Maine's First Christmas Observance
Did you know that the very first
Christmas observance in New England, if not the first in our
country, was in Maine? It was on a desolate little island at the
mouth of the St. Croix River, about sixteen miles below Calais,
called "The Isle of the Holy Cross" by the adventurous little
band who had settled there.
You have read all about the first
Thanksgiving day, appointed by Gov. Bradford to celebrate the
first successful harvest of the Colonists on the Ply-mouth
shore; but our school histories have nothing to say about the
first Christmas, celebrated, not by the Massachusetts colonists,
who did not approve of Christmas merry-makings, but by a little
band of Frenchmen, headed by DeMonts and Champlain, six-teen
years before the coming of the Pilgrims. We may feel sure that
this was the first Christmas celebration, for it was the first
settlement attempted by white men, even for a few months, on our
The Maine Christmas of 1604 was as
different as possible from the Christmas days you know. To begin
with, there were no women or children to take part in the
festivities and what is Christmas without the little folks!
There was no. Christmas tree, although trees were the most
abundant things the island afforded and easily could have been
cut but what would have been the use of a tree when they had no
presents to hang on it and no children to admire and exclaim
over it? The usual Christmas dainties were lacking, too, as you
might expect, where men must do all the cooking and there were
no shops from which to purchase supplies. Yet we read that they
had a feast and you who know the delicious taste of a roast
haunch of venison or a savory rabbit stew, may believe it was
very good indeed, for game was plentiful. There were a few
luxuries, too, brought from the old country, for they had not
yet felt the need of hoarding their food supply.
It was a white Christmas, such as we in
Maine know so well. Snow came early that year and covered
everything with a thick, white blanket while the river was
filled with ice. What if the wind did roar through the trees and
whistle down the flues! Their houses were well built and there
was plenty of wood to heap upon the fires. These gay,
light-hearted and venturesome Frenchmen, always ready for
laughter and jest, were quite different from the sober and
serious minded Pilgrims of Plymouth. Fortunately, they could not
foresee the terrible severity of the winter and the sufferings
they must undergo before spring, and they celebrated their
holiday in merry and carefree mood.
But first, they attended solemn services
in the little chapel, just completed. There were probably two
services, one for the Protestants, conducted by their minister,
the other for the Catholics, with a priest in charge. The older
men gathered in the large hall, built for recreation and
meetings, around the blazing fires, and told stories of previous
adventures and recalled happy days in France. The young men went
skating upon the river and rabbit-hunting along the shores.
Later came the feasting and merry
making. A special feature of the entertainment was the reading
of a little paper, called the "Master William," which enlivened
their spirits during the winter. Of course it was written
instead of printed, and there was but one copy, which was passed
around from one to another or read aloud before the company. It
contained the daily events and gossip of the settlement, and we
may be sure the witty Frenchmen worked in some bright jokes at
each other's expense. It is a pity no copies of this first
American newspaper were preserved. However, Champlain makes
mention of it in his journal.
While DeMonts was commissioned the head
of the expedition to form a colony on the North American shores,
Samuel Champlain, historian and navigator, was the real, live
spirit of the party and responsible for much of the Christmas
gaiety. It was he who led the explorations, who gave courage and
ambition to the men and even to the leader, DeMonts, him-self,
and who made the first reliable and fairly accurate maps and
charts of the Maine and Massachusetts coast. No more gallant and
picturesque character is to be found in our early history than
this "true Viking.''
Probably you know Champlain best in
connection with the lake which bears his name, on the western
border of Vermont, and as the founder of Quebec. You may never
have thought of him in connection with the history of your own
State. The general histories of the United States seem to have
neglected that part of his career, but Champlain himself thought
it of sufficient importance to give many pages of his journal
and his "Voyages'' to descriptions of the Maine coast and his
temporary settlement at St. Croix.
One of Champlain's Maps,
Showing DeMonts Colony on St. Croix Island |
They are still to be seen, these curious
journals of Champlain, written in French, in stiff, precise
handwriting, something like that you see in very old copybooks,
generously illustrated with colored pictures of the ports,
islands, harbors and rivers he visited, besprinkled with the
beasts, birds and fish that inhabited them, all drawn as your
small brother might draw them and with quite as entire disregard
of the rules of drawing. However, when Champlain drew pictures
of Indians feasting, dancing and scalping their victims, he left
no room for doubts as to what his pictures represented.
