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Wisconsin Gazetteer ~ N ~

Wisconsin Gazetteer, Containing the names, location, and advantages, of the Counties, Cities, Towns, Villages, Post Offices, and Settlements, together with a description of the Lakes, Water Courses, Prairies, and Public Localities, in the State of Wisconsin. Alphabetically arranged.

Notice. Names and descriptions prepared too late for their proper place, will be found in the Appendix.

L, Lake Pr., Prairie
P.O. Post Office P. V. Post Village
R, River T, Town
V, Village
CH., Court House, or County Seat


Nagawicka, Lake, is mostly on section 17 of the town of Delafield. It is about 3 miles long, and three-fourths of a mile wide; at the outlet are the mills and the village of Delafield This lake has Bark River for its inlet and outlet, and contains a small and beautiful island.

Namebin, Lake, La Pointe County. See Megilcheque Lake.

Narrows, Creek, is a tributary from the southwest of Baraboo River, which it enters about half way between Baraboo and Reedsburg.

Nashotah, House, the oldest institution of learning in the State, is located on the eastern bank of the upper Nashotah Lake, in the town of Summit, Waukesha County. It was chartered in 1847, and has all the powers and privileges of a University. At present the only department in operation is the Theological, which numbers about 30 students. The Board of Instruction consists of 3 Professors and 2 Tutors. It has a library of about 4,000 volumes. It is an institution of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and endeavors are now being made to place it upon a permanent foundation, which promises to be successful.

Nashotah, Lake, (Twin Lakes,) are in the eastern part of the town of Summit, Waukesha County, between which the old stage route from Madison to Milwaukee passes. The lakes are connected by a small brook, and each contains a periphery of two miles, the lower being a trifle the largest. The lower lake approaches within a short distance of the Upper Nemahbin.

Neoada, River, rises in the north part of Adams County, and runs southerly, emptying into Yellow River about 6 miles above the Wisconsin River, in Adams County.

Neenah, P. V., in town of same name, Winnebago County, on south side of the outlet of Winnebago lake, opposite Menasha, in town 20 N., of range 17 E.

Neenah, Town, in county of Winnebago. Population in 1850 was 1,420. It has 7 school districts.

Neenah, River, see Fox River of Green Bay.

Nekimi, Town, in county of Winnebago. Population in 1850 was 910. It has 6 school districts.

Nekimi, P. V., on section 20, town 17 N., of range 16 E., in Winnebago County. It is 95 miles northeast from Madison, and 15 southwest from Oshkosh, county seat, and is on the main road from Oshkosh to Milwaukee. Population 600, with 150 dwellings, 2 stores, 4 hotels, and 3 churches, Free Will, Baptist, and Methodist congregations.

Nelson's Landing, in Chippewa County, at mouth of Chippewa River, town 22 N., of range 14 W.

Nemahbin, Lakes, are in the southeastern part of Summit, Waukesha County, through which Bark River passes transversely. These lakes are separated from each other by a small strip of land, across which the road passes from Delafield west, through Summit centre. The Upper Nemahbin is but a short distance south of Nashotah, and about a mile and a half west of Nagawicka Lake. The lower lake contains a beautiful island, known as "Fairservice's," which was never surveyed, and is now claimed by the Hon. O. Reed. It is covered with a noble growth of maple. These lakes are about 3 miles, long from north to south.

Nemadji, River, La Pointe County. See Gauche River.

Nemahkum, P. O., in Marquette County, 11 miles from Montello.

Nemandy, River, (Emandiga,) in western part of La Pointe County, a tributary from the north of St. Croix River.

Nemayacum, River, see Mechan River.

Neosha, P. O., in town of Rubicon, Dodge County, on section 30 r town 10 N., of range 18 E., on the Rubicon.

Nepenski, P. V., town 17 N., of range 14 E., Winnebago County. It is 20 miles southwest from Oshkosh, and 90 miles north from Madison, 6 miles from Ceresco, and 6 miles from Berlin. In the vicinity is Rush Lake, 7 miles long and 3 miles wide, with an unimproved water power at the outlet. Population 95.

Nepeyskum, P. O. in county of Winnebago.

Nepeuskum, Town, in county of Winnebago. Population in 1850, was 361. It has 5 school districts.

Neshkora, Town, in county of Marquette. It embraces sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, in town 17, of range 12 E., and sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 and 85, in town 17 N., of range 11 E., and sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, in town 16 K, of range 11 E.

Neshkoro, P. V., on section 8, town 17 N, of range 11 E., of Marquette County. It is 18 miles from Marquette, and 80 miles north from Madison, in a fine farming country, with sufficient water power for 10 run of stones, on the main road from Milwaukee to the Wisconsin and Black River pineries, and from Sheboygan to La Crosse. Population 200, with 27 dwellings, 4 stores, 2 hotels, 1 grist mill, 1 saw mill, 1 turning lathe, and Presbyterian and Methodist denominations.

