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Laramie Weekly Sentinel, 1888

The following is a brief review of some of the prominent, general events gleaned from the Retrospective in the Laramie Weekly Sentinel, May 5, 1888, J. H. Hayford, Editor.

May 1st ~ SENTINEL, purchased by its present proprietors, Hayford & Gates, from N. A. Baker.

2nd ~ John T. McNeil, a son of a former mayor of Rochester, New York, .was run over and killed by the cars, near Dana.

3rd ~ Andrew Malone, a section foreman, was shot and killed at Separation Station, by Indians.

A fight occurred at Sweetwater between Major Gordon's command and a large body of Arapahoes. Lieutenant Stambaugh and a sergeant were killed and one private wounded. Seven Indians killed.

6th ~ Millard Fillmore was shot and severely wounded by a drunken soldier whom he put off the train between Carbon and Simpson.

7hl ~ General Phillip H. Sheridan visited Laramie in company with Governor Campbell.

8th ~ Mrs. Fannie Fisher, the estimable wife of Colonel S. W. Downey, died in the 28tli year of her age, of consumption.

10th ~ Quite a large party of miners left here to engage in gulch mining at Last Chance.

11th ~ The first Presbyterian church was organized here by the Rev. Mr. Kephardt of Cheyenne, with the following officers: Elder, Charles H. Richards. Trustees: H. H. Richards, M. C. Brown, E. L. Kerr, L. D. Pease and J. H. Finfrock.

18th ~ News received that the party of miners who went to Last Chance, had to shovel through snow fifteen feet deep.

Sergeant J. K. Menke and Mrs. Joice were married at Fort Sanders by Rev. Mr. Cornell.

19th ~ A gang of telegraph men were driven in by Indians near Cheyenne.

A young man named Daggett robbed the lieutenant in charge of the soldiers at Sherman of $400, four revolvers and a watch, and dressed himself in the officer's uniform and took the train for Cheyenne were he was arrested.

The Big Horn expedition started from Cheyenne.

A woman named Rachael Brown and a man named Pat Green were shot at Medicine Bow by David Brookman.

Colonel J. W. Donnellan was married today in Denver to Miss Marion McNasser of that city.

20th ~ Lieutenant Harlenburgh's 9th infantry pickets driven in at Sidney by a band of Indians.

A band of Indians drove in a gang of workmen three miles west of Rawlins.

23rd ~ Chief Justice Howe denied the application for a receiver in the case of Davis vs. the Union Pacific Railroad.

24th ~ The first Chinese (male and female) arrived in Laramie today and established a laundry.

A Lodge of Good Templars instituted at Fort Sanders, assisted by the Laramie Lodge. The officers were installed by M. C. Brown, D. G. W. C. T.

Colonel John W. Donnellan returned from Denver with his bride.

26th ~ The Cheyenne Big Horn expedition reached Laramie last evening but were unable to proceed further, being over loaded and their teams giving out. Superintendent Fillmore offered to take ten tons of their freight to Fort Steele by railroad for $50, which amount the citizens of Laramie contributed, thus enabling them to proceed on their journey. Before leaving they held a meeting and passed a series of resolutions thanking the superintendent and the citizens of Laramie for their generous aid.

28th ~ Governor Bullock, of Massachusetts, the judges of the supreme court, state officers, members of the legislature, and Boston capitalists, representing $300,000,000, passed through to San Francisco in eight new Pullman drawing room cars. They had a printing press on the train and issued a daily paper.

A disgusted Mormon by the name of John Mowry passed through Laramie on his way to Iowa from Utah, with his wife and six boys. He started from Echo to transport his earthly possessions in a wheelbarrow.

General Smith with Red Cloud and nineteen native chiefs left Egbert for Washington.

29th ~ A. B. Sypher was killed by being caught between the cars at Cheyenne. He leaves a wife and two children.

30th ~ Superintendent Fillmore left for Ogden for the first invoice of Chinamen to work on the road.

31st ~ Tom Dayton appointed express agent at Laramie.

James Vine and Charles Hillaker opened the first furniture store in Laramie today.

JUNE 1888

1st~ Dr. J. H. Hayford appointed territorial auditor by Governor Campbell.

3rd ~ Governor Campbell passed through Laramie to have a talk with Washakie and other Shoshone Indians at Fort Bridger.