Champlain was born in 1567, in the little French town of Brouage,
on the Bay of Biscay. His father was a captain in the royal navy
and one of his uncles was pilot in the king's service. So you
see he was familiar with boats from his childhood. He was
equally familiar with warfare, for all through his boyhood,
civil and religious wars were going on in France, and Brouage
was an important military post. He saw his home town frequently
attacked, captured, restored and re-captured, and soldiers and
the noise of battle were matter-of-course to him. There were
periods of peace, however, and then Samuel attended good schools
and learned to write fluently, to draw maps and think for
Of course Samuel fought for his king. He was made a
quartermaster, but little is known of his army life. He also
took every opportunity to travel and on one voyage visited the
West Indies and finally explored inland as far as the city of
Mexico. He stopped at Panama and the idea occurred to him that a
ship canal cut thru the Isthmus would be a great institution and
''shorten the voyage to the South Sea more than 1500 leagues."
Such a canal, as you remember, was opened to the world but a
very few years ago, more than two centuries and a half after
Champlain thought of it.
On his first trip to North American
shores, Champlain sailed up the St. Lawrence River as far as
Montreal. Returning with a wonderful narrative of his
adventures, he found King Henry and his viceroy, DeMonts,
planning the founding of a colony in Acadie, on the northern
shores of America.
What more natural, in looking for a
pilot for the expedition, than that they should turn to
Champlain, an experienced and courageous navigator, who was both
soldier and sailor and who combined bravery with prudence and
determination with light-heartedness.
So, in the early spring of 1604,
Champlain sailed with DeMonts in one of his vessels. Pontgrave,
with whom Champlain had made the trip up the St. Lawrence the
year before, followed a few days later, with supplies for the
new colony.
Picture in your mind the quaint little vessel, no larger than
the fishing smack of today, gliding under the frowning crags of
Grand Manan, on a beautiful morning in early summer, and up the
river which marks today the boundary of Maine and New Brunswick.
Crowded on the decks was as curiously assorted a company as ever
set out to found a colony. The best of France were mingled with
the meanest. There were nobles from the court of Henry IV and
thieves from the Paris prisons. There were Catholic priests
rubbing elbows with Huguenot ministers; there were volunteers
from noble families and ruffians flying from justice.
While the company lacked the unity which
made the famous Plymouth colony live, in spite of hardships,
there were competent men as leaders and DeMonts had companions
of his own kind. There were two of his old comrades in service,
Jean Biencourt and the Baron de Poutrincourt; Samuel Champlain,
skilled pilot and royal geographer; Sieur Raleau, DeMonts'
secretary; Messire Aubry, priest; M. Simon, mineralogist, two
surgeons and other men of education and position, who are
mentioned by Champlain in his journal. Later, they were joined
by Lescarbot, a jolly, good-humored fellow, who proved such a
"good sport" that he added much to the cheer of the colony and
he left some of the most entertaining accounts that have been
written of any of the early explorations. He was a natural born
story-teller and entertainer, a poet and familiar with classic
myth and literature, as his writings show. Less matter-of-fact
than Champlain, he had an eye for the humorous and the
They had sailed but a few miles up the
river of the Etechemins, when they came upon a small island,
containing some twelve or fifteen acres, and fenced round with
rocks and shoals. Both Champlain and DeMonts were much taken
with this island.
Anchors went overboard and all hastened
to go on land. That very day a barricade was commenced on a
little inlet and a place made for the cannon, the men working as
fast as they could, considering the mosquitoes, for Champlain
wrote: "the little flies annoyed ns excessively in our work, for
there were several of our men whose faces were so swollen by
their bites that they could scarcely see."
DeMonts named the island St. Croix
because "two leagues higher there were two brooks which came
crosswise to fall within this large branch of the sea."
According to all accounts, the island
presented a very busy scene for the next few weeks. At its
southern extremity, DeMonts planted the heavy guns. Not so many
years ago cannon balls were dug out of the sward here, and, near
the close of the eighteenth century, when the boundary between
the United States and Canada was being settled, the
commissioners traced the foundations of buildings long since
crumbled away, the only remains of the first settlement on the
Maine coast.
First there was the line of palisades to
be established on the north side of the island. Champlain showed
himself to be no less useful on land than on sea. He it was who
drew the plans for the new colony. He located the buildings for
sheltering its members, the workshops, a well and two great
garden plats. When DeMonts had located the storehouse and seen
it started, he gave his attention to a residence for himself,
which, the chronicles say, was built by good workmen.
The end of August saw the work so well
advanced that DeMonts sent his friend, Poutrincourt, back to
France, he agreeing to return in the spring with reinforcements
and supplies. DeMonts kept one ship with Capt. Timothee to
command it, and seventy-nine men. This was three months before
the Christmas day of which you have just read.
Emmie Bailey Whitney