Pacific Coast Business Directory

State of Oregon - Clackamas County

Clackamas County. Bounded north by Multnomah, east by Wasco, south by Marion, and west by Marion, Yamhill and Washington. Area, 2,220 square miles. Assessed valuation of property for 1874, $2,250,000.

County seat, Oregon City. Principal towns: Beaver, Eagle Creek, Marshfield, Milwaukie and Oswego. The county comprises a most important section of the State, extending from the summit of the Cascade Range on the east, and includes the Willamette River within its limits, which runs from south to north, near its western border.

The eastern portion is mountainous, its northeast cornerstone being laid beneath the lofty and symmetrical Mount Hood, the most noble and conspicuous territorial monument any political division can boast.

The valleys of the Willamette and other streams are exceedingly fertile, and generally well cultivated. The peculiar feature of the county is the great water-power afforded by the falls of Willamette, at Oregon City, where this large stream precipitates itself over a ledge of rocks in a perpendicular fall of thirty feet, affording for the uses of man a force calculated at one million horse-power. The river being navigable above and below, the broad valley exceeding fertile, forests of the grandest character abounding, and extensive beds of the richest iron ore known, all combine to give a value to the manufacturing capacity furnished by the Falls impossible to estimate.

The Oregon and California Railroad crosses the county, giving a complete system of intercommunication.

Officers: N. W. Randall, County Judge; James M. Frazer, Clerk, Recorder and Auditor; H. Y. Thompson, District Attorney; John T. Apperson, Sheriff and Tax Collector; J. P. Ward, Treasurer; John Luelling, Assessor; S. L. Campbell, Surveyor; H. straight, Jr., Coroner; W. W. Moreland, Superintendent Public Schools.

Pacific Coast Business Directory | Oregon Territory Index

Oregon Directory and Gazetteer

Source: Pacific Coast Business Directory for 1876-78, Compiled by Henry G. Langley, San Francisco, 1875.


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