Lee County Illinois
Part of American History and Genealogy Project

China Township, Lee County, Illinois

By Miss Adella Helmershausen

Compiled by Adella Helmershausen (member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Mass.), from the actual reports of the early pioneers, and written records furnished by members of each family.

O lovely Lee, at Franklin Grove,
The sylvan woodlands by;
The wild deer there no longer rove,
The birch canoe no more in cove.
The creeks and waters nigh;
There wood doves call in twilight gloam,
There white gulls soar to heaven 's dome.

The tract of the Black Hawk Country included in China Township, is unexcelled in healthfulness of climate, fertility of soil and picturesqueness of scenery. From Timothy's bridge to Franklin Creek, Black Bass, Hansen Pond, passed Iron Spring, Lover's Leap, Whipple Cave, on to Steamboat Rock, the lover of Nature is entranced as one beautiful view changes into another. And when to this is added the fields of grain, pastures of cattle, and commodious farm dwellings a traveler cannot refrain from exclaiming, ''These gardens! Boundless and beautiful, the prairies!''

But the crowning glory of China Township is the high social, intellectual and moral standard of her pioneers. These first families were descendants of the nation's forefathers, and many of them representatives of the noblesse of Europe. The pioneers had executive ability, dauntless courage, and strict piety as their heritage.

Eighty years ago the first cabin was built on the banks of Franklin creek, and as the record of this fruitful era unfolds, the reader will marvel at the progress made, the marked absence of crime, and the sincere and noble goodness of, it seems, all the people in all the homes, for all these memorable eighty years.

Who shall tell ''a tale of the timber lands and the old-time pioneers 'till the faces all shine out in the back log's blaze?''

Who, but the pioneers themselves, for the history of China Township from 1834 to 1854 is entirely the history of about twenty pioneer families, their kinspeople, the happenings in each cabin, the short school sessions, and the occasional church services. So far they shall speak.

For two years after the Black Hawk war the prairies and the timberlands along Franklin creek lay in primeval beauty. Then in 1834 Jephtha Noe built the first cabin in the grove.

In June, 1835, Col. Nathan Whitney, of Unionville, Ohio, traveled along the north side of the grove, searching for a stream of running water, as far as the present site of the town of Franklin Grove. As Colonel Whitney became a settler soon afterward, he is regarded as the John Dixon of China Township.

''The Noe House" stood in a picturesque, woodland spot.

The Whitney, Hussey and Helmershausen families spent their first days in China township in ''the Noe House," and have remained permanent settlers.

The veteran pioneer, Charles Harrison, and his son-in-law, James Holly, made the first two claims in 1835. Later in the same year, David Holly made a claim of the southwest quarter of section 35.

James Holly built the second log-cabin which stood nearly opposite the German Baptist church, and was a landmark for many years.

The third family living at the grove in 1835 consisted of Jesse Holly, his son David Holly, who had a wife and two children; and Samuel Ayerhart. Jesse Holly died Feb. 29, 1869, aged 95 years.

Strange to relate, none of the settlers of 1835 founded families which have remained a half century or more keeping their names in memory. But while the names of Noe, Harrison and Holly are partially forgotten, the three settlers of the next year, Morgan, Yale and Minor, left large families, and well honored names.

Also in the spring of 1836, Cyrus R. Minot purchased a claim from Mr. Brown of eighty acres, east of the grove.

In May, 1836, Edward Morgan, his wife Nancy, daughter Willa, a small child, and baby Rachel, with a nephew, Nicholas Kinman, came from Ohio, and settled on the south half of section 27.

John Wesley Morgan, born in 1837, was the first child at the grove.

The next log cabin in China Township was that of Edward Morgan.

In June, 1836, Timothy Lockwood Minor broke twenty acres of land, now owned by A. W. Crawford, for Col. Nathan Whitney.

About the first of September, 1836, Nathaniel C. Yale, his wife Mary, and their family permanently located at the grove.

Milo Yale was born Dec. 15, 1831, in New York; moved to Illinois in 1836. He was an honored and respected pioneer. He moved to Iowa and founded the town of Yale.

December 2, 1836, Cyrus R. Minor, wife, Louise Norton, and children, Sarah, Albert, Daniel and David, came from Elba, Genesee County, New York.

Cyrus R. Minor was born in 1782 in Massachusetts and died in 1846. Mrs. Minor died in 1839.

The year 1836 closed with the three families of Morgan, Yale and Minor permanently located, several claims made, and thirty-five people in the settlement.

Rev. Barton Cartwright, a pioneer Methodist Episcopal minister, says, ''I was born in Auburn, New York, in 1810. I came to Illinois in 1833, and met Black Hawk on his way to Washington prison. Rev. James McKean was our first preacher in that part of the country. He preached all through what are now Ogle, Lee and Whiteside Counties. I was sent on the circuit in 1837.''

''Squire Jeremiah Whipple located near the cave which bears his name in March, 1837.

Joseph Whipple was an old line Whig and Squire ''Jerry'' Whipple was a strong democrat, both well read in politics, so they made the double log-cabin ring with party arguments. Most of the law suits of the day were tried by Squire Whipple, who had been a justice of the peace in New York.

In the winter of 1837, Otis Timothy drove from Buffalo, New York. He married, later, Sarah, daughter of Cyrus R. Minor.

In July, 1837, Col. Nathan Whitney came a third time to the grove.

On Feb. 8, 1838, Col. Nathan Whitney, his wife Sarah (Gray) Whitney, one son, Alexis Randolph Whitney, and their daughters, Harriet, Eliza Ann, Cornelia; and Dr. and Mrs. Gregory, came to the grove and located in ''the Noe House.''

In the spring of 1838, which set in so early that wild flowers bloomed in March, Silas P. Tolman, his wife Mrs. Experience (Shaw) Tolman, and son Adrastus Tolman, moved to the present site of Franklin Grove.

During the summer of 1838, John Nichols spent some time examining the township and returned to New York to induce his daughter's family to locate here.

In 1838, Amos Hussey, his wife Mrs. Jane Fredonia (Holly) Hussey, and their two children, Mary and Jesse, came from Pennsylvania.

In October, 1838, William Henry Helmershausen, Harrison Helmershausen, and Philip Stahl came from Bangor, Maine.

William Henry Helmershausen was born near Bristol, Lincoln County, Massachusetts, Aug. 25, 1816, and died at his home on part of the original Noe claim, Dec. 6, 1901.

The second pioneer brother, Harrison Helmershausen, was born near Bristol, Lincoln County, Massachusetts, April 13, 1818.

In 1839 Rev. Erastus DeWolf claimed the east one-half of section 21. Thomas Brown from Newport, Rhode Island, came with him and made a claim.

In 1839, Evans Campbell Thomas, his wife Mary Ann Thomas, and two children, Mary and William Henry, came from Michigan to China Township.

