Part of the American History & Genealogy Project

Women Educators Martin ~ Young


Gertrude S. Martin
Gertrude S. Martin occupies the novel and interesting position of ''adviser of women" at Cornell University, and as such is in a measure responsible for the physical, moral and social development of 400 young women. She realizes the responsibilities and possibilities of her task and regards every girl in the University as a daughter, or a sister, to be cared for and directed in the path that will lead to the greatest happiness and usefulness in life.

Lida Rose McCabe 1865 ~ 1938
Was born in Columbus, Ohio. Was at one time at the Sorbonne in Paris; also at Columbia University and Oxford University. She has written a number of books, "Occupation and Compensation of Women," etc. Was the author of the second act of the "Vanderbilt Cup," and is a contributor to the Popular Science Monthly, Lippincott's McClure's, Cosmopolitan, St. Nicholas, Outlook, Bookman, and Town and Country, Paris correspondent of the American Press Association and the New York Tribune, Has written extensively of Alaska, spending several months along the Siberian coast and visiting points of this far Northland. Made an extensive study of the life of General Lafayette. Is a lecturer on art and travel and was the second woman to lecture before the New York Historical Society on a most interesting subject to American women, Mme. De Lafayette, America's half-forgotten friend. Opened an ethical lecture course to women at St. Xavier's College. 

Elizabeth Blaney McGowan
Daughter of James D. Blaney and Mary A. McCourt Blaney. Her grand-father was Colonel Patrick McCourt of the British Army. She taught in the grammar school of Buffalo for years. Was a member of the board of managers of the Pan-American Exposition, and organizer of the Ladies' Catholic Benevolent Association.

Louise Klein Miller

Susan Lincoln Mills 1826 ~ 1912
Was born November 18, 1826, at Enosburg, Vermont Daughter of John and Elizabeth Tolman. A graduate of Mount Holyoke Seminary and one of the teachers under Mary Lyon, its founder. She accompanied her husband, Cyrus T. Mills, D.D. to Ceylon, and they were both engaged in educational work in Batticotta College of that country. In 1865 they moved to California and opened as a college for girls what had been one of the oldest Protestant schools of that state, and in 1885 this was the only college for women in California, known as Mills College, of which Mrs. Susan Lincoln Mills was president

Anne Eugenia Felicia Morgan 1845 ~
Was born October 3, 1845, in Oberlin, Ohio. Her father, Rev. John Morgan. D.D., was one of the earliest professors in Oberlin College. Miss Morgan's mother was a Leonard of New Haven. The Leonard family removed to Oberlin in 1857. Miss Leonard married during her sophomore year at Oberlin College, Professor John Morgan, and graduated in 1866. In 1869 she received the degree of MA from this same institution. For three years she conducted in New York and Newark, New Jersey, classes in philosophy and literature, devoting considerable time to music and the study of harmony with her brother, the distinguished musician John Paul Morgan, at that time director of music in Trinity Church, New York. In 1875 she taught Greek and Latin in Oberlin College. In 1877 she accepted an appointment to teach in the classical department of Vassar. In 1878 she was appointed to the professorship of philosophy in Wellesley College. In 1887 Professor Morgan published a small volume entitled "Scripture Studies in the Origin and Destiny of Man." Her little book entitled 'The White Lady" is a study of the ideal conception of human conduct in great records of thought and is a presentation of lecture outlines and notes on the philosophical interpretation of literature.

Mary Mortimer 1816 ~
Born December 2, 1816, in Trowbridge, England, and died in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, July 14, 1877. In 1849 she taught in a private school in Ottawa, Illinois. While Miss Catherine Beecher was on an educational tour in the West she became acquainted with Miss Mortimer's power as a teacher, and persuaded her to take up with her some educational plans on which she was then engaged. In 1850 she began this work in a school which Miss Beecher had purchased in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and adapted to her plans, and which was later known as the Milwaukee College. This school met with remarkable success and foremost in its faculty was Miss Mary Mortimer. In 1886 she was made principal, a position which she held until 1874. After her retirement from active work she gave courses of lectures on art and history to classes of women in Milwaukee Wisconsin, Elmira, New York, Auburndale, Massachusetts, and St Louis, Missouri. She was instrumental in founding the Industrial School for Girls in Milwaukee and a leading spirit in organizing the Woman's Club of Milwaukee, but her chief monument is the Milwaukee College to which she devoted the best years of her life. In this College Mrs. M. B. Norton has placed a memorial to Miss Mortimer in the establishment of the Mary Mortimer Library.

