Part of the American History and Genealogy Project

Wisconsin Gazetteer ~ Q ~ R ~

Wisconsin Gazetteer, Containing the names, location, and advantages, of the Counties, Cities, Towns, Villages, Post Offices, and Settlements, together with a description of the Lakes, Water Courses, Prairies, and Public Localities, in the State of Wisconsin. Alphabetically arranged.

Notice. Names and descriptions prepared too late for their proper place, will be found in the Appendix.

L, Lake Pr., Prairie
P.O. Post Office P. V. Post Village
R, River T, Town
V, Village
CH., Court House, or County Seat


Quaver, Rapids, on Menomonee River, between Sturgeon and Pemenee Falls.

Quitquioc, Village, is situated upon the Mullet River, a branch of the Sheboygan and in the township of Plymouth, county of Sheboygan. It contains a fine hotel, a saw mill, several stores, blacksmith shops, &c. The river, upon which it is located, is named after General Mullet, and not, as many suppose, from the species of fish of that name. The amount of attention which this village has received from the legislature, and the peculiarity of its name, have given it an importance which it would not otherwise have attained. Etymologists have puzzled their heads very much over the word Quitquioc. By some it has been supposed to be a corruption of hic, haec hoc, but this, like many other suggestions from the same source, is too absurd to merit consideration. The real derivation of the word is from the Menomonee, Quitlztlqueouowouwoc which signifies a sulphur or mineral spring. A spring of this character is said to exist there, and this, together with the romantic beauty of the scenery in that vicinity, it being upon the border of that belt of Moraines denominated the "Potash Kettles" may make it hereafter the Saratoga of Wisconsin.

Raccoon, River, in Bad Ax County, head waters in the south part of La Crosse County, runs southwest, and empties into the Mississippi in town 14 N.

Racine, City, is situated on the western shore of Lake Michigan, at the mouth of Root River, and comprises fractional sections 9 and 16 of town 3 N., of range 23 E. It was first settled in 1835, incorporated as a village in 1841, and received a city charter in 1848. The city is principally built upon a plain or table land elevated some thirty or forty feet above the waters of the lake, forming a beautiful site for a city. It is laid out in regular lots and blocks with wide streets, and is justly en-titled to the appellation of "La Belle City of the Lakes." It is the county town of Racine county, situated 16 miles north of the State line and 25 south of Milwaukee. It's beautiful and healthful location, combined with its commercial advantages, early attracted the attention of adventurers and capitalists; and it has had a rapid, continuous, and healthy growth, as will be seen by the following statement of annual enumeration of its inhabitants: In 1840 the population was 337; 1844, 1,100; 1847, 3,004; 1849, 4,002; 1850, 5,111; 1851, 5,897; and it is now supposed to be nearly 7,000. Racine has one of the best, if not the very best harbor on the western shore of the lake. Over $60,000 have been expended in its construction by the citizens, of their own means, raised by voluntary taxation. This enterprise is justly considered one of the most important ever projected and carried out to a successful completion by so small a community, and furnishes a fair index to the character of her population for enterprise. In addition to the amount raised by this means, Congress has appropriated $12,500, which has been expended, and $10,000 are now appropriated to be expended the present season. The harbor is now sufficient to accommodate the entire shipping of the lake, and being protected by the high banks of the river is entirely safe. The city of Racine is also distinguished among western towns for the number and beauty of its public buildings. Over $125,000 are now invested in them. Fourteen churches have been erected, to wit: 1 Presbyterian, 1 Congregational, 1 Baptist, 1 Freewill Baptist, 1 Episcopal, 1 Methodist, 1 Lutheran, 2 Welch, 1 German Evangelical, 1 German Lutheran, 1 Universalist, 2 Catholic, 1 German and 1 Irish. Racine College, an Episcopal institution, is located at this point. A beautiful college edifice, of brick, has been erected, which, together with the college grounds, are valued at $15,000. This amount was contributed by the citizens. The institution is under the management of Rev. Roswell Park, D. D. The first session of the college commenced last fall and now numbers over 20 pupils. The board of education of the city are now engaged in erecting a central high school edifice for the more advanced scholars of the common schools. The building and furniture cost $6,000, exclusive of the lot. The facilities afforded by the harbor and other commercial advantages of the place, have attracted a large amount of capital. There are ten warehouses in the city valued at $53,000, and two bridge piers valued at $7,000. Three ship yards are constantly employed in the building and repairing of vessels, and five new vessels are now being built in them. The citizens of the city own in whole, or in part, between thirty and forty different vessels, with a tonnage of over 4,000 tons, consisting of propellers, schooners, brigs and sloops, which are engaged in the carrying trade between the upper and lower lakes, and in the lumber trade on lake Michigan. There are now 126 mercantile stores in the various branches, 1 steam flouring mill with four run of stone, and 2 water mills just out of the limits of the corporation; there are 7 different mechanics shops, with steam engines and their furnaces. The bank of Racine is in successful operation, issuing bills and doing a general banking business. There are 3 plank roads extending into the country from the city the Racine and Rock River road, leading west through the villages of Rochester, Burlington, Spring Prairie, Elkhorn and Delavan, a distance of 56 miles, completed, the Racine and Raymond road, leading northwest from the city 15 miles, nearly completed and the Racine and Wilmot road leading southwest, a distance of 16 miles, now in process of construction. Speed's and O'Reilly's telegraph lines both have offices in the city, and the Racine and Rock River telegraph company have a line completed from Racine to Beloit, touching at all the intermediate villages. The Racine, Janesville, and Mississippi rail road has been surveyed and located from Racine to Beloit, and the contracts are now let for the whole distance and the work in process of construction, and will be completed by September 1854. Considering the natural advantages of Racine, its importance as a commercial point, the character and enterprise of its inhabitants, its institutions of learning, its size, being second only to Milwaukee in population among the places of the State and, above all, it's beautiful and healthful location, no place in the State offers more inducements to those seeking a home in the West, either as a pleasant residence or a place of business.