The family of Cooper are especially remembered because the daughter, Miss Louisa Cooper, taught school at ''Whipple's Cave'' in 1839, and all traditions agree was the first school teacher at the grove. She married Mr. Warnsley and lived near Troy Grove. In 1843 the Coopers moved to LaSalle.

This year Col. Nathan Whitney was elected one of three county commissioners.

William Loder Girton was born in Pennsylvania, 1830. September 22, 1856, he married Margaret, daughter of Henry Irwin. He was a member of Company G, 75th Illinois Infantry, and fell while gallantly fighting at Perryville, Oct. 8, 1862.

In 1839 the Henry Irwin family came to China Township and settled near Edward Morgan's.

The 1840 Election

Franklin precinct in 1840 comprised the four townships known in 1914 as Nachusa, China, Ashton and Bradford. An election was held in the double log cabin of Squire Jeremiah Whipple at ''Whipple's Cave." The judges of election were Cyrus Chamber-lain, Jeremiah Whipple, and Don Cooper.

China Township was also called No. 9 district. On March 7, 1840, Otis Timothy was elected road supervisor of No. 9 district.

The first term of circuit court of Lee County was held April, 1840. This year the new courthouse at Dixon was erected at a cost of $7,000. The money was donated and China Township contributed her share.

Lorenzo Whiting taught school about 1840 near Tolman's timber, a short distance from the present site of Franklin Grove. He moved to Bradford township, near an old friend, Thomas Doe, and, from here was elected to the State Legislature, and long known as ''the fanner senator.''

In the summer of 1840, Charles Helmershausen, Sr., came from Bangor, Maine, and joined his sons, Henry and Harrison.

Sylvanus Cobb Helmershausen was born Oct. 17, 1825; died Jan. 18, 1912; married Sabina J. Fellows, of Belvidere, Dec. 20, 1859; had five children, Ida, Frederick, Lillian, Grace and May.

Norman Helmershausen, born Oct. 2, 1831; died Nov. 21, 1908.

About 1841 Michael Brewen, George O'Connor and Michael McFarland lived on Mr. McFarland's claim, near the farm owned by Robert Sproul. They were three jolly bachelors from Ireland.

In August, 1841, the John Leake, Daniel Leake and Edward Willars families came from Liverpool, England, and settled in the southwestern part of China Township.

About 1842 the little village of Chaplin was laid out, and now forms the part of Franklin Grove west of the schoolhouse.

Mrs. E. C. Thomas died in August. E. C. Thomas spent the winter in Galena.

August 15, 1842, was the tenth anniversary when the troops in Black Hawk's war were mustered out by Lieut. Robert Andersen, and disbanded by Gen. Winfield Scott. So rapid had been the settlement that there were thirty surnames and twenty families in China Township. At that time the township was called Fremont.

Harriet M. Helmershausen taught school in Lee Center and boarded at the home of Russel Linn. As a token of respect for the new teacher from Maine, the new baby girl in the Linn home was named ''Harriet.''

In 1842 Martin Eastwood located in this neighborhood.

Nathaniel Lewis located here in 1843. The Lewis family have been a credit to the community.

In 1843, Rev. Joseph and Catherine (Avy) Emmert and family, and son-in-law, Rev. Christian and Elizabeth (Emmert) Lahman and family, came to China Township. Both men were German Baptist ministers. Rev. Joseph Christian Lahman was born Jan. 24, 1833, in Adams County, Pennsylvania.

John D. Lahman was born June 22, 1834, in Maryland.

No mention of Mr. Lahman's family would be complete, if ''Aunt Sally'' was forgotten. Mrs. Sarah (Haughtelin) Myers, was born in Adams County, Pennsylvania, and has been a resident of the West since 1857.

David F. Lahman was born in Franklin County, Pennsylvania 1837.

This year the Cooper family moved from China Township to LaSalle.

This year Col. Nathan Whitney opened his nursery, the first one in northern Illinois. The settlement at the grove was further increased by the advent of Henry S. Buckman, Ira Robinson, and William Clark Robinson.

In 1844 William C. Robinson and Harriet Mathilda Helmershausen were married. The family consisted of Henry Clinton, Sophia (Mrs. Robert McCoy), George Russel, and Georgiana Harriet.

John Leake was born April 17, 1808, in Leicester, England, and came to China Township the latter part of 1843.

In October, 1845, Evans Campbell Thomas and Harriet A Whitmore were married. One settler says, ''At that time there were only about five wagons in China Township.''

Sept. 16, 1845, True Perren and Sarah Anne Perren, his wife, sold ''a parcel of land'' in section 3, and moved away. During this year the settlement of China Township was increased by the family of Jacob Riddlesbarger.

The year 1846 saw several changes in the settlement of China Township. James Dysart came to the west and secured one-half section of land, a piece for each of his children. The Dysart brothers were all located in China Township before 1860. The Dysart family was founded by Joseph and Alexander Dysart of north Ireland, who located at Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

In an eulogy on Hon. Samuel Dysart it is stated, ''He made farming his chief occupation. Always an admirer of fine stock he early learned to distinguish the good points of a horse and to judge of the merits of cattle and swine and even in boyhood had a desire to raise thoroughbred stock. In 1855 he settled in China on the 'Pines Stock Farm.' ''

William Dysart began to farm his land in section 21, China, in 1850.

On April 1, 1846, a son named George W. was born into the family of Martin Eastwood and his wife, Mary Fisher.

About 1847 Mrs. Sarah (Edmonds) Nettleton taught school in China Township. One of her schools she taught in the school-house east of Amos Hussey's homestead.

Reiuhart Gross was born Sept. 26, 1829, in Kur-Hessen, Germany. His wife, Martha Reinhart, was born in 1835, came to America 1848. He died Oct. 7, 1902. She died January, 1882.

Ezra Withey, his wife Abigail (Bradberry) Withey, and children, George C. and Abigail, settled at the grove. The family came from Maine in 1847.

Mr. and Mrs. Withey were able supporters of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

In this year China Township suffered a tragedy from the hands of the banditti of the prairies. At least the closest search and careful investigation could offer no other plausible cause except that a band of the banditti on the way north on a horse raid, saw a light in the cabin of Moody Thompson, a man with no family, and sacked the house and murdered him and Olig Gannerson, his guest. In fact some years later one of the band of banditti then under sentence confessed to having slain two men alone, with a piece of timber.

About 1848 John Durfee came and settled south of Col. Nathan Whitney's claim.

Nathan Whitmore taught a school in Timothy Lockwood Minor's cabin. Only large boys attended it and it was a subscription school.

During this year, Rev. Christian Lahman laid out ten acres for the site of a town. The township was called Fremont, and the town Chaplin. The Minor Hotel, Charles Ambrose's store and a blacksmith shop are all the buildings ''recollected" as standing at this time.

