon
Child E M, hotel
Cupinns W, dry goods, and clothing
Davidson James, general merchandise
Hauck Peter, brewery
Hirst O W, blacksmith
Jensen Samuel, barber
Kelley M W, general merchandise
Lang William, liquor saloon
Loux Jacob, shoe maker
Lyons & Owen, butchers
McDonald J & Bro, livery stable
Mullen W, liquor saloon
Morse Thomas, blacksmith
Morse W, butcher
Perry George, postmaster, and saloon
Piper James & Bro, shoe makers
Price C, physician
Rains & Daddow, livery stable
Rendell A, hotel
Ritt J B, shoe maker
Steinman Charles, jewelry
Wilhelm A G, general merchandise
Wisner Gus, teacher
Radersburgh, Jefferson County, PO and
County seat, 40 miles - Helena
Austin J. hotel
Barclay H R, general merchandise
Barrett A H, fruits, varieties, etc
Carrolus Peter, shoe maker
Fauth John, merchant tailor
Hildebrand & Company, general merchandise
Parks A L, hotel
Pfaff M, bakery, and liquor saloon
Rader Richard, general merchandise
Smith Percy D, livery stable
Sparristrom F, liquor saloon
Warner D G, billiard and liquor saloon
Weston James R, postmaster, varieties, etc
Pollinger, Madison County. (See
Gaffney) Prickly Pear, Jefferson Co, 12 miles east of
Hill H M, general merchandise
Quartz Creek, Missoula County, PO 40
miles north west of Missoula
Boice Allen, postmaster
McGrath & Smith, general merchandise
Red Mountain City, Deer Lodge County,
PO 65 miles south of Deer Lodge City
Wolf H L, postmaster
Rochester, Madison County, PO 45 miles
north of Virginia City
Archer W H, postmaster, and general merchandise
Archer W H & Company, billiard and liquor saloon
Faulkner Joseph, butcher
Fort A J. hotel
Machen Henry, hotel, and justice of the peace
Staplin Charles, butcher
Vansickle & Doran, billiard and liquor saloon
Saint Ignatius, Missoula County, PO 45
miles north west of Missoula
Burns James, postmaster
Saint Louis, Jefferson County, PO 9
miles north of Radersburg
Ackroyd & Miller, blacksmiths
Bailey J D, general merchandise
Hildebrand John, postmaster
Hildebrand John & Company, general merchandise
Manning W, shoe maker
Mitchell A Mrs., liquor saloon, and bakery
Scribner, Missoula County. (See Flat
Head Lake)
Sheridan, Madison County, PO 20 miles
north west of Virginia City
Bateman R P, postmaster, and general merchandise
Beardsley R C, lumber manufacturer
Bennett A J, teacher
Day S D, physician
Duncan Hugh Rev., clergyman
Hall S & Company, flour manufacturers
Hamilton & Sweet, general merchandise
McCoy Jesse, hotel, and liquor saloon
Odell George, boots and shoes
Phillips & Harmon, blacksmiths
Pyre A, blacksmith
Ramsey, French & Company, flour manufacturers
Riggin F A Rev, clergyman
Smith J C, physician
Van Arsdale J W Rev., clergyman (Meth)
Walker & Cowell, attorneys at law, and notaries public
Silver Bow, Deer Lodge County, PO 35
miles north of Deer Lodge City
Bradenbutcher F, shoe maker
Dean Isaac, postmaster
Dudden B, hotel, and livery stable
Le Clair J, blacksmith
Lowe Thomas, general merchandise
Nipler Christian, brewery
Norton & Dean, billiard and liquor saloon
Parcher & Company, butchers
Weibbold H C, general merchandise
Silver City, Lewis and Clarke County,
PO 12 miles north west of Helena
Glass Andrew, general merchandise
Green Philip, postmaster