Racine, College, was chartered by the legislature in 1852, and is located in the city of Racine, where fine college buildings have been erected. It is the diocesan college of the Protestant Episcopal church of Wisconsin.

Racine, County, is bounded on the north by Waukesha and Milwaukee, on the east by the State line in Lake Michigan, on the south by Kenosha, and on the west by Walworth. It was organized from the limits of Milwaukee Dec. 7, 1836. The seat of justice is at the city of Racine, on the lake shore. This county has a proper proportion of prairie and timber, and is well adapted to agriculture. Its productions are various. Besides other branches of agriculture, the raising of fruit and keeping of cattle and sheep are successfully carried on. There is also a large amount of capital profitably employed in various branches of manufacture. A large portion of the county is well settled and improved. Though small in extent, it possesses advantages unsurpassed by any county in the State. Its soil is well adapted to all the products of the climate, and being contiguous to the lake, it has good and convenient markets both at Racine and other lake ports. Its principal streams are O'Plaine and Root Rivers. It is in the first judicial circuit, the first congressional district, and forms the seventh senate district, and sends four members to the assembly, as follows:
1. City of Racine;
2. Towns of Racine, Mount Pleasant and Caledonia;
3. Towns of Yorkville, Dover, Raymond and Norway;
4. Towns of Burlington and Rochester.
The population in 1838 was 2,054; 1840, 3,475; 1842 6,318; 1846, 17,983; 1847, 19,583; 1850, 14,971. It has 947 farms, 2,578 dwellings, and 99 manufactories.

Racine, Town, in county of Racine, being fractional towns 3 and 4 N., of range 23 E., in which is located the city of same name. The population of the town in 1850 was 777. It has 7 school districts.

Randolph, P. V., in town of same name, Columbia County, on section 24, town 13 N., of range 12 E.

Randolph, Town, in county of Columbia, being town 13 N., of range 12 E.; centrally located, 18 miles northeast from Portage city. Population in 1850 was 618. It has 5 school districts.

Random, Lake, see, Gold Spring Lake, Washington County.

Rapide de Croche, Rapids, of the Neenah River, 4 miles below the Grand Kaukalin. At this place the river has a descent of a little over a foot in 1,300 feet, and there is a very short elbow in the river, making the natural navigation very difficult.

Raspberry, River, (Fromboise), enters Lake Superior, opposite the island called the Twelve Apostles, in La Pointe County, 15 miles west from Isle St. Michael, and 6 east from Sandy River.

Rathbun, P. V., in county of Sheboygan, being in the town of Mitchell, town 14 N., of range 20 E.

Rat, River, is an eastern tributary of Wolf River.

Rattle Snake, Creek, a branch of Grant River, from the west, in Grant County.