Rev. Luke Hitchcock, who preached in the schoolhouse, in the cabin, buried the dead, and kept the scattered pioneers together for divine worship, was born April 13, 1813, at Lebanon, New York; joined Oneida conference 1834; readmitted to Rock River conference 1841 j supply for Rock River conference in 1839; stationed at Dixon 1841; sent to Chicago 1844.

Members of the Stevens family came in 1849.

In 1848-49, a post office was established, with Abram Brown postmaster. The third postmaster was A. R. Whitney. A. L. Merritt, Charles B. Bill and Charles Ambrose assisted from time to time in the post office.

The Brecunier family came in 1849. Peter L. Brecunier was born in Huntington County, Pennsylvania, Feb. 14, 1834, and departed this life at his home in Franklin Grove, Illinois, Oct. 14, 1913, aged 79 years, 8 months.

This year the people of China Township became interested in an act of the General Assembly of the people of the State of Illinois entitled ''an act to provide for the construction of a plank road by general law.'' Approved Feb. 12, 1849. To exist thirty years. The road made travel easier and many of the people subscribed to the stock.

With the year 1850 a new era seemed to dawn. Organization, commerce, and general business developed. Up to this date the history of the township had been the local history of pioneer families. From now on we notice township and town organization, and municipal life.

About this time John M. Crawford taught school at the grove. The James Holly cabin was used as a schoolhouse. He is remembered as an able teacher.

Fremont Township was 21, N. R. 10, east and south part of T. 22, N. R. 10 east in Lee County. On April 2, 1850, the township of Fremont was organized as China Township. July 19, 1850, the organization was completed. George Russel Lynn, who lived near Lee Center, named the township for China, Maine, on May 14, 1850. From 1850 to 1855 town meetings were held at the farm of Henry S. Buckman.

In 1850, the following vote was polled: There were forty-six voters. Supervisor, George Russel Lynn, 30 votes; Clerk, Josiah Wheat, 45 votes; Assessor, Rev. Christian Lahman, 39 votes; Collector, Moses S. Curtis, 22 votes; Supervisor of Poor, B. Hannum; Commissioners of Highways, Jesse Hale, William Clark Robinson, Col. Nathan Whitney; Justice of the Peace, Robert Sproul; Constables, Moses S. Curtis and William Clark Robinson.

Ten highway districts were laid out. A fence law was passed by common consent.

In 1851 a log house was built east of the Amos Hussey home-stead for school and church purposes. It was built by subscription.

At the town meeting this year there were seventy-seven voters. China Township has six school districts, the Dysart, the Helmershausen, the Franklin Grove, the Pine View, the Sunday and the Hillison.

This year the blacksmith shop on State Street in the center of the block, north of H. I. Lincoln's, was built by George W. Pense. By his industry and obliging manners Mr. Pense maintained a good trade for many years.

Webster located in the village and took charge of the hotel.

Davis came, and rented the log house built by Cyrus R. Minor.

Webster built a small stone store on the corner south of Pense's blacksmith shop. Charles Ambrose opened a dry goods store in this building. LaFayette Yale clerked in the Ambrose store.

Milton A. Crawford was born Aug. 8, 1852, in Lee County, son of John M. and Mary (Dysart) Crawford. He married Mary M. Emmert, daughter of Solomon and Mattie (Kring) Emmert.

Charles B. Bill was born at Braintree, Vermont, June 15, 1825; came to Franklin Grove in 1852, where he built the first shoe shop of that place.

Henry I. Lincoln came to Franklin Grove May 1, 1853. His wife died, leaving him a son, Frank, who married Etta Keyser. He married second, Helen M. Nay.

James Welsh was born Jan. 7, 1824, and died Oct. 11, 1910. He was a carpenter by trade, and a good citizen. He located in China Township ''in the fifties" and was married three times.

Louis M. Blaisdell started in the lumber business, and prospered. S. J. Smith & Co. also tried the same business, but one lumberyard was all the village could support, and the firm went out of business.

In 1853 Adrastus W. Tolman, F. D. Robertson and Rev. Christian Lahman laid out the village of Franklin Grove. The name was given to the town by John Dixon in honor of his son, Franklin Dixon. Dixon, Franklin Grove, and Nachusa, are namesakes of the Dixon family. It is said Col. John Dement had an interest in the new village for several years.

In 1854, Reuel Thorp began to buy grain and soon built up a good business.

John D. Chambers built a small store north of the track on Elm Street and William J. Leake started a harness shop.

Samuel Simmons, Louis M. Blaisdell and Reuel Thorp put up residences.

A grain elevator was built south of the track. Williams opened a grocery store in one end of the elevator.

Dr. Uriah Crittenden Roe, son of Dr. John and Elizabeth (Lyons) Roe, was born at Eddyville, Lyon County, Kentucky; died at Franklin Grove, Ill. In 1846 he married Almeda Brown, a woman of many estimable qualities.

George W. Hewitt was one of the prominent factors in the early history of Lee County, one of the leading physicians of his time; possessing a knowledge and skill in medicine and surgery that caused his ability to be recognized not only in Lee county, but far beyond its boundaries. Dr. Hewitt was a native of Pennsylvania, born in Middleburg, Dec. 23, 1830. In the spring of 1854, the same year, in seeking for a wider field of operation than was to be found in the older states, he came to Illinois and on the first day of May opened an office in Franklin Grove. Here he not only established a large practice but became intimately associated with the business and social interests of the county.

Dr. Henry Miller Hewitt married Ida Eliza Jane, daughter of Conrad and Mary (Jones) Durkes, and had three children, George Washington, Mary Durkes, and Henry Miller Hewitt.

The family of Dr. David H. and Sarah (Wagner) Spickler resided several years in the village.

This year Rev. Christian Lahman purchased several short-horns and began to improve his stock.

Dr. George W. Hewitt located in the village and opened a small drug business.

Henry I. Lincoln purchased the store built by Charles Ambrose and went into the dry goods business. Charles Ambrose then built a store north of Pense's blacksmith shop. This store he sold to a new firm, ''Lahman and Bill.''

During this memorable year the Dixon Air Line of the Chicago & Galena Union railroad was finished, and the first train run through the village, Dec. 3, 1854.

Col. Alvah B. Fitch came as the station agent of the company and remained in this position for years, until his health failed.

The William Watson family were early settlers.

The Benjamin Velie family consisted of 1, Grace Velie Foxcroft; 2, Jennie Velie Guy, had Roy, Ross, and William Guy; 3, Charles Velie.

The Jones family located in the vicinity of Franklin Grove. Augustus Jones, 1807-1857, was an early pioneer.

The blacksmith trade was followed by Solomon Sunday and his sons from 1855 to 1914 for fifty-nine years in Franklin Grove. Farming was included, and the sale of agricultural implements.

Joseph Winebrenner was a tailor in Franklin Grove from 1855 until the war broke out, when he enlisted.

