Miscellaneous Events
Following are the names of the
representatives to the State legislature who have been chosen
from Swan's Island. When the first representative was chosen
this island was classed with Mt. Desert. The others represented
the towns of Deer Isle, Swan's Island and Isle au Haut. The vote
given below is for the whole representative district:
Benjamin Stinson was elected in 1837; he
received 89 votes; Enoch Spurling, 70.
Benjamin F. Stinson was elected in 1855;
he received 162 votes: Solomon Barbour, 134. Mr. Stinson was a
candidate for the same office in 1844. His vote in this town was
45; Humphrey Wells, 1. But Mr. Wells received a majority in the
Ebenezer Joyce was elected in 1859; he
received 135 votes; Franklin Closson, 134.
John Stockbridge was elected in 1867; he
received 152 votes; William H. Reed, 74.
Martin V. Babbidge was elected in 1876;
he received 268 votes; Augustus O. Gross, 173.
William P. Herrick was elected in 1884;
he received 238 votes; Wilmot B. Thurlow, 237.
Charles E. Sprague was elected in 1894;
he received 239 votes; Charles L. Knowlton, 155.
The Swan's Island Mutual Fire Insurance
Company was organized for the purpose of insuring against loss
or damage by fire of buildings and household furniture located
on Swan's Island. Afterwards the property on Gott's Island and
Orino Island was included. The first meeting to effect an
organization was held in the schoolhouse in district No. 2 on
January 29, 1893. On February, 10 following the signers of the
"Articles of Agreement" met and proceeded to elect a board of
directors, and adopted a constitution and bylaws. The following
was the first board of directors: Frank E. Pettingill, Emery E.
Joyce, Edmund F. Bridges, W. Leslie Joyce, Hermon W. Small,
Joseph W. Staples, Herbert W. Joyce, James Joyce and Isaac W.
Stinson. The board of directors chose Hermon W. Small president;
Joseph W. Staples, secretary, and James Joyce, treasurer.
The plan of this insurance was for
mutual home protection against loss by fire, at the least
expense possible to the policyholders. The policies ran for a
period of seven years, and the policy fees at first were 17,
afterwards 25 cents on each $100 insurance. This was just to
meet the incidental expenses. The president and secretary
together received $1 for the writing of each policy, and the
treasurer received 10 per cent, of the gross receipts of these
policy fees for his compensation. There were to be no other
expenses except loss by fire, when each policyholder was to pay
his part of the loss in proportion to the amount for which lie
was insured. The policy notes were for 10 per cent, of the
amount insured. About $25,000 was written the first year. A
State charter was issued to this company by the secretary of
State on March 23, 1893. The first policies were issued April 18
For some fifty years after the
settlement of this town, there was no post office here. Such
mail as was received stopped at the post office either at Deer
Isle or Mount Desert and was brought to this island when a
sailboat chanced to visit those places. This was very
inconvenient to the settlers, and often the delivery was long
delayed or the mail lost. The first office was established in
1844, and Benjamin Stinson was appointed postmaster. The mail at
this time came to the island from Brooklin once a week, and the
mail carrier was to be paid by subscription; but as many
received little mail, interest in the enterprise soon waned and
the burden of carrying the mails fell mostly to the lot of the
postmaster. Few newspapers were taken here at that time. Letters
were merely folded and secured with sealing wax, no envelopes
were used. Postage was charged according to the distance the
letter was sent. It often cost twenty-five cents or more to send
a letter to some places even in this country. The postage was
collected when the mail was delivered.
Mr. Stinson was succeeded as postmaster
by James Joyce, in 1852, and after him Joseph W. Staples was
appointed. The mails during the last two appointments, and a
long time subsequent, were carried to Tremont.
The receipts of the office were all the
department allowed for the compensation of the postmaster and
mall carrier. The pay was so small that great difficulty was
experienced in getting a mail carrier, and it was carried so
irregularly that a large part of the outgoing letters, from
which the revenue came, was sent off by private conveyance. So
the receipts of the office were small indeed.
In 1861 Cornelius Wasgatt was appointed
postmaster, after which the mails were carried much more
regularly. When he moved from the island Mrs. Mary Gott received
the appointment. After her resignation Isaac W. Stinson, a
grandson of the first Swan's Island postmaster, was appointed,
and at the present time the office is held by Capt. William
As the town increased in population and
the amount of mail became much larger, it proved inconvenient
for one office to accommodate the whole island. So, in 1884, an
office was established at the eastern side of the island, called
Atlantic. Mrs. Durilla Joyce was appointed postmistress. She
held the office until 1897, when she was succeeded by Llewellyn
V. Joyce. In 1897 a new office was established in what was
formerly school district No. 4, and was named Minturn. Mrs.
