Pacific Coast Business Directory

State of Oregon - Harrisburg, Linn County

Harrisburg, Linn County, PO 25 miles south of Albany and 106 from Portland, is on the west bank of the Willamette, and is also a station on the Oregon and California Railroad, giving both water and land communication with the metropolis, and making it an Important shipping point for the grain, manufactures and merchandise of the adjoining country. The town has a population of about 300, and possesses a public school, a commercial college and a Methodist church.
Baker W H, general mdse, harness and saddlery
Brandenburg G W, watches and jewelry
Briggs, Waters & Smith, flour manufacturers
Brown L, liquor saloon
Campbell James A, clergyman (Campbellite)
Cauter M W, carpenter
Crawford J G, photographer
Davis H A, physician
Fuller M, butcher
Gender ii Isham, blacksmiths
Gore James, hotel
Grigsly Benjamin J, liquor saloon
Hendricks J H, physician
Hendricks & Kiley, drugs and medicines
Holt B K, livery stable
Levy, Seller & Company general merchandise
May Samuel, general merchandise
May & Watkins, blacksmiths
McDaniel Lizzie Miss, millinery
McFarland W H & Company stoves and tinware
Mendenhall W F, physician
Moore William, liquor saloon
Morris Joseph, blacksmith
Rampey R A, drugs and medicines
Reams H, furniture
Riley M E Mrs., millinery
Schooling & Woodbury, blacksmiths
Smelser E M Mrs., millinery
SMITH, BRASFIELD & Company general merchandise
Smith Hiram, postmaster
Smith Perry, groceries
White J, wagon maker
Williams W A, agent Wells, Fargo & Co
Wilman Philip, harness and saddlery
Windom B, blacksmith, and wagon maker

Pacific Coast Business Directory | Oregon Territory Index

Oregon Directory and Gazetteer

Source: Pacific Coast Business Directory for 1876-78, Compiled by Henry G. Langley, San Francisco, 1875.


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