An industrious and honest stonecutter came to town in 1856, and his work aided much in erecting the buildings going up rapidly, George Engel, 1824-1905.

The Trottnow family have been in business many years, on the streets of Franklin Grove. Mr. Trottnow was a cabinet maker by trade and opened a furniture store.

George Fischbach was an honest and industrious carpenter, who came to the grove in 1857.

A well-known shoemaker of many years' service was Michael Eckhardt.

Methodist Episcopal Church at Franklin Grove

James McKean was the first preacher sent on this charge. He preached in Morgan's and Minor's cabin. In 1840 Barton Cartwright succeeded him. Mr. McKean died Sept. 8, 1855, at Macomb, Illinois. Mr. Cartwright died April 3, 1895, at Oregon, Illinois.

1841. Rev. Luke Hitchcock of Dixon.

1853-54. Robert K. Bibbins of Light House Point preached once in four weeks. He died March 22, 1898, at Sandwich, Ill. He entered Rock River conference in 1847. Miss Annis Nettleton wrote that she remembered Mr. Bibbins and his family very well.

1854-1855. Henry L. Martin of Lighthouse Point organized a class, James Welsh being class leader. Miss Nettleton wrote that Mr. Grant was junior pastor with her cousin, Mr. Martin. The circuit included Ashton, Mount Pleasant and Rochelle. On his eighty- third birthday he (Mr. Martin) preached at the morning service in Court street church, Rockford, to a great congregation. His thought was distinct, his voice clear, and his sermon was a masterpiece. He and his wife were permitted to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of their wedding.

1855-1856. Michael Decker was sent to Lee Center and Franklin Grove. He entered the conference in 1842; died at Crete, Ill., Nov. 21, 1874.

1855. Luke Hitchcock, presiding elder, held the first quarterly meeting.

1857. Alvaro D. Field preached on this charge. He died Dec. 19, 1908, at Indianola, Iowa.

1858. H. Richardson.

1859. Bro. Penfield.

1860. William T. Harlow, principal of Rock River Seminary, Mount Morris, Illinois.

1861-1862. Calvin Brookins; died Sept. 25, 1881, at DeKalb, Illinois.

1863. C. W. Wright built the first church.

1864. Calvary M. Webster; died Oct. 6, 1867, at Dixon, Ill.

1866. Henry J. Huston, June 8, 1907, at Elizabeth, Colorado. He organized a Sunday school this year, 1866-67.

Postmaster during Grant's administration: Henry A. Black was born Oct. 8, 1843, in Maine, and died June 26, 1912. He located in Franklin Grove in 1855.

George Dallas Black kept a grocery for many years. He married Clarissa Dow, a most estimable woman from Maine.

A. L. Merritt purchased the stock of drugs of Dr. G. W. Hewitt and took into partnership, John C. Black.

Charles Ambrose left China Township for a more Congenial climate, but the dread foe, consumption, pursued him, and he died in Texas.

Rufus Co veil opened a furniture store next to William's grocery. He died at Nevada, Iowa, August 1865.

This year on August 30, 1855, Andrew McPherran and Maria, his wife, sold a quarter of section 11, and left the grove. They are spoken of as honorable and hospitable settlers.

Thomas W. Brown located in Franklin Grove in 1856 and conducted a tailoring establishment until 1891.

The Universalist Society

This society met at the house of Jonas Clisbee. In 1856, a substantial church was built opposite the schoolhouse on Elm street. Rev. T. J. Bartholomew preached first; Rev. T J. Carney wrote the constitution. The other ministers were: J. O. Barrett, C. F. Dodge, Hudson Chase, Bro. Cook and B. F. Rogers.

John C. Black gave up the drug business with A. L. Merritt and was chosen postmaster.

In 1856, William Henry Helmershausen next purchased thoroughbred cattle and improved his herd on the ''Grove Stock Farm.'' This year, Lahman built a store on the corner east of the Hughes Hotel. He closed the store in the fall and moved west. Robert Scott built a warehouse and a residence. Conrad Durkes opened a dry goods store, which he continued for many years with success. Mix I. Losey opened a dry goods store but soon sold out. Carl H. Lagerquist opened a shoe shop which he and his family continued successfully for many years. Josiah Hughes and Jonas Clisbee built hotels; both were well conducted and won words of approbation from strangers.

On May 11, 1857, the first village board was elected. President, Louis M. Blaisdell; clerk, S. J. Smith; trustees, A. W. Tolman, Josiah Hughes, Jonas Clisbee, Louis M. Blaisdell, S. J. Smith; street commissioner, Jonas Clisbee; treasurer, Conrad Durkes (elected December 28, 1857).

This year a Presbyterian Sunday school was organized. Prof. T. W. Scott was the superintendent.

Other comers were: Edward and Julia (Gloss) Marvin; Frank D. and Jane (Plessinger) Kelley; Oscar W. and Mary (Dick) Hughes; Calvin and Susan Koontz resided many years in Franklin Grove and vicinity.

The O'Neil family came in 1857. Barton, Sarah Jane, and Jonas O 'Neil remained permanent citizens.

John D. Sitts was in the lumber business with Sitts, Thomas & Company until 1872 when he opened a grocery store, which he continued for many years. The Cyrus Thomas family were residents of the village for many years.

On October 6, 1858, the Franklin Grove Lodge, No. 264, A. F. & A. M., was organized. The charter members were: Louis M. Blaisdell, Daniel B. McKinney, Col. Nathan Whitney, A. Randolph Whitney, William Forbes, Reuel Thorp, Conrad Durkes, John C. Black, George W. Hewitt, Alvah B. Fitch, Peter C. Rooney, Michael Decker, Isaac T. Forbes and Thomas Lewis Wood.

The price of real estate was increasing. On September 16, 1858, Samuel H. Beardsley sold his farm of one hundred and sixty acres in section 29 for $2,560. On July 19, 1858, Charles B. Bill and Catherine, his wife, sold lots 21 and 22 in Chaplain, for a consideration of $600.

The Gilbert family are numerous in China Township, and are good farmers (1859).

In 1860, Henry I. Lincoln erected a large stone store on Elm Street near the track. On June 3, I860, a great tornado swept across the south end of China Township, tearing up large trees and ruining crops. The roar of wind could be heard twenty-miles north of the path of the storm. The lightning was incessant and the darkness appalling.

On January 1, 1861, the Presbyterian Church was organized in Franklin Grove by Rev. W. W. Harsha, Rev. E. Erskine and Charles Crosby, a ruling elder. The church was affiliated with Rock River Presbytery.

Rev. Thomas J. Carney was pastor of the First Universalist Society, during the Civil war. His parsonage stood on the land now included in the north part of the schoolyard. He was an able man of fine presence and sterling character.