Greene John H, general merchandise
Haskell & Shields, butchers
Linwedel F, hotel, and liquor saloon
Lissner M, billiard and liquor saloon
Sanford John, shoe maker
Worth Charles, tailor
Silver Star, Madison County, PO, 40
miles north east of Virginia City
Anderson John A, postmaster, and hotel
Carmichael Alexander, general merchandise, and drugs
Ellis Charles S, physician
Obertreis Charles, brewery, and liquor saloon
Oleson Emile, physician
Porter L D, general merchandise
Skalkaho, Missoula County, PO 55 miles
south of Missoula
Elliott David C, postmaster
Springfield, Deer Lodge County. (See
Springville, Jefferson County, PO
Black L M, flour manufacturer
Hamilton William, general merchandise
McCourt John, postmaster
Sterling, Madison County, PO 26 miles
north east of Virginia City
Jackson P V, assayer, and gold dust buyer
Peck Charles H, postmaster, and general merchandise
Stevensville, Missoula County, PO 30
miles south of Missoula
Bass & Bros, lumber manufacturers
Carrier George, liquor saloon
D'Aste Rev. Clergyman (R C)
Dobbins G W, liquor saloon
Kennedy James, hotel
Lafontaine P M, flour manufacturer
Long J J, lumber manufacturer
Lomme J A, postmaster, and general merchandise
Marchesseau S, produce
Matte Alexander, blacksmith
Nichols J A. flour manufacturer
Rives Thomas E, liquor saloon
Smith William, blacksmith
Winslett J W, general merchandise
Summit, Madison County, PO 7 miles
south east of Virginia City
Covely William F, general merchandise
Iceten Joseph, blacksmith
Rossiter Henry D, postmaster
Schaefer John Q, boot maker
Sun River, Lewis and Clarke County, PO
90 miles north of Helena
Bull C A, postmaster and-hotel
Burcher W P, carpenter
Healy J J & Bro, flour manufacturers
Laird W R, liquor saloon
Steell George, general merchandise and lumber
Weigand G W, brewery and liquor saloon
Superior, Missoula County, PO 60 miles
north west of Missoula
Bonticou J, general merchandise
Buck & Cave, general merchandise
Cave A, clergyman
Conford George, postmaster
Goudrie Charles, blacksmith
Johnston Edmund, hotel
Lemburg Victor, watch maker and jeweler
McBride A, butcher
Union David, liquor saloon
Trout Creek, Meagher County, PO 30
miles north west of Diamond City
Cotter Richard D, postmaster
Robertson A Mrs., teacher
Twin Bridges, Madison County, PO 30
miles north of Virginia City
Cline J H, liquor saloon
Closten J E, physician
EldredT D Mrs., teacher
Harvey B F, attorney at law
Laurin & Bro, general merchandise
Lott Bros, hotel
Lott J S, general merchandise
Lott M H, postmaster
Manheim John, brewery
Pennington Joseph, general merchandise
Thompson C, furs
Vanbroklin W J, builder
White Peter, blacksmith
Wilsey & Hummell, blacksmiths
Young W A M, attorney-at-law and justice of the peace
Unionville, Lewis and Clarke County, P
4 miles south west of Helena
Bonclar Frederick, blacksmith
Constans Phillip, postmaster, and general merchandise
Hack C, shoe maker
Hunt E Mrs., hotel
O'Connor Thomas, liquor saloon
Virginia City, Madison County,
incorporated, PO and County seat, 125 miles south of
Helena. It is located on the north side of Alder Creek,
a tributary of the Stinking Water, or the Passamari
River, as it is at present more euphoniously called.