Rattle Snake, Diggings, in town 4 N., of ranges 4 and 5 west, in Grant County.

Raymond, Town, in county of Racine, being town 4 N., of range 21 E.; centrally located, 12 miles northwest from Racine. Population in 1850 was 820. It has 7 school districts.

Raymond, P. V., on section 10 of town of same name, in Racine County, 15 miles northwest from the city of Racine, and 90 miles southeast from Madison. Population, 600; with 150 dwellings, 1 store, 1 hotel, and Baptist and Congregational churches.

Readland, residence of Hon. Geo. Read McLane, on the border of Pine Lake, in towns of Merton and Delafield, Waukesha County.

Red Cedar, Lake, is the lowermost lake on the east branch of Red Cedar River.

Red Cedar, Lake, is about one mile west from the center of the town of Oakland, Jefferson County, and covers an area of over 500 acres. It is about one mile south of Ripley Lake, in the same town and county. It empties, through a small stream running southeasterly, into Lake Koskonong.

Red, Banks, name given to the south shore of Green Bay, in town 25 N., of range 22 E.

Red, River, in Door County, enters Green Bay, in town 26 N.

Reedsburgh, Town, in county of Sank, being all of said county, in towns 11, 12, and 13 N., of ranges 2, 3, and 4; centrally located, west from Baraboo. It has 5 school districts.

Reedsburgh, P. V., near the geographical center of Sank County, on section 10, town 12 N., of range 4 E., 18 miles northwest from Baraboo, and 50 miles northwest from Madison. It is surrounded by good farming lands, abounding in mineral wealth of iron and copper ore. Population 250, with 60 dwellings, 4 stores, 1 hotel, 4 mills, and 4 religious denominations.

Rhine, Town, in county of Sheboygan, being town 16 N, of range 21 E.; centrally located, northwest from Sheboygan, and was organized in 1852. It has 6 school districts.

Richfield, Town, in county of Washington, being town 9 N., of range 19 E.; centrally located, 22 miles southwest from Ozaukee. Population in 1850 was 869. It has 14 school districts.

Richland, County is bounded on the north by Bad Ax and Sauk, on the east by Sauk, on the south by Iowa, and on the west by Bad Ax and Crawford, and is about 24 miles square. It contains 16 townships in a square form, and some fractional ones on the Wisconsin River, which constitutes its southern boundary. It was set off from Iowa County 15th Feb. 1842, remaining attached thereto for judicial purposes until Feb. 7, 1850. The seat of justice has been established at Richland Centre. The county is connected with the second congressional district, the fifth judicial circuit, and the fifteenth senate district, and constitutes an assembly district. It is divided into five towns, as follows: Buena Vista on the east side, comprising towns 9, 10, 11, 12 N., of range 2 E., and one tier of sections from the east side of town 9 N., of range 1 E. Richland, town 10 N., of range 1 E. Rockbridge, town 12 N. of range 1 E., and 11 and 12 N. of range 1 W. Rich wood, town 9, 10, 11, and 12 N. of range 2 W., and 2 tiers of sections from the west side of towns 9 and 10, of range 1 W. Richmond, 4 eastern tiers of sections from towns 9 and 10, of range 1 W., and 5 tiers of sections from the western part of town 9 N., of range 1 E. There are 4 considerable mill streams running from north to south through the county, emptying into the Wisconsin, Bear Creek, in the east part, Pine River, running through the central, Eagle Creek, more westerly and Knapp's Creek, in the extreme west. These streams, with their tributaries, supply the county abundantly. The water is invariably soft. There are some pretty prairies surrounded by groves of heavy timber. The face of the country is diversified by hills and valleys. Fishes pike, pickerel, codfish, mullet, suckers, and speckled trout are in abundance. Plenty of the best timber such as maple, butternut, walnut, bass, ash, elm and oak of different kinds, with pine and poplar. Lead and copper have been discovered in the southern part. A marble quarry has been opened in the valley of the Bear Creek. All the stone is found in quarries none scattered on the surface. There are many large tracts of well-watered and rich land in the county, hence the name. The county is settling rapidly with an intelligent and enterprising population, almost wholly Americans. Its agricultural, mineral and lumbering resources, together with its proximity to an extensive mining country, and its facilities for market, serve as great inducements to settlement and cultivation. There are many thriving villages. Perhaps there is no greater natural curiosity in the West than the natural bridge of the Pine River, located on the middle of the northwest quarter of section 10, town 11 N., of range 1. It is a rock from 40 to 60 feet high, and over li miles long, and extends into a level country, with a beautiful arch, sufficiently large for the waters of the Pine River in times of flood. The rock is solid for 30 feet above the water, and is covered with a beautiful grove of thrifty pines. It is a species of sand stone, four rods wide and perpendicular (except where it projects over) its entire length. This forms a great water power, and also shelter for man and beast. The Indians used to assemble here in great numbers to worship, the chief or principal speaker standing upon the top of the rock whilst his audience remained below. Another curiosity is a warm cave, which sends forth a warm current of air at all seasons. Population in 1850 was 903, now about 3,000; with 76 farms, 175 dwellings, and 4 manufactories.

