Part of the American History and Genealogy Project

Wisconsin Gazetteer ~ B ~

Wisconsin Gazetteer, Containing the names, location, and advantages, of the Counties, Cities, Towns, Villages, Post Offices, and Settlements, together with a description of the Lakes, Water Courses, Prairies, and Public Localities, in the State of Wisconsin. Alphabetically arranged.

Notice. Names and descriptions prepared too late for their proper place, will be found in the Appendix.

L, Lake Pr., Prairie
P.O. Post Office P. V. Post Village
R, River T, Town
V, Village
CH., Court House, or County Seat


Bachelor's Grove, P. V., in Rock County, on section 4, town 2, range 11 E., of the town of Plymouth; 10 miles west from Janesville, and 40 miles south from Madison. Population 70, with 12 dwellings, 1 temperance hotel, and a M. E. church.

Bad Ax, Town, in county of Bad Ax. The population in 1850 (at which time it formed a portion of Crawford County,) was 630. It has 8 school districts.

Bad Ax, County, is bounded on the north by La Crosse, on the east by Sauk and Richland, on the south by Richland and Crawford, and on the west by the Mississippi River, and was set off from Crawford and organized March 1, 1851. The county seat was established by a vote of the electors of the county on the 29th day of June, 1852, at Varoqua, near the centre of the county. It forms a part of the sixth judicial circuit, the second congressional, and the nineteenth senate district, and with Crawford sends one member of the assembly.

The streams are the Bad Ax, Kickapoo and Racoon Rivers, with their tributaries, and small streams emptying into the Mississippi. A large quantity (41,807 acres,) of that portion of school lands known as the 500,000 acre grant, is situated in Bad Ax County, the soil of which is good, and produces good crops of wheat, oats, corn, &c. This county is comparatively new, and contained in 1850 less than 700 inhabitants. During the last two years the population has increased very fast - County Officers: Judge, Henry J. Defrees; Sheriff, James Bailey; Clerk of Court, Win. F. Terhune.

Bad Ax, River, in Bad Ax County, rises in town 14, range 4 W.; runs southwest, and empties into the Mississippi, in town 12. Its mouth is remarkable for being adjoining the site of the last battle field with Black Hawk, August 2d, 1832;

Bad Ax, P. V., in Bad Ax county, on section 25, town 12 N., range 5 W.

Bad Fish, Creek, rises in Oregon, Dane county, and runs south-east, emptying into the Catfish river, in Porter, Rock county.

Bad, River, of Lake Superior. See Mauvoie.

Bailey's, Harbor, on western shore of Lake Michigan, in town 30, Door County, at Gibraltar.

Baker's Corner, P. V., in Walworth County, in section 6, town 3, range 18 E., town of Spring Prairie, 10 miles northeast from Elkhorn, and 80 miles southeast from Madison, on the road from Janesville to Racine, at the junction of the highway to East Troy and Milwaukee. It is in a good farming district, well adapted to raising wheat, &c.

Bald, Prairie, in Winnebago County, in towns of Clayton, Vinland, Winneconne and Winchester.

Ball, River, see La Crosse River and Prairie La Crosse.

Baraboo, P. V. and C. H., on both sides of river of same name, in Sauk County; it is mostly on section 2, in town 11 N., of range 6 E., and is about 50 miles northwest from Madison. It now includes the village of Adams. It has 6 taverns, 7 stores, 5 mills, 26 mechanical shops, 1 carding machine, 1 tannery, and 1 printing office at which the Sank County Standard is published weekly. Population, 2,000.

Barker's, Lake, is in the northwest part of the town of Sugar Creek, Walworth County. It is about one and a half miles in length.

Bark, Point Lake Superior, near the mouth of Heron River.

Bask, River, rises in Richfield, Washington County, and running southwest through the towns of Merton, Delafield, Summit, and Ottawa, in Waukesha County, passes through the towns of Sullivan, Hebron, Cold Spring and Koskonong, in Jefferson County, emptying into Rock River at Fort Atkinson, five miles above Lake Koshkonong.