4th ~ The railroad boys at Laramie presented Master Mechanic Galbraith with a gold watch and chain.

11th ~ Quarterly report of the Laramie public schools show an enrollment of eighty-three; average attendance, sixty-three.

13th ~ Thomas Alsop received a carload of blooded stock. The first to come to this country.

14th ~ Passenger train No. 4 ran through a band of Indians and ponies two miles east of Ogallalla.

15th ~ Union Sunday school picnic of Cheyenne and Laramie meet at Dale Creek Bridge to spend the day.

17th ~ Superintendent Filmore's family arrive in Laramie from the east to settle.

22nd ~ M. G. Tonn commenced the erection of a two-story stone building on Second street.

Dennis O'Brien killed while engaged in floating ties on the Little Laramie.

24tli ~ Masonic Fraternity celebrate St. John's day by a ball and festival.

25th ~ Today is remarkable as being the hottest ever known in Laramie. Thermometer 83 deg. in the shade.

JULY 1888

1st ~ Laramie post office raised to a third-class office. 2nd ~ Louis Miller left for a visit to Europe. Rev. E. D. Brooks appointed pastor of the Methodist church of Laramie City.

4th ~ The day was celebrated by a match game of baseball between the Laramie and Fort Sanders clubs. Oration by W. W. Corlett. The Catholic Church held a festival.

5th ~ William W., son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wagner, died, aged two years, seven months and twenty-one days. Four miners killed at Shipman's cabin, North Park, by Indians.

12th ~ Miners in and about Last Chance mines returned to Laramie on account of anticipated difficulty with North Park Indians.

14th ~ C. H. Clark, foreman of the roundhouse, received a present from the railroad employees of a select library of engineering works.

15th ~ German citizens of Laramie had a general jollification over the prospect of a war between Germany and France.

18th~ The Sentinel editorially predicted that the war would prove disastrous to France.

19th ~ Lady Franklin passed through Laramie from San Francisco, on her way to New York.

21st ~ Stephen Boyd and Miss Eliza Stewart, married at Cheyenne by Rev. J. W. Pephardt.

26th ~ Complete assessment returns show 9,536 head of cattle in Albany County, value $129,595.

27th ~ George Bullord, a brakeman killed on No. 4 being struck by the timbers of the bridge crossing the Medicine Bow River.

~ Laramie Lodge of Good Templars elected the following officers: W. C. T., T. W. DeKay; W. V., Mrs. A. Hatcher; W. S., C. H. Richards; W. F. S., John Wright; W. T., Miss E. Luce; W. C, Mrs. Dr. Hilton; W. M., J. H. Smith; I. G., Miss Ella Galbraith.

29th ~ The Baptist Church was occupied for the first time by being used for a meeting of the Ladies' Mite society.

31st ~ Rev. F. L. Arnold, pastor of Presbyterian Church, held his first services in the school house.


1st ~ The Methodist church commenced the erection of their present house of worship.

2nd ~ Died: Mrs. Julia C, wife of John W. Connor, aged 23 years. Mrs. Connor was the first white woman to settle in Laramie.

8th ~ County convention (republican) held at Laramie and nominated the following ticket: County commissioners, N. T. Webber, H. H. Richards and H. Wagner; Probate Judge, Walter Sinclair; County Clerk, L. D. Pease; Sheriff, N. K. Boswell; Assessor, T. W. DeKay; Surveyor, William O. Downey; Superintendent of Schools, M. C. Brown; Justice of the Peace, J. Boies; County Attorney, W. W. Downey. Delegates to Territorial convention: M. C. Brown, N. K. Boswell, E. Dawson, H. Latham, H. H. Richards and W. H. Harlow.

13th ~ Democratic county convention nominated the following ticket: Sheriff, J. W. Connor; County Clerk, J. B. Shepherd; Probate Judge, G. W. Ritter; Assessor, E. Farrell; County Commissioners, C. H. Bussard, William Crawford and James Burnett; Surveyor, James Vine; County Attorney, S. C. Leech: Coroner, Dr. G. F. Hilton; Superintendent of Schools, W. S. Bramel.

W. W. Corlett appointed postmaster at Cheyenne.

19th ~ Ex-Secretary Seward passed through Laramie on his voyage around the world, and was interviewed by several of our citizens.

