Vader ~ Vulcan Mountain Origin
Washington Geographical Names
Vader, a town
in the southwestern part of Lewis County, was named by act of
the Legislature, dated March 25, 1913. (Laws of Washington,
1913, page 662.) George T. Reed, of Tacoma, Assistant to the
President of the Northern Pacific Railway Company gives an
interesting account of this name as follows: "There is some
humor connected with the naming of Vader. The town formerly had
the name of Little Falls. Our company had another town of the
same name on its line in Minnesota, and because of the frequent
miscarriage of express and freight matter, we changed the name
of the station to Sopenah, so that the town had the name of
Little Falls and the station the name of Sopenah. The citizens
were not satisfied with this and finally asked me to confer with
them on the subject. I visited the town and met many of the
citizens. I refused to change the name of the station to Little
Falls and suggested that if they would change the name of the
town I would change the name of the station to conform to it,
with only one limitation, namely, that it should not be the name
of any other station along our line of road or that of the Great
Northern or Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. They
then got up a petition to the Legislature to change the name to
Toronto. There was a faction of 'standpatters' in the town who
objected to changing the name of the town at all and they
appeared before the committee of the Legislature and among other
arguments objected to Toronto because there were five other post
offices in the United States bearing that name. The Legislative
committee finally told us that they favored changing the name
but asked us to select a name that would not be a duplicate of
any other post office in the United States. We held a
consultation in the hall and I asked them if they could not find
the name of some citizen that would be suitable. After
canvassing the matter briefly, one of the gentlemen mentioned
the name of an old German by the name of Vader and we finally
recommended his name to the committee and that name was inserted
in the bill and it became a law. The humor of the matter is that
we supposed the old gentleman would be highly flattered in
having the town named after him but instead of that he took it
as a personal indignity and immediately moved to Florida." (In
Names MSS. Letter 94.)
Valentine, an abandoned post office
in . Garfield County, was named for A. L. Vallen, of Clarkston.
(Fred W. Unfried, of Unfried, in Names MSS. Letter 322.)
Valley City, see Algona.
Valley Grove, a town in the south
central part of Walla Walla County, was probably given by Mr.
and Mrs. Charles McInroe, who settled there in 1879. The name
was established there for a station in 1881 by the Oregon
Railroad and Navigation Company. Mrs. McInroe was postmistress
for a number of years. (W. D. Lyman, in Names MSS. Letter 246.)
VanBrunt, a settlement in the
northeastern part of Okanogan County, was named for Harry Van
Brunt, an old settler there. (Merrill & Rowe, of Wauconda, in
Names MSS. Letter 313.)
VanBuren, a town in the north central
part of Whatcom County, was named about 1900, after an old
settler who was the first postmaster there. (Postmaster at Van
Buren, in Names MSS. Letter 435.)
Vance, a post office in the east
central part of Lewis County, was named for Zebulon Baird Vance.
United States Senator from North Carolina, "who, in the fall of
1886 secured for us the extension of the mail route running east
from Mossy Rock into the Big Bottom country a distance of thirty
miles, being the first post office east of Mossy Rock in eastern
Lewis County." (J. S. Siler, in Names MSS. Letter 409.)
Vancouver, a town in the southwestern
part of Clarke County, is the oldest continuous home of white
men in the State of Washington See Fort Vancouver, Point
Vancouver and Clarke County. Samuel R. Thurston was sent to
Congress in 1849 as Oregon Territory's first Delegate. He hated
the British and sought to remove their geographic names. While
he was in Washington, the Post-Master General changed the name
of Vancouver to Columbia City (H. H. Bancroft, Works, Volume
XXX., pages 118-119, quoting Oregon Statesman for May 28, 1851.)
It is annoying to find Bancroft forgetting this information when
writing the next volume of his long series. In Volume XXXI.,
pages 77-78, he has this footnote: Vancouver is called Columbia
City in the act. This patriotic change of name occurred about
1851 or 1852, but I fail to find any mention of it. I think it
was done on the motion of the first postmaster at that place, R.