Bark River, P. O., Jefferson County, in the town of Hebron, 10 miles southeast of Jefferson, and 40 southeast of Madison.

Barton, P. O., Washington County. See village of Newark.

Bass, Lake, a small lake on section 24, in the town of Rutland, Dale County.

Bass Lake, P.O. in Rutland, Dane County, discontinued.

Battle, Creek, is a small stream having its source in two or three small lakes in Summit, Waukesha County, runs northwesterly, and empties into Oconomowoc River, in the town of Concord, Jefferson County.

Beachwood, P. O., in county of Sheboygan, being in Scott, town 13 K, range 20 E.

Bear, Creek, Chippewa County, enters Buffalo Slough from the east.

Bear Creek, P. O., in Richland County.

Bear, Creek, rises in Sauk County, and runs southwest into the Wisconsin, in range 2 E.

Bear, Island, in take Michigan, near southeast corner of town 32, range 99 E., Door County. It is about a mile in diameter.

Bear, Lake, in the town of Greenbush, Sheboygan County, on sec. 29, township 15, range 20 E.

Beaver, Creek, a tributary from the north of Black River, entering the same near Dakorra Mound, La Crosse County.

Beaver Dam, Town, in the county of Dodge, being township 11, of range 14, and south half of town 12, range 14, and south half of town 12, range 13, eight miles west from Juneau, the county seat. The population in 1850 was 1,830. It has 10 school districts.

Beaver Dam, River, rises in Fox Lake, and runs south, emptying into the Crawfish, in the southern portion of Dodge County.

Beaver Dam, P. V. in town of same name, Dodge County, being on section 4, town 11 N., range 14 E. It is situated on a stream of the same name, at the outlet of a pond some 8 or 10 miles in extent, where stands a flouring mill, in which are constantly employed 4 runs of stone; where there is to be built the coming season another flouring mill and woolen factory, an oil mill, a saw mill, and a carding machine; with 5 more saw mills and 2 flouring mills with two runs of stone each, within 3 miles of the village, and yet the stream is considered sufficient for considerable improvement in the line of mills and machinery. A strip of excellent timber skirts its banks, rendering timber and lumber very abundant and cheap. In the village there are 3 hotels, 10 or 12 stores, 1 apothecary shop, 1 furnace, 1 cabinet} 1 tin, 1 saddle and harness shops, 2 livery stables, 3 churches, and two to be built immediately; 1 jewelry store, 6 doctors, 1 printing office, besides carpenter, tailor, blacksmith, wagon and shoe shops, &c, with some 400 dwellings, and population of at least 1,500. This place possesses superior advantages. It has plenty of water power, and of timber to saw, thus reducing the price of lumber and rendering building easy. It is surrounded by one of the most fertile sections of the state, which naturally inclines to this point for a market; and its means of transit when the La Crosse and Milwaukee railroad is completed, will add another important feature to its prospects. With such natural advantages, and these evidences of prosperity, who can wonder that Beaver Dam should make such rapid strides in advancement and business facilities, while it requires no prophetic eye to discover that, ere long, she is to be ranked among the most populous, wealthy, and business inland towns in Wisconsin.

Beaver, Lake, is near the centre of the town of Merton, a short distance east of Pine lake, in Waukesha County, into which it has its outlet. It is about a mile in length.

Beetown, Town, in the county of Grant, being townships 4 and 5 N., of range 4 W.; 6 miles west from Lancaster. It has 7 school districts.

Beetown, P. V. on section 30, in town of same name in Grant County, town 4, range 4 W.; is surrounded by rich lead mines and a good farming region of land, with timber on the east, and prairie on the north, we3t, and south. The population is about 300; with 55 dwellings, 9 stores, and 1 hotel.

Beetown, Diggings, a mining place on section 17, town 4, range 4 W., in Grant County.

Belfontaine, P. O., in Columbia County.