22nd ~ Democratic Territorial convention at Bryan, nominated John Wanless for Congress.

23rd ~ Arrival of 3,000 sheep for Thomas Alsop.

25th ~ Republican Territorial convention, in Laramie, nominated W. T. Jones for delegate to Congress.


1st ~ Simon Durlacher went to Corinne to engage in the clothing and mercantile business.

6th ~ Territorial and county elections held, resulting in the election of Judge Jones to Congress. Albany county giving him forty-eight majority; H. H. Richards, republican; W. Crawford and C. H. Bussard, democrats, elected county commissioners; G. W. Ritter, democrat, probate judge; L. D. Pease, republican, county clerk; N. K. Boswell, republican, sheriff; T. W. DeKay, republican, assessor; W. O. Downey, republican, county surveyor; S. W. Downey, republican, county attorney; M. C. Brown, republican, superintendent of schools.

The SENTINEL moved into its new office on Front Street.

News received of the surrender of the Emperor Napoleon.

lOth ~ Born: Jennie, eldest child of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gates, of the Sentinel.

11th ~ Baptist church dedicated.

Fall term of the public school opened with fifty-nine pupils.

15th ~ The Sentinel contained the first notice calling a meeting for the organization of the W. L. and L. association.

20th ~ Meeting held at the school house to organize the W. L. and L. association. M. C. Brown, Chairman; A. G. Swain, secretary. The following committee was appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws: Rev. D. J. Pierce, Rev. John Cornell. Mrs. E. S. Boyd, Mrs. A. G. Swain and Mrs. L. D. Pease.

24th ~ The official returns of the census for 1870, shows Albany county to contain a population of 22,436 inhabitants, of which 20,000 were Indians

25th ~ A disastrous fire occurred at Cheyenne. Loss estimated at $100,000.


1st ~ Weekly statement of the public schools shows an attendance of sixty-eight. Eva Owen, William O. Owen, Maggie Ivinson, Maggie Carroll and Ida Ritter are on the roll of honor for the week.

4th ~ Laramie Lodge A. F. and A. M. having worked for several months under dispensation was duly instituted and organized under its charter, J. H. Hayford, W. M.; J. E. Gates. Secretary.

9th ~ Louis Miller returned with his family from a lengthy visit to Fatherland.

11th ~ The Wyoming Literary Association gave its first public entertainment. Programme: Oration, B. F. Harrington; Essays, Mrs. A. G. Swain and Rev. J. Cornell; Declamation, J. Crandall; Recitation, Ella Galbraith; Select Reading, Mrs. Pierce; Debate on Woman Suffrage by Judge Brown and D. J. Pierce.

12th ~ A paper called The Daily Sun started in Cheyenne by W. N. Bamberg & Co.

13th ~ Sidney Dillon, president of the U. P. R. R., spent the day in Laramie investigating its surroundings and resources.

17th ~ Colonel Donnellan purchased $100 worth of gold from the Last Chance and Douglas Creek mines. The gold was composed of coarse nuggets weighing about $5 each. The miners had averaged from $5 to $8 per day during the time they worked.

John Morgan, section foreman at Bitter Creek, died from injuries received by being run over by a handcar.

18th ~ A body of soldiers went from Fort Sanders to the hills to procure wood, while encamped at night, one of their number played a practical joke by running into the camp crying "Indians," and in the confusion that ensued he was shot dead by one of his comrades.

21st ~ R. Galbraith resumed his position as master mechanic of the machine shops.

24th ~ A remarkable and brilliant display of Aurora Borealis was visible at Laramie.

Married, at Homer, Illinois, Rev. E. C. Brooks, of Laramie, to Miss Carrie M. Ruland.

27th ~ Married, George Young and Miss Mattie Davis of Laramie, by the Rev. Adams of Cheyenne.

J. J. McCloskey and a man named Lowry were shot and killed by a drunken half breed at Six Mile ranch, near Fort Laramie.

28th ~ Mary Jane, wife of Charles Fisher, died, aged 28 years.

29th ~ Hayden's geological surveying party spent several days in Laramie.

The SENTINEL notices from its exchanges from Kansas, New Mexico and Texas the following prices for cattle: Steers, $11; Milch cows, $6; three-year-olds, $7; two-year-olds, $4; one year olds, $2.50.