Richland, P. V. and C. H., is the county seat of Richland, being in town 10, of range 1 E. It is 7 miles above Sextonville, on Pine Creek, situated on a prairie, surrounded by beautiful groves and shade trees. It possesses an excellent water power, and mills are being erected.

Richland City, P. V., on the north side of Wisconsin River, at the mouth of Pine creek, Richland County. It has a good landing, the banks being about four feet above high water. It is a very flourishing village, and in a good section of farming lands.

Richmond, P.O., in town of same name, Walworth County, being in town 3 N., of range 15 E.

Richmond, Village, late county seat of Richland County, on bank of the Wisconsin River.

Richmond, Town, in county of Walworth, being town 3 N., of range 15 E.; centrally located, 8 miles northwest from Elkhorn. Population in 1850 was 756. It has 9 school districts.

Richmond, Town, in county of Richland. For bounds see Richland County. It has 7 school districts.

Richwood, Town, in county of Richland. It has 2 school districts. For bounds, see Richland County.

Ridgeway, Town, in county of Iowa, being part of towns 5, 6 and 7 N., of ranges 3, 4 and 5 E.; centrally located, northeast from Mineral Point. It has 8 school districts. It is on the east side of the county, and embraces one of the Blue Mounds and also Porter's Grove. A small village, called Moundville, lies at the foot of the mounds. Both prairie and timber meet the eye in every direction. It is abundantly watered by springs and streams.

Ridgeway, P. V., on section 14, town 6 N., of range 4 E., in Iowa County; 14 miles northeast from Mineral Point, and 35 miles west from Madison. It has 1 store, 3 hotels, 1 grist and 1 saw mill; 1 Presbyterian, 1 Methodist, and 1 Congregational church. It is in a well watered region and of good soil.

Ripley, Lake, is near the northwest corner of the town of Oakfield, Jefferson County. It is nearly 2 miles long, and covers nearly 500 acres. Its waters run westerly into Dane County, and thence southeast into Lake Koskonong.

Ripon, P. V., on section 21, town 16 N., of range 14 E., in Fond du Lac County, 22 miles west from Fond du Lac, and 64 miles northeast from Madison; on inlet to Green Lake, which falls 100 feet in distance of one mile. Water power is improved to half its capacity. Brockway College, a Presbyterian institution, is located at this place. There are Episcopal, Methodist, and Presbyterian congregations. There are sash, chair, cabinet and woolen factories. At this point the following highways cross each other: from Watertown to Fox River and the Menomonee Country, from Madison to Oshkosh and Green Bay and from Fond du Lac to La Crosse.

Rising, Prairie, is east of Beaver Dam, in Dodge County.

Roaring, Creek, emptying into Lake Pepin, a small stream in Chippewa County.

Robinson's, Creek, a small tributary from the east, in La Crosse county, of Black River, into which it enters, being in town 20 N, of range 4 W.

Roche-a-Gris, River rises in northeast corner of Adams County and runs southwest, emptying into the Wisconsin, in town 18 N.

Rochester, P. V., in town of same name, Racine County, on sections 2 and 11; it is 23 miles west from Racine and 75 miles southeast from Madison, at the junction of the Muskego and Fox Rivers, and has a good water power on each river, both of which are improved and have machinery in operation on them. It is on the Racine and Rock River plank road. The plank road from Racine intersects the Racine plank road, and terminates at this place. It has a daily eastern and western mail, and weekly mails from Waukesha and Milwaukee. The place is surrounded by a rich farming country, settled by an intelligent and enterprising population. It contains about 500 inhabitants, with 62 dwellings, 5 stores, 3 hotels, 3 mills, 2 plough, 2 harness, 1 boot and shoe, 1 fanning mill, 1 wagon and carriage, and 1 tin and copper shops, 1 foundry, and 1 saleratus factory; 1 Presbyterian church, and 2 good school houses.