Belgium, Town, in the county of Ouzaukee, being township 12 N., of range 22 E.; located 7 miles north from Ouzaukee. The population in 1850 was 1,154. It has 7 school districts.

Belmont, formerly P. O., in town of same name, in northwest corner of Lafayette County, at Platte Mounds. At this place the first session of the territorial legislature of Wisconsin was held. It is now the residence of Hon. Charles Dunn, chief justice of the territorial Supreme Court.

Beloit, Town, in county of Rock, being township 1 N., of range 12 E.; located southerly, 10 miles from Janesville, the county seat. The population in 1850 was 2,750. It has 9 school districts.

Beloit and Madison Rail Road Company. - Directors: John B. Turner, W. L. Newberry, Edward J. Tinkham, and E. S. Wadsworth, Chicago, Ill.; L. G. Fisher, Hazen Cheney, and John Hackett, Beloit, Wis.; Volney Atwood, J. A. Sleeper, and Otis W. Norton, Janesville, Wis.; Simeon Mills, F. Gr. Tibbits, and Elisha Burdick, Madison, Wis.; John P. Turner, President; Benj. Durham, Secretary; Edward J. Tinkham, Treasurer; and John P. Ilsley, Chief Engineer. This company was incorporated by act of the legislature, approved Feb. 18, 1852. By the charter the company are authorized to create a capital stock of $1,200,000, and to locate, construct and operate a single or double track railroad, from the village of Beloit in tha county of Rock, via Janesville in the county of Rock, to Madison, the capital of the State of Wisconsin, with power also to connect or consolidate with other railroad companies. The company was organized at Madison on the 1st day of July, the same year, by the election of officers as above stated. Preliminary surveys were immediately commenced, preparatory to the location of the line, and the attainment of the right of way. The report of the chief engineer shows the length of the line from Beloit to Madison to be 52.08 miles, and the estimated cost $790,000, or $15,027 per mile, laid with heavy Trail. Some portions of the work have already been contracted, and the engineer is now actively engaged in completing the surveys and procuring the right of way, and the whole line will soon be ready for contract, and it is confidently believed that the entire road will be completed to Madison by the 4th of July, 1854. By an amendment to its charter, passed February, 1853, this company are authorized to construct their road direct from Beloit to Madison, and by running about twelve miles west of Janesville, the line will be reduced in length something over four miles, and be entirely removed from competition with rival roads. The district of country through which this road passes to its present terminus, the capital of Wisconsin, is equal, if not superior, in population, productiveness and natural beauty to any portion of the state; while its ultimate extension to the Wisconsin river at Portage city, and thence through the extensive pine regions of the north to Lake Superior, or the Upper Mississippi, insure for it an immense and constantly increasing business, as that interesting portion of the country becomes settled and more fully developed. The very favorable terms upon which this company have arranged with the Chicago and Galena railroad company, to run in connection with and operate this road as a branch of that already popular and profitable thoroughfare, added to the many other superior advantages already enjoyed by this company, warrant the belief that this will prove one of the most useful, as well as most profitable, railroad enterprises in ' the Great West. To Simeon Mills, Esq., of Madison, is due the credit of originating and largely contributing toward the successful prosecution of this enterprise.

Beloit, P. V. Rock County, on sections 35 and 36, in town of same name, being town 1 N., of range 12 E., 12 miles south from Janesville, and 45 miles southeast from Madison. It is situated on the State line, at the junction of Turtle Creek with Rock River. Its commercial and manufacturing facilities are of a superior character, and the means of education are as great as in any other town in the State. It has a population of 3,000, with 400 dwellings, 1 Baptist, 1 Congregational, 1 Methodist, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Episcopal, and 1 catholic church; 18 dry goods stores, 10 grocery and provision, 2 hardware and 3 drug stores; 3 stove and tin, 2 shoe, 4 clothing and 2 book stores; 2 cabinet, 2 barbers, 2 jewelers, 4 market and 2 paint shops; 3 saddle and harness, 4 blacksmiths and 2 coopers shops; 1 tobacco factory and store, 3 hotels, 3 flouring, 1 oil, and 1 saw mill, 1 flax factory, 1 foundry, 1 machine shop, 1 manufactory of reapers and fanning mills, 2 carriage and wagon factories, 1 scale manufactory, 1 woolen factory, and 1 candle and soap factory.