Arwilda Newman was appointed postmistress.
After the mails became somewhat larger
than at first, they were carried to Tremont twice a week when
the weather would permit a sailboat to cross the bay. Later they
were carried daily. The department established a mail route, and
paid the mail carrier. In 1894 this old mail route was
discontinued, and a steamboat company contracted to bring the
mail daily from Rockland to Old Harbor. This is a much more
direct route than when it went by the way of Tremont, and thence
by stage to Ellsworth. We have now daily communication with the
city, and daily papers are received on the day of publication.
In no other way has the improvement been greater than in the
management of the mails, which is so vital to the business
interest of any community.
The early settlers here were a religious
people, and, although they had no pastor or place for public
worship, they made up for this lack of privilege by holding
Sunday service in some dwelling house, where one of the company
performed the service usual in those times by reading a sermon.
Midweek prayer meetings were also held. These services were
attended by the people from the different sections of the whole
island, and on pleasant days they would come from the
neighboring islands. Most of the first settlers were of the
Congregational denomination, but that church never formed an
A Baptist preacher came here about the
year 1814, and conducted a series of revival meetings; as a
result, quite a number joined the church of that denomination.
In 1817 a Baptist society was organized in that part of the town
now known as Atlantic. According to the minutes of the Baptist
association, held in Sedgwick Oct. 12, 1820, the Swan's Island
church was taken into the association. Rev. Bryant Lennan, a
licensed preacher, and Joshua Staples represented this church at
this association. They reported the membership at that time to
be twenty-three.
In 1821 the Swan's Island church was
represented at the Baptist association held at Surry by Rev.
Bryant Lennan and Courtney Babbidge. Two members had been
excluded during the year, leaving twenty-one members in good
standing. In the association held in Addison in 1822, this
church was not represented. Rev. Bryant Lennan was ordained
during the year. This church was represented at the association
held in Brooksville in 1823, by Rev. Bryant Lennan, Deacon James
Joyce and Joshua Staples. The membership was the same as last
reported. In 1824 the association that met at Bluehill reported
this church membership to have been increased by the baptism of
thirteen candidates, making the total membership this year
thirty-four. This year the church was represented by Rev. Mr.
Lennan, Courtney Babbidge and Ebenezer Joyce.
Mr. Lennan was connected with the church
for many years. He is said to have been a faithful pastor and
was considered a good preacher. He finally returned to Hampden,
his native town. After some fifth teen years Mr. Lennan returned
and preached a few years, after which I find no further record
of him.
Rev. Theophilus Batchelder preached
alternately here and at Deer Isle for several years. Rev.
Benjamin F. Stinson preached here a great deal at different
times. He did faithful service and was much loved and respected
by the church here. After the schoolhouse was built at the
eastern side of the island services were held there. Services in
those limes were very long. After a sermon of an hour, a short
intermission would be taken, after which a second sermon was
Rev. Daniel Dodge preached a part of the
year 1838. Ebenezer Joyce was chosen deacon. The conference
delegates were James Joyce, John Stockbridge and Ebenezer Joyce.
In 1840 quite a revival took place under the pastorate of Rev.
Samuel Macomber. Asa Joyce, Sally Stockbridge, John Cook and
Jane Morey were taken into the church. In 1842, 26 more joined.
From 1843-5 meetings were held more or less regularly by Elder
St. Clair, Carey or Dunham. From 1847 to 1850 the preachers were
Revs. Messrs. Macomber, Hall and Pendleton. During the latter
Nears several more were taken into the church.
For the next few years the interest of
the church members gradually declined. On July 14, 1857, a
church meeting was called. Those present were Rebecca Staples,
Betsey Staples, Sally Morey, Catherine Joyce, Rosalana Morey
Nancy Morey, Polly Babbidge, Ebenezer Joyce, James Joyce, John
Stockbridge, Joseph S. Babbidge and Elias Morey. They made an
effort to establish the meetings again. As a result Revs. Samuel
Macomber and Theophilus Batchelder preached a part of the year.