Holliday & Williams are running a sawmill in the Black Hills, about eighteen miles from town. They purchased the mill from the Greeley colony. There are now three saw mills running in Albany County.

30th ~ Married, by the Rev. Mr. Cornell, James Carroll to Mrs. Annie Monaghan.

31st ~ One of Thomas Alsop's herders found an immense mountain lion imprisoned in one of the caves in the rocks. He succeeded in capturing the beast.

J. W. Connor lost a large quantity of hay, a lot of fencing and some other property by a prairie fire near Wyoming.


2nd ~ Judge Kingman lectured before the W. L. and L. A. subject, elocution.

3rd ~ A brass band was organized in Laramie today, with J. Pfeiffer, J. J. Clark, Otto Gramm, C. R. Leroy, J. McDowell, M. N. Merrill, George W. Fox, T. J. Dayton, J. A. Apperrson, H. Altman, N. F. Spicer and M. G. Tonn as member.

6th ~ Born, to Mr. and Mrs. William Alsop, twins ~ boys.

10th ~ Married, at Weymouth, Massachusetts, W. J. McIntyre, one of the pioneers of Laramie, to Miss Emma J. Baker.

15th ~ Four carloads of blooded bulls and a fine lot of brood mares were received at Laramie. ~ One hundred head of fine fat cattle were shipped to Chicago from Laramie.

17th ~ Judge Brown was awarded, at the Ladies' Fair, a fine gold chain, as a premium to the ugliest man in town.

18th ~ Superintendent Filmore gave a grand party and reception to his son, J. M. Filmore, who returned from the east with his bride.

A general change in the management of the U. P. R. R., with S. H. H. Clark, superintendent of the eastern division, and L. Filmore as superintendent of the western division, under the general management of T. E. Sickles.

20th~ Married, by Rev. John Cornell, T. W. DeKay to Miss M. Wagner.

22nd ~ The Sentinel urges the organization of a fire company of some kind.

St. Matthew's Church (Episcopal) gave a fair, realizing $390.

R. M. Galbraith arrived in Laramie with his bride.

24th ~ Thanksgiving Day. Union religious services. Sermon by P. L. Arnold.

Married, at the Presbyterian Church, by Rev. F. L. Arnold, N. C. Worth to Mrs. Jane E. Pollard.

25th~ Born, to Mr. and Mrs. V. Baker, a son.

26th ~ A woman pilgrim from the Holy Land, named Hadji Isabey, delivered a lecture before the Literary and Library association.

30th ~ W. R. Thomas of the Denver News, delivered a lecture before the Literary and Library Association.


1st ~ L. L. Lord, for several years road master, resigned his position and left for the east. He was succeeded by Mr. Stockwell.

Eighteen carloads of fat cattle were shipped by Thomas Alsop from Laramie to Chicago.

3rd ~ Sharp rivalry between dealers brought coal down to $8.50 per ton.

6th ~ Married, at the residence of Dr. Finfrock, by Rev. J. Cornell, Otto Gramm to Miss Catherine Sterrett.

The South Pass News says: Mrs. Justice Esther Morris retires from her judicial duties today. She has filled the position with great credit to herself and secured the good opinion of all with whom she transacted any official business.

School District No. 2 organized at Sherman by M. C. Brown as county superintendent.

10th ~ Going down the road to Sidney to hunt buffalo is the popular amusement of Laramie sportsmen.

12th ~ Pressly Wall shot and killed in the Bullard saloon by Littleton Lawrence. Both colored.

14th ~ M. G. Tonn opened up an extensive dry goods business in his new store on Second street.

16th ~ The scarcity of female help induces some of our citizens to try the experiment of Chinese labor. Dr. Finfrock engaged one this morning.

17th ~ Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Miller, a daughter.

Three of Creighton's herders were shot by Indians, near Pine Bluffs.

18th ~ Serious explosions occurred in the coal mines at Carbon, setting the mines on fire and producing great consternation. For twenty-four hours the fires and explosions were so terrific that trains could not safely pass on the track near the mouth of the pit.

23rd ~ The census of the city of Denver showed a population of 4,759.


Source: Annals of Wyoming, Laramie Weekly Sentinel, 1888, 1945

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