Bem, P. O., in Greene County.

Benton, Creek, rises in town 23, range 23 E., Kewaunee County, runs southerly, emptying into the west Twin River in Manitowoc County.

Berlin, Town, in county of Marquette, being township 17 N., of range 13 E. It has 9 school districts.

Beery, Town, in the county of Dane, being township 8 N., of range 7 E. It is 15 miles northwest from Madison,

Berry, P.O., in town of same name, Dane County, on section 29, town 8 K, range 7 E.

Big Bend, P. O. in southern part of Waukesha County.

Big, Creek, a small tributary from the southeast of Black River, in La Crosse County, into which it empties, in town 19 N., of range 5 W.

Big Plover, River, is a tributary from the northeast of the Wisconsin, which it enters between Plover and Stevens' Point.

Big, Prairie, Waushara County, is a crescent shaped prairie in the eastern part of the town of Oasis, town 20 N., of range 8 E. Its greatest length is six miles, and extreme width three miles. It contains about 15,000 acres of land.

Big Quinneseo, Falls, are rapids in the Menominee River, about one and a half miles in length, in which distance the fall is 134 feet. This distance is divided into four chutes, at the lowest of which the river dashes over a perpendicular fell of rocks forty feet in height.

Big Suamico, River, rises in Oconto County, and runs east, through township 25, emptying into Green Bay from the west.

Billing's, Creek, in Bad Ax County, is a branch of the Kickapoo River. Birch, Lake, on Bed Cedar River, between Sketch and Pine lakes.

Bird's Ruin, see Hanchettville P. O.

Black, Creek, Sheboygan County, rises in the southwest part of town 13, range 23 E., and runs north easterly to the north-east corner of the town of "Wilson, where it falls into Lake Michigan.

Black, Creek, is a small tributary, from the west of Fox River, which it enters near the line between towns 16 and 17, in Marquette County.

Black, Creek, rises near the N. E. corner of Outagamie County, and runs southwesterly, uniting with the outlet of White Lake, and fells into Wolf River, in the town of Ellington.

Black Earth, Town, (formerly Farmer'sville) in county of Dane, being township No. 8 N., range 6 E., located 20 miles from Madison. It has 3 school districts.

Black Earth, P. V., Dane County, in town of same name, on section 26, town 8 N., range 6 E., 21 miles nearly west from Madison. Population 75; 15 dwellings, 1 store, 1 hotel and a good flouring mill. It is situated in the fertile valley of the Black Earth creek, 9 miles above its entrance into the Wisconsin. This village was laid out in 1850, and has a good water power.

Black Earth, River, rises in Middleton, in Dane County, and runs N. W., entering the Wisconsin at Arena, in Iowa County.

Black, River, (Sappah,) rises in Marathon County, and runs south west, entering the Mississippi, in La Crosse County, about half way between La Crosse and Trempeleau Rivers. It is navigable to the Falls, to which place it maintains a width of 200 yards.

Black River, Falls, are about 50 miles from the mouth of the Black River, in Jackson County, at which place the stream is about 200 yards wide, and falls 22 feet in the distance of 100 yards.

Black River Falls, P. V., on Black River, in Jackson county town 21 N., range 4 W.

Black River Pinery, is on Black River, and its tributaries mostly in La Crosse and Jackson counties. The amount of lumber manufactured in this section, aside from square timber, lath, and shingles, is shown by the following estimate:

Angle's Mills, on La Crosse River 500,000
Wm. Levice's Mills 1,900,000
La Crowe Mills 2.000,000
John Levice's 800,000
Nichols 800,000
Hall's 800,000
Douglass 1,000,000
Johnson's 300,000
Policy's 500,000
Blanchard's 300,000
Robinson's 500,000
Bailey's 300,000
Valentine's 800,000
Clarke's 500,000
Whipple's 800,000
Patterson's 500,000
O'Neall's 500,000
Perry's 800,000
Cowley's 800,000
Spaulding's 500,000
Eaton's 500,000
Total 14,500,000

Black Wolf, P.O., in town of same name, Winnebago County.

