Pacific Coast Business Directory

State of Oregon - Yamhill County

Yamhill County. Bounded north by Washington, east by Clackamas and Marion, south by Polk, and west by Tillamook, the summit of the Coast Range being the dividing line. Area, 750 square miles. Assessed valuation of property for 1874, $1,887,633. Population, 6.000.

County seat, Lafayette. Principal towns: Amity, Payton, Belleview, North Yamhill, Newberg, McMinnville, St. Joseph, Sheridan, and Wheatland. The county is rich in agricultural resources, and is well situated for development.

The Willamette washes its eastern border, and the Yamhill, which in time of high water is navigable for some twenty miles from its mouth, runs through the interior. An excellent water-power is furnished by the falls of the Yamhill at Lafayette, also by other streams in various parts. The county is well supplied with water and wood, and nine-tenths of the surface is estimated as arable. Yamhill has always been distinguished for its agricultural products, also for its fine horses and fat cattle.

The climate is mild and salubrious, the mortality statistics showing this to be one of the healthiest towns in the State. Altogether, it presents advantages of the most attractive character, and when Oregon contains the countless population its fertile soil, rich mines, and great manufacturing capacity invite to it and will support, then the lovely county of Yamhill will receive the attention to which its great merits entitle it.

In addition to its navigable streams as means of transportation, is the Oregon Central Railroad, now having its terminus at St. Joseph, 48 miles from Portland. This road enters the central portion of the County, and has given a great impetus to business.

Officers: Hartwell Hurley, County Judge; Ellery W. Rogers, Clerk; J. J. Whitney, District Attorney; Henry C. Dale, Sheriff and Tax Collector; James M. Kelty, Treasurer; Isaac Davis, Assessor; R. S. Shook, Surveyor; Martin Payne, Coroner; J. H. Casse, Superintendent Public Schools.

Pacific Coast Business Directory | Oregon Territory Index

Oregon Directory and Gazetteer

Source: Pacific Coast Business Directory for 1876-78, Compiled by Henry G. Langley, San Francisco, 1875.


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