Neshonoe is the name of a new town in the county of La Crosse.

Nevada, P. V., on section 25, town 2 N., of range 8 E., in Green County, 9 miles from Monroe, on the main road from Janesville to Galena, 1 mile north of the surveyed route of the S. W. R. R. The advantages for farming are not to be surpassed by any part of the State. The denominations are Baptist, Methodist, and Christian.

Newark, V., (Barton P. O.) in Washington County, on section 1 and 2 of town of same name. It is 18 miles west of Ozaukee, and 75 miles northeast from Madison, on the direct route from Milwaukee, 36 miles; to Fond du Lac, 28 miles. It is pleasantly situated on the Milwaukee River, in the midst of a highly productive country, with 150 inhabitants, 40 dwellings, 4 stores and 2 hotels, several mechanical shops and religious denominations.

Newark, Town, in county of Washington, being part of towns 11 and 12 K, of range 19 E. It has 6 school districts.

Newark, Town, in county of Rock, being town 1 N., of range 11 E.; centrally located, 13 miles southwest from Janesville. Population in 1850 was 798. It has 9 school districts.

Newark, P. V., in town of same name, Rock county, town 1 N. of range 11 E.

New Berlin, P. V., in town of same name, Waukesha County, town 6 N., of range 20 E.

New California, P. V., on section 27, in town of Clifton, Grant County, being town 5 1ST., of range 1 W., 12 miles east from Lancaster, and 75 miles westerly from Madison.

New Berlin, Town, in county of Waukesha, being town 6 N., of range 20 E.; located six miles east from Waukesha, Population in 1850 was 1,293. It has 10 school districts.

New Buffalo, Town, in county of Sauk. It is north of Baraboo.

Newburg, P. V., on sec. 12, town 11 N., of range 20 E., being in v the town of Trenton, Washington county, 10 miles west from Ozaukee, and 80 miles northeast from Madison; on the Milwaukee River, 30 miles northwest from the city of Milwaukee. The place is new, it being but five years since the first location. Population 100, with 15 stores, 2 hotels, 1 flouring mill, 1 saw mill, and several mechanical shops.

New Diggings, P. V., on section 26, of town 1, range 1 E., in Lafayette County. It is in the heart of the lead mines, and has 5 smelting furnaces. It is 6 miles southwest from Shullsburg, and about 80 southwest from Madison, and has 5 stores, 3 hotels, 1 mill, and 3 religious denominations.

New Glarus, P. V., on section 14, town 4 N., of range 7 E., in Green County. It is 15 miles north from Monroe, and about 25 miles south from Madison. Population 120, with 25 dwellings, 2 stores, 1 hotel, and 1 German reformed church.

New Glarus, Town, in county of Green, being town 4 N., of range 7 E.; centrally located, 14 miles north from Monroe. Population in 1850 was 321.

New Grant, Diggings, a mining settlement in town 4 N., of range 4 E., in Grant County.

New Holstein, Town, in county of Calumet. It has 2 school districts. New Mexico, Town & Village, name changed to Monroe, Green County.

Newton Corners, P. O., on section 7, in town 7 N., of range 18 E., being town of Lake Mills, Jefferson County. It is 15 miles northwest from Jefferson, and 20 east from Madison, at the junction of the State road from Janesville to Portage city with the Madison and Milwaukee mail route. It has 4 dwellings, 20 inhabitants, 1 hotel, and a saw mill near, on Koskonong creek.

Nichol's, Creek, a small branch of Black River from the north, opposite Robinson's creek.

Nidjikwe, Lake, the most eastern of the sources of the St. Croix River, in La Pointe County.

Nip-and-Tuck, Diggings, a mining point on section 30, of town 4 N., of range 4 W., in Grant County.

Nippising, Creek, is a small stream in the southeast corner of Walworth County, runs southerly into the State of Illinois.

Nippising, Lakes, two lakes in the southwest corner of the town of Wheatland, in Kenosha County, the most southern of which is about 2 miles long, the other nearly 1 mile. The road from Kenosha to Beloit passes between them. They discharge their waters into Fox River, (Pishtaka.)

North, Lake, is about half way between Okauchee and Tuck-Kipping lakes, and directly north of Pine Lake. It has an area of over 500 acres, and is near the centre of the town of Merton, Waukesha County.

Norway, Town, in county of Racine, being town 4 N., of range 20 E.; centrally located, 18 miles west from Janesville. Population in 1850 was 870. It has 3 school districts.

Norway, P. O., in town of same name, Racine County; being town 4 N., of range 20 E.

Norwich, Town, in county of Waushara; name changed to Oasis.


Source: Wisconsin Gazetteer,  By John Warren Hunt. Madison: Beriah Brown, Printer, 1853

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