Texas, Pacific States Newspapers Directory, 1894


Population 2,235,543. The area of Texas is 252,514 square miles—the largest of any State in the Union. The chief crops are cotton, corn and wheat. Sugar-cane is raised chiefly on the rivers, near their mouths, and rice in the southeast. Oats, barley, tobacco, and sweet and white potatoes are grown to a moderate extent. Swine thrive on the abundant mast of the forests. The chief industries in the west are stock-raising and wool growing. Figs and oranges thrive in the south.

Manufacturing interests are increasing. There are immense deposits of copper along the line of the Texas Pacific Railroad. Coal, timber, limestone, soapstone and iron are found in the same region. There is a field of bituminous coal, about 6,000 square miles in extent, and a field of anthricite in Brown, Coleman, Comanche, and Hamilton counties. Salt is produced in large quantities from springs in El Paso, Lampasas, and Llano counties; asphaltum is abundant. Large quantities of saltpeter are found in Blanco and Burnet counties; marble and roofing slate, grindstone, pot and fire-clays, marl and other fertilizers, are also found in great quantities.

Since the issuance of our preceding edition there has been the usual number of newspaper changes in this and other States mentioned in this work. The several industries throughout the State have largely increased, and in every branch and direction show unusual prosperity.

We give a brief description in the following pages of the several counties, with a tabulated list of the newspapers published in each.

By County

Texas Index| Pacific States Newspaper Index

Source: Pacific States Newspaper Directory, Sixth Edition, Palmer & Rey Type Foundry, San Francisco, 1894

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