Kansas Military Forts

Alphabetical list of forts, reservations, blockhouses, named camps, National and State Homes for soldiers, national cemeteries, etc., in Kansas from its earliest settlement to date.

Many of the forts and structures named were erected by the early settlers for their own protection, and all vestige of them has now disappeared. The exact locations of many are not positively known at the present day, but reference is made to them in State histories, State papers, etc. Those in bold-faced type are now occupied by troops or are under the control of the War Department.(does not apply) The data available for consultation are known to be incomplete, and may be erroneous in some instances.

Alert, Camp, Kansas Name changed to Fort Larned.
Atkinson, Fort, Kansas, on Arkansas River, in Ford County.
Aubrey, Fort, Kansas, on Arkansas River.

Bateman, Camp, Kansas near Fort Leavenworth.
Beecher, Camp, Kansas Near mouth of Little Arkansas River, established as Camp Davidson.
Blair, Fort, Kansas at Baxter Springs.
Bull Creek, Camp, Kansas near Paola, Miami County.
Butterfield, Camp, Kansas Name changed to Camp Beecher.

Clark, Fort, Kansas on Missouri River, near Osage City.

Davidson, Camp, Kansas near mouth of Little River; name changed to Camp Beecher.
Dodge, Fort, Kansas Ford County; now town of that name.
Downers Station, Kansas 50 miles east of Monument.

Ellsworth, Fort, Kansas on Smoky Hill River; name changed to Fort Harker.

Fletcher, Fort, Kansas on Big Creek; name changed to Fort Hays.

Grierson, Camp, Kansas on the Little Arkansas River.

Harker, Fort, Kansas on Smoky Hill River, first called Fort Ellsworth.
Hays, Fort, Kansas on Big Creek; first called Fort Fletcher.
Hoffman, Camp, Kansas near Fort Leavenworth.

Kansas State Soldiers' Home at Fort Dodge, Kansas.

Lane, Fort, Kansas at Barnesville.
Larned, Fort, Kansas on Pawnee Fork; first called Camp, Alert.
Leavenworth Arsenal, Kansas at Fort Leavenworth.
Leavenworth, Fort, Kansas 3 miles from Leavenworth City.
Leavenworth Military Prison, Kansas at Fort Leavenworth.
Leavenworth, Fort, National Cemetery, Kansas at Fort Leavenworth.
Leedy, Camp, Kansas at Topeka.
Lincoln, Fort, Kansas on Osage River, 12 miles south of Fort Scott.

Mackay, Fort, Kansas on Arkansas River.
Magruder, Camp, Kansas on Arkansas River.
Mann, Fort, Kansas 8 miles from Dodge City.

Riley, Fort, Kansas near Junction City; first called Camp Centre.
Roach, Fort, Kansas Southern border of Neosho County.
Root, Camp, Kansas at Fort Riley, Kansas, 1902.

Saunders, Fort, Kansas 4 miles southeast of Clinton.
Scott, Fort, Kansas Bourbon County; now town of that name.
Scott, Fort, National Cemetery, Kansas in Bourbon County.

Thompson, Camp, Kansas near Fort Leavenworth.
Titus, Fort, Kansas 2 miles from Lecompton.

Wallace, Fort, Kansas South Fork of Smoky Hill River.
Western Branch National Military Home, Kansas, Leavenworth County.

Zarah, Fort, Kansas on Walnut Creek, 2 miles above its mouth.

Historic Military Forts

Source: Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army, Volume 2, by Francis B. Heitman, Government Printing Office, 1903.


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