Rochester, Town, in county of Racine, being town 4 N., of range 19 E.; centrally located, 24 miles northwest from Racine. Population in 1850 was 1,672. It has 11 school districts.

Rockbridge, Town, in county of Richland. It has 5 school districts. For bounds, see Richland County.

Rock, County, is bounded on the north by Dane and Jefferson, on the east by Walworth, on the south by the State of Illinois, and on the west by Green. The county seat is at Janesville, on Rock River. It was set off from Milwaukee, Dec. 7, 1836, and fully organized Feb. 19, 1839. The county is about equally divided between prairie and oak openings, with no large bodies of heavy timber. It is situated on both sides of Rock River, the valley of which is as rich soil as can be found in any part of the country.

The prairies are some of them quite large, but beautifully undulating, and productive in the highest degree, and are being settled and cultivated to the very centre. The different varieties of soil upland, bottom land, prairie and openings, afford facilities for cultivating all the productions of the climate to the greatest advantage, wheat upon the rolling prairies and openings the coarse grains upon the bottom lands and tame and wild grasses upon the low prairies and marshes, flourish best, though each class of soil is adapted more or less to all these products. It is watered by Bock River and its branches. The principal villages are Janesville, Beloit, Fulton, and Milton. The county is in connection with the first judicial circuit, the second congressional district and is entitled to the following representation:
17th Senate district consists of the towns of Rock, Fulton, Porter, Centre, Plymouth, Newark, Avon, Spring Valley, Magnolia, and Union.
18th Senate district consists of the towns of Beloit, Turtle, Clinton, Bradford, La Prairie, Harmony, Johnstown, Lima and Milton. 1st Assembly district, Beloit, Turtle and Clinton.
2d Assembly district, Mil-ton, Harmony, Lima, Johnston, Bradford, and La Prairie.
3d Assembly district, Janesville, Rock Centre, and Fulton.
4th Assembly district, Porter, Union, Magnolia, Spring Valley, Plymouth, Newark and Avon.

Its population in 1840 was 1,701; 1842, 2,867; 1846, 12,405; 1847 ,14,720; 1850, 30,717. Square miles, 720. It has 3,631 dwellings, 1,975 farms, and 126 manufactories. County Officers for 1853 and 1854: Judge, James Armstrong; Clerk of Court, George W. Crabb; Sheriff, William H. Howard; District Attorney, Wm. S. Rockwell; Clerk of Board of Supervisors, C. P. King, Register, Samuel A. Martin; Treasurer, Robert F. Frazer; Coroner, Calvin Chapin.

Rock, Creek, is the outlet of Fish lake, in town of Deerfield, Dane County, runs northeast through the town of Waterloo, Jefferson county, emptying into Waterloo creek, in Portland, Dodge County.

Rock, Town, in county of Rock, being town 2 N., of range 12 E.; centrally located, 6 miles southwest from Janesville. Population in 1850 was 553. It has 8 school districts.

Rock, Island, lies near the northeast corner of Pottowottomee Island, at the connection of Green Bay with Lake Michigan. It is about 5½ miles in circumference.

Bock, Island, is in the Wisconsin, at the mouth of Copper Rock River. It is 30 feet high from the water.

Rock, Lakes, are two lakes, Upper and Lower, just above Trout Lake, on the most eastern branch of the Manidowish River. They are 300 yards apart the Lower is half a mile, and the Upper a mile in diameter.

Rock, Lake, is about 3 miles long and 1¼ wide, in the eastern portion of the town of Lake Mills, Jefferson County, covering an area of 1,650 acres. It discharges its waters into the Crawfish through Keyes creek, entering near the village of Milton.

Rock, Mounds, on section 1, town 14 N., of range 6 W., in Bad Ax County, also on section 33, town 17, of range 4 W., in La Crosse County, on line between towns 16 and 17 N., near the east side of range 7 W.

Rock, River, rises in Fond du Lac County and runs south through Dodge, Jefferson and Rock Counties, into Illinois.

Rock Prairie, P. O., in town of Harmony, Rock County, being town 3 N., of range 13 E.

Rock River, P.O., in Fond Du Lac County.