Edna Chaffee Noble 1846 ~
Born August 12, 1846, in Rochester, Vermont. After a course in elocution under Professor Moses True Brown, of Boston, she was invited to the chair of oratory in the St Lawrence University, where she taught until her marriage to Dr. Henry S. Noble. Her most important step was the opening of the training school of elocution and English literature in Detroit, Michigan, in 1878. This proved a most fortunate venture. Aside from her work in the one school, her personality has been felt in the schools which she founded in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Buffalo, New York, Indianapolis, Indiana, and London, England.

Nellie O'Donnell 1867 ~
Born June a, 1867, in Chillicothe, Ohio. Her father was a native of Auburndale, Massachusetts, and her mother of Brookline, Massachusetts. They removed when Miss O'Donnell was but a child, to Memphis, Tennessee. Miss O'Donnell was a teacher in the public schools of that state and was elected superintendent of public schools for Shelby County, Tennessee. When elected, there were but 148 schools in the county. She has increased the number and brought them to the high standard of the present day.

Helen Almina Parker
Was born in Salem, Oregon. Is a near relative of Commodore Oliver H. Perry. Her family is one of patriots; her grandfathers fought entirely through the Revolutionary War, and her father and only brother were in the Union Army during the Civil War. Her mother was one of the active leaders in the great temperance crusade. She is widely known as a philanthropist, having organized the first home for the friendless in Nebraska and was for many years state president of the same. Through her efforts a home was established in Lincoln. She was graduated from the Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. In 1885, and immediately entered upon her work as teacher and reader, and for years occupied the chair of oratory and dramatic art in the Cotner University of Lincoln. Nebraska.

Elizabeth Palmer Peabody 1804 ~ 1894
Was born May 16, 1804, in Billerica, Massachusetts. Her sister, Sophia, became the wife of Nathaniel Hawthorne, and her sister Mary, the wife of Horace Mans. She succeeded Margaret Fuller as a teacher of history in Mr. Olcotts School. She was among the earliest advocates of female suffrage and higher education for women and aided Horace Mann in founding a Deaf Mute School Among her personal acquaintances were Emerson, Thoreau and other prominent men of the day. Her literary productions include "Aesthetic Papers," "Crimes of the House of Austria," several works on kindergarten study and circulars on education, "Reminiscences of Dr. Channing," "Last evening with Alston" and other papers. The latter years of her life she was partially blind; during these years she wrote a little, but the loss of her sight and increasing infirmities made an literary effort difficult. She was one of the most conspicuous persons in the famous literary and educational circles of Boston. Miss Peabodys death occurred in Jamaica Plains, Boston, June 3, 1894.

Ellen Fitz Pendleton 1864 ~ 1936
Is the president of Wellesley College. She was formerly the dean of Wellesley College and acting president for some time. Miss Pendleton was born at Westerly, Rhode Island, August 7, 1864. Her father is Enoch Burrows and her mother Mary E. Chapman Pendleton. She graduated in the class of 1886 at Wellesley and taught for many years in the department of mathematics before assuming the office of dean.

Louise Pollock 1832 ~

Mary Dana Hicks Prang 1836 ~
Born in Syracuse, New York, October 7, 1836. Daughter of Major and Agnes Amelia Livingston Johnson Dana. Took a post-graduate course at Harvard; also student of the school of music and fine arts of Boston. Married in 1856 to Charles S. Hicks, who died in August, 1858. Married to Louis Prang, April, 1900, who died June 14, 1909. President of the Social Art Club, of Syracuse, and director of the Prang Normal Art classes. Contributor to various art and educational journals. In connection with John S. Clark and Walter S. Perry, wrote "The Prang Complete Course in Form Study and Drawing," "Form Study without Clay," "The Prang Elementary Course in Art Instruction," "Suggestions for Color Instruction," "Art Instruction for Children in Primary Classes," and many books on drawing and art for use in the schools. Is active in teachers' associations, prison work, suffrage associations, art leagues, and women's educational associations.

