Pacific Coast Business Directory

State of Oregon - Jackson County

Jackson County. Bounded north by Douglas and Wasco, east by Lake, south by the State of California, and west by Josephine. Area, 4,000 square miles. Assessed valuation of property for 1873, $1,827,971. Population, 5,000.

County seat, Jacksonville. Principal towns: Ashland, Rock Point, Phoenix, Sterling, Uniontown, and Willow Springs. The county has recently been divided, the portion east of the Cascade Range being formed into Lake County.

The whole region is considerably elevated, and is diversified with lofty mountains, deep canons and fertile valleys. Rogue River and its many branches have their sources in the Cascade Range, and gathering from numerous valleys of this picturesque and extensive basin, break through the Coast Mountains to the sea. This basin is one of the valuable agricultural sections of the State, being one of the great valleys of Western Oregon, and is well adapted to the culture of grains and fruits.

The mild climate is favorable to every class of agriculture and pastoral life, as seldom are the winters so severe as to require the feeding of cattle or sheep. As a mining county, it has ranked with the best of California, gold having been discovered on Jackson Creek in 1850, subsequently on other streams, and mined with great success. Many millions of dollars have been added to the world's treasures from its placers, and the quartz veins, the sources of the supply, are yet almost untouched. The rapidly falling streams furnish unlimited power for machinery, which is in places applied to various manufactures. At Ashland is an extensive woolen mill and other manufacturing establishments.

Officers: E. B. Watson, County Judge; E. D. Foudray, Clerk, and Recorder; H. K. Hanna, District Attorney; J. W. Manning, Sheriff, and Tax Collector; Kaspar Kubil, Treasurer; William M. Childers, Assessor; Eli Mason, Surveyor; H. T. Inlow, Coroner; H. C. Fleming, Superintendent Public Schools.

Pacific Coast Business Directory | Oregon Territory Index

Oregon Directory and Gazetteer

Source: Pacific Coast Business Directory for 1876-78, Compiled by Henry G. Langley, San Francisco, 1875.


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