In 1861, Louis M. Blaisdell of Franklin Grove was elected one of three commissioners to expend the sum of $6,000 voted by Lee county, to ''equip the volunteers of Lee county'' enlisting to go to the front. Mr. Blaisdell was an able man and his executive ability was much needed at this time.

In 1861-1862 George W. Brayton was postmaster in Franklin Grove. The family consisted of Frank, Alice and Lucy.

THE ''G" of 1862

July 6, 1862, Abraham Lincoln issued a call for 300,000 men and Illinois was asked for 52,296.

The Company ''G" was raised in China Township. Every man who enlisted knew that it was a hard and deadly combat. The romance of the war was over. Twenty-seven men in Company G left unprotected wives at home. Joseph Williams and Robert L. Irwin did good service in organizing the company. Lincoln's hall rang with cheers, and the schoolhouse fairly trembled with stamping, as the patriotic gatherings assembled night after night.

The captain was Joseph Williams of Franklin Grove.
The second lieutenant was Robert L. Irwin of China Township.
The sergeants were Manley E. Brown, Charles H. Twombly and William Vance.
The corporals were C. Brinkerhoff, Joseph Winebrenner, Walter Gilbert, Caleb Forbes, James Dysart.
Of the privates from China were
Jeremiah Christman,
Clayton Chronister,
Wallace Eastwood,
William D. Forbes,
John Feaster,
William L. Girton,
Noah Nay,
Geo. W. Pense,
Daniel Spafford,
Thomas Irwin,
Andrew Timothy,
John Wingert,
William Watson.

For nearly a month after being mustered they drilled, and on September 27th they joined the troops at Jeffersonville, Indiana. They became part of the Thirtieth Brigade, Ninth Division, Third Army Corps of the Army of the Ohio. On October 8th they met the enemy at Perryville and suffered a terrible loss. Charles H. Twombly fell and was reported ''missing.'' William Loder Girton was shot on the battlefield. Until the captain of the nation fell, and Abraham Lincoln had joined the martyred dead, until peace was declared and "the grand review'' in Washington had disbanded, the brave boys in China Township sacrificed their all, and hailed again an undivided nation and an unsullied flag.

The Franklin Grove Cemetery Association dates from 1863. Isaac Twombly was president; Conrad Durkes, secretary; Joseph Williams, George H. Taylor, William S. Thompson, trustees. It is one of the neatest and best kept cemeteries in the state. The location is beautiful; the view from the west with sinking vale and rising bluff being one of great beauty. Many fine monuments mark the last resting-places of the dead.

Mrs. Holly's was the first burial. Mrs. Cyrus R. Minor who died this year was interred near her home, and her remains not brought to the cemetery until later.

The Carl H. Lagerquist family conducted a general boot and shoe shop for nearly a half century in Franklin Grove. Carl H. Lagerquist died 1887, aged seventy-three years.

In 1864, as an insurance agent, William T. Pearl was well and favorably known.

Mr. Hussey, a Universalist minister, his wife, and two daughters, resided some years in the village; left Franklin Grove for Oregon; and then Wisconsin.

Dr. Christy had a large practice in the village before he moved away. His son Bayard, was lost at sea.

In 1864, the village built up a number of sidewalks, fixed the crossings, graded the roads, and opened up the alleys.

In an attack on, Conrad Durkes, president of the village board by three men who wished a license to run a gambling den, Samuel Simmons was severely injured. No small praise is due to Mr. Durkes' memory for the noble and heroic stand he took in keeping a high moral standard in the community.

A large elevator was erected this year by the firm of Frost & Hanger, who did an extensive business.

The German Lutheran Church was organized by Rev. William Uhl during 1864. In 1865, the society united with the Presbyterians in building the church which later they purchased, and in which they have since worshiped.

Daniel Moore Bradstreet was a patriotic orator during the Civil war, and Clarissa Dudley Todd was his wife. He was a fine Biblical scholar, a close historical student, a humble Christian and an old school gentleman.

Mary, fifth daughter and eleventh child of Major Daniel Moore Bradstreet and Clarissa Dudley (Todd) Bradstreet, was born in Ulysses, Tompkins County, New York, July 27, 141l. In 1844 she moved to Illinois; attended Mt. Morris Seminary; taught school in Ogle County; assistant principal in High school, Polo, Illinois; hired as principal High school, Franklin Grove, Illinois ; married June 27, 186G, Henry Charles Frederick Helmershausen, Jr.

The Don Campbell family were engaged in the millinery business for years in Franklin Grove. The John Coyle family resided many years in the village. Mrs. Roche, a widow, her son and two daughters, Mary and Hannah Alice, resided some years in the village.

At a town meeting held March 1, 1865, seventy-nine votes were polled. The first election under a special charter occurred March 1, 1865. The new village board were: President, Conrad Durkes; clerk, Oscar W. Hughes; treasurer, William Clark Robinson; trustees, Josiah Hughes, J. J. Lichty, Joseph Williams, Jonas Clisbee, George W. Brayton, George H. Taylor.

This year the German Lutheran and the Presbyterian Societies united in an effort to build a church to be occupied by both societies alternately. A substantial and commodious building was erected on Elm Street, and services have been held in it until 1914. The church is a cherished landmark of the village.

Gabriel Miller conducted a dry goods store for many years. The W. N. and Julia Baldwin family were well known, Mr. Baldwin being in business many years. The Spafford family were patriotic and loyal. The father and three sons fought in the Civil war, Daniel Spafford, Sr., Joseph B. Spafford and Thaddeus Spafford. A family with interesting recollections of Abraham Lincoln were the Silas Yingling and Hannah (Reigle) Yingling family.

In 1865, Chillon Buck kept the flour and feed mill on Bradford street south of the schoolhouse, and was well and favorably known. He afterwards purchased a threshing engine and he and his sous threshed for the farmers in the vicinity. Harry Bratton has been well known in Franklin Grove as a furniture dealer, and undertaker. The Webb family came April 1, 1865. John Webb was born April. 1827 and Mrs. John Webb, May, 1834. They were married November 11, 185L in Tyrone Township, Blair County. Pennsylvania.

In October, 1866, Baltus Lookingland, his wife and family, came to Nachusa Township and from there to China Township where he rented the farm claimed by John Durfee.

During 1866, the church of the First Universalist Society was served by Rev. Mr. Hussey. His family consisted of his wife, and two daughters, and they are spoken of with respect and affection.

Among the enterprising farmers in the vicinity at this time were, Freeman Ellsworth. Levi Hostetler, Englehard Fennan, Philip Klinetob, Joseph Bruner, Henry Cosh and others.

The Secrist family came to the village of Franklin Grove in 1866 and were actively engaged in the social and business interests of the town. The Brewer family consisted of the parents and one son, Lorenzo, who married Anna Cans and moved to Chicago.

In 1867, William Henry Helmershausen and Samuel Dysart purchased thoroughbred cattle, red Durham shorthorns.