Estelle Reel 1895 ~ 1959

Julia Gorham Robins 1846 ~
Granddaughter of Samuel Parkman, of Boston, and also a descendant of Colonel Thomas Crafts, who is distinguished for having read the Declaration of Independence from the balcony of the State House. She was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and educated in that city. Author of "Lectures on Greek Sculpture and Archaeology," and is a contributor to some of the Catholic publications of the day.

Mary L. Bonney Rambaut 1816 ~ 1900

Hester Dorsey Richardson
Born in Baltimore. Is the daughter of James Levin and Sarah Ann Webster Dorsey. Married Albert Leverett Richardson January 27, 1891. Has written on Maryland history and is engaged in historical and genealogical research. Represented the Executive Department of Maryland in the historical work at the Jamestown Exposition in 1907. Was the founder of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore; member of the Colonial Dames; historian of the Baltimore Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution; incorporator of the Maryland Original Research Society and was secretary of the General Federation of Women's Clubs from 1901 to 1905.

Florence Rena Sabin 1871 ~ 1953
Dr. Florence R. Sabin, associate professor in the Johns Hopkins Medical School, is the only woman professor in that institution and is a distinguished physiologist She was born in Central City, Colorado, November 9, 1871, and is the daughter of George Kimball and Rena Miner Sabin. Received her degree of B.S. from Smith College in 1893, and that of M.D. at the Johns Hopkins University in 1900. She is the author of several works, among them being "An Atlas of the Medulla and Mid-Brain." Dr. Sabin has written articles for medical journals and magazines on medical and anatomical subjects.

Mary Augusta Scott 1851 ~ 1918
Daughter of Abram McLean and Julia Anne Boyer Scott. Has received degrees from Vassar and Cambridge, England; student in Romance languages at Johns Hopkins, and the first woman fellow of Yale, Ph.D., 1894. Professor of English language and literature at Smith College. Author of "Elizabethan Translations from the Italian." Editor of "Operative Gynecology," by Dr. Howard A. Kelly. "Walter Reed and Yellow Fever." by Dr. Kelly, "Bacon's Essays," and contributor to the Dial for many years. Writer of reviews and criticisms in literature for academic journals. American and foreign.

Helen Almira Shafer 1839 ~ 1894
Was born September 23, 1839, in Newark, New Jersey. Her father was a clergyman. He gave his daughter a thorough and liberal education. She graduated from Oberlin College in 1863. In 1865 she became a teacher of mathematics in the public schools at St Louis. Mrs. Shafer ranked as the most able teacher in her line at that time and was one of the most potent educational forces in the city of St Louis. In 1877 she was called to Wellesley College as professor of mathematics filling this chair until 1888, when she was elected president of Wellesley. In 1878 Oberlin College had conferred upon her the degree of A.M. and in 1893 that of LL.D. As president of Wellesley College she manifested an executive ability and faculty for business quite as marked as her talents as a teacher. At the time of her death, January 20, 1894, she was considered one of the most prominent and successful college administrators.

Jane Sherzer
Was a graduate of the University of Michigan; has been a student of languages in Paris, Jena and Munich; she studied for three years in the Berlin University taking the degrees of M.A. and Ph.D., in English, German, old Scandinavian and Philosophy, and is one of the very few women who have attained to the great scholastic distinction of winning the Doctorate of Philosophy at Berlin.