Until recently this was the Capital of the Territory,
and formerly contained a large population, the city
extending continuously for several miles along Alder
Creek. The placer mines upon which the city was founded,
were discovered in 1863, and yielded enormously, the
total product from Alder Gulch exceeding thirty million
dollars. Large fortunes were made, and a population of
7,000 or 8,000 gathered in a few years, creating a fine
city. The public buildings are costly and stately
structures, a large stone Court House, a splendid
Masonic Temple costing 530,000, Episcopal and Catholic
churches, two school houses, four public halls, and many
stores, hotels, and private residences that would do
credit to any town. The altitude is 5,483 feet above the
sea, and the climate is very healthful, though cold in
winter. Daily stages connect it with the Pacific
Railroad at Corrinne, and with Deer Lodge and Helena,
and triweekly to Bannack, Bozeman, and other localities.
Two newspapers are published, the Montanian and
Madisonian, both weekly.
Anderson J H, engineer, Nevada
Armstrong & Johnson, clothing, Wallace
Baker John Y & Company, butchers
Bartlett E H, blacksmith, Wallace
Belless A Q, hotel, (Hot Springs)
Blake Henry N, attorney at law, and editor Montanian,
Brundage & Howe, founders, machinists, and dealers tire
Brown H T, business manager Montanian
Bundy C, photographer, Wallace
Butler N T, jeweler and watch maker, Wallace
Carpenter A M S, notary public, Jackson
Clark George H, furniture and cabinet maker, Wallace
Clark G W, blacksmith, Jackson
Cardwell & Gallagher, butchers
Conway R Mrs., proprietress Cresent Hotel, 'Wallace
Corbett J L, civil engineer and surveyor, Jackson
Creighton E & Company, commission merchants, Wallace
Crockett Samuel H, harness and saddlery, Wallace
Daems L, physician and druggist, Wallace
Dahler C L, banker, and assayer, Wallace
Davis A B, carpenter. Cover
Deimling F C, postmaster, Wallace
Deyahmon Thomas, proprietor Madisonian
Donaldson W M, carpenter, Cover
Douglas William, general merchandise, Wallace
Driggs E U, hardware, stoves, and tinware, Wallace
Elling Henry, banker, Wallace
Farrell T J, livery stable, Wallace
Farwell D C, groceries, Wallace
Freeler Andrew, proprietor Chicago House, Idaho
Freiler & Baker, liquor saloon, Wallace
French & Thomas, general merchandise, Wallace
Gainan Stephen, wood dealer
Gilbert H S, brewery. Cover
Gilmer & Salisbury, stage proprietors, Wallace
Hall Sargent, proprietor Mill Crook Flour Mills
Hargrave William L, boots and shoes, Wallace
Harrington, Baker & Company, boots and shoes, Wallace
Harris S, tailor, Idaho
Herndon A Donaldson, carpenters, and lumber dealers,
Horriman John M, liquor saloon, Wallace
Howell H S, agent Wells, Fargo & Company, Wallace
Johnson E F, livery stable, Idaho
Jones Thomas T, proprietor Virginia City Hotel, Wallace
Kelleher F J Rev, clergyman (R C) Jackson
Ketcham D H, harness and saddlery, Wallace
Kibler & Gohn, butchers, Wallace
Knight A B. surveyor and notary public
Kohls Julius, wheelwright, Wallace
Kramer Julius, harness and saddlery, Wallace
Lacroix A, boots and shoos. Wallace
Lancaster D, blacksmith, Wallace
Largey P A & Company, stoves, tin, hardware, and
agricultural implements, Wallace
Livermore I S, blacksmith, Wallace
Loman J B, carpenter, Cover
Madisonian, Thomas Deyarmon, proprietor, Wallace
Mannheim John, brewery, and bakery, Wallace
Marshall W J, attorney at law, Jackson
Marston L F, jeweler, Wallace
Mail Charles & Company, butchers, Wallace
Maxham A Vinter, groceries, Wallace
