T-Z ~ Surname ~ Directory of Laramie City
Wyoming Territory
Note. The Streets of Laramie City cross
each other at right angles. Those running north and south, or
parallel with the railroad track, on the east side of the same,
being numbered from the track, as 1st, 2d 3d, &c. Those on the
west side of the track being named, to-wit: 1st Front Street, 2d
Cedar Street, 3d Spruce Street, 4th Pine Street The cross
Streets-running east and west, commencing at Center Street,
being lettered North, and South, as follows: North "A," South
"A," and so on through the alphabet.] There is no explanation as
to why some names are capitalized and others not. They do not
explain why the list is not in alphabetical order.
T Surname
Tanner, Milo B., farmer, residence
corner North D and 4th Streets.
Taylor, Charles, book-keeper, residence 1st Street, between
South F and G.
Taylor, David, machinist, boards corner 2d and South C Streets.
Terwilleger, Stephen, wheelwright, boards Western House.
Thatcher, J. N., miner, boards Rolling Mill House.
Theobald, J. E., shoe-maker, shop 1st Street, between South A
and B.
Thiele, H. W., Pastor Baptist Church, residence South B Street,
between 4th and 5th.
Thies, Nicholas, blacksmith, residence 1st Street, between South
B and C.
Thomas, Wm., laborer, boards 3d Street, between South B and C.
Thompson, Polk, locomotive engineer, boards Miss Cay's boarding
Thornton, Robt., laborer, Dillon's livery stable.
Throbroe, Louis, brakeman, boards corner South C and 3d Streets.
Tidder, Chris., saloon-keeper, 1st Street, between South A and
Ties, John, cabinet-maker, residence 2d Street, between South B
and C.
Tipton, C. T., teamster, residence Cedar Street, between South A
and B.
Titomas, E. A., Associate Justice of Supreme Court, residence
corner North A and 4th Street.
Tonn, M. G., merchant, residence 2d Street, between South A and
Triggs, J. H., mineralogist and farmer, residence farm west side
Laramie River.
Tryon, Miss Laura, dress-maker, residence corner Center and 3d
Turner, Richard, cook, Laramie Hotel.
Turner, W. H., cook, New York House.
Turpin, Richard, miner, boards New York House.
V Surname
Vanhouten, J. T., clerk, residence
corner North B and 2d Streets.
Varus, H. B., brakeman, boards Ritter's Restaurant.
Vine, James, furniture dealer, residence 3d Street, between
Center and South A.
Vogelsang, August, boot and shoemaker. South B Street, between
1st and 2d.
W Surname
Wagner, Ed. J., salesman for Henry
Wagner, Henry, merchant, residence corner South A and 4th
Wagner, W. A., teamster, boards Frontier Hotel.
Walker, Henry, machinist, residence Pine Street, between South D
and E.
Walter, Albert, farmer, suburbs, near the creek.
Walter, Robert, brewer, Fred Bath's brewery.
Walters, Augustus, laborer, residence 2d Street between South E
and F.
Walters, C. W., laborer, boards Clark's Restaurant.
Walters, Joseph, (colored,) porter for J. W. Conner.
Walters, L. B., laborer, boards Frontier Hotel.
Wands, John B., bakery and restaurant. Front Street, between
Center and South A.
Wanless, John, merchant. South A Street, between 1st and 2d.
Warner, John, cook, New York House.
Warren, Thomas, laborer, residence 1st Street, between South D
and E.
Washington, Geo., (colored,) waiter, Laramie Hotel.
Washington, Hannah, (colored,) laundress, residence South C
Street, between 1st and 2d.
Waters, Wm., livery stable keeper, corner South C and 2d
Watkins, John S., butcher, with Hutton & Metcalf.
Watt, Cullen, timber man, boards Lacy's boarding house.
Webber, N. T., lumber dealer, residence on corner of North A and
2d Streets.
Webster, T. J., printer, residence on 2d Street, between Center
and North A.
Welsh, Michael, machinist, residence on 2d Street, between South
B and C.
Werthimer, Leopold, clerk, 2d Street, between South A and B.
Weythman, Miss Mollie, dressmaker, South B Street, between 1st
and 2d.
White, James, painter, shop South B Street, between 1st and 2d.
Wickham, Horace, laborer, boards at Frontier Hotel.
Wicks, Thomas, blacksmith, residence 1st Street, between South F
and G.
Wiegand, William, partner in Fuhr's Restaurant.
Wilbur, Henry, teamster, residence Front Street, between South A
and B.
Wilcox, L. T., jeweler, business and residence corner South A
and 2d Streets.
Wilkelmson, John, blacksmith, residence suburbs South Laramie.
Wilkins, A. T., locomotive engineer, residence 1st Street,
corner South G.
Wille, Chris., boot and shoe dealer, South B Street, between 1st
and 2d.
Williams, A. T., merchant, residence on South B Street, between
1st and 2d.
Williams, Charles, brakeman, residence on corner of North B and
4th Streets.
Williams, Edward, hunter, boards at New York House.
Williams, G. C, miner, residence on 2d Street, between South D
and E.
Williams, John M., laborer, boards at Western House.
Williams, Robert, (colored) cook, Laramie Hotel.
Williams, T. P., telegraph operator, residence rear of Western
Union Telegraph Office.
Williams, Wesley, (colored) cook, boards South A Street, between
1st and 2d.
Williams, William N., laborer, boards at Western House.
Willis, Asa, saloon-keeper, rooms corner South C and 3d Streets.
Wilmot, Henry, fireman, residence Front Street, between North A
and B.
Wilson, John, teamster, boards at Lacy's boarding house.
Wilson, W. C, proprietor billiard hall, residence corner Front
and North A Streets.
Wing, Samuel S., express agent, residence in rear of U. P.
Express office.
Woods, IST. Z., fireman, rooms in Vogelsang's block.
Woods, Nelson, timber man, boards at Western House.
Worth, N. C, proprietor Worth's Hotel, corner 1st and South B
Wright, John A., saddle and harness dealer, 2d Street, between
South B and C.
Wright, L. T., horse jockey, residence corner South B and 2d sts.
Wright, M. H., locomotive engineer, residence 2d Street, between
South B and C.
Y Surname
Yetzer, Anthony, blacksmith, corner
South D and 2d Streets.
Young, George, proprietor Mechanics House, South B Street,
between 1st and 2d.
Young, Nelson, (colored), waiter Laramie Hotel.
Z Surname
Zimmerman, Martin, hostler, Frontier