Rock River, West Branch, see Crawfish River.

Rock River, Woods. This name has been given to the whole of the timbered lands on the borders of Rock River. It includes the northeastern towns of Jefferson County, and the eastern portions of the town of Milford.

Rock Hill, P.O., in town of Kingsboro, Marquette County, being on section 29, town 14 N., of range 11 E.; 14 miles from Montello.

Rock Valley, P. O., in Rock County.

Rocky, Lake, a small lake in the southwest corner of Portland, Dodge County.

Rocky Run, Creek, a small stream entering the Wisconsin from the northeast corner of Lowville, at Dekorra.

Rocky Run, P.O., on section 5, in town of Lowville, Columbia County; 10 miles southeast from Portage, and 28 miles north from Madison, on a creek of the same name, having at this point an unimproved water power sufficient to carry ten run of stone most of the year. It is within a good farming region, cultivated by industrious and intelligent people.

Rodman, River, rises in Osceola, Fond du Lac County, and run& southeast into Milwaukee River.

Rome, P. V., on section 17, in town of Sullivan, Jefferson County, on Duck creek, 10 miles east from Jefferson, and 40 miles east from Madison. This place is in the fertile and timbered land of Jefferson County. Population, 130; with 30 dwellings, 2 stores, 1 hotel, and 2 mills, with a good water power.

Root Creek, P. O., in town of Greenfield, Milwaukee County, on section 26. It is on the Janesville and Milwaukee plank road.

Root, River, rises in the town of Muskego, Waukesha County, and runs southeast, entering Lake Michigan at the city of Racine, being about 35 miles in length.

Rose, Lake, mostly on section 29, in town and county of Jefferson. It is about 1½ miles in length.

Rosendale, Town, in county of Fond du Lac, being town 16 N, of range 15 E.; centrally located, 13 miles westerly from Fond du Lac. Population in 1850 was 714. It has 5 school districts.

Rosendale, P. V., in county of Fond du Lac, on section 35, in town 16 N., of range 15 E. It is 11 miles from Fond da Lac city, and 70 miles northeast from Madison. It is located on a small stream running east and west, with a prairie country on the north, and openings on the south, and is noted for the health and salubrity of the climate. Population, 150; with 25 dwellings, 3 stores, 2 hotels, 5 manufactories, and 2 denominations.

Roslin, P. V., in Marquette County, being on section 23, town 14 N., of range 9 E., 10 miles from Montello.

Round, Lake, in town of Summit, Waukesha County, 2 miles west of Nemahbin.

Rountree, Creek, a branch of Platte River, in Grant County.

Roxbury, Town, in county of Dane, being fractional town 9 N., of ranges 6 and 7 E.; centrally located, 18 miles northwest from Madison. It has 6 school districts.

Roxo, P. V., in Marquette County, being on section 13, town 15 N., of range 9 E.; 2 miles from Montello.

Rubicon, Town, in county of Dodge, being town 10 N., of range 17 E; centrally located, 12 miles southeast from Juneau. It has 10 school districts.

Rubicon, River, rises near Schleisingerville, in Washington County and runs west into Rock River, in town of Hustisford, Dodge County.

Rushford, Town, in county of Winnebago, being towns 17 and 18 N., of range 14 E.; centrally located, 15 miles from Oshkosh. Population in 1850 was 514. It has 4 school districts.

Rush, Lake, in town of Rushford, Winnebago County. It is about 5 miles long and 2 broad. Its outlet has several good water powers, the principal of which is at Waukau village. It discharges its waters northerly into Neenah River, a short distance west of Omro village.

Rush River, Town, in county of St. Croix, being towns 27 and 28 N., of ranges 16, and east half of 17; centrally located, southeast from Willow River. It has 1 school district.

Rush, River, rises in St. Croix County, and running southerly into Lake Pepin, in town 24 N., of range 16 W.

Rush River, P. O., at head of river of same name, in St Croix County.

Russell's Corners, P. O., in town of Flora, Sauk County, town 12 K, of range 7 E.

Rutland, P. O., in southwest corner of town of same name, Dane County.

Rutland, Town, in county of Dane, being town 5 N., of range 10 E.; centrally located, 14 miles southeast from Madison. Population in 1850 was 759. It has 8 school districts.


Source: Wisconsin Gazetteer,  By John Warren Hunt. Madison: Beriah Brown, Printer, 1853

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