Meyer & Koorner, bowling alley, Wallace
Montanian, Montanian Publishing Company, proprietors
Morris William, livery stable
Morris W W, drugs, paints, and oils, Wallace
Muffly Theodore, justice of the peace, notary public,
and register in bankruptcy, Jackson
Parker C W, shoe maker
Patton & Lambrecht, general merchandise, cor Jackson and
Pease H A, watch maker, and jeweler, Wallace
Pfeit John H, carriage maker, and painter, Wallace
Pfouts W G, groceries, liquors, mining and farming
implements, Wallace
Prout E G Rev, clergyman (Episc), Idaho
Raymond Bros, merchants, and freight agents, Wallace
Redick William, wood dealer
Renshaw R W, furniture and cabinet maker, Wallace
Reyburn L C, attorney at law
Richter Christian, brewery
Riggin F A Rev, clergyman (Meth), Jackson
Rodgers W H, proprietor Clasbey House, Jackson
Rosenstein Solomon, dry goods, Wallace
Sanford A A Mrs., millinery and dry goods, Wallace
Schultz S J, tinsmith
Smilie James Jr, painter, Wallace
Smith I C. physician, Wallace
Spiker John, liquor saloon, and bakery, Wallace
Spratt James N, attorney at law, Wallace
Stevens W V, wood dealer
Stoer J P, groceries, Wallace
Strasburger I, dry goods, Wallace
Taylor Horace, liquor saloon, Wallace
Thexton George, blacksmith, Jackson
Thomas J D, groceries, Wallace
Thompson William, carpenter and builder, Idaho
Thompson William, lumber, Wallace
Tilton D W, books, stationery, etc, corner Wallace and
Tilton &. Barber, cigars, tobacco, wall paper, etc,
Todd George W, liquor saloon, Wallace
Turner C W, attorney at law
Vetter John G, boots and shoes, Wallace
Vickers Robert, clothing, boots, shoes, etc
Walters E J, clothing, Wallace
Warmington H, dry goods, Wallace
Weiss D, tailor, Wallace
Werken Henry, livery stable, and lumber dealer, Wallace
White John H, barber, Wallace
Williams James, wood dealer
Wimmer J, liquor saloon, Wallace
Yager E T, physician, Jackson
Warm Springs, Deer Lodge County, PO 17
miles south of Deer Lodge City
Belanger L, hotel, liquor saloon, and baths
Girard E, postmaster, and general merchandise
Vittenrot S, hotel
Washington Gulch, Deer Lodge County,
PO, 50 miles north of Deer Lodge City
Bantz George, butcher
Casterly Mark, blacksmith
Clark Joseph, teacher
Ganley John, hotel, and livery stable
Goding Z P, carpenter, and wheelwright
Koley Michael, butcher
McConnell R E, physician
Milre William, physician, (American Gulch)
Stoner John W, notary public
Turk Samuel, machinist, (California Gulch)
White P S, postmaster, and general merchandise
Watson, Beaver Head County, PO 20 miles
east of Bannock City.
Estes & Fall, general merchandise
Lovell Philip, postmaster
Whitehall, Jefferson County, PO 50
miles south west of Radersburg
Brooke E G, hotel, and postmaster
Crosby J A, blacksmith
Hadley & Marsh, livery stable
King John, dairy produce, and cattle dealer
Meyers Frederick, carpenter
Miller S R, cattle dealer
Winslow C, dairy produce
Willow Creek, Gallatin County, PO 40
miles west of Bozeman
Burns Terry, postmaster
Yamhill, Deer Lodge County, PO address
Cohen D & Bro, general merchandise
McDoud Michael, livery stable
Morse & Company, butchers
Murray & Murphy, general merchandise
O'Grady James, liquor saloon
Roloux Charles, hotel
Trufant D H, liquor saloon
Yreka, Deer Lodge County, PO 60 miles
north west of Deer Lodge City
Ferguson William, postmaster
Ferguson W R & Company, general merchandise
Wells John, restaurant
Pacific Coast Business Directory
Montana Territory Index
Source: Pacific Coast Business
Directory for 1876-78, Compiled by Henry G. Langley, San
Francisco, 1875.