Black Wolf, Town, in county of Winnebago, being township 17 N., of range 17 E.; located 18 miles northwest from Oshkosh, the county seat. It has 3 school districts.

Blake's, Prairie, is a large prairie, in range 5 W., in Grant County.

Block House, Creek, a branch from the east of Little Platte river, in Smeltzer, Grant County.

Bloomfield, Town, in the county of Walworth, being township 1 N., of range 18 E.; located 13 miles southeast from Elkhorn, the county seat The population in 1850 was 879. It has 6 school districts.

Bloomfield, P. V., in Walworth County, on section 35, of town of same name, (town 1 N., range 18 E.,) 18 miles southeast from Elkhorn and 80 miles southeast from Madison, on the Nippissing creek, with a good water fall.

Bloomingdale, P. V., in town of Omro, Winnebago County, being in town 18 N., range 15 E.

Bloomingdale, Town, see Omro.

Blooming Grove, Town,) in the county of Dane, being township 7 N., of range 10 E.; located 4 miles east from Madison, the county seat. Population in 1850 was 291. It has 6 school districts.

Blue Mounds, P. O., at the oldest settlement of Dane County, in town of same name, on section 5, town 6, range 6 E., 25 miles northeast from Mineral Point; and is the same distance west from Madison, on the great stage route and thoroughfare from the Mississippi to Milwaukee, via Madison. It was first settled in 1828, by Ebenezer Brigham, who made a valuable discovery of mineral at this place in that year.

Blue Mounds, two conical shaped hills, the one in Iowa, the other in Dane County; 12 miles south from the Wisconsin River, and 25 miles west from Madison. The top of one of these mounds is 1001 feet above the level of the Wisconsin River at Helena, and is the highest point in the State.

Blue Mound, Creek, rises near the Blue Mounds in Dane County, and runs northwest, uniting with the Black Earth River in the town of Arena, Iowa County.

Blue Mounds, Town, in county of Dane, being township 6 N., of range 6 E.; located 21 miles west from Madison. It has 5 school districts.

Blue River, P. O., in Iowa County.

Blue, River, rises in Highland, Iowa County, and runs northwest into the Wisconsin River in the town of Fennimore, Grant County.

Blue River, Diggings, a mining point at section 24, town 6 N., of range 1 W., in Grant County.

Bluff, P. O., in town of Kingston, Sauk County, in town 10 N., of range 6 E.

Bluffton, P. V., in Marquette County, being town 16 N., of range 13 E., on section 7. It is located 8 miles northwest from 5 Dartford, 54 miles north and 18 miles east from Madison. It is at the head of navigation on the Pukyaun River, the main east branch of the Upper Fox. The rapids afford a fine water power. It has 1 hotel, 1 mill, and a Congregational and Methodist denomination. The roads from Sheboygan to La Crosse, from Green Bay to Fort Winnebago, and from Oshkosh to the Upper Fox River, all cross the rapids at this place.

Boiling, Creeks is a small stream in the town of Black Earth, Dane County, emptying into the Wisconsin.

Bois Brule, River, (Burnt Wood,) a tributary of Lake Superior, into which it enters, about 20 miles east from Fond du Lac bay. It rises near the Upper St. Croix Lake and is nearly 100 miles in length.

Bois, Creek, a branch of Grant River, from the east, in the town of Potosi, Grant County.

Bois, Prairie, a long and narrow prairie, extending from Lancaster nearly to Potosi in Grant County.

Bonner's, Creek, rises near Belmont, Lafayette County and runs east into the Pekatonica, in the town of Willow Springs.

Booth, Lake, is a small lake on the line between the towns of Troy and East Troy, Walworth County.

