Part of the American History and Genealogy Project

Wisconsin Gazetteer ~ T ~

Wisconsin Gazetteer, Containing the names, location, and advantages, of the Counties, Cities, Towns, Villages, Post Offices, and Settlements, together with a description of the Lakes, Water Courses, Prairies, and Public Localities, in the State of Wisconsin. Alphabetically arranged.

Notice. Names and descriptions prepared too late for their proper place, will be found in the Appendix.

L, Lake Pr., Prairie
P.O. Post Office P. V. Post Village
R, River T, Town
V, Village
CH., Court House, or County Seat


Tainter's, Creek, enters the Kickapoo from the northwest, in town 10 K, of range 7 W.

Talking Fish, River, a tributary of Lake Superior, enters Shagwamigon Bay, south of Magdalen Island, in La Pointe County.

Tamarac, Creek, a tributary near its mouth of Trampaleau River from the east.

Taynah, Creek, is a small tributary of the Wisconsin, in Columbia County. See Rocky Run.

Tayohedah, P. V., near Fond du Lac City, on Lake Winnebago, in Fond du Lac County.

Tayohedah, Town, in county of Fond du Lac, being the north third of town 15 and south half of town 16 N., of range 18 E.; centrally located, 6 miles from Fond du Lac City. Population in 1850 was 798. It has 5 school districts.

Techora, P. O., in town of Green Lake, Marquette County, being on section 33, town 15 N., of range 13 E.; 14 miles from Montello.

Telungowan, River, see Duck River.

Teotsa, P. V., on section 12, town 4 N., of range 13 E., in Rock county; 10 miles north from Janesville, and 30 southeast from Madison. It is on Rock River. Population 100; with 25 dwellings, 1 store, 1 hotel, and 1 mill. Denominations, Seventh-day Baptists and First-day Baptists.

Theresa, Town, in county of Dodge, being town 12 N., of range 17 E.; centrally located, 14 miles northeast from Juneau. It has 5 school districts.

Theresa, P. V., in town of same name, on section 10, Dodge County, 15 miles northeast from Juneau, and 64 miles north-east from Madison. It is situated on the old Milwaukee and Fond du Lac road at the crossing of Rock River. Population 200; with 30 dwellings, 2 stores, 2 hotels, 1 grist and 1 saw mill, 1 pearl ash manufactory, and several mechanical shops.

The Sisters Islands, in Green Bay, near eastern shore, about 5 miles northeast from Eagle Harbor.

Third, Lake, adjoining and east of Madison, Dane County, is of the Four Lakes group, 6 miles long and 2 miles broad. It is also called Menona.

Thompsonville, P. V., in county of Racine, being on section 30, in township 4 N., of range 22 E., town of Caledonia. It is 9 miles from Racine, and 90 miles southeast from Madison. It is located on the borders of prairie and timber, at the corners of two public roads, with a plank road to the city of Racine, and on the line between the towns of Caledonia and Raymond. Population 40, with 12 dwellings, 1 store, 2 hotels, with mechanics of various kinds. Name changed to Whitesville.

Thorn Apple, Creek, rises in town 23 N., of range 23 E., in Kewaunee County, runs southerly, discharging its waters into East Twin River, in Manitowoc County.

Token, Creek, the principal inlet of Fourth Lake, mostly in Windsor and Westport, Dane County.

Toland's Prairie, P. V., in town of Erin, Washington County, being town 9 N., of range 18 E.

Tomahawk, Lake, in the southeast corner of La Pointe County, discharges its waters into the Mississippi, through Chippewa River.

Trempeleau, Mountain, see Mount Trempeleau.

Trempeleau, River, a considerable tributary of the Mississippi, in La Crosse County, enters the same near Mount Trempeleau, about 15 miles northwest from the mouth of Black River.

Trenton Corners, P. O., in town of same name, Dodge County, being town 13, N., of range 14 E.

Trenton, Town, in county of Washington, being town 11 N., of range 20 E.; centrally located, 12 miles west from Ozaukee. It has 6 school districts.

Trenton, Town, in county of Dodge, being town 13 N., and north half of town 12 N., of range 14; centrally located, 14 miles northwest from Juneau. Population in 1850 was 997. It has 11 school districts.

Trenton, P. V., in town of same name, on section 1, Washington County, 11 miles northwest from Ozaukee, and 90 miles easterly from Madison. Population 75; with 20 dwellings, and 2 mills.

Trout, Creeks enters the Mississippi in town 8 N., in Crawford County.

Trout, Creeks Grant County, a small stream entering the Wisconsin, in town of Fennimore.

Trout, Lake, is near the head of the Manidowish River, in Marathon County. It is a beautiful body of clear water, 8 miles long and four wide, and yields a great quantity of the fine fish from which it is named.

Troy, P. V., in town of same name, Walworth County.

Troy Centre, P. V., in town of Troy, Walworth County, being town 4 N., of range 17 E.

Trot Lakes, P. V., in town of East Troy, Walworth County, being town 4 N., of range 18 E.

Trumbelle, River, rises in town 27 N., of range 18 E., in St. Croix County, and runs south, emptying into the Mississippi, near the head waters of Lake Pepin.

Tuck-kip-ping, Lake, is about 2 miles in length, situated in the northeast corner of the town of Merton.

Turtle, Creek, rises in Turtle Lake, near the northeast corner of Richmond, Walworth County, and runs Southwest into Rock River, at Beloit.

Turtle, Lake, is in the eastern part of Richmond, Walworth County, and falls into Rock River, at Beloit, through Turtle creek.

Turtle, Town, in county of Rock, being town 1 N., of range 13 E.; centrally located, 7 miles east from Janesville. Population in 1850 was 966. It has 7 school districts.

Twelve Apostles, Islands, in Lake Superior, La Pointe County, near the 47° N. latitude, and 14° W. longitude from Washington. They embrace in all an area of about 400 square miles, of which one half is water. The soil in some portions is good, but in the major part difficult to clear and cultivate. The waters about these islands afford excellent white fish, siscorret and trout. In regard to health, no portion of the Continent surpasses the Apostle Islands. In the summer months they present to residents of the south the most cool and delightful resort that can be imagined, and for invalids especially; such as are effected in the liver and lungs, the uniform bracing atmosphere produces the most surprising and beneficial results.

Twin, Creek, a tributary from the north of Baraboo River, in Sauk County, which it enters in town 13 N., of range 4 W.

Twin, Lakes, see Nashotah Lakes.

Twin, Rivers, (Nashotah Rivers), E. and W., have their sources, the one in Kewaunee, the other in Brown County, and run nearly parallel to the southeast, uniting, and enter Lake Michigan at the village of Two Rivers, Manitowoc County.

Two Rivers, P. V., is situated on the shore of Lake Michigan, at the mouth of Twin Rivers, on section 1, town 19, of range 24 E., 6 miles northeast from Manitowoc. It is quite an important place, and does a large trade in lumber, fish, leather, &c.


Source: Wisconsin Gazetteer,  By John Warren Hunt. Madison: Beriah Brown, Printer, 1853

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