The only newspaper up to this time was "The Franklin Grove Gazette" which was printed on a Dixon press. When it stopped its issue, there was no paper at the grove.

Joseph Graff was born April 28, 1845, in France, of French and German parentage. The Graff family came to Tiffin, Ohio, and from there to Dixon.

November 28, 1868, Luther F. Ramsdell purchased the F. L. Fish farm of 160 acres at $5U per acre.

William Crawford was well and favorably known as an undertaker for many years.

On October 9, 1868, the Nathan Whitney Chapter, No. 129, Royal Arch Masons, was organized. The charter members were: Col. Nathan Whitney, A. Randolph Whitney, Alvah B. Fitch, George W. Hewitt, Reuel Thorp, William Forbes, Jerry M. Forbes, M. Flint, Samuel Dysart, H. H. Glenn, W. H. Emerson, John L. Strock, Peter C. Rooney.

The Isaac T. and Naim B. Forbes family came to China Township in 1868.

"The Franklin Reporter," was started by Mr. John Blocher and published from 1868-1871; Dr. David H. Spickler from 1871-1875; Prof. Thomas W. Scott, 1875-1876; Rev. D. B. Senger, 1876-1886; E. E. Manning, 1886-1889; Prof. Scott again, 1889-1891; Singleton W. Reigle, 1891 as administrator: Prof. T. W. Tuttle, 1891-1894; George W. Gaver, 1894; C. A. Bancroft, E. P. Harrison, Simon D. Remley, J. C. Cooke, Bela R. Halderman. This paper is the oldest weekly in the county.

The Lott family came to Lee County in 1869. Mrs. Kate Dunn came to Lee County March 28, 1865. In 1869, Curtis Dunn and Katherine Strausner were married.

In 1870, China had included township 21, and the south one-half of section 17 and 18 of township 22, north, range 10 east of the fourth principal meridian. During this year the west one-half was set off and named Nachusa, the Indian's name for John Dixon who had long white hair. China Township then contained twenty-seven square miles, lying nine miles long and three miles wide.

After 1855, the town meetings were held in Bishop Hughes hotel. At the election this year, 262 votes were polled out of 450 legal votes.

Samuel Dysart introduced the pedigreed Berkshire swine and succeeded well with them on his stock farm.

On October 11, 1870, Lodge No. 409, Independent Order of Odd Fellows was organized. The charter members were: Singleton W. Reigle, George Fischbach, George Engel, William H. Bassler and Nelson Strong.

This year Warren Encampment, No. 122, was organized.

Among the enterprising farmers who rented land in this vicinity were William H. Myers, Conrad Steen, Charlies Kerst, George Hoffman and others.

In 1871 Isaac Twombly and Henry A. Black built a double, two-story store north of the Robinson building.

On June 13, 1872, the Lady Franklin Chapter, No. 22, Order of the Eastern Star, was organized.

This year Richard Archibald Canterbury built the Canterbury block, which added materially to the appearance of the town street.

George W. Newcomer, born February 3, 1838, married Julia A. Walter of Polo, April 8, 1873, died August 24, 1906; was' a well known pioneer.

In 1873, China Township had ninety per cent less delinquent tax than any township in Lee. This same year, William Henry Helmershausen won premiums from the Rochelle fair on his entire exhibit.

The Lee County Old Settlers' Association was organized August 30, 1873, and for forty years the settlers of China township have attended its sessions and contributed to its success.

Jacob R. Group was a wagon-maker and carpenter, and a faithful workman.

In March, 1874, the Daughters of Rebekah, Astoria Lodge, No. 67, was organized.

The Abraham and Frances Troupe family consisted of Margaret M. and Frederick.

In 1874, the Band hall was built for the pleasure of the band boys and their friends.

In 1874, at an immense cost of over $13,000 a finely equipped wind gristmill was erected by John L. Strock, Joseph, John and David Lahman.

Rev. Johannes Heinrich Stauffenberg preached for thirty-five years in Franklin Grove, in China Township. He served longer in his pulpit than any other minister in China Township. He founded the congregation in Ashton and Dixon, preached in Rochelle and Rock Falls. Besides this he did much teaching of German.

During 1875, John D., Joseph C. Lahman and John L. Strock, organized the J. D. Lahman & Company, manufacturing firm. The output was the Great Western Seeder.

In 1875, the assessment value of horses, cattle, sheep and swine was set at $70,000, which gives an idea of how the progressive farmers of China Township improved their stock.

This year the wind gristmill was built.

The year of the Centennial of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, 1876, saw several citizens journeying to Philadelphia.

The Franklin house was built and had a good patronage under C. L. Anthony. It was called the best hotel between Chicago and Iowa.

Alpheus Meredith and Barbara Middlekauff were married May 1, 1870. In February, 1878, they moved to Franklin Grove and conducted a bakery and ice cream parlor with success.

C. Walter Trostle was engaged in the sale of farm implements, wagon-making and blacksmithing.

In 1879, R. A. Canterbury began the hardware business in Franklin Grove. He was in a firm with Isaac Twombly.

P. O. Sproul started a newspaper called "The Enterprise" which was issued from June, 1879. It was a clean, newsy little sheet.

Outside of Franklin Grove the census of 1880 showed 681 settlers. At the election this year, 298 votes were polled. The census of 1880 showed a population of 730.

In November, 1880, "The Enterprise" ceased its publication.

In February, Warren Encampment, No. 122, was removed from our village to Amboy.

Through the efforts of Rev. Anthony Hasbrouck Schoonmaker, the Dixon District Camp Meeting Association was located on a ten-acre strip west of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Franklin Grove, July 12, 1881.

The Woman's Christian Temperance Union was organized in August, 1882, and named the Frances E. Willard Union.

In April, 1884, August F. Kohl and Caroline F. A. Bettin, his wife, and their family, came from Schoenwerder, Germany to Franklin Grove. On March 22, 1913, they celebrated their golden wedding with forty-five descendants present.

The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church was organized in the home of Mrs. Emma Caroline Crawford in May, 1885, by Mrs. Adeline (Bowman) Stuff, wife of the pastor. Rev. G. L. S. Stuff. Four of the charter members belonged in 1914, having a record of twenty-nine years service.

In 1885, at the fourth commencement of the Franklin Grove High school, the following program was given June 12, 1885:

Music, Quartette.
Recitation, "The Relief of Lucknow," Cora Eick.
Essay, "Take Ye Away the Stone," Tillie A. Graff.
Recitation, "The Ride of Paul Venarez," Clytie C. Dow.
Solo, "Ah, I have sighed to rest me" Verdi, Minnie Ada Hughes.
Recitation, "The Bishop's Visit," William McGregor.
Essay, "The Why and the Whither," Maud Minnie Adella Helmershausen.
Recitation, "The Mountain Lamb,'' Nettie Trottnow.
Duet, "There's a Sweet Wild Rose," Mrs. Flora (Taylor) Timothy and Ella E. Bill.
Recitation, "Little Steenie," Vinnie Eick.
Essay and Valedictory, "Silent Workers," Gertrude Gifford Sitts.
Guitar Solo, "Home, Sweet Home," Reuben E. Brackett.
Awarding of diplomas, John D. Sitts.

