Washington AHGP
Part of the American History and
Genealogy Project
County Newspapers
Lincoln County Times, published by Frank M.
Dallam, originator of the Spokane Review. On August 14, 1889,
Charles Prosch wrote: ''The Times is now in its seventh year,
with a good prospect of a long and useful career. As long as Mr.
Dallam retains his control it will unquestionably survive and
prosper, for he has given abundant proof of his ability to
conduct a journal successfully where success is possible."
(Washington Press Association Proceedings, 1887-1890, page 43.)
Lincoln Leader, established on June
12, 1884, by Elmer Warner. On November 21, the last number
appeared. (Edwin N. Fuller, in Washington Press Association
Proceedings, 1887-1890, page 81.)
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