H. Lonsdale, who had the post-office called Columbia City. The
name, however, would not pass in the face of long usage, and the
Washington legislature at its second session changed it to
Vancouver." The act which named "Columbia City" as the county
seat of Clarke County located it "on the east side of Mrs.
Esther Short's land claim" and Mrs. Short's house was made the
legal place of holding court until the county should provide a
more suitable building. (Laws of Washington, 1854, page 475.)
James C Strong says that he and another man surveyed that land
into lots, blocks and streets. ("Reminiscences of a Pioneer," in
Washington Historical Quarterly, for July, 1912, page 182.) The
act by which "Columbia City" was changed back to the old name of
Vancouver may be found in Laws of Washington, 1855, page 44. As
explained in items above cited, the Vancouver honored by this
city's name was Captain George Vancouver, the great English
explorer, who named many geographic features in the Pacific
Northwest during the years 1792, 1793, and 1894. His biography
may be found in Edmond S. Meany's Vancouver's Discovery of Paget
Sound, pages 7 to 21. The Indian name for the site of the city
is given as Alashikash. (E. S. Curtis, The North American
Indian, Volume VII., page 182.)
Vancouver District, see Washington,
State of. Vancouver Lake, in the southwestern part of Clarke
County, near the Columbia River, like the city nearby, was named
in honor of Captain George Vancouver. It was mapped with that
name in 1856. (Preston's Map of Oregon and Washington West of
the Cascade Mountains.)
Vancouver Point, see Point Vancouver.
Vancouver Straits, was once applied
as the name of Rosario Straits.
Vanderford's Harbor, see Whollochet
Van Horn, a town in the central part
of Skagit County, was named for the founder, Tames V. Van Horn.
(Postmaster at Van Horn, in Names MSS. Letter 363.)
Van Wyck, a town in the west central
part of Whatcom County, was named on July 1, 1889, for Alexander
Van Wyck (Hugh Eldridge, in Names MSS. Letter 136.)
Van Zandt, a town in the west central
part of Whatcom County, was named in February, 1892, for J. M.
Van Zandt, the first postmaster there (John H. Turrell, of Van
Zandt, in Names MSS. Letter 137|)
Vashon Island, in the southwestern
part of King County, was named by Captain George Vancouver on
Tuesday, May 29. 1792, after his friend Captain (later Admiral)
James Vashon of the British Navy. (Vancouver's Voyage Round the
World, second edition. Volume II, page 145.) For a portrait and
biography of Vashon, see Edmond S. Meany's Vancouver's Discovery
of Puget Sound, pages 14S-147).
Vashon Point, see Point Vashon.
Vassar, a town in the central part of
Adams County, was named for Vassar College. (H. R. Williams,
Vice President of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway
Company, in Names MSS., Letter 589.)
Vaughn, a bay and town on the east
shore of Case Inlet, in the northwestern part of Pierce County,
were named for W. D. Vaughn, who crossed the plains in 1851 and
took up a homestead on the bay. Illness caused him to lose his
rights to the land but his name was given to the bay (Alfred Van
Slyke, of Vaughn, in Names MSS., Letter 577.) In crossing the
plains, Vaughn kept the party in game and was always fond of
fishing and hunting. He was called "Nimrod" by pioneers in
Oregon and Washington. He served in the Indian wars of 1855-56,
and later had a gunsmith store and livery stable at Steilacoom.
(H. K. Hines, Illustrated History of the State of Washington,
page 808). In 1917, Mr. Vaughn was still living in Steilacoom,
86 years of age. (Pioneer Biography Manuscripts, University of
Veazie, a town in the south central
part of King County, was named in 1890 for Thomas Veazie of the
Veazie & Russell Logging Company. (Joseph T. Paschich,
Postmaster, in Names MSS., Letter 31.)