During 1887, the Presbyterian congregation and their friends erected a church at a cost of nearly five thousand dollars. Since then a good pipe organ has been installed which adds to the beauty of the church. The building is symmetrical and in good proportion, thus adding to the appearance of the village.

Old Settlers' Day was held August, 1887, on the camp grounds at Franklin Grove.

The Franklin Grove Bank under the state law with a capital of $25,000 was organized in 1889.

In 1890, the population of China Township according to the census was 1,361. That of Franklin Grove was 736.

The Lee County Telephone Company was incorporated April 16, 1897.

In 1900, the population of China Township according to the census was 1,315. That of Franklin Grove was 681.

On July 17, 1900, many citizens of China Township attended the splendid exercises on the occasion of the laying of the comer stone of the new courthouse at Dixon.

On Saturday, August 16, 1902, Henry I. Lincoln was eighty years old.

June 18, 1902, Mary, second wife of Charles Henry Twombly, mother of Carrie and Sophronia Rebecca, second wife of Jerry M. Forbes, died in Concordia, Kansas.

The new Methodist church was erected at a cost of over eight thousand dollars, and dedicated October 6, 1902, with imposing and appropriate services.

In 1894, a fine brick school building was erected at a cost of $9,000. Later the trustees purchased several lots of Charles Helmershausen, Jr., and now have the entire frontage of the block for a school playground. The appearance of the building and the grounds is a credit to the town.

The first banquet of the Franklin Grove High School Alumni Association was held in the Assembly room of the school building, June 7, 1913.

Dr. Walter L. Moore, dentist in Franklin Grove, married Minetta Pauline Roe.


The German Baptist Church

Rev. Christian Lahman and his father-in-law, Rev. Joseph Emmert, were ministers in Pennsylvania, and maintained family worship after they moved to China Township.

In 1844, the Jacob Riddlesbarger family came to the grove. As new settlers were added, a church building was erected in the Emmert cemetery. This was enlarged as the congregation in-creased. A large church building was erected north of the village and services alternate were held in the two buildings.

Franklin Grove Of Today

It should be no trouble to write of this beautiful spot at any stage of its life. From earliest boyhood I have roamed around Franklin Grove. A few of the old settlers remain; that is, the third crop. One, Mr. Charles Hansen, of the first, remains, alone. For views and valuable assistance I am indebted deeply to Mr. Bela R. Halderman, of the Franklin Grove Reporter, one of the oldest and one of the best and most reliable institutions in Lee County. He loaned me cuts; bunted and obtained information and was my faithful, friend and adviser. So, too, Mr. C. D. Hussey, the oldest business man in the village in point of business career.

The council is constituted as follows: Dr. F. M. Banker, president of the board and mayor; A. B. Wicker, village clerk; William Bucher, village police; Samuel Herbst, A. J. Stewart, Dr. W. L. Moore, Simon D. Remley, Albert Carpenter, trustees.

The population is about 750. The main street is lighted by boulevard lamps, a group of three to each lamp. An all night service of electric lighting and power is supplied by the Illinois Northern Utilities Company; Glen Wright, manager.

Every inch of town lot frontage has a cement sidewalk. The early fathers of the place believed in tree planting, and now Franklin Grove is a grove indeed; a veritable forest of elms and maples, hard and soft. In that respect, this village is most beautifully ornamented.

The schools here have a splendid reputation. Superintendent Miller gives them great praise. Nine months schooling in the year is given. The enrollment is 180.

High School 55
Grammar 32
Intermediate 49
Primary 44
Total 180

The salary account is $3,100 per annum, outside the janitor. Prof. H. G. Anderson is superintendent; Miss Beryl Skinner is principal; Miss Ethel Holmgren teaches the grammar school; Miss Florence Wollensak, the intermediate; and Miss Frances Vaughan the primary. The directors are Fred H. Hansen, president; M. V. Peterman, clerk; and F. D. Lahman.

Some of the largest landholders of the county live around this place, and the land is very high priced. Among the number are Christian Gross. His relative, Henry W. Hillison, the first born Norwegian child, owns over one thousand acres of the best land in Lee County. He lives on his farm on Temperance Hill in the south end of the township. The Dysart brothers are very large land-owners; Fred H. Hansen; Ira J. Trostle; John Reinhart; Henry Reinhart; Marcus Wingert; Willis Riegle; Mrs. John Miller; Luther F. Ramsdell; John Mong; John Buck; Earl Buck; Ira Buck; Oliver Buck; C. D. Hussey; Charles Weighbright; Milton Crawford; A. W. Crawford; Mrs. Carrie W. Crawford; Mrs. August Petrie; Peter Breounier; the David Miner estate and Thomas Gilbert are among the largest landholders in China town-ship, and most of them live in Franklin Grove. The community is very wealthy.

Franklin Grove from time immemorial has been dry territory. It is a church loving and church going community.

The Dunkards here are very numerous, and theirs is the largest church in the village, costing $7,000. Rev. Cyrus Suters is the clergyman. The M. E. church cost $10,000. Rev. A. E. Ullrich is pastor. The Presbyterian cost $8,000. Rev. R. L. McWherter is the pastor. There is also a German Lutheran Church here. All the church buildings are frame; but architecturally speaking, they all are beautiful.

The camp-meeting and assembly grounds here are features of great importance in church life. The grounds contain fifteen acres. Thereon are forty or fifty cottages permanently built. Annually large numbers bring their tents and families and make a summer outing here. To those who do not care to take the trouble, there is situated conveniently, a boarding hall with sleeping apartments above. The average attendance on Sundays at the camp-meetings is 750. On big Sundays as many as 10,000 people have been present. The camp-meeting occupies July; the Chautauqua, August. The assembly hall seats 2,000 comfortably. A. M. Newcomer of Mount Morris, is the superintendent; Andrew F. Dierdorff; E. C. Page; I. R. Titus; Robert Adams; Fred D. Stone; A. B. Peterbaugh; N. G. VanZandt, are directors; A. E. Ullrich, secy, and treas. J. M. Phelps is president, and W. B. Doble is vice president.

The grounds primarily were designed for camp-meeting purposes, and in earlier years, these meetings were attended by thousands of people. Noted preachers always have been present to preach, which in large measure carried the Chautauqua features.

Far and wide Franklin Grove has been known for years, for its successful camp-meetings.