Bothelle, P. V., in Fond du Lac County, on section 7, in the town of Eldorado, being town 16 N., of range 16 E., 15 miles northwest from the city of Fond du Lac, and 70 miles north-east from Madison.

Boyd's, Greek, a small stream entering the Wisconsin, in town 7 N., of range 4 W., in Crawford County.

Bradford, Town, in county of Rock, being township No. 2 N., of range 14 E., located 12 miles east from Janesville, the county seat. The population in 1850 was 703. It has 8 school districts.

Bridgeport, P. V., in Brown County, on section 2, town 21 N., of range 19 E.

Brigham's, Branch, a small tributary of the Fourth Lake, in Dane County.

Brigham's, Prairie is a large prairie in the town of Blue Mounds, Dane County.

Brighton, P. V., in town of same name, Kenosha County.

Brighton, Town, in county of Kenosha, being township 2 N., of range 23 E.; located 17 miles west from Kenosha, the county seat. The population in 1850 was 180. It has 7 school districts.

Bristol, Town, in county of Dane, being township 9 N, of range 11 E.; located 14 miles northeast from Madison, the county seat. It has 5 school districts.

Bristol, Town, in county of Kenosha, being township 1 N., of range 21 E.; located 10 miles southwest from Kenosha, the county seat. The population in 1850 was 1,125. It has 12 school districts.

Bristol, P. V., Kenosha County, on section 4, town 1 N., of range 21 E., being in town of same name; located 11 miles west from Kenosha, and 95 miles southeast from Madison. The post office was established in 1839.

Brock's, Crossing, on L' eau Galle, in St. Croix County.

Broken Gun, Channel, the middle outlet of Black River.

Brookfield, P. O. in town of same name, Waukesha County.

Brookfield, Town, in the county of Waukesha, being township 7 N., of range 20 E.; located 9 miles northeast from Waukesha, the county seat. The population in 1850 was 1,939. It has 13 school districts.

Brooklyn, Creek, a small stream, entering the Wisconsin from the southwest, at Brooklyn, Grant County.

Brooklyn, Town, in county of Green, being township 4 N., of range 9 E.; located 17 miles northeast from Monroe, the county seat. The population in 1850 was 531. It has 8 school districts.

Brooklyn, Town, in county of Marquette, being township 16 N., of range 13 E. It has 9 school districts.

Brooklyn, Town; in county of Sauk, having 7 school districts.

Brooklyn, Village, in Grant County, on Wisconsin River, at the outlet of creek of the same name, in the town of Patch Grove.

Brown, County, is bounded on the north by Oconto, on the east by Kewaunee, on the south by Manitowoc, and on the west by Outagamie, and a portion of Oconto. It derived its name from General Brown, commander-in-chief of the army, and was originally organized by an act of the legislative council of the territory of Michigan, approved 16th October, 1818, and then included all of the territory of the present state of Wisconsin, east of a line drawn due north from the northern boundary of Illinois, through the middle of the Portage between the Fox and Wisconsin rivers. Its limits have been decreased from time to time, until at present it contains only fourteen and a half townships, being 21 by 24 miles square, with an addition of 3 by 6 miles to its northwestern corner. The seat of justice is established by law at the village of Depere, on the Neenah, about eight miles from its mouth, although the courts are held, and most of the county business transacted at Green Bay. Its streams are: Fox, (Neenah), Manitoo, (or East), Ashwabena and Big Suamico rivers, and Duck creek. The soil is better adapted to grazing than the raising of grain, although it produces good Crops of wheat, rye, oats, potatoes, &c. The surface is mostly level or slightly undulating, with but little swamp or waste land. It is mostly heavily timbered, with maple, beech, birch, &c, interspersed with pine and a good proportion of hemlock. Brown County is attached to the fourth judicial circuit, to the third congressional, and to the second senatorial district, and with Kewaunee and Door, forms an assembly district. . The population in 1825 was 952; 1830, 964; 1836, 2,706; 1838, 3,084; 1840, 2,107; 1842, 2,146; 1846, 2,662; 1847, 2,914; 1850,6,222. Farms, 267; manufactories, 23; and dwellings, 1,005. It must be borne in mind that new counties were established from the county of Brown, between nearly every taking of the census, and that the foregoing table, so far as showing the increase of population is concerned, is a very unsatisfactory one. The following are the county officers for 1853 and 1854: County Judge, David Agry; Sheriff, Orlo B. Graves; Clerk of Court, John Last; District Attorney, Baron 8. Doty; Register of Deeds, E. Holmes Ellis; Clerk of Board of Supervisors, Wm. Field, Jr.; County Treasurer, Charles Henry; County Surveyor, Eli P. Royce; Coroner, David Cormier.