Velvet, a town in the north central
part of Stevens County, was first known as "Frontier," so named
by the Superintendent of the Red Mountain Railroad. The station
is near the international boundary. It is the shipping point of
the Velvet Mine, located ten miles north in British Columbia.
The name was changed from "Frontier" to Velvet in honor of the
mine. (Postmaster at Velvet, in Names MSS., Letter 148.)
Vendovi Island, in the northwestern
corner of Skagit County, was named by the Wilkes Expedition,
1841, for a native of Fiji, (or Viti) Island, whom he had
captured and carried northward to these waters. Wilkes, in his
Narrative, Volume HI., page 120, gives a picture of Vendovi and
tells about his capture (Page 131) and of his leave-taking,
(page 136 ) In Volume IV., page 297, while describing the
Indians of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Wilkes records: "It was
amusing to us, who had no very exalted opinion of the Feejians,
to observe the contempt our prisoner Vendovi entertained for
these Indians, which was such that he would hardly deign to look
at them.'' The Expedition reached home on June 10, 1842. Captain
Wilkes, in Volume V., page 453, makes this entry: "On our
arrival home, the health of the prisoner Vendovi had so far
declined that it was necessary to place him in the Naval
Hospital at New York. Every attention was paid him ''there, but
very soon afterward he expired." The Spanish name for Vendovi
and Sinclair Islands was "Islas de Aguayo." (Galiano and Valdes
map, in United States Public Documents, Serial Number 1557,
chart L.) See also Viti Rocks.
Ventura, a village that existed in
the west central part of Okanogan County during the mining boom
in the summer of 1395. (Mrs. M. Stewart, of Mazama, in Names
MSS., Letter 314.)
Vesta, a creek and post office in the
south central part of Grays Harbor County, was named in 1882 in
honor of Mrs. Vesta Dwindle. In that year the creek was explored
from its source to its junction with North River by M. J. Luark
and Milton Dwindle and was named for the wife of the latter. (M.
J. Luark, of Montesano, in Names MSS. Letter 548.)
Victim Island, in West Sound, Orcas
Island, in the central part of San Juan County, was first mapped
on the British Admiralty Chart 2689, Richards, 1858-1859, on
account of evidences of Indian battles there. See also Skull
Rock, Haida Point, Indian Point, and Massacre Bay.
Vila, a railroad station in the
southwestern part of Klickitat County, was named by L. W. Hill
and C. M. Levey. (L. C. Gilman, President of the Spokane,
Portland & Seattle Railway Company, in Names MSS., Letter 590.)
Village Point, see Baadam, Chinook Point, and Restoration Point.
Vineland, a name once applied to
Clarkston, Asotin County, Vine Maple Valley, see Maplevalley.
Virden, a town in the north central
part of Kittitas County, was named for G. D. Virden. (E. J.
Powers, of Liberty, in Names MSS., Letter 295.)
Virgin Cove. "The first settler in
the vicinity of Padilla Bay was James McClellan, a bachelor from
California, who located about the year 1869 on the place now
known as the Smith ranch, but which he named Virgin Cove."
(History of Skagit and Snohomish Counties, page 103.)
Vista, a former name for Fishtrap,
Lincoln County, is now applied to a station on the Northern
Pacific Railway, in the southeastern part of Benton County. The
name has reference to the outlook.
Viti Rocks, in the southwestern part
of Whatcom County, near Vendovi's Island, were named for Viti,
one of the Fiji Islands, and refers to the home of Vendovi. The
name was given by the Wilkes Expedition, 1841. (Hydrography,
Volume XXIII, Atlas, chart 77.) See Vendovi Island.
Vulcan Mountain, in the northwestern
part of Ferry County, was named by prospectors who found
indications of iron there. (Postmaster at Ferry, in Names MSS.
Letter 202.)
Washington AHGP |
Geographic Names
Source: Washington Historical Quarterly,
Volume 8 - 14