Rev. A. M. Schoonmaker was the founder of this successful institution. His faith was sublime. In 1883 he went ahead and built the buildings. He bought the ground and platted it into lots. It was an instant success. For twenty miles around the people flocked to the meetings. When the Chautauqua feature came west, these grounds so readily adapted themselves to its purposes, that after a seasonable period from the adjournment of the camp-meetings, Franklin Grove was placed in the circuit and its annual features are of the very highest quality.

The Franklin Grove Bank enjoys a remarkable record. Since it was organized in 1889, the original officers have been reelected annually, excepting only the rare cases of death. I believe the only death has been that of Conrad Durkes. It is a very rich bank, with deposits above $300,000.

Its officers are: John D. Lahman, president; W. C. Durkes, vice president; S. A. Durkes, cashier; Robert Johnson and Christian Gross, besides the officers named, are directors.

The business men are all, substantial men, and nearly everyone has been engaged here a lifetime; C. D. Hussey perhaps the longest. His father was one of the very earliest settlers of the township and Mr. Hussey lives on the old homestead to this very day, just on the edge of town. He is in the lumber and coal trade. M. V. Peterman is another lifelong merchant of the place. Dry goods exclusively are sold by him. L. A. Trottnow has one of the best grocery stores in Lee County. He is tremendously active in business life. He is interested in every movement that will improve the village. He is a power. The genial postmaster is James H. Lincoln. The Phenix Hotel is managed by Mrs. Lou Zoeller. A. Kullmer is proprietor of the bakery and restaurant. Frank D. Kelly has a large dry goods and hardware business; George Ives' drug store is one of the best in the county. Ed L. Lott has the meat market; Frank Maronde, hardware; Phillips Bros., barbers; George Westfield, barber shop; H. N. Brattan, furniture and undertaking; Robert Jacobs, livery; A. Meredith, ice cream and confectionery; H. W. Dysart is one of the big grain buyers of the county. He also sells seeds, flour and feed. The Farmers' elevator, run by E. A. Pegram, manager, is the other elevator, and also sells seeds and grain; coal too. In the neighbor-hood of 600,000 bushels of grain is marketed here per annum. J. S. Tompkins has the paint, oil and wall paper store; G. W. Ling, feed sheds; William Trottnow, shoe repairing; Andrew Dierdorff , real estate and loans; O. E. O. Orner, farm implements; Will Miller, harness; Linnie Bratton, Home Restaurant; John Maronde, shoes; Henry A. Dierdorff , plumbing and heating establishment; John Kelly, blacksmith; Henry Sunday, implements and blacksmithing; Charles Howard, cement blocks; Frank Lager, jeweler; Charles Hunt, harness; H. C. Stultz, grocer; Fred Blocher has a remarkably fine clothing store; New Colonial Theatre, J. C. Cook, proprietor; Glenn Wright, pool and billiards.

Way back to the days of Dr. Hewitt, Franklin Grove always has been provided with the best of surgeons. Dr. F. M. Barker; Dr. W. C. Smith, Dr. Adam Grim. Dentist: Dr. W. L. Moore. Veterinarians: J. H. Root and William Hepfir.

The Sterling Tea & Produce Co. Bert Morgan, manager, does an enormous business in poultry and eggs and ice.

Societies and club life always have been features of this village. Franklin Grove Lodge 2264, A. F. & A. M., is very prosperous. So too Nathan Whitney Chapter 129. Officers of the blue lodge are: Charles Kelly, W. M.; W. L. Moore, S. W.; G. S. Ives, J. W.; G. D. Black, Treas.; N. A. Whitney, Secretary; J. R. Dysart, Tyler. Of the Chapter: J. R. Dysart, H. P.; N. K. Northrup, K.; H. Reinhart, Scribe; Dr. A. Grim, Treas.; N. A. Whitney, Secy.; G. Lookingland, Sentinel. Of the O. E. S.: Mrs. Nellie Stewart, W. M.; N. A. Whitney, W. P.; Mrs. Katherine Cover, A. M.; Mrs. Drucilla Banker, Conductress; Mrs. Mattie Ramsdell, Assoc. Conductress; John W. Cover, Treas.; Annis M. Roe, Secy.; Mrs. Carrie Rim, Ada; Miss Marjorie Grim, Ruth; Mrs. Zilpah Peterman, Esther; Mrs. Edna Trottnow, Martha; Mrs. Lilla Dysart, Electa; Mrs. Grace Remley, Chaplain; Mrs. Grace Stultz, Marshal; Mrs. Vera Gross, Warden; Fred C. Gross, Sentinel.

Knights of Pythias, Grove Lodge 504: Foster Mattern, C. C.; Reinhart W. Smith, V. C.; Simon D. Remley, Prelate; Grover Lott, M. of A.; Robert W. Crawford, M. of W.; John W. Cover, M. of F.; Henry W. Sunday, M. of E.; Robert Ramsdall, I. G.; Amos Wilson, O. G.; George E. Schultz, K. of R. & S.

The clubs, the Clio, the Priscilla, and the Sorosis, are very active and influential. Of the Clio it may be said Chautauqua work is its specialty. Mrs. Nellie Hansen is president; Mrs. Jennie Sunday is vice president; Mrs. Maude Phillips, secretary; and Mrs. Grace Stultz is treasurer. The membership is limited to twenty-five and it is filled.

Of the Priscilla Embroidery Club, Mrs. Jennie Riegle is president; Mrs. Jennie Sunday is vice president; and Mrs. Hannah Conlon, secy, and treas. The membership is limited to thirty, and filled.

Of the Sorosis Club, Mrs. Hannah Conlon is president; Mrs. Elizabeth Crawford is vice president and librarian; and Miss Lulu Miller, secy, and treas. Study for 1913-1914: "Taming of the Shrew''; "All's Well That Ends Well"; "Comedy of Errors.'' Required reading: William Shakespeare; a critical study. Limited membership: 20 active; 20 associate. Special days for Illinois and its laws; current events; American and other countries.

Besides these, there are the M. W. A., the strongest order in the village, about 200 members; the Stars of Equity; and the Mystic Workers.

Grove City Camp No. 45: Consul, Foster Mattern; Worthy Adviser, Robt. Ramsdell; Banker, Henry A. Dierdorff; Escort, Don C. Hussey; Clerk, William F. Miller; Watchman, Amel Bettine; Sentry, Harold Kelly; three trustees, S. D. Remly, W. O. Sunday, W. W. Phillips. Officers M. W. A. Camp.

Mystic Workers of the World: Prefect, W. E. Trottnow; Monitor, Miss Mary Brown; Secy., Mrs. Annis Roe; Banker, S. A. Durkes; Marshal, Mrs. Maud Phillips; Warder, Miss L. M. Weitzel: Sentinel, N. A. Whitney; Supervisors, Mrs. Harriet Ainsworth. Mrs. Hannah Conlon, Mrs. W. B. Holley. Membership 71.

Lee County Townships

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