Clara E. Smith
Was born in Northford, Connecticut, as were seven generations of her ancestors before her. In 1902 she received the degree of B.A. from Mount Holyoke College, having previously taught for several years in the State Normal School at Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. In 1904 she received the degree of Ph.D. from Yale University for work done in mathematics. Her thesis on "A Theorem of Abel and its Application to the Development of Functions in Terms of Bessels' Functions" was published in the Transactions of the American Mathematical Society for January, 1907. Since 1908 she has been an instructor in mathematics at Wellesley College.

Sophia Smith 1796 ~ 1870

Grace Charlotte Mary Regina Strachan
Was born in Buffalo, New York. Daughter of Thomas R and Maria Byrne Strachan. Has taken several degrees at the New York University. Is superintendent of the public schools of New York, and well known for her philanthropic work in the Young Women's Catholic Association of Brooklyn, teaching classes free. Is an ardent worker in the Association for Equal Pay for Equal Work; contributor to the Delineator, and is president of the Interborough Association of Women Teachers of Brooklyn and New York City.

Ellen Bliss Talbot 1867 ~ 1968
Born in Iowa City. Iowa. November 22, 1867. Daughter of Benjamin and Harriet Bliss Talbot. Professor and head of the department of philosophy of Mount Holyoke College. Author of "The Fundamental Principles of Fichte's Philosophy." Contributor to philosophical and psychological journals and reviews.

Emma Willard 1787 ~ 1870

Ann Louise Wolcott 1868 ~
Was born in Providence, Rhode Island, May 25, 1868. Student at Wellesley College. At one time principal of Wolfe Hall, Denver, Colo. Founder of Wolcotts School, Denver. A member of the Archeological Institute of America; also of the State Forestry Association of Colorado, Colonial Dames, National Congress of Mothers, and prominent in the school of American Archaeology. One of the leading educational women of the West.

Mary Emma Woolley 1863 1947
Born in South Norwalk, Connecticut, July 13, 1863. Daughter of Rev. Joseph J. and Mary E. Ferris Woolley. Was instructor and associate professor of Bible history for several years in Wellesley College. President of Mount Holyoke College since 1900. Member of the Board of Electors for the Hall of Fame; member College Entrance Examination Board. Director of the Woman's Educational Industrial Union of Boston. Member of the Executive Committee of the American School Peace League; vice-president of the American Peace Society. Member of the Moral Educational Board of Ethical-Social League; vice-president of the National Consumers' League; trustee of the American International College; vice-president of the Third National College Playground Association of America; member of the Advisory Committee American Scandinavian Society; member of Hellenic Travelers Club; Rhode Island Society for Collegiate Education of Women; Salem Society for Higher Education of Women; Daughters of the American Revolution; member of the Sorosis; Boston College; Northeast Wheaton Seminary Club; Pawtucket Woman's Club; Springfield College Club, and Lyceum of London, England.

Ella Flagg Young 1745 ~ 1918
One of the most noted educational women in America today, being president of State Editors' Association of Illinois, the school board of Chicago, having won this latter distinction over several men who had long served as public school teachers, took her degree of A.B., and later, her Ph.D., at the University of Chicago. She is the daughter of Theodore and Jane Flagg. A graduate of the Chicago High School and the Chicago Normal School; was married to William Young in 1868; has been teacher since 1862, her first position being District Superintendent of Schools; professor of educational work in the University of Chicago; Principal of the Chicago Normal School; Superintendent of the schools of Chicago; member of the State Board of Education for Illinois. One of the colleges composed of women principals of the elementary schools is named the Ella Flagg Young College, President of the Illinois State Teachers' Association, and editor of the Educational work.

Mary Vance Young 1866
Born in Washington. Pennsylvania, May 22, 1866. Daughter of John Seavers and Jane Vance Young. Was instructor of the Romance languages of Smith College; professor of Romance languages at Mount Holyoke College since 1901; Officier d' Academic, French Government; member of the Modem Language Association of America; Société Amicale Gaston, Paris, and author of Moliere's Kunst Komödien," also an Italian grammar.


Women of America

Source: The Part Taken by Women in American History, By Mrs. John A. Logan, Published by The Perry-Nalle Publishing Company, Wilmington, Delaware, 1912.


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