Brown, Lake, about one and a half miles east of the village of Burlington, in Racine County. It is nearly a mile in diameter, and discharges its waters into the Pishtaka.

Buena Vista, P. V., Portage County, on section 20, town 22 N., of range 9 E.; 100 miles north from Madison, in a good farming country; with 100 inhabitants, 25 dwellings, 3 hotels, and 1 church.

Buena Vista, Town, in county of St. Croix.

Buck, Creek, empties into the Mississippi, in town 9, Crawford County.

Buffalo, Town, in county of Marquette, being township 14 N., of range 10 E. It has 4 school districts.

Buffalo, Lake, Marquette County, is an expansion of the Neenah River, about 12 miles in length. It is mostly in town 15 N., of ranges 9 and 10 E.

Buffalo, River, forms the boundary line for several miles between La Crosse and Chippewa Counties, emptying into the Mississippi, in town 24 N., of range 6 E.

Buffalo, Slough, the name given to the lower mouth of the Chippewa River.

Bullion, P. O., in Waukesha County.

Burke, Town, in the county of Dane, being township 8 IS., of range 10 E.; located 6 miles from Madison, the county seat It has 6 school districts.

Burlington, Town, in the county of Racine, north 2/3 of town 2 N, and town 3 N., of range 19 E.; located 24 miles west of Racine, the county seat The population in 1810 was 1,640. It has 8 school districts.

Burlington, P. V., on Fox River, in town of same name, in county of Racine, on section 32, in town 4 N., of range 19 E.

Burnett, Corners, P. O., in town of Burnett, Dodge County.

Burnett, P. O., in town of same name, Dodge County.

Burnette, Town, in the county of Dodge, being town 12 N., of range 15 E.; located 6 miles north from Juneau, the county seat. The population in 1860 was 816. It has 6 school districts.

Burnt District, Falls, two perpendicular falls in the Menominee River, near its source, about a mile apart, and 9 feet in height

Burnt Wood, River, see Bois Brule.

Butler, P.O., Milwaukee County, on section 6 in town of Wauwatosa, (town 7 N., range 21 E.,) 8 miles northwest from Milwaukee, on the Lisbon plank road, being the route of the North Madison Territory road from Milwaukee, and 80 miles from Madison. It has 1 hotel and a steam saw mill.

Butte des Morts, P. V., Winnebago County, on section 24 in town of Winneconne, (town 19 N., of range 15 E.), 10 miles north-west from Oshkosh, the county seat, and 85 miles northeast from Madison. It is beautifully situated on a high bluff on the left bank of the Fox River, near the head of Lake Butte des Morts, from which it takes its name. It offers many inducements to the settler, being a very healthy location, and surrounded by a good farming country. Lumber is plenty, immense quantities being rafted on the river. Population, 100; with 15 dwellings, 5 stores, 3 hotels, 1 steam mill, 2 religious denominations, and various mechanical shops.

Byron, Town, in county of Fond du Lac, being town 14 N., of range 17 E.; centrally located, 8 miles south from Fond du Lac, the county seat. The population in 1850 was 882. It has 9 school districts.


Source: Wisconsin Gazetteer,  By John Warren Hunt. Madison: Beriah Brown, Printer, 1853

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