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Sarah Berrien Casey Morgan 1846 ~ 1931


Mrs. Thomas Saunderson Morgan, regent of the Augusta Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, is the daughter of Dr. Henry Roger Casey and Caroline Rebecca Harriss Casey; granddaughter of Dr. John Aloysius Casey and Sarah Lowndes Berrien Casey; great-granddaughter of Brigade-Major John Berrien and Wilhamina Sarah Eliza Moore Berrien; great-great-grand-daughter of Lord Chief Justice John Berrien and Margaret Eaton Berrien (niece of Sir John Eaton, of England).

 Major John Berrien entered the army at the age of seventeen and was made brigadier-major at eighteen. He made the campaign of the Jerseys, was at the battle of Monmouth, and served with General Robert Howe in Georgia and Florida. He was decorated by the hand of Washington with the badge of the "Order of the Cincinnati," and by him appointed secretary of that society. After the war he was made treasurer of the state of Georgia. He died in 1815, and is buried in Savannah, Georgia.

Lord Chief Justice John Berrien, the father of Major Berrien, was a personal friend of General Washington, who often shared the hospitality of the chief justice's home at Rock Hill, Somerset County, New Jersey. It was from that home that "The Father of his Country" bade farewell to his gallant band when the war was over.

Lady Berrien, the wife of the chief justice, gave her family silver to be melted in order to assist in paying the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army. Washington used the home of Chief Justice Berrien as his headquarters. When offering to have the home repaired, which had suffered by its usage during the war. Lady Berrien declined, saying: "What I have done for my country, I have done."

Through Wilhamina Sarah Eliza Moore Berrien, Major Berrien's wife, Mrs. Morgan is descended from Dr. James Weemyss Moore. This Dr. Moore, Mrs. Morgan's great-great-grand-father, was a surgeon of the South Carolina troops under General Gates. Insensible must be the heart and cold the patriotism of one who cannot be touched by such memories as these. Mrs. Morgan has also an honorable ancestry through Dr. James Weemyss Moore, who is descended from the Earl of Weemyss, who was the second son of the Macduff of Shakespeare. Through her grandfather, Dr. Aloysius Casey, Mrs. Morgan is descended from Sir John Edgeworth, of Longworth, Ireland, a cousin of Maria Edgeworth, the noted author.

Women of America

Source: The Part Taken by Women in American History, By Mrs. John A. Logan, Published by The Perry-Nalle Publishing Company, Wilmington, Delaware, 1912.


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