American History and Genealogy Project


Index of First Settlers

The following are listed as the first settlers of Swan Island.

Adams, John
Babbidge, Courtney
Barbour, Solomon
Benson, Jephtha
Billings, Enoch
Bridges, Moses
Carpenter, Richard
Clark, Samuel C.
Colomy, Thomas
Conary, Israel
Cook, John
Davis, William
Dunbar, Thomas
Fife, William
Finney, John
Gott, Daniel
Gott, Peter
Grindle, Joshua
Hamblen, Daniel
Hardy, Silas
Herrick, Kimball
Holbrook, Abram
Joyce, James
Kempton, Seth
Kempton, Samuel
Kempton, Zachariah
Kench, Thomas
Kent, Samuel
Kiff, Alexander
Lane, Hardy
Lane, Oliver
Lennan, Rev. Bryant
Mitchell, Robert
Morey, Elias, jr.
Nutter, Alexander
Nutter, William
Prince, Joseph
Reed, Jacob S.
Remick, Joseph
Rich, John
Richardson, James
Richardson, Stephen
Richardson, Thomas
Sadler, Joshua
Sadler, Thomas
Sadler, Moses
Smith, David
Sprague, James T.
Stanley, William
Staples, Moses
Stewart, Gushing
Stinson, Benjamin
Stockbridge, John
Swan, Col. James
Swan, James Keadie
Toothaker, Joseph
Torrey, Levi
Trask, Joshua S.
Valentine, John


Source: A History of Swan's Island, Maine, by H.W. Small, MD, Ellsworth Me, Hancock County Publishing Company, Printers, 1808



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