The following were the members of the
Baptist church on April 6, 1867: James Joyce, Ebenezer Joyce,
Joseph S. Babbidge, Joseph R. Torrey, Asa Joyce, Hezekiah Morey,
Benjamin Stockbridge, Samuel Stockbridge, Isaiah B. Joyce, Eben
S. Joyce, Henry D. Joyce, James Joyce, jr., Benjamin F. Staples,
Simeon R. Staples, William A. Joyce, Otis Morey, Rebecca
Staples, Mary Trask, Polly Babbidge, James Joyce, Catherine
Joyce, Olive Torrey, Roxana Torrey Isabel S. Joyce, Jane J.
Joyce, Martha Torrey, Harriet Staples, Sophronia Staples, Louisa
Staples, Nancy Morey, Susan Reed and Sally Morey, thirty-two in
'On April 7, 1857, nine more joined; on
the next Sunday fifteen more joined, making the total membership
at this time fifty-six. On May 16, 1886, Rev. C. E. Harden
baptized nine persons. The following Sunday Rev. Gideon Mayo
baptized five.
Among the preachers during the previous
twenty years were Revs. B. F. Stinson, N. G. French, C. E.
Harden, Mr. Pierce and Gideon Mayo.
In 1886-9 Rev. George D. B. Pepper, D.
D., president of Colby University, preached here during the
summer. During 1888-9 Rev. William H. Hall preached here. From
1888 to 1891 thirty-one persons joined the church. The
membership had now increased to over seventy.
A church was built by this society in
1883 at a cost of $3,500. In 1890 and 1891 Rev. W. II. Hall
conducted a series of revival meetings, and a large number was
added to the church membership. Rev. J. Frank Jones was the
pastor in 18912. In 1894 Rev. S. O. Whitten came and preached
three years. A two story parsonage was built in 1891 at a cost
of $1,400. At present there is no settled pastor, and the church
membership has fallen to fifty-nine.
The Methodist Society was organized in
1834. The first preacher of that denomination here was Rev. Asa
Wasgatt. Soon after Rev. Mr. Douglass came here from Bar Harbor,
and baptized several candidates. In 1859 Rev. Benjamin F.
Stinson, of this town, entered the ministry, and for the
twenty-eight years that he preached, much of the time was
devoted to the church in his native town. In 1860 Mr. Stinson
preached in Tremont; '61, '62 in Deer Isle; '63, '64 in
Franklin; '65, '66 in Columbia; '67, '69 in Tremont; '70, '71 in
Harrington; '73 in South Deer Isle; '75 and until his death in
1887 he preached at Tremont and this town on alternate Sundays.
Rev. John A. Oakes came in 1861, and
preached two years. The services were held during this time at
the Center schoolhouse. The other preachers were Rev. A.
Plummer; Mr. Caldwell, who stayed here two years. He was
followed by Rev. Theophilus Batchelder, who also preached in the
Baptist church. For several years after this there was no
regular preacher. In 1882 Rev. Israel Hathaway came and preached
about two years until his death. He was followed by Elder
Roberts, George A. Fuller and I. B. Conley.
In 1888 a church was built at a cost of
$2,500. Since then a pastor has been regularly employed. They
have been Revs. Wesley Haskell, Samuel E. Dunham, George M.
Bailey, Horace Haskell, Andrew J. Turner, Lester McCalf, Chester
Butterfield. The present pastor Is Rev. John L. Pinkerton. The
present membership is thirty.
The Advent Society has been organized
for some years, and has quite a large number of church members.
A church was erected in 1893. There is no regular pastor, but
one is furnished more or less regularly, and when without a
pastor, the services are conducted by a member. Their church
seems to be in a vigorous and growing condition.
This work has extended far beyond my
original intentions. It has covered, I think, nearly everything
likely to be of public interest since the discovery of this
island. As stated elsewhere, errors will undoubtedly appear. The
author knew of but few of the people or events personally; he
has had to depend, in some parts, almost wholly upon the memory
of aged people. But the best information gleaned from these
sources has been faithfully recorded.
I have been five years in collecting
these records, much of which, had it not been secured during the
lifetime of the oldest residents, would have been lost beyond
The descendants of many of the early
families who lived here are scattered among different towns and
states, and it has required a great deal of patient toil to find
them all, and collect their family history, so as to make their
record complete.
To the many who have so kindly furnished
the material for this work, the author extends his thanks, and
to them he is greatly indebted.
Source: A History of Swan's Island,
Maine, by H.W. Small, MD, Ellsworth Me, Hancock County
